Vermont Farmer from Newport, Vermont (2024)

TllK VERMONT FARMER AN AGRICULTURAL AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. CMITTKRDeta COUNTY. The March term of tht Washinaio sweat Blums Stixbal. Tha aauaai ef area. aaeatialilasealtHir.

Bask rsarlasaw'e 1 are said te siclutiv a neraoa with proper qualifications waa ever refused admit-tear." The above letter fires ths experience of membart of th order everywhere. Th asms Bcroeotage saved, tad It aoiversal testi Starch 1, 1876. GRANGE ST0EE ST. JOH-IBlKt, VT. IS Baking oar aaaaeeawal this weak wa aailr say 1.

th. ftiands Uut w. ara pruStaatllr thank-rut air both UtalrettoUaiMd paUMnax and thalr lalar-eat Is lb Uranso Slot. NotailtuUDSias the fftsliBcs the aooniias ar aouparmuoa. and Uelr aotlooe aauut Uoar and trad, refurai.

still oar maads aara hf aa ifcaaldar to shualdar, and hsr. (reatlr a'deda fund saoh as tb.r ara d.teranaM ahail saooasd. W. amy our rrisnds that, healdss ouiar frsisht, wa ftft. raaaliad TEN FULL CARLOADS OF GOODS, and hare now rOVMt O.V THE HO.llt.

W. aaaa te do or.rrtalnir ta ear power lo plasae and baoefit Utoa. who o.talatitg this InUtUuua. Ws shall always try and keep Good Ooode, utda.rar an? inferior Tad if ean help It. to a raw Jays wa shall bar sior New and So.) sod ILUI H.

shall hara Land Pliutnr. Ii r-. bwi n.h- mony of Patron that very articla purchased through th grange is first quslity. The same accusation against th grange that they are a political organisation yet ia one ana ably refuted by member ef tha ergtaiiauon. Decorate Tour Drang HtlL I regard it as highly desirable that th -f" ta pt0 with a halt ot their owe at least, a suitable place to hold their meetings.

Tho members, when this i done, feel their interest Increased, and a though their is work to be don for time to coma. It seems to dispel the notion that we are te (eeomnlisb our objects at once, ley aside our armor, and relapse into saesceua faecess a saw tsastnas ta i sanssSUwaeeM. fsewUtWaCsasts, CeMt, I Ttrset rsiissii.shaTiiihishaessaneratal. Ad she sathr nna Draw aa tUJaer Unease eaa ha can hr Weave laar, tha null Kleaav nsvteWa, eat aaa 411 hr ear ksst sertielaas la tkelr aiaatM. BraiM Dcmutt.

Uaruor. lMlter. tad thftt low Uu tho i)UM poetjliar to lb sprintUm of Um waasr, axw rv ire ream nj Ml rilVV I A TfttTr, tuna appiiM um bioo tritli its riUl prioei-pi life isHBioiV iJoti iDltUaic ilraaftlt, rigor, bin mmw 1 1 iv wiv ii (mtu at wiaj ijimib. mibk tnm mietmboL iu fMMrf iftiiaT dttcU art mot fallo bjr OiTMpWardiDtJ FMCiloa, Ml ftnlllir Slstl ui irvnim rfapmeu am. bKTM W.

tow lh A froBftrtort, Bo. LroB't mUraAiBe prtraatt tha faatr fro at talllar nt 3 spiMKiTdiiwiax. itkuelimittaiKiaKtdMu auk a bavir tool ft nrtrtaowL Cttad av Lta ilm. Prta Si tv Mil la. Out OUt.

IT SAY WAVE VOCJB LIFE. Tbara parwa Uting bat what tuffan man or Iw with eocki, aolds or eoaaamstiaa. rl rr.phUUI,h.l.trodll.thUWU7 I wwwre" ItoU ter II. mbt what we la prlat, eat lhlaut.dl.UI,b-H.jH Iri i afsats, 8t Johasbarr, aad set a loaaats aat trj a malar alia Caoaaasaaicatf Caiutaaa aaa he auvU hsalthr aadatreag tenfalatuii thalr stoasaeha aad bowels arllhCastarla. II la aMiesIaetlra thaa Castor OU and issaplsasaDtteaakauboaaj.

fur wlad eaUe. mar aviaaaah. warasaaad msUnease, there la aoUung la esuteae easel Vastorle. War will Voa Srrraa trass rheaeaatlaw, avraias. 5.

inrenee. a. nail si. rather thaa par eeau fhr a settle of be provided at a amall individual ex. L.

BcU.w.a.n.uu. I kilt? than 1-keAiit aat 1uu a Addrei. or" K.I.. IK-A usienvn auaj uunsi nnl of Mainm Stat. Gran, we can tullv endorse tha words of Krothar Hsm.

A grange without a hall is like a family witheut a home, and a bare hall with- out any decoration is a very lonely bom to a tr "u- I where desolation seemed to reign supram neither stands nor altar, nor anv deeuratinna whatever. Thioiawronr. Make th sranrs r.a. an mil regaua aoouiu oe worn at every meeting, and the wreaths fur- nishad fo, I.A. r. .1 m. iai.1 officer provided, and th hall well decorated, Charleston Grange No. 105, Maine, may taken aa a aample of our idea of a grange had, As you enter th hall nearly opposite is conspicuously displsyed, encircled io a wreath of evergreens, this motto, "Coopers- feedsth all." At the left a beautiful wreath. at the light and a little above their charter in pretty rustio frame, and iu front hangs an arorgreen auohor. Ihe walls are enoir cled with evergreen wrought into various do- vioa sud enlivened with everlasting flowers.

At each station ahould bs stsnds with all th proper implements of the office each mem ber in full regalia th officers should wear their official jowele tbe appropriate wreath should be furnished th Isdy officers the grain, iruit nn1 Bowers, the altar, Bible, and fitting emblems should be furnished. Such a grange hsll wilt be a home for Ihe Patron, a place where they will lor to oongresat. I'atrom will feel that the order moans some thing betides saving a few dollars, and pi ant associations aad memories will eluater around the grange, and tbe members will love to attend it meetings. ratroos, we counsel you to obtain ball of your own, and lasti to decorate It in a neat, tasty man ner. Why Farmers Most Co-operaU.

come ot the ressons can ba given in a ry tew words First, mutter how obscure the oriuin. ever auoceod- Without pooperalion, Keeontl. II couneration the rrieea or firoduee are hettt down bv tha nurebasera i vu.j w-'fvillVH ol III I. be soereulully offset. Third.

To have a voir in tb control of th produce market, farmers must reach ent more even lo Knglsnd, if necessary lor r4i.T ftod fttiJ Kupdm aoDtral thm narkAtri nf (hit eouDtrf otuon Dior thfto tvonifl of our -r woulj-be wim mQ tr willic to adroit. fourth. lauUtiou, d1 tht Imnf cielti' ivt'lj on their ou farms. Ri it were hara brougbt tha agricultural fomniunitf of tbe grratitr put ot tbia oountry into tb aion property coo litioo ihy ar to-daj eonditioii which i-km tbeaa the victim lor everybody to pluek rititi. It th l.rnjera do not take ad van- face of the ran ire, tut allow it to die out it ia doubt tut wbtb axriculturiaU will ever bare eumcieot rouraue to cooperate aeaio tod the their Utter rood it ion will be woree tba the first.

Therefor, fa men fferyirher. oo-tporat I I I I I I I I turnout T. JOHH8BOET, MABCH 17, 1878. XOTEI ABOUT TOWH. A.

0. Babbitt ha told kif linn et Green, bora village to Joob Lovejoj of Wtlden fur Lull Bunell ku invented snd patented an improved treat dog for aaw also to improves: t-wori. The Religion demanded by the Timea" will b. tbe aubject at the ehuroh of the Messiah next Sunday eveuirg. You should take Hill's rbeumatio pills to care an ins.

uo lo itsndsll with jour roem ana get mem at Za eenu a box. One of oar musis dealera recently re-eeived an order for a eouy of When the Ann of daylight lade away." W-hew what spelliog. The ahow which wai advertised for laat Friday failed to oome on socouot of sickness. It now promisee to be here next Monday and play four evenings. Mr.

8. A. Hill haa a solid silver porringer which belonged to hia deceased wife's great grandmother and Known to be lot) years old. The silver in it is worth 11 by weight. It is expected that the goapel workers.

Messrs. Moore, i-iitietteld, Winslow and Remington, will visit this plaoe on the 25th and oonduct the meetings the following saooatB in one or mora ol our ohurohes. Mrs. II. 0.

Babco*ck, who has been at a hospital in Rome, N. for the past nine weeks, under taeatment for the removal of a eaneer, is expected to return borne this week. The cancer having been successfully removed. Do yon know kow a church fair works The principle is a Tery ingenious ooo. Some ladies borrow money from their husbands, buy materials, and make up fancy articles which they give to the fair Then they change places, borrow mora money, and buy tbe articles back again.

On Tuesday two young ladies made quite a display on the atreets, personating the drunkard. One waa dressed in men's clothes. The spectators enjoyed the sight, and probably the ladies did or thi-y w.mhl have been in better business than tumbling around the streets such a day as Tuesday was, Tbe grading on the ialand for the water works is nearly completed. The wall enclosing the water wheels, which is to be 24 feet high, is ap soma 15 tost. The brick for the bailding are already on the island and the lumber is being delivered.

It looks like baving water of our own, and a plenty of it, at an early date. On day in the winter a man on Portland street placed some poison about his bsrn for the benefit of a horde of rats that were making themsel ves troublesome. The next morning kt found three or four dead rats and the next morning he found a straight beaten path to a neighbor's barn, and nary a rat has troubled him since. "Prof." Magner, the horae-tsmer, arrived on Friday evening with five men and five trained horses. A good msoy were out to sea and hear, but only ten took lessons.

People had read the papers and got posted. The performances with his trsined horses wss excellent, the best we ever ssw, but that he can impart to others tbe power oi himself over the horse is very much doubted. One inveterate kicker wss given him which he conquered in a few minutes by drawing a cotton cord tightly around his neck end through his mouth, and was able to take up bis feet or erawl between them. But the poor horse The perspiration ootid from very pore. How docile bo waa the next day wo have not learned.

Tbe "professor" round so learners at all at 'I'aseutnpsio aud the sense number at Barnet. Though some believed fully, people generally shook their beads and kept their greenbacks. Really good teaohcrs seldom take such flying trips through a country where they are entirely naxnewa. STATS HEWS. Mspln sugsBjWas msde in many places aunng ino wans nays last west.

The Rutland Globe nominates Jacob Eatcy Ol urauieoore tor tbe governorship, The butter shipments from St. Albans daring the year 1875, were 200,000 pounds iota than flunog 10,4. People who sat np last Thursday tight to view tbe eclipse didn't view it There wss a little vapory obstruction is the way. but they eaa try it again on Saturday, tbe 25th, aed perhaps see a partial eclipse of tbe sua at about 4 p. m.

Patents have just bees issued as follows A. O. Safford, St. Albans, eleetio-majnetie voting apparatus 11. w.

rutoara, Venning-ten, machine for making barbed fence wirea; B. F. Haviland, Danville, harness hemes; K. B. liollister and 0.

W. King, Factory Point, butter James Brat-tleboro, harnesses. The recent heavy thaws have gn atly swollen the streame in, tbe vicinity of Vergeoues, and the country for milee along the line ol the Rutlsod and Burlington railroad is over-town. Many bridges and fences are washed out, the ice gorge preventing the immense Blame of water from pasaing of freely. The damage lo many farma is heavy.

Col. J. 11. Baxter, chief medical purveyor of tbe Ceiled States army, sot of the late Porter Bailer, was marmd, Thursday evening, March ia Boatoo, to Miss Florence Tryoa. The wedding took place at the residence of Hoe, Otis Nome, and wss attended by Oer.

alios, ei-Uov. (iaatoe, Msyor Cobb and a large amber of army officers and distinguished civilians. BBtxamaTox coihtt. A bar belonging to 1 1 eery Myers at PeweeJ Center, was burned, Friday night, with nine sews, two yearling and 1C loos of hay and straw. calkdobia cotsTT.

C. D. Howemb has been appointed port-master at Lyndon. Jobs 8. Fry of South Danville has an enseal sal ef stock aext Tuesday.

8se advt M.F. Jeeeeee of Sheffield is fixing over bis bare as as to drive ia to the roof to anload. Dr. T. R.

Style ef Wheelook baa give kin harm ned 11,500 for George Jeeuoss's farm ia Sheffield. The fete for cosnty eoieminioser Ilerd-wiek was aassijeer Mr. Sum iastesd ef age mat hue as ws had it last week. Charles MeUllaa ef Sheffield haa height twa yearling Jersey beifen aed see Jersey kali calf, ef Dr. French of Glover, for 1100.

Mel vis Gifts ef Sheffield has sold his farm ta Mr. Grocery ef Bartoa, ned is going te these at Sheffield village aed devote hie tiese hie profession. Marshal! Vt. Stoddard, having jest com. plated the bet bean is West berk, gave a feaerel boasa ernrming as Thursday evening laat.

Soma twa bnedred per Ties partook of the banstssna iwfreahmonte furs. weed. The Asejqwariaa 8pper, at LyaeVmvilla, laat Tharsday evening, was social eedteae-sal asesssa. The) Writs River fewleeva were present is aseelleat aaibrmo aad assisted is the eweilainmsst. The tables were est with easiest favntwra, aad leaded wits rietamle aseisst ha hied bet modern aaska.

Re-oasptatm fteintealiaai is still as tbe rampant is Waa trite. Herwart DjvI kseeks the swots of Meet RxeWdsoa whs has bees tmking the lead. The spirits kesek areaad Herftan a h-d es that neither be er hi wife sea rent. Tbey astraaee him is bis sittisga a that he appeare almost Ii fetes. He bat get a far a is srueune esstsrialiaod err to a er ef a te The Voter of Cher lotto elected the three clergymen la Iowa tenee viewers.

Dr. L. C. Mailer of Kern it reileoted county aoeisMaoioner without opposition. Truisaa Beach baa bees elected town treasurer of Weatford fur the thirty -first ooasecuuv time.

Tell A Morgan of Burlington linos Feb. 1st hav shipped tea carloads ol door (600 doors to a carload). They manufacture on an average 600 doors a week. A subscriber at Charlotte writes, March 8, that bay and grain ere very plenty there. Hay in bars is worth fit to $10 oats 40 to 45 cents; oorn 65; ryn 65; barley 65; butter, Iresh mads, 28 cents.

Louts Henry of Burlington was born in Sbarbore, in the department of Limouib, on the nth ot March, 1760. He has 14 chil dree, 51 grandchildren nod S3 groat-grand' ohildren, making total of 148 all of whom an liviog. He reads without the aid of glasses, ha smoked 91 rears, and last Tues day went to tha polls without assistance and voted. Dan B. Griffin of Essex haa a collection of about 500 old coins, many of which are great curiosities.

Among them are a bronse eoiu of the time of Amvntas II King ol Macedonia, who reigned 399 years B. which is Z.ZQO years old a silver didram ot the lime of Philip son of Amvntas, 2,200 years old a Greek mito 2,000 years old a number ol Roman coins of the time of Constantino' reign, 1,550 year ago; an Austrian ooin uateo mm ana many other rare ana curious coins ot great value relics of ages past. bsbi county. David W. Hibbani has bought the lower saw mill and iaotory ait for 12500.

Hib- bard has probably bought on speculation, but will put it to nam ass. rslANKLIM COUNTY. John W. Dewey of St. Albans, a man about 44 yean of age, got op last Friday morning and went down stairs after a drink nf water, when he was taken with an apo plectic fit, and died in a few minutes.

Tha Union agricultural society, embrac ing Franklin and Grand Isle counties, was permanently organised at St. Albans on Tuesday, lion. Win. H. Risks of Swsnton is president G.

Greene of St. Albsns, secretary, and M. B. Olmstead of St. Albans treasurer.

I he fairs ot this society are to be held at St. Albans. Franklin county agricultural and mechan ical society will bold their fair this year. September 6, 7 and 8, on their grounds in Sheldon. The ofEoers of this society are "as follows, vii N.

Martio, president Isaac T. Psrris, James M. Dean, vice presidents; J. H. Stufflebean, secretary M.

L. Chandler, treasurer, with thro diieotors from esch town in the oouatv. At Swsntou Heury Caasemer died recently. He end all hi eonoeolioos were Catholics, but being engaged in tbe foundry he did not stop for all the feast and fast days that happened, aad Father Cerate refused to attend his burisl in the consecrated ground. Where upon the Protestants of lb villsgs took charge of the funeral, which was attended by a large concourse of people.

I.AHOILI.B rOl'NTY. Morrisville academy has 140 students thought to be tbe largest number it ever had. Moulton and Claflin, sub-contractors of the P. Si O. road, at Jiffersonvills, hsve come up missing.

Bilis left unpaid. A fire broke out at Cambridge Center, 1 bunds; evening, in one ot the hotel beros owned by Kliaa Chadwick, burning the hotel aad three barns. It was thsught at one time that it would take the whole street, but the wind ehsnged and it was got under control. Loss insured for 13,000. It is not knewn how the fire orignsted, but it is supposed to be tbe work of an incendiary.

The state has aued Col. K. B. Sawyer, late clerk of the Lamoille county oourt, for 1300, alleged to have been rubers led by him. snd ha attached ths furniture and fix lures of bis hotel at Hydepark.

He resigned some time sgo. and when his boodsmso proceeded sgainat him he waau't to be found. It is said that the funds he baa taken con-tilted of money paid in en decrees, and tOOO that tbe auditor had advanced tbem. The voters of Cambridge were somewhat surprised at town meeting by the statement of tbe treasurer. Mr.

F. Wetherhy, that the Iowa had received a gift of nearly It seem that lb donors wore a Isdy and gentleman of the tows whoa relatives hsd lor-merly received help from the town. This Isdy and gentleman are now ia effluent eir-eumttsnces snd ehooae to liquidala all appearances of obligation that they may be under to the town. ok a -hi: covxty. A 1500 United Slate bond that 8.

II. Carpenter of Randolph lost, five years ago, haa juat turned up, he having recently re-reived a letter making inquiries about it, to which ha replied that he would give lit) lor its return. The two-story farm house owned and occupied by Charles Chamberlia of Sooth Newbury, together with nearly all it contents, waa totally consumed by fire aboot twelve o'clock Monday nigot. Lass about inured for I1.3S0. ORLEANS COUNTY.

Barton it talking ef having an iron foua- dry. Th lister meet at Irssburgh, March 18, equalise appraisals. Dr. J. F.

Skioner of Barton it reelected eoanty commissioner. Three convict ia Irssburgh jail hav been pardoned out by the governor. Westmor appointed aa iavestigsting committee, as its list lowe meetiog, to haot out tbe fraud by tows officials during to past four yean. Tbe towa ef Troy ha a monstroo iron af for it records, aad delight is choosing ita clerk at the north aad seath village each iter Data year, and moving that old box back ana forth with a nx-hora team. 1 he Aorta has it this yesr.

There are two ease of small pox at Derby Center. Mis Julia Keaery has tbe ren ame, sever having- bees vaccinated. Mrs. liiram Iratta is having the varioloid is a mild form. These ladies were at Derby Line, ova two week ago, bat do not know whea.

where they could save bees exposed te tbe disease. They were takee eick a few day age at th aaas time, bat with idee the preauaue ef any each disease. 8oete base elapsed before the physieiaa decided what it waa, aad beaes it ia feared that a good maay bar bees exposed. Msay ot the academy Made aave foot bees, aad the school may be entirely srokea ap. VTa-awm mm, Daniel Morrow was street by a brides asd killed, Satarday eveaig, while steeling ride ee th top ef freight ear from Rut- taaete WestHaUaea.

Tbere i a lady is RaCaad wh eeetj sab bath for six years baa attended the Conge- gatvasaf etjarea as raw eanneer that privilege aa saastiataW eee hat ears she has set beard a word the pastor said. Aa aspirant tor edfio at Moaet Tabor made each a fro distribatio of whisky, elec tion dey, that the meeting ceded is a drank A ssmber si Ireemea had te he led sa the ballet bsx. they war a drank. A assay camel hems Meet eye aad bloody sesaa, aad ethers bad Is he lagged off wassiiaerratJ toe art. Labor was reamed, a lew deys age, ia the straw beard mill ef Oreelt, Lerejoy A Co, Sarthletd, giving employment te seat Opera tieas fee beta nnsesnitil for a while for repair.

Active, work baa ma raanmed at the quarry ef ta Adams KaJa and Tds le a ee we hi to court oommeaeed on Tuesday, and will preb ably be unusually long. Oa hundred aad tweotyx eivil oases hav beea set for th jury, many of them of ooniderabla (mpor taoos. Thar ia th oase of Mile, the liarre bank burglar, aad some sevee er eight minor criminal trials. The body of a victim of small-pox re cently found concealed in a oar of bran at White Station, on it way to Vermont from llatlle Ursek, proves to hsve been that of Uuo. formerly of North' field, whose friends wers very auxious to get it to his old home.

It didn't star buried at White Station, but it arrived at Nortbfield. the other day, the coffin being enveloped iu urrea ciotn. its advent caused not a little excitement. WINDHAM COUNTY, The new secretary of war, Judge Taft, was born in Townsheud, in 1810, and ia 66 years of age. The West River National bank of Jaiiaeca will have to reduce it capital from 1100.000 to7a.UUU having lost some zu.uuu by paper that depreciated in conse quence ot tbe Chicago fire.

WINDSOR COUNTY, Asa T. Barron of the White River Junc tion House nabbed in tbe depot, the other mgbt, a man who swindled him out of a horse, 15 year ago, but whose whereabout since he baa not known. Williams River broke through its banks at Ubester tha other day, and flooded Mam street so suddeuly that several people barely escaped drowning. Uun tamily received their first intimation of a flood by seeing the waters burst through their windows, and they were witn difficulty rescued. Tbe water said to have reached the bight of ten feet al most instantly.

The huisoonal church end Johnson's Central hotel were nesrly under mined A somewhat remarkable case of recoverv from a curious and a very dangerous wound is recorded at Hartland. On the 10th of October, KJwiu Chase was hit io ths fore. head by the ahell of a metallio cartridge which exploded while he was picking it to pieces, sud the shell immediately dropped from tho wound, followed by two table- spoonfuls of brain matter, yet he has nearly recovered from the injury, is of sound mind and at his usual business. CASADlABf MEWS. Nurse's furniture shop, and two adjoining buildings at Rock Island were b'irned early eduesday morning, tbe lath.

Ihe family who occupied tho teoement over the simp, had barely time to escape in the clothes they had on. The rest of the contents of the buildiog were destroyed. Insured lost 10,000. Town Officer for 1876. Siannasu.

Chester Drown, moderator, Orrs Cole, clerk and treasurer. I'ieroe, Amss ilutehins, Leonard Hradlcy, selectmen. II 8 Daniels, conatable. Bradley. II Clark, l'atch, listers.

Clark. Webber, lirown. auJitors. Dradley, overseer poor. 118 Daniels, agent.

Alston, town grand juror. Clark, supt. of schools, h. II. htons, 38, IItoipsrk.

Gates, clerk. 8 Psge, treasurer. Campbell 1st selectman, John Bullard 'id, (i Sherwin 3d. (iatea, constable. It Barnes, Saw yer, is Bullard, listers.

Fred Ulias, overseer. Calais. A Dwinell, moderator. Robinson, clerk and treasurer. Leonard, Tobcy, ('ate, selectmen.

An-diel Kent, overseer. White, osnitabls snd sgeut. Klias Smith, A 8 Bliss, Andrew Hsikill, listers. Hathaway, supt. of schools.

Tax SO ecuts on a dollar. Lincolx. A Merrill, moderator. Al II tiove. clerk.

Harvey Karr. Charles fltevens, Lee, seleetmon. A Merrill, Butter, flel.l, 1'age, listers. Howard Clsrk, sonstable. Ilaniel Sargent, agent.

A Merrill, supt. of aohool. II St: gent, Geo Burn-bam, A Merrill, auditors. II Farr, overseer. Tax 70 cents on a dollar.

WATtauLLt. Codding. I'age, lingers, selectmon. II Shsltuck, clerk and treasurer. Stevcna, supt.

of schools. 1 loek, eonstable. Tsx 2'i per cent. AxuoMta. II I) Hcrrick, moderator.

Uutterson, clerk and treasurer. A Stannard, A Jaquith, I Lovrjny, sslectmen. It Kinu, overseer. If A (ionll. eonstable and collector.

A Howell, II Nutting, Jaquitb, listera. Alden Ja(uith, agent. Tax 1UII per cent. TorvnAM. It Mi-Lara, clerk and treasurer.

It II Forsyth. A I'erkina, Horace White, selectmen. Josephus Felch, overseer of poor. Wiils. eonstable.

David Vance, A Dodge, Ordway, listera. Wm (ioorge, agent. CK Farria, aupt. of schools. Fellows.

8 tieorge. Stewart, auditors. Calvin Miles, A It Beede, 11 Harvey, grand jurors. Sheldon I' Hogao. moderator.

A Brown, el, rk. 1' Wrad, treasurer. A Brown, II A Beatly, Sheldon, select men. John I I'rsper, constable and col- ector. Alfred Keith, ovtrseer poor and poor house director.

A Keith, 8 Chad- irk. .1 II Miira twan, listers. A Keith, sgent. LsngJon, supt. of schools.

Hasnit II Aoboit, clerk, treasurer and trustee. Jame McLaren, Moaee liil-fillan, Hi, Alrx Moore, selectmen. Itobert (iibaon, overseer. Seth Ferd, eonstsble and collector. John Morrison, lieo 1' Blair, Matthews, listers.

Barto Wm Craves, clerk. (i Drown. David fiillis, II i'illsbury, selectmen. Colib, treasurer. II Whitrber, overseer.

lljt 'beldcr, eonstsble and collector. Daxvhxk II Msttneks, clerk snd tieaaurrr. James Crane, II Harris, II A Kelsry. selectmen, ('has Ingslla, roastalile. Ilavilaad, eupt.

of schools. A Week, A A Fialey. Vaream. lister. II Harris, overseer.

Voted $1 jiMI for schools. fiLOTra. James Simnnls. clerk snd tress-urer. Lmdal French.

HJ, II Nye, 1' Bean, selectmen. Scott, eoeetable and collector. James Simotids. Canwroa, II Hanco*ck, listers. Joaeph Dwinll, overseer.

HaaDBira llalhway, clerk ad treasurer. Fiuley Ureen. lluvey. (i Whestley, Dorman Bridgeaaaa, Jr, overseer. Butler Shipmaa, cuestable and collector.

I'tiniAS John Varnnm. Jr, elerk and treasurer. Ashbel Martie. 8 llarriawa. 8 liiddce, seleetmea.

Harvey Sanborn, fundable. A Bickford, II Graham, Hiram Moody, listers. Voted 12100 te pay towa indebtedness. WaTEaroaa. 8 Frerwiaa.

clerk aed treasurer. Johasoa, A I'arks. Sri-vaaus Owes, aslecmes. Willard Kiaaie, ooeatabl. ('has Ross, Orsna Ceshmaa, Barker, lis'er.

She ie a womaa weighing, it was supposed, boat i0 poaads, bet her hwbaad eeeld sot indues her te be weighed. So, tit ether dsy, be was driving out with hi wife, asd drove ap te Mr. Dormaa'a store ia Aebers. The wife did sot antics that the tea Meed Mr. Dormaa'a hay scales.

While he talking with a geatleesae at the door whole team waa being weighed. He tbe drove ever to Lisbon atreet aad left hia wife de nw sheading. Taea he drove bark Mr. Dormaa's bay era lea, aad the team waa weighed, aim his wile. It ws bat a impt ef Mbtractioa te di soever the weight ef the womaa Oa getting bom th joke leaked eet, bat hia neighbor declare that Caleb will aever set eacther day ef jedgment ie which he will be nsore aorry for hi eia thaa he di the hoar wees wife leaned that she weirded tw sewdred ead forty add powaJa Springbid Srpmi- (seas.

I iti ae we II II th by dal current ea tha (treats regarding tbe ant octal ataadiag af haaiaees nms waa aever before ae oareleaaly reported aa la-day. A large paper bouse waa recently euhjeoted to rumors barren ef a shadow of fouadatioa, which might bare seriously affected a less substantial eoeeera. Those whs talk th moat fluently about such matters generally know the least They are the most vicious of all scandal mongers, for they sot only Dear fafsa witness, but they assert aa tact what in many eases they know to be idle rumor. During the part few day report regarding several established firms have been started. If business men must indulge in such scandal let these reporters of gossip be asked to name their authority for their re port and they would soon find mor agree able topic of conversation.

Boston Jour nal. A good many out of Hostoa might profit by a perusal of the above. Life would be unendurable to some people il there were no editor to find laull with. The largest and oldest of the pyramids lands adout six milee south of Cairo, across th Nil. Ita asm is Cheops, after an early king of tha Egyptian by whom it is supposed tho pyramid ws built.

It age is nearly 4,000 years. Thu carries us back 600 years before Moses, the Hebrew propbel, waa born. The pyramid of Cheops' is 480 feet high above the sandy plain upon which it was built; it covers thirteen sere of ground, aud it estimated weight it toot, But why were these pyramids built? We cannot tell, but moat likely to gratify the pride of each reigning kiog, and to become their tomb wbea they died. Centennial exhibitors judge, from the cir culars they receive, that moat of the population of Philadelphia, and many in outlying town and eitiea, propose to make their living by arranging and taking ear of exhibit ed goods, furnishing signs and doing job pnuliug tor th exhibitor. lONDLtTKU BV sot or wtit*riKt.n, The Flora of No.

122, has become a lit' ker. John a his first nsme. His applica tion is expected soon. Th work of th order ia sot to break down but to protect, not to destroy but to build up, ths great producing classes of the country. There will bo a special meeting of Itisiog Sun Grange at North Danville, at house of r.

snce, on Saturday, th 1 Sth. A full attendance ia desired. fr Hav you teot ia your orders for eepplies for the spring If not, do sot delay. Stat agent Crosby haa unusually good opportunities to furnish spring supplies. Avail yourselves ol thsm immmediataly.

U. II. Gilmore ha been (looted master of Golden Harvest Grange at Waterville, in Liar ef II. Manchester, resigned, sud V. Smili secretary, in place of E.

W. Manchester, who bssgone to California. Deputy D. Boyden will lecture at Fast Cbsrleston, Saturday evening, March IU, at seven p. snd will organic a grange at lvonmDeld, Monday evening, March 20.

Hia lecture adrertiaed at Derby Center, Mon ey evening, March Id, wa dtferred autil some future time, owing to two eases of smsll pox in the villsga. A brother writes, "I have just ent 2 to reuew my aubscripion to th Fasus cannot do without it. hav aix narxra iraes ar hard must atop soma of Ihem, ut cannot atop th ansae. Times are hard, but see your aeighbor, who does sot tsks a farm paper, and have him nabaerib for the ARMxa. A good farm paper helps maka Ihe times better, fur those Ibst take it.

Tbe grange bank of California hav be come eminently suooeasful, aad is several of th western states grange banks ar doing a good business. Rate nf interest ara mach loo high. Farmer cannot pay I IS per cent for mone when their farma da ant nav half that per cent apes the capital invested enc banks that will sot loan money at a reasonable rat of internet ara largely patronised in th West, sod would beeom very successful if organised ia New England. Tha watchfulness of the order ever the in terests of th peopl is show from the fact that is Illinois th stst grange has msde arrangements I supply school booses with deaka, school apparatus, and in Califor- a they have takes Ihe matter et the aasesa. men! cf th property of the slat ie hand.

ppoiuted committee ta examine the lists. and have corrected several esses of undervaluation ol towa property. Will not Vermont I'atrona leara a lessoa from them Free Trad. Tlial this sraac eater tSIr arsis fh. dxeu-HM 4 inw trt a.

ta tfc 1isiuTJh. ia ft dilunel uMe u. hnwl of "Mounpol'ss'' Man tl.ia. UmI irtrlM II mrnrrni owl will ftMn riMMtftl as Sh. larMia a.

e.11 a. tka otaer laSawlrw. af HI eaaatrji. Th above wa aoanimously passed al the last session of our grange, Feb. and ordered to be preseoted to Ihe Faawta fur pub-lieafioa.

Cat. W. Annies. See. rinutnl Yollry b'raaor, Ao.

MMrburf, 17. There is a division ef opieioe apos this suhject, evea among doctora, aad Ihe Middle-liury graage ha as good a right te express their opiuioa aa aay oe hss. Iteaolation adopted by Harvest Horn Gracg No. 100, apos the death af Brother Fraok U. Jeweit: VAerear.

taethf nail si af ear a' ansa hss MBWWM SllftSt fiwth. tnm Vk anS a Satur wnri4, u.r-.,ra. Sr-v-. Thai ta. mmmhmn H.rrn Rhn Oraairs a imeit a wur w4 Mat a.

e. J--U IW tha Ibtt Saftrtfrll srwaatSr la lats UMlr ml mm awra V.w mlaa la Mmnl.1 Vrm4m. ft. felr (mmtihc I that fttraM Wilt that fcas r-aa- fraa sran. a aM Maaihar frwa aar hr.rfr s.tar a aayl SMthjl aaa.

era-'. That tkm raanlattua. b. arSara mm thS tslaaia. tmm saa r.

a4 a aasr taa saan Sa aat4 ta laa haramraS Sftailir. That a of lb. mlhnrm seat I'. Oh, Veaauat Paaaaa Sar Ui lta. anSfe, Siarra S.

W. 11. Hetit, aweretary ei Raadolph grange, Ohio, writee le the Americas retro. "Wo have bees baying ear sjreeeri al whole I prices si hast April, ssd as re from i te 50 per east. We have ee brother is ths grange who hav ear better aad egga, pay eaah, gwe le ChrveJaad alt sal twice every asset aed aaa ear perehasea.

As th benefiu derived frees this erraago-mstit are ws hav as sasmiaos le pay jast esssgh is added te pay freights prretasjlara ia charged the aoevabora. N.w. Nr. hditor, for the etlect i easr little trade whea ws caiweeea. wa were paying for Carbon oil 90 cats per galles.

New g-t rl at the iere tor 1 1 asstt per galie. Vowog UvMleesmsretailealat 40; as 1(1. Ws get it swell Is. Japaa tea, 25 sow 11.00. We get the earn for 0 testa, aad alavset every th tag ia ear retail store hav abraak is sheet the abov sre-pertaas.

We he sot asjeiad ear nradW is dry goods breach aay great ex bast yet, but what litllew. han aoMaauate thwt. ear maall lam il its aad enoaemiiil way i liviog, eaa aave from 50 aa 150 a year We are freejeestly arid that ths ertietes get ar alerter is quality those faraaahed the retail mamhaet. This have proves be teles. We are tetd that SI ia i ef sehtseal tairh ia sar graaga.

We sad ss aetrtaaal wrwee-tiar; th aaa. base jest sever i of ae ae ii sad II, Bi tar ml allr a bsi awn to awd tt Th rata af lait ftrtitn) ii haa aaaa UhiM la EatUH. aa4 i vsamw-r pir-pmrsiiimM itir shalm aa Msl 1 1 a. tfelsJ by all 4racsistav lo ttMw, a.

ft. -Mrik4 anitir, c. Fr aalf) ir ffrasrtrti rrrwMira. k. aTlfl.lJl BIl'IIA iHkSlM AV fit llul lea--.

V.S aapar, oataiaiDc Bd- toriauoa Lira Topio; all ft iBiportaot hh of Um WEEKLY MAIL rk: a ComDlatad Morr: IJtdtraiT. FattitavaUa, Ma lane, aad roans Hatt'i lean. uniiaUD. avrx. iDawar- A YEAR.

brttttaa Ataooialioa nn, taoipia pMt aU ira. INCLCOlNa FOOTAGE WEEKLY MAIL. 34 Park RowrK. Y. E00MS TO LEASE the ateaas Saul baUdial, apaoaiu tha Dapot.

ftt. Jahasbair, tosaUiar with tlisftlnx, Pallajra aat varleas kinds arssaehlaarr saltahla Sir west werklag. IsOjairaMT Jasae M. Warasr. Eheumatism can be Cured.

And any partoa aflaetod with this lonaaatioc oom-p lain l. If Tory twoLkab not to maka a trial of 0. A. HILLS RHEUMATIC PILLS. rpHEY alM ear NHrmlffIai ind Rick ar Nvrwua II tarltea ara iotl-blllioiu and ara aonptaMd of baralaai rooti, aad ara th baat tbatuarkat.

rrloa 26 oU par box. mmw. Jotatburr bj Gao. D. RaaUall, Draxtiat, O.

Ae HILL. Prpritrs Portiaod, Mala a. IO YOU WANT 4.O0D Vegetable and Flower Seeds? It to gat tbeai of Ii. H. JONES, St.

Johnsbury, Vt. Bat Wh roa kawa nhtinarl thsna rlr mnt UiUlr mnm aara dona all Uiat la Iu ba dooa tu obtain a floa orup af vcKDUblat, or that mere! putting them luto Uie trband, la all that i rauuirad. Ruiaaibar tbat no una aa friw a giied erop dJ regvUhlte and weedi at Iba Msate aaw um awe piaoa. farrar, m. d.

88 CJbNrrft Hmrlfmrtl, Csmas. HIS MKDK'tl. BOOK. Wat. 1.

mm sasd SVaa to any adUrass oa rseslpt ul 3o sueip. ralarrlt, t'aisears, Piles, Huptaras, kpleaj DrreraallleaaMil BlaatS Ulaordcr. U.e.rallr. lr. fAaaAS's TrHsaea and Malr Mr aaa.

slwajs IViNS PATENT HAIR CRIMPERS. Atluitd br ftll tha UutMOi of Vwhtoa. Rt.UM.ri mi iilite-1 bjr ny ihtlwli Nutio Huum Tor. rhlU'lvlpliutu or it'Mtoa. MunurMttirtMl only by I IV INK, VW03 N.

SUi PfallaWUlpbi. Xtmi (rcircut iTAH tf I hf til. Tht Boil Hlrawbrrrjn t.7lBIBTI rartj. Th ImrirMt tvitd bMt Ututlv Rati wr. mii none wi utwi aitn u-inu romnm nurat tend for CtrwiUn.

WM. FAKKV, iwotrolfwrn, N. rpHU TAKITB HTHOt UHt'KO, PA, m-merf kfii and nticiaiaerjr. HoiNi. or WALTER BAKER GO.

1780 ewiiiiiHE i-1780 NARCrrTL'REM OF Cocoa, Chocolate and Broma, IN rOIIMI KIOWN TO MODERN COMMERCE. HU1HKST MKDALI rseolvod al INTER. MATIOhAL KHI1IH1TIII1V la LONDON, rtaie, VIRNNA, awe at LIM'AL EX. HIBITION la all part. tko VN1TKD aTATica.

NEW IPECIALTV BREAKFAST COCOA. (VttoBd for CaalmBBUl fiouk to aw toraai im Ham- wa ana new vera. JTAJLTS VESiTMlC IICIUU hair REITEWES. This staailsrd artiola la ooaspoaadod with tha great est ear. IU alaeta ara as woadarrul aad satltraetory It raatorea (ray oe Sad ad kalr to Its yoatkral It roatovoa all oraptl'ias, Itekins and daodraaTi aad the aoalp by lis use hosowos wbuo aad elsaa.

By lla toak propertisa II rostorsa th. eapillary elands to thoir aoraul tfor.peereattaf Uldaaauad auklac tha kalr trow thlek aad atroaf As a droariaz aothlai kas baaa ibaad as BSastaal, or aoslarbla. Ur. A. A.

Hayes, tut Ataayar of Massaohaaetu, says or II; "I aoasldor II rblHl mrtfrnrmtimm for Its loaded Jtu( kinIi.iiii's Dye. FOR THE WHISKERS. This eleraal preparatloa may ha nllat oa lo ell. sir. eater or tba board Irooi fray ar any other aedasir.

able shad, la brow, or slats, at diierotiiia. It hi easily applied, hla ta on. prtaerali.a, aad aaiekly ad oltaetaally prodaeuif a parmaaoat color wbiok will Boitbor rab aor walk oft aaavraeicaaa ar I. II ALL XutihuH, X. 11, tOLU R.

in Drnimist Dealers in Medicine. TOWN COLLECTORS NOTICE Urlliitiiirnt Tat l'nvrra. Ml fwafptitaraaUdaeMarrHt.anil all toiacr awlataa aaitaid at thai tiaM will Its nllhtrtaml aaanrding to law. I will at land uartnaall to raaair-fac va aataa ml mty in Ha ok bluek. tUllraad-at.

appthiita tha Hoaw, at all ha-inaw huara. ftj atralafx that ytar laaaa ara uald bafura Marak jam aave axtra smum. iiinajB wnw, t-wieetor. Ot Jokatttrary. fab te, MAPLE SUGAR WANTED.

wwald hka to aiertanf a part ar whota aat ol tka inat sataritiat-ra. I wa ava, wbicb la mbt anauia rnolt. M4M Northltld. Mm. FAEM FOB SALE.

en4 Hair and nif Fana aitiiatod la rbarla. mvmt, oa tka ItoarSald Tint, euiniac Htr- m-r. aaaa iiMuna gwM repmit aara saw aad um at tke Oent in franklin County. heat of ramnlK orator at tmtk. A Band Annie and keirer Orchard. well dlvldad islu BMiwine. tilloe aod wiw-llona. INj mad one Ir.m, tlM aad Villsr. aad Bill noarly timber aaa wood eaorffk tuno diera. Bslanee oa ear) tones.

mm II. vs Saeveao Cllotoa, Maw. (ainassrrs antfd. aaawtaira, taa of Bi4lra in, wbaeaa SUiVatW MtW IIILI Ifsaaaa lug fa VERMOXT FAR. ME It Ut4ir TH-ratlT.

near a fate). Wrtto tan the otAaa tm--WwrtHaoa atattnc prteu par mmf, aad tha tor-riltrr waatad. aad at-ad rrfrvnri if anhrtnara to Me IHtMawaar. Aaar t-aa Hajal maniailaiara 4taBa)V)-, vc Tilden Ladies' Seminary Is ta fail aa ninawal operaUoa. with a karr.

Soar af I avtraovM. II Taoatiaa aatil the eHr-eof Ska aebeol yoar, Ja-tk rhosraoal will ha rwaiaod tm mmmmmt twawaw Marsh rdk. IHrnkardBsitted ataay Has, aad eaan-4 ly tiM eBtaria. Seed for Cata- mittM oaxTTT, a. a.

W. 107. CRAPE VINES For Bale at tha OLD BKANDOX VIXETABD. 12, OOO BwtaaWaira. tbrmm aaam aiM.

Hardy. rtV. tmm mmlf tmtimyr tor Vtw- TaTj Ctssj Esi-si ul tillt Dsn PUllE WINE Don't be put off by your village atore-keeper i. baade, aad b.r aou at ia labia aad trosMo a -or sole, it be yoar ew. br.

Baipy, tnuaga aaip Wo shall hare a aoaiplata aasortaant of Sir, Belch A Co. 'a Hat; avseef itV Fork; Gmrttet Mmket, Etc, Th. bait rtodi la thlsooentrr. Wa shall keep Int slftis Butter Tuhs, tz-hslres. Brooms, fish, Jto laasas, bait, Totieeao, Tsis, Orooarlss, Twlaa, aad DRY GOODS.

Wabarlbreash. W. ,.11 for tha bb. bona aoa. will ask for orsdil, for th.

cut mrimaplt Is tho taeotleal DrlBolola a. ara -av. sell JaK at low as wo powibly oan, and do biuiaoss ranrdlaai as to what oth.rt may do. Please sirs as a aal. and wa will oadaaror to plesss you all.

We hara for avlo a sseood-haBd sua snada Buggy Wagon, as good as aaw, ehoap. One wlshloa; for such a ear nss will do well to eall and mftae loquirios. Good, alaaa, WHITE bikcu hoou for sSa. F. V.

POWERS, Agent. LOST NATION WHEAT quanuty of this Wheat, which Is ooncodod to bo tbo hardiait and sprlna whoa which 1 oflor for sale to those toalrousolBMarlaaltlbrtood. 1 raiasd 64 IIiihLcIm from two Acre laat ssasoa, without nitre eera I. eoltlratioa.

Price, lures dollars per boih.l, which la much loos Uianothor paruos art for tho ssoin rarioty. Apply aarly. first eosu trst served. Address teeerra O. Be: Tee, WsJUt.ld, VL MOt d.y at hom*o.

Areata wasted. Outfit and Wat iitVSSW. AaKusta, Maine. THB Compartment Milk Fan. IilKIHOI UMLT tasted throuehout th.

wbol. eouatry and aokaowlsd)(sd by all as tba LEADING PAN OF THE WORLD. Awarded th flrat premium diploma and a Kllrer Mrtfal hr tha Varmont But Ap-ioolUrml aWltrtf, which tha hifheM award arer awanlad a dairjr Will be Warranted and Guaranteed 30 DAYS TRIAL GIVEN oa awarT m. Seed fcr dlaeriptire elrealar, wbieLwill be Mat fraa to wny one.

Adarvit, II. O. C.t.TiPBElL CO, Klhfr1, 't. JOm. PCBKIIN, IU.

h. D. DENTIST, Sl Jeknshwrr, Vwraaeat. UEHOLD Wilson's l'liosphate THE BEST AND CHEAPE8T. MT sroats are now eanTsailnK Wow Rds1bb4 and will arranm foe tb.

solo of say fertilisers la all Uta BTlBCtaal tuwna. K.r,n-r. -an ra) aod prompt Nuttoo wilt bo giroa by eirealars mt Uie aaiao Of tha tonal ajr.nt la aa-i, iilao. sad aaeamlhla ttELt.lBLE rEHTIEIXEH, whieh will h. sold ftt eery low pries.

Order, may ha aat dlroet lo aw, aod 1 will til thorn throat Ua f. triLso.v, Tecae. ataaalerdl Cheaslral tvevka. PreVHteaea, R. Fob IS, 1874.

H.tHRV BLODUETT, -a xxr "x- ja x. St. Jehaokarr, a a a a a verssseat. uaa ElBEISClf EROS. GO'S.

"TOWN AND COUNTRY" READY MIXED PAINTS rt rVt. blta aad to dttTareal riMdw. Entirlr radr mm. ttoaattral, ItoraWta, aed Bs9tmotoiai. Nadarra Para Matf-tial.

Tawtad aa toowaaada touldiaga. Uaadautae and aarwoaat. Ke waato ar ktaa mt tiaa to anxiaf. I to a-t swfach of fmrnl. Th aaa ar mat tottar taaa aar at bar aaiai.

"a a avplwd by may vmm. Prea frttai lAjaeUrMbto tocradiaata a rally Md in att eal isr. "ehemiral" uaiai. Hatapta aarda a afipiienti. Ontt-r Una Imad (Voa.

fnmt daalar. laaart ft ia eraauasgta. Taha aa Hit. tm mM. aaaapt aar nMltftf.

fur aato caawtaaula mmlfi at 179 WATER STREET, rat tom. EetaiW l.y all repaUMe Dlert, 0 BBTABfJSHaW ls- ARDEIN' pEt jS. mum nt arum intiBLEi caTaisOwet i far jgrt sTjaslad mm mM af StSL'm mTKT, rartawi. Me. ta ea tton.

mmm ta totaa han sataaat wta aaftVar. tn i' ll'i-S'i'im. 1 it' ft fmt mmr mmr. aawato whM. AB rmtm 1 waiia Jpaawite jf tMh Tm rmmM! m4 mmr sawasy Wart aw mm, ta atoar awa toLalto-a.

dartaa; wator mmmr mum a-watt. ar aA tto ta-. thmm mt mm tfetLf rit mm-jawtaami 9mM mm. toaaviar- "aax arttolm seethe palate a eartala esteat, hat tha VaaUar Llauaaal earn. Tha White Uauaeat Is far ths haavia fkatlly, tha Vsllew Llalmant la for henas an anlaiats.

AlCranabarr. afareh S. Ed via U. Woodbarr aad Maria M. UarpaBter.

At Marak V. JaaaM B. Darllae aad Alma I. air.

AtararaU. ktarekt. kvHaa.J. hi. BaatUa.

Oaaar wioouB an naocy uwbb. mmrwm mmw. JaroBM aVilsoa ol huttoa aad Clara Uansooat at btt.f- Sold. at at. Jobasbary.

area by Mar. w. Lw Ifoyos, Atoriea aoa arrio m. imobioob, oota oi narao. At Brd.

Park, Marak 15, Hoary c. fish of Wasklax-(aa aad Bella M. Paas of Urd. fork. at Morrlsrlllo, f.6.

Fraaola rarahaat af Moro-lowaaad Mary roassof Morrlsrllla. 1 i 1J.M,. UI H.LUJarfl.H. aaa ana. Aiasia wiiaoa oraM HoaipaiMe.

QMht. At Eds. Hareh RIobardSBa. 1. At Hyqrftto.

alaroh Mrs. Joha ll.rr.y. 74. At Now uorl' Center. Marak a.

Mahals horaa. wua of Aaroe l.rltonau, At n.Buort, ssaroa la ooaa wiiiiaaw. js. At Pilldald Marak 11. rranbliB Barditt.

4. At Uorby, rob. ar eoasaaaptio, Aaatia I. aiake, At Idea. Fob.

Osoria Hmry, yoaaa-ssl aklkt ar I fattlatju aVUat al taw a- hjui, ai a larutaiua. Al Morrlslowa, March Mrs. Polly Colo, Eaaob and Kliaa M. Cut, yoars i neathi asarea Mrs. rollj Paaaoe) Away Oa the aioraiin of Fob.

i. Mrs. taiaa Powers lUa- soaii v. iBSOBlef Poailrst. Kiad Daalk I 'tis thin To eve! tb.

Sjror of tbo arala. To oad tb liBsarlog day. of pala. To dry all la.ii forarar flioro, To ml tba roil Ibal hat bafors TU. Bona illvla.

Daatk has oatseo oar hoass, aad lahaa to atof Uk owihwBtvnibisi u( u.Li. Ilr Uttv-worfe hM Issmm UHtnifigiB, ant. MrtMtt. fUiita; itk ft rubM ltalllMUca. hYDel MMtjfe tff, ihw bMat kwhcuato ta tMrlf I vrtorm hsvrilihipt wbtista Md.

kth. tfcM ftntiirtjd atftistu t.mtmHn an! Mmraf. VUtJie Mil. IMMaMIM ful in WWIII 11 am). save, (.

to bitt tow. liar mm alwayi I tsv to tiy mttmrf, tnm pmmwa UtrnfU any I 4-MfttMwf utl m.ih iw fltrftiit mil stiingw wii." jimt untie wm aiwayi nar aM, aaa an iani a wnHMi 14 aaen Muaaui ia iu 1 iwraaai. mmiMttuif wnu mtai tuttmtj, Mpaaiaur imi hmt tvaaltvea. mmA U- lkidi or bar reuth. who BaMiatlr hi bvlure bar to ilia Imnm wf raat.

mum) terns mar a turns tv iwaavm mw smrteiaia ma eat ui turn umw. aad fm4 with aatMratMa all Ua waaklv aawiwaBcra thai oaaie wiitiia hn nark, a4 aa Itoaa wtMWtitt: tar IM ava ahUiiraa Uhal arara rHtra to bar all aaaiad ii Xmmg aca, aara omm, kal la tba raadehlltlraa ikmt paw aw )lL bar taha aTiaaad a tomtar aa latoraat aa tha a4 la kt wmrr mmm an a avaa Bade Maaata batr ml tit llilto aaa tka Ulral EwtriUihi wba Mlltwi bar rl-f raatJaaa. ftHM worfca! to to varf mm mrnj mwr uw wmw mtww an ksvpsj, an nit aaa aaa wa auaii aw uta ai aar win Ba Mora ahlll Sar Bead Ir.BM and while wo BaMbaS ISO laat all. Sf 11 af oapirtug Bataro, aaow Uial Lb wo aau do bs aum ilri. band.

raaebad Jm Ik lo wob ol Bar aaaral 111 oho kas Wueoa ombo da are wm srow a. narwa rom In Ii 4 I TS SO 4 IS son see lie ftt tw IK 171 i It SO i Sw I Mirh iw in tu 4 IS too so ss 4 ta a sou you its 4 as 4U TtlO SIM a luia tit tu sar ia Ctsl sua .1 41 le 00 ras era as lie is oo U1 10 OJ It 13 7 14 00 SO II 3 14 40 I tOtl ia sat tm 7 la a 7e ie a is a ie is ia a so re lo so iv 14 60 la ii 1-4 us 14 is is is la 14 IS 14 73 It at St 7i ie la 4 as as is a 7 pwrMbrtko er hy tha year, apply et th. aataa. Adsrlases I ii I a a I Iko pblbMr are lawaira itati op VKtMiiNT, I la Protato sn.rt, bald at ta as. i.

rranai 'mm, at. Jb.bary, la said diat-tat, OB Sao nm Say Marok, A 11. Jobs Bdsslalatral. ar Saai. a.a witk srlll aaeeaad Ol-a tko oatau ol Philip CaMar kuo of norowMa ia aeia oinnet, mm a.

CiriwWSa jwrtittewor ibo oauio Bfsojesiiiopsa. whajaapna, rTr.a'art.'tk7aV.M ktu at i. rrMou imboo sai at. i-iuhii, ui d.y al April. A.

II. Kt for brarlas aad darutioB Ami. la torttMr artJaratl. Uat atdtaa aararr gisaaa a ill awraiiaa IiwmM, by pvlMMauaa mt Famata a -aaaar Hwhlwibad at Jnvtaabar1 ra- tm mimm aaaoBT vtoaa to tavK ixtm-f aptM-taiaa titva aftaai rnXmrm, aad bw aaaaa, il I iac. Uiat tba I aw appaar a tiara aal aar torn mmr baa.

wbv ad aliawati. aaad aar-k daaraa tvada. MaavM mm I ar wa aiwwi, HKMRV VHKnrH. aVacMw. A are mpr at rmrm4, lUgiator.

DECORATE YOUR GARDEN! Twaloa t.wariBa slaals fee tl post pah rir rafal. Ir.r. BS. a. Itarall, twaro mn bm.ob, was.

I FOB BFBIHO Or 1S70. nrddin; and Farlor Plants A srElltLTV. reelwalptreatkasaaal setasa of raM Bad Or- I Trass, thraks, awaau PraMa, riawarla PtaaM aods. ats, so. Caou-aaal wklo see saat fvoa oa nallnsli, Llkaral terow eases wuh litlies.

m. r. iLotsos, STOCK XJ CTION i a at asp farm I Tneriat, Marrh tl, JS76, mt te a'ataak a. w. I shaal sail Bt Stall.

Aaotlas, tb I ATRSHIRE BULL, anowkmssasa. la in miU I I Hit. ta fcft I I sensible judgment. Hut ss that mast ssy. I oin ths Urange anlesa yon ara already I in, there it no fear if roa art aoeordio te I .,7 I your owe juJjrniaot, at yon will lod I voor best noaitioa to ba.

ned to remain, in ine grana ana miguiy army oi rs form. Th above fro th Notional Itianser give brief but oosjent reaaoat why Isrmers must cooperate, tteretolore much of the financial werh of the order ha beam doe haphasard and but little cooperation effected eieepl by the stst stesry. The lime haa come whea all th agencies in New Knglsnd should coiiperale tcevther, snd a national cooperative unioe should be Ibrmed. We sujKtesi teat a eonveouoa oi wo state agents. loeai igenis, na a mr as possmi.

eeaier bw mIU aanlaal I paint lor eorwultatioa. our ageeciee are eel UBiform ia their evod ef traaaacting busiaess on bu. pin." ins. HrcHaaing pwwor i t. k.

I i i r. I ooo to aiaieo mum vaiioy I the Mississippi resolved to act as a Beit, their ageats met together, resolved le set I together, and the grangers pledged them- re to stsnd by them, an4 they received I could aot be obtaim-d without ettenaiv eonprratio. eak every grange agent ia New Kegltnd te give this article their seri ous attention aed we believe they will esll such a eonrentios aa wa have euggested. Th lesntonaj sal, nf R'ner ef Horshoaad aad Tar pfav. Ifcat la oaeaidw tb ly it all draarrliata.

fika'a Tiutlia9ka IHumm la a aiiaato. All pnl Mil Bwdoalitedl. prerr Sa of mmnl prawn BBn tbif HI BS, OS MU4, ataarias tat aad b. aa lift- stasr al I a laaluln Ilia bair obi.

baf Sallow W4. Bad raaaw Ha eabw altar ba. baMont. (', bb.Ii a ii amor aa. I.

B-rt r-d I sift world B4r tbo BaaM 1111 stai4. BilftSaB Haw aaa.war aad, to that a.l.aiiiil raad ab jlNHnaa Tht. Ot B- arrl.r. that I rmrj hld bl Bf Baa. was oartonlr aoawa MS a BtnaBKai IB Bwaily a gram bsld vary Barly la Hbj.

I baa Bow mmM turn ftwttlaiaf Hall', tagatahla BieihMl a. ARTLtT C1WUH. irio, Jevoisos I. Ma. KS.

ISM -1 aa aa St atmialiswal hatra.ta; m. farsoaallr aiaaiod boVaro aat Hsrtlor Coal, aac apaa saik. saya tbe as-e een-mt vmm. SITkkB. abary PbMbt.

Mrsaaa. W.traa Saaaa a Co. am pwMtskod a I varr etrHsh llttls bank tar wj I WHS tb. daartawtlaa af Ibatr aaalpktt saat aswawsr IS ooasuJaoa sai.Salrya a-a-rMauaa lb. Cmtm.

far. ta SmS mt whash ftaaar A aad Uw 4nfcnta ad arapartoa; tadsi I gr fna wrm a it tf tlw aa atrtaa a tmm ravattd MaUa Uw A ZZ'ZL'Xl aasihTtawa a taa at ta aantvaa, wa fmae. with Sta-tr ae asd dotal af aawipu. ftwss lbs aVaaar. a Umlmm ks I I trwniLi, I jWvtWw rfwawars wto fi i aii It aad aatar af i Mi aaiaa mm IMiidwiBaMndvwtai: eke ipiil aa ef artvaal an aketaaa aa tha 4toarr wrtmmrmw of ewea TttM-taaa.

taa faajaa mrm asaaatatWarad rntMk Ul JrlMwIBVItao. or asyaThw tu a wwd awit aa ada aa-a-al fnr or sola, wsa a 1 1 at i If wbe-b sai a Saa. Caow. onaBtta fb af Bit, ii.

ska ulna ml i-i tar Ii Tb faakrwawi lataat wiU ekaw ksw a woewa Bw a I salbrwa. I Inais is a. B- M. la. IV.

I i I fcad a mm ft I I Slfka ma ywaa aaw. hsslsSIa aaoaatm CsR.4DE oICRSEV rj. aahr aaam fcai am sll aaaa, Uty y3ax sasraa. sriswa.saaaaiai aa, ara leoaai mU baaajrs. SB.

mm ol a na asMtara, aaa aaa vm aa a -j ww, i Maivlwlaairiait mi mm i 1 it mmtm, to anttra aMa-rria Car fmm aanat mm, I 1 eaajw mmw Vff. eaea ever ail I wm Mm laaaaa mt mw lataly. ymm I tTJaaattaj mtrnM. wm aaflaajaj il I fraB aaa aeaw te. tm tota mmn toiaw I aar aaw I I UlSw wat hp abwa.

rtXidr, ajxjxAluauB I AS. tt CA Co, WaMosaisacarsia. twath abjareUla. Ba-wt IS, m. ua..

Vermont Farmer from Newport, Vermont (2024)


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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.