The Mt Sterling Advocate from Mount Sterling, Kentucky (2024)

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yff I a I 1 11 Ol Br the 8 Ul laSc A 3 5011 ts jui llty an if as to bc itiowl jjpma rio gcr fi wo 9 mal 1 ovc 1 1 ono If wM bcu rhc ri out lull KVp i THE ADVOCATE Kentucky Central BLUE GRASS ROUTE Shortest and Quickest Route FROM CENTRAL KENTUCKY TO ALL JOINTS NOKTH fc SOUTH Through daily train service between Cincinnati and Middlcsborough and points on II II 1 Schedule In Effect Xov 15 1801 SoutliBomul No 1 No 5 3 Dally Accm Kxptess Fnstliiio Dally Ex Sun Ex Sun IveCincimintl 8 10 Ive Covington 8 18 Lva llilinontli 9 45 Jo Cyntltiuun 10 43 a An lnris 11 IS a in Air IjOxiliKtnn 12 10 in Jvo luris 11 Wjinv Arr Winchester 12 10 Ive Winchester 12 40 pm Arr Itichniond 1 83 1 Itichniond 1 iH Lve Itarca 2 03 pm Arr Th ingston 3 05 Ivo Livingston 3 15 pm Ive Iindon 1 10 AiTCoihln 4 50 pm live Col bin 5 00 ra Jve IlnrlHurvillo5 52 in Lve lineville 0 41 Ivo MUlriteborough 7 85 Arr Cumberlii Gap S3 Ive Cortjin 4 50 hi Ive WlllianisburR 5 45 ArrIcllico 0 20 pin Ie Itichniond la Iancnstei Arr Stanford North Bound Lve Lve AlT Lve Arr Lve Arr Lve Lve Ivo Xo Ait Arr Livingston llci ea Uichinond Itichniond Winchester Winchester ram Lexington Paris Cynthiana Falmouth Covington A 1 50 4 451 in ZU 111 No 2 Daily Express -Stanford Ivo Lancaster Arr lticliinond JveTollico Tc WilllaVliB Arr Coibin Ivo Ciiinlil Gap I Mi Middleshoiotigli Ie rinovillo 4 Lvcllaibrvlllo Ait Corbin LoCorbin Lve Itidon Arr Livingston C3 a a IE SO 0 05 am I 55 am 7 10 am 7 45 am 7 00 am 7 53 am 8 24 am i 23 am 10 40 am Cincinnati 10 55 am 8 00 pin 8 08nm lyiupm 69ni 10 Slpin iroopm i 2 55pm 3 Mjitll 4 Sipiii 5 30pm 0 10pm 7 00pm 16pm fl Bopm 7 Olpm 7 55pm No 4 No 6 Daily Daily Ex Sun 7 00 it 7 50 am 10 13 am 8 05 am 8 45 am 0 35 am am 0 58 am 7 47 iiln 8 35 am 0 25 am 0 33 am 10 11 am 11 03 am 11 15 am 12 10 nn 12 41 pin 12 41 pm 1 35 pm 1 55 pill 2 27 pin 2 00 lil 2 37 pm 3 07 inn 4 01 pm 5 35 pm 45 pm 45 pm 25 pin 48 pm 30pn 37 pro 45 pm MAYSVILLE BRANCH No 10 No 12 North Hound Daily Dally Ex Sun Ex SiiK Lvo Cincinnati 2 55 pm Lvu Covington 3 02 pm Jab Lexington 7 00 a 5 20 pm Lve Paris 7 55 a 0 15 pro Arr Millersburg 8 18 a 0 3S pn ArrCailisle 8 40 am 7 00pm Ait Johnson 9 34 a 7 54 pin Arr Maysvillo 10 10 a lm 8 30 pre No 9 No 11 South Bound Dnily Daily Ex Sun Ex Sun Lve Maysvillc 5 20 1 50 pm Lvu Johnson 5 57 in 2 27pm LoCailisIo 6 50 am 3 20 pm Lu Millersburg 7 15 a in 3 45 pm Arrllaris 7 40 a in 4 10 pm Arr Lexington 8 2 a 7 00 pm Arr Covington 10 54 a in 0 37 pm Arr Cincinnati 11 00 a 6 45 pm It KNOTT Traffic Manaecr 1892 ATMOKE Genl Pass Agt Genui ni Olllces Louisville Ky It MOUSE Asst Genl Iassgr Agt OlUce Chamber of Commerco Bldg Cintin No 1 Daily to all points except Hon land Di vision hich is dnilj except Sunday No 2 Itims daily ex Sunday from Lexingtoi to IJillCillll No 1 Ituns daily No 4 Ituns daily from all stations except Hit Rowland Division which is daily except Sunday No 0 Daily except Sunday No 5 Daily ex Sunday between Cincinnati and LcMiigum No 10 Pans and Lexington Acromiiiodntlnn Daily Iahw cs Lexington 10 00 am Arrives Paris 10 45 am No 7 Falmouth Accommodation leaves Cin cinnati 5 15 pm Arritcs Falmouth 7 05 pm daily oxcept Sunday No 8 Loaves Falmouth 0 00 am Anives Cincinnati 7 55 inn dally except Sunday Nos 1 and 3 make connection nt Winchester foi IHilnts on the Uv No 1 Carries through cars from Cincinnati to Middlclxirough and Cumbcilaiid Gap and all in rrmdlMtnetnUnna nnii MitH rNUv tit aosT is Qcmirr vfcjj 7rVfS BMTlSqilUTT WHITES CREAM VliMlEME FOR 20 YEARS Has led all Worm Romcdias EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED SOID EVEIVWWHERE IVfin4fcrntaUBDS0XTJTL0nXKD CO STLOCtS JAPANtSfc rmPILE CURE ordcKreovExtcrnal liiteniiil Jlliml or lllccd inp Jlchltip Uhitinlc Iteccnt or Uercdilnry Thi remedy liatfiiositivcly never been known to IO0alHxi lioxos for3X sent by mail prepaid on receipt or price Awilttcn uuaran teo itosltlvely el en to each purchaser of II boxes when purchased nt ono time to itf und the ItUX paid it nitciilfl Glial ni Tloyd Dmpristnnd Solo ir ji teetoei nntec iscuwl by Audit MtMoiliig Cull alcs nip for 22 1y tt RECULATE THE STOMACH LIVER AND BOWELS AKD PURIFY THE BLOOD A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Imllfestlon Illllauaneis lleailnclic Count pmtlon Urspcptls Chronic Ilvcr Trouble DlzzlncM Bud Complexion lycntsrjr Offentlve Breath and all disorders of tho Stomach IJrer and Bowel TUpns Tabules contnln nothing lnjarions to the most delicate constitution Tleasant to take wf cffectanl Olrq Immediate relief Sold by dmaslft A trial bottle Bent by moll on receipt of 14 cents Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO 10 SPRUCE STREET HEW YORK CITY HEALTH IS WEALTH BRAIN I ll rraBiftSjaZgjTnj ATM NTg Dr Wests Ncrvo nnd Brain Treatment guaranteed specillc for Hysteria Dizziness Con vulsions cus nervous jeuraigia iicnaaclie Ncnous Piootrntion caused bv tli0ue of nlco hol or tobacco Wakefulness Mcntnl Dcpi cssion Softening of the Brain resulting in Insanity and leading to misery decay nnd ileatlu Promatnro Old Age Barrenness I oss of Power In cither sex Involuntary Losses and Spcrmatorrhouin caued by oer exertion of the brain sclf abuso or over indulgence Each box contains one months treatment 100 a box or six boxes for i5uu sent uy man prcpaia on leccipt of price WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case Witli each order received bv us for six boxes accompanied with 500 wo will send the purchaser our written guarantee to ic ftind the money if the treatment docs not effect cure Guarantees issued onlv by Lloyd Druggist and Sole Agent MtSterling Ky 500 Reward I AVo will pay tho above reward for anv caso of Liver Complaint Dyspepsia Sick Headache Indigestion CoiKtipatinn or Costivcness we can not cure with Wests Vegetable LI er Pills when tho directions are strict complied witlu They nixi imicly vegetable anil never fall to give satisfaction Sugar Coated Large boxes containing 30 iiills25 cents Bewaieof counterfoils and imitations The genuine manufactured only by Thk John West company Chicago III For sale by all druggists 22 ly DO YOU LOSE Hazel Gf Children over Over 15 years von PENCILS SCHOOL AT Get our Magic Scholars Companion and you will hao no trouble as it is fastened by a Combination Lock Eicryboxhasn different com bination Sent postpaid for 23 cents A Paiikkii Danvers Mass PAHSIES FREE JtfZft5Sfc cas fresh nnd warranted worth 20 cents with a six months subscription to Plain Talk asix teen page illiHtrntcd monthlv for voting people all for 23 cents PLAIN TALK PUBLISHING COMPANY Box 3230 hew Yoik City ie2 een THIRD ANNUAL EXHIBITION Sept 27 Sept 2S Tlim Hclay Sept 29 Friday Sept 30 1200 IN PRM1U1VISI Competition Open to the World io and under 15 years 25 Cents 35 Cents OSir Catalogues giving premiums in full will soon be ready for distribution and may be had by addressing the Secretary GODSEY SVVANGO President feeeretary iIK i i ijr MTrSTEBMJS AJD LOCATE TUESDAY gETEMSEB 6 1892 1- oTaTaTaTarav A Hb totBI BarBl AtH hY EL vjH for Infants and Children CMtorlMiasoell Adapted to cQdreatbt I recommend it tupcrlor to May preecrlpUon knoVrftomo fi jfc AchxjC 111 So Oxford St Brooklyn NY Thn use of Calltorl is universal und merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse It Few are tho Intelligent families who do not keep Castona within easy reach CJJOOS MAnTTH Now York City Late Pastor Bloomlnsdalo Eoformed Churca i 1 if Lit Tlir7JH ARE NOW The Toest arouacLe lasts longer iuns llerDnLxer arLd car ries aacLOxe load Otutori cures Colic Oonatf pation Sour Btomach Diorrhccn Eructation Kills Worm sWot sleep and promote Without Injurious medication For several years I hare reeomnifnded your Castorla and shall always continue to do so as It bos invariably produced beneOuUl rcaults Edwik Pardsb Tbo Wlnthrop li3th Street aud Tth Ave New York City Tim Cmttaur Cowawt 77 Mohrat Strbbt Nkw Vowc ajle good TVpr tlxan arL3r otDaer -4 WW TF iicccivingfali importations pf Vcl jctsprbs9 Goods Blankotf Hosiery Underwear including Crocadilo weaves in color and blacks Storm Serges in all tho popular colors Camolfs hair offcots Ilomespunaud 1 i 1 11 Flauncl Suitings sjlkJand wool -a warp Henriettas Lmpes WJmns Tricots andBroadcloth in all color Full line ot Zeiglcrs Shoes under contract for early shipment hroidoira and Torchons in good sup- 1 ply also full H110 of dress trim- 4wll li iJl iilMdi if- nijlMili MexiG aaj t0 1 Mustan i 1 I I 1 I All Sunmier Goods at Cost SsSe JOHN I hpipb rigspsgii 9Ik 1 1 i I Liniment A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long tested pain reliever Its use is almost universally tKe Housewifethe Farmer the Stock Raiser and by every one requiring an effective liniment I No other application compares with it in efficacy This well known remedy has stood the test of years almost generations No medicinechest is complete without a bottle of Mustang Liniment Occasions arise for its use almost every day All druggists and dealers have it ii iot ifjgAyA vijjy sjSs Place opposlto jail on High street Havo added to our stock of COAL tne well known BLACK BAND and tho eclobrated FIRE CREEK BLACK SMITHING COAL aud still headquarters for BELMONT PEACH ORCHARD NUT und CANNEL COALS Olxiols Jones Tho Advoc vtk will bo glad to do your job printing for you are prepared to do lino job printing in all It branches on short notice and on ivaouablo terms Programmes lot torlieadf billheads statements nnd everything iu this lino douo in strictly lirst class style 48 tf Kentucky Training School Mt Sterling Ky A practical homellkt Military school with eollej late count Number limited rooms full last year Apply early Ma or FOWLER 5uprlntwdnt miMmmm iMggPff XX I ft5ferrsi MM MffJ EastMain Street Mt STERLING KENTUCKY FURNITURE AM in it to win and will do it by handling only the I best make of goods and selling at a small profit The time is off for success in a small business with large profits Business Men can only hope to attain success in this day of progress by many sales each article bearing a small profit and then every tomer must be treated alike How unfair it is to sell fPj to one man at a certain price and because his neighbor is a little closer to sell to hjm for less money It is fpJ not right My stock of FURNITURE is entirely I NEW not a piece of old stock It has been chased for the cash it is in my storeless all discounts Buying my entire stock at once by car load shipments ill I have saved considerable freight expense and by these methods my stock is put iri the store much cheaner thtin Whfen small orders nre made hence I can HI sell nt vkrV funsre ktriirws envina mnnev tn mv fP customers and making some for myself Goods which I have subjected to very low prices BE ROOM SUITS DiNING ROOM FURNITURE PARLOR SUITS FOLDING BEDS WARDROBES BOOK CASES SIRE BOARDS ETC I also keep a complete line of CASKETS in my Undertaking Department and having graduated in this business in offering my services it is with the confidence that I understand the business and can give satisfaction i Store room MAIN STREET Npyt nnnr tn jj Lloyds Drug Store Residence on West High Street MM No house in Kentucky handles better goods or sells for closer 1ft Mm profits jrN i Aw jlS iii lK giWti 1 A a IS I I efer FURNITURE WIEHL SON East Mahi Street LEXINGTON Dealers in all kinds of Furniture 1 Walnut Oak Mahogany and Cherry Bedroom Sets Tte HODBLL F0LDIN BED Tho Best Bed Made 2 2 0aTIIE HANDSOMEST LINE OF mm rme nn THAN ANY faiki ismgiMg MMMmmwMMMmm 4 SSrSEgiSS HICKS CARPET STORE No 37 North Broadway Second Floor CARPETS Ail kinds of best grade of Carpets at tho very lowest possiblo prices Beautiful Bargains CURTAINS Curtains well worth tho money OILCLOTHS They are called OH Cloths the best makes and iu tio newest and most desirable patterns HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS.

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The Mt Sterling Advocate from Mount Sterling, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Views: 6122

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.