Star Wars - TV Tropes (2024)

Star Wars - TV Tropes (1)

Note: While this is only focused on the new Expanded Universe, Star Wars Legends had the galactic calendar centered on the Battle of Yavin (the events of Episode IV). For simplicity, this timeline will maintain that particularly in light of the series premiere of Andor using "5 BBY".

Beware of spoilers!

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The Ancient Past

  • Three powerful beings - The Son, The Daughter, and the Father - take guardianship of the Force of the universe. While the Son and the Daughter serve as personifications of the Dark and Light sides of the Force, the Father represents the balance between the two, ensuring neither of his children escape their realm on Mortis.
  • Another being known as the Bendu represents the middle between the Light and Dark sides of the Force, but prefers to remain uninvolved with the affairs of mortals and to sleep peacefully on the hidden world of Atollon.
  • A realm outside of the time-space continuum is constructed as a physical manifestation of the binding of the universe through the Force. It would later be referred to as the "World Between Worlds."
  • Hyperspace is discovered, making interstellar travel possible. Legend tells that ancient humans and other species were inspired by watching Purrgil travel the same way. Colonization of the galaxy by numerous species begins.

Dawn of the Jedi (circa 25, 000 BBY)

  • War raged between an order of sorcerers known as the Jedi and their counterparts, the Sith. Their struggle becomes emblematic of the eternal struggle between the Light and the Dark sides of the Force, respectively.
  • The Jedi also engaged in war with the peoples of Mandalore. However, one Mandalorian, Tarre Vizsla, joins the Jedi Order and forges a unique lightsaber, the Darksaber; after his death, Mandalorians retrieve it and use it as a symbol of power.
  • The planet Liresan, home to the Lasat, a race familiar with the Force (which they refer to as the Ashla), forms the colony world of Lasan. As time passes, Liresan's status as the true home of the Lasat falls into myth.
  • The planet Peridea becomes known as a place of legend and myth among the Force-users of the galaxy. In truth, the planet is not only a graveyard for purrgil who travel there to spend the last moments of their lives, but it is the ancestral homeworld of the Dathomiri and their Nightsisters. The Dathomiri become a powerful empire of conquerors as they journey out of their galaxy.
    • An unknown power lies hidden on the planet, one seemingly greater than the Dathomiri. The Great Mothers Klothow, Lakesis, and Aktropaw come to fear this power and seek to leave, but under known circ*mstances are put into some form of suspended animation on the planet.

The Old Republic (25, 000 BBY - 1, 032 BBY)

  • The Galactic Republic, a democratic federation spanning almost the entire galaxy, is formed.
  • The Sith are defeated by the Jedi and believed to become extinct. In truth, the order is reformed by Darth Bane, who establishes the Rule of Two (Only two Sith — one Master and one Apprentice — shall be active at one time) and goes into hiding for the next millennium.
  • Their enemies seemingly defeated, the Jedi assume power as the dominant Force-users of the galaxy, building a thriving order. The droid Huyang is brought online and becomes an instructor for all padawans seeking to create their lightsabers.

The High Republic (1, 032 BBY - 100 BBY)

  • Yoda is born. He joins the Jedi Order and becomes the Order's grandmaster.
  • Yaddle is born.
  • Jedi Master Barnabas Vim and his Padawan Vix Fonnick travel to planet Angcord when they get word of a Force artifact on the planet. After meeting the locals, Barnabas learns that the artifact in question - the Echo Stone - is not amplifying the Force in all of the planet's inhabitants, but was also slowly corrupting them and destroying Angcord. This prompts Barnabas to destroy the Echo Stone, and the stone's shards would be scattered across the galaxy.
  • The Monarch of E'ronoh's son, Niko A'lbaran dies during a diplomatic mission to Eiram, resulting in the Forever War between both planets to heat up again.
  • The Hyperspace Prospectors Spence Leffbruk, his son Dass, and Radicaz "Sunshine" Dobbs discover Planet X.
  • The Path of the Open Hand - a religious cult that preaches distance from the Force - steals the Rod of Seasons from Hynestia. Jedi Master Zallah Macri and her Padawan Kevmo Zink are dispatched to investigate the Path's compound on Dalna. However, both Zallah and Kevmo are killed by the Great Leveler shortly after it hatches.
  • Marda Ro spurs the Path of the Open Hand into expanding its reach by traveling to the holy moon of Jedha.
  • The Jedi and the Republic hold a peace summit between the warring planets of Eiram and E'ronoh, which is resolved when the heirs of the two planets, Prince Phan-Tu Zenn and Princess Xiri A'lbaran respectively, marry in the hopes of ending the Forever War.
  • A peace summit to end the Eiram-E'ronoh war is held on Jedha. However, machinations set in place by the Path of the Open Hand cause the war to reignite in the streets of Jedha, resulting in mass civilian casualties and the statue of the Final Protector toppling over. Amidst the Chaos, the Path steals the Rod of Daybreak from a vault hidden inside the Final Protector. However, in defiance of the Path's attempt to tarnish the Jedi's reputation with the conflict, the Jedi end it with as few casualties as possible and capture the Path's Herald.
  • Suspecting the Path's hand in the Battle of Jedha, the Jedi investigate the Path's compound on Dalna and learn that cult is preparing for war against the Republic and Jedi. Meanwhile, Marda Ro rebrands the cult into the Path of the Closed Fist after bringing back a batch of Nameless eggs from Planet X.
  • The Night of Sorrow, a battle between the Jedi and the Path, takes place on Dalna. The battle ends with the Path routed and its lead prophet, the Mother, captured before being killed by Marda Ro, but many Jedi have been killed by the Nameless completely draining the Force from them. Meanwhile, the humble Jedi Knight Azlin Rell has been driven irreparably insane as a result of extreme exposure to the creatures' presence, eventually leading to him to disappear to parts unknown.
  • Wandering the galaxy seeking out other Evereni, Marda Ro gathers scattered Path members and creates a band of marauders. These marauders would eventually become the Nihil.
  • Jedi Dagan Gera discovers the planet Tanalor hiding in the Koboh Abyss and petitions for it to become a safe haven for the Jedi. However, the Jedi Council is uninterested partially due to how difficult it is to navigate the Abyss. Dagan becomes convinced the Council has betrayed him; he is wounded in an altercation with his lover Santari, who places him in a bacta tank where he enters suspended animation.
  • Starlight Beacon finishes construction in the Outer Rim Territories
  • En route to Hetzal, the Legacy Run crashes into a Nihil while in hyperspace, triggering the Great Disaster. A team of Jedi led by Avar Kriss arrive in time to prevent Hetzal's destruction. However, the incident leads Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh to put a temporary lockdown on hyperspace travel.
  • Capitalizing on the Disaster, the Nihil start to raid and extort worlds and ships across the Outer Rim.
  • Jedi Master Cohmach Vitus, Padawan Reath Silas, and the crew of the Vessel are forced to dock on the Amaxine Station during the hyperspace lockdown. In the process of investigating the station, they unwittingly release the Drengir from their imprisonment and awaken them across the Outer Rim.
  • Marchion Ro, the Eye of the Nihil, becomes leader of the Nihil after setting up Kassav Milliko and his Tempest to be killed by Republic forces at the Battle of the Kur Nebula, leading the Republic to believe that the Nihil had been defeated.
  • A Jedi taskforce led by Avar Kriss forms a temporary alliance with the Hutt Cartel to combat the spreading Drengir threat, which is thwarted when the Great Progenitor is captured at the Battle of Mulita.
  • While the Jedi were preoccupied with the Drengir, the Nihil launch a devastating terrorist attack at the Republic Fair on Valo. The attack is thwarted thanks to the efforts of Jedi Masters Stellan Gios and Elzar Mann.
  • In retaliation against the Republic Fair attack, the Republic and Jedi make an effort to the hunt down the Eye of the Nihil, being misled to believe any of the Tempest Runners to be the Eye.
  • Chewbacca is born on Kashyyyk.
  • A coven of witches on Brendok begin using unnatural techniques with the Thread - their name for the Force. Their leader Mother Aniseya uses a vergence in the Force/Thread to conceive twin girls named Mae-Ho/"Mae" and Verosha "Osha" that are physically carried by Mother Koril. The girls are raised as two halves of a person but are kept in secret, as the coven knows that the Jedi and with them the Republic would descend upon them if they learned how the girls were conceived. Mae becomes hostile and devoted to life in the coven and as the other half of Osha, while Osha grows uncomfortable with their relationship and the idea of being a witch forever.
  • The ceremony being held to anoint Osha and Mae as full-fledged members of the coven is interrupted by four Jedi - Sol, Indara, Kelnacca, and Torbin, who demand the chance to test the girls to see if they are Force-sensitive. Fearful of being separated, Aniseya and Koril instruct the girls to purposefully fail the test, but Osha folds and confesses her desire to leave the coven to become a Jedi. Despite the coven and Koril's demands, Aniseya plans to allow Osha to leave. However, Koril spurs Mae to find a way to prevent Osha from leaving, and in her rage she starts a fire, though she immediately regrets it but is unable to stop it. The Jedi return to find Koril eager to provoke a fight, and the stand-off escalates until Sol reluctantly slays Aniseya. The witches retaliate by possessing Kelnacca and wounding Torbin, and Indara uses the Force to purge the witches from Kelnacca's mind, killing all of them on the spot. Osha and Mae try to escape but when they are caught on a precarious ledge, Sol chooses to save Osha. The Jedi quickly usher her away from the devastation. Mae is believed dead by Sol, but she secretly survives and becomes an acolyte of a Sith named Qimir. Osha becomes Sol's padawan.
  • Osha leaves the Jedi Order.
  • Mae is sent by the Master to kill the four Jedi who upended her life on Brendok. She uses trickery and guilt to kill Indara and Torbin, respectively. Osha is shocked to learn of Mae's survival and goes with a group of Jedi led by Sol to try to stop her sister. Mae learns of Osha's survival and falters in her mission to kill Kelnacca, turning her back on her Master. However, the Master kills Kelnacca and attacks the twin girls and Sol's Jedi.
    • The battle that follows is largely one-sided as the Master slaughters the entire party of Jedi and is finally revealed to all to be Qimir who confesses his identity as a Sith. However, he is driven off by Osha using native creatures to distract him, but Mae stuns Osha to take her place to infiltrate Sol's ship. Qimir finds Osha and takes her back to his lair to begin tempting her to the Dark Side. Sol deduces Mae's true identity and detains her.
  • Count Dooku is born on Serenno. He joins the Jedi Order and becomes one of its' greatest heroes.
  • Sifo-Dyas is born on Minashee.

Fall of the Jedi ( 100 BBY - 19 BBY)

  • Sheev Palpatine is born on Naboo. With high force potential, he is eventually found by the reigning Sith Lord, Darth Plagueis, and becomes his apprentice, under the name Darth Sidious.
  • The Republic begins to experience a period of decline, as politicians begin looking for their own self-interest and the bureaucracy becomes insufferable.
  • Sidious, under his persona of Palpatine, is elected Senator of Naboo and represents the system for many decades. He eventually kills Plagueis in his sleep and takes on his own apprentice, a Dathomirian Zabrak named Maul. He also develops contact with the Trade Federation through Viceroy Nute Gunray, and begins influencing their policy.
  • Qui-Gon Jinn is born on Coruscant. He becomes the padawan and adoptive son of Dooku. The pair help resolve a hostage crisis regarding a corrupt senator whose son was kidnapped by his starving constituents; Dooku is disgusted to see the senator's cruelty towards his people and his demands that the Jedi serve him.
  • Mace Windu is born on Haruun Kal. He becomes one of the leading Jedi Masters in the order, being the leader of the Jedi Council and second only to Yoda.
    • Dooku and Windu investigate the death of a Jedi master orchestrated by radicals who try to blackmail their senator into providing actual aid and support to their planet. Dooku is sympathetic to the radicals but is dismayed when Windu receives the slain master's seat on the Council, stymieing his desire to bring change to the Jedi Order.
  • Jango Fett is born on Concord Dawn. He was eventually adopted into the Mandalorian culture as a foundling and became the Galaxy's fiercest bounty hunter.
  • Cad Bane is born on Duro. He grew up to become a deadly bounty hunter rivaling Jango Fett.
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi is born on Stewjon.
  • Darth Maul is born on Dathomir.
  • Asajj Ventress is born on Dathomir.
  • Padmé Naberrie is born on Naboo. She would become the planet's elected Queen at age fourteen, changing her last name to the regal moniker Amidala.
  • Shmi Skywalker inexplicably becomes pregnant. Nine months later she gives birth to a son, Anakin.
  • Grogu is born in 41 BBY.
  • Finis Valorum is elected Supreme Chancellor. Though a good man, he proves to be an inept leader, unable to unify the Senate and stave off corruption.
  • Ahsoka Tano is born on Shili. Within a year of her birth, the village realizes she is Force-sensitive.
  • Having lost faith in the Republic due to its corruption and the Jedi due to their dogmatic adherence to protocol, Count Dooku, now a leading Jedi Master, comes in contact with Palpatine, taking the Sith name Darth Tyranus. Dooku remains with the Jedi publicly for the time being to provide some cover for their operations.
    • Dooku and Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas (who was unaware of Dooku's true allegiance at the time) contact a cloning facility on the planet Kamino, placing an order for a clone army to be used by the Republic. Jango Fett is chosen as the genetic template.
  • The Trade Federation, in an attempt to protest new taxes in the Outer Rim, launches a blockade and eventual land invasion of the planet Naboo. Queen Amidala, the reigning monarch, escapes to make her case to the Republic, but dissatisfied with the bureaucracy, calls for the election of a new Supreme Chancellor with a vote of no confidence in Valorum. She returns to Naboo and leads a battle that defeats the Trade Federation Droid Army.
    • The Naboo human population and native Gungans make peace after years of cold shoulders, working together to defeat the Federation.
    • Palpatine is elected Supreme Chancellor.
  • Anakin Skywalker, a young slave on Tatooine, is found by Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn and is taken to Coruscant to begin training to become a Jedi, due to his unusually high Force potential.
  • Darth Maul is sent by Darth Sidious to help the Federation's war and search for Amidala. While he fails to succeed in his mission, he does kill Qui-Gon, though is defeated by Qui-Gon's apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi.
    • Given the rank of Knight, Obi-Wan takes up training Anakin as part of Qui-Gon's dying wish. Also, the Jedi begin pondering the return of the Sith, wondering if the man killed was the master or the apprentice.
  • Dooku is distraught over the death of his former apprentice and confronts Sidious over it. He is followed by Jedi Master Yaddle who tries to convince him to return to the light; but Dooku believes it's too late and slays her at Sidious's command, fully embracing his new title as a Sith Lord and replacing Maul as his apprentice.
  • Han Solo is born on Corellia circa 32 BBY.
  • Count Dooku finally publicly resigns from the Jedi Order, but his identity as a Sith Lord remains a secret.
  • Sidious plots to have Anakin replace Dooku as his apprentice when he is old enough and powerful enough, though Dooku is misled to believe Anakin will join their ranks as a fellow Sith Lord and do away with the Rule of Two.
  • A number of star systems declare their intention to leave the Republic. They are joined by galactic corporations such as the Trade Federation, Techno Union, InterGalactic Banking Clan, and others, which pledge their droid armies for support. They form into the Confederacy of Independent Systems, also called the Separatists.
  • The Kaminoans begin producing the clone army. The first clone produced is Alpha aka. Boba Fett, an unaltered clone that Jango wanted to raise as his son. An Opposite-Sex Clone known as Omega is also produced in the same batch as Boba; one additional Opposite-Sex Clone who is named Dr. Emerie Karr is also born.
  • While on a mission, Sifo-Dyas is killed by the Pyke Syndicate under Dooku's orders, allowing Dooku and Sidious to fully oversee the creation of the clone army. Inhibitor chips are planted within each clone's brain very early in their development that contain the hidden Protocol/Order 66, which upon activation will force the clone to become murderous towards any Jedi, brainwashing them into believing they have betrayed the Republic. Sidious plots to one day use Order 66 to purge the galaxy of the Jedi Order.
  • As Dooku becomes the leader of the Separatists, the Republic begins debating as to whether to create a military.
  • An assassination attempt on now Senator Padmé Amidala leads to Obi-Wan and Anakin being assigned as guardians for her. After a second assassination attempt, they split up: Obi-Wan investigating the man who hired the killer, while Anakin takes Padmé back to Naboo to hide.
    • Obi-Wan discovers that someone erased information from the Jedi Archives, but with the help of street contacts and Yoda, finds the planet Kamino. There, he learns of a clone army created to serve the republic, and of the men responsible for this: Jango Fett (the original host) and Darth Tyranus (the man who hired him for it). Recognizing Jango as the man behind Amidala's assassination attempt, Obi-Wan tracks him and his son Boba to Geonosis, where he finds out about the Separatists's role in the assassinations. Unfortunately, he's captured shortly after passing this message on.
    • Anakin and Padmé begin romancing each other, until Anakin experiences a vision of his mother dying. Traveling to Tatooine, he meets his stepbrother Owen Lars, stepfather and C-3PO (who now has grey plates covering him). Anakin also learns his mother Shmi was captured by Sand People. Finally finding her, Shmi dies in Anakin's arms, thus leading to him massacring the entire village in retaliation. Then picking up on Obi-Wan's last message, he passes this on to the Jedi, then goes with Padmé, R2 and 3PO to try and rescue him. Unfortunately, they end up captured as well.
  • Understanding the dire threat to the Republic and the treasonous actions of the Separatists, Senator Jar Jar Binks proposes granting Palpatine emergency powers to take more direct action against the Separatists. The Senate approves, and Palpatine uses his new powers to create The Grand Army of the Republic.
  • The Separatist headquarters on Geonosis is attacked as part of a Jedi rescue mission, leading to a galaxy-wide war.
    • While the Separatists are driven from the planet (or forced into hiding as was the case for the geonosians), they all manage to escape despite the Jedi's best efforts. Count Dooku reveals his status as a Sith Lord to the Jedi and takes the Geonosian's secret plans for a superweapon with him to give to Darth Sidious.
  • Anakin and Padmé marry in a secret ceremony.
  • Anakin's great skill in battle gets him promoted to Jedi Knight.
    • Ahsoka Tano is made Anakin Skywalker's Padawan learner as part of the Jedi Council's attempts to lead both of them in a new direction during the war.
    • When Obi-Wan fakes his death to infiltrate a Separatist-backed assassination attempt on Palpatine, Anakin becomes enraged about the truth being kept from him by the Council. Both this and the later departure of Ahsoka exacerbate his disgruntlement with the Jedi Order.
  • At an undetermined point, Palpatine begins courting disillusioned Jedi to the Dark Side and begins training them as Inquisitors, to be used to hunting down any Jedi who survive his planned purge. He forms a base on Nur called the Fortress Inquisitorius.
  • With such a vast front, Dooku appoints a Kaleesh cyborg known as Grievous to be his general of the armies. While already a vicious and cunning mind, Grievous also trains in lightsaber combat, making him one of Dooku's most dangerous weapons.
  • The Republic accidentally reawakens a colossal Zillo Beast that was lying dormant underground on Malastare. Palpatine is intrigued by its nigh-impenetrable armor and orders it to be taken to Coruscant to be studied. The Zillo Beast senses his true nature and escapes, rampaging across Coruscant, forcing the Republic to put it down. Undeterred, Palpatine secretly plots to clone it for an unknown purpose.
  • Dooku acquires fallen Jedi Asajj Ventress as his acolyte and apprentice. As she grows in power, Sidious, concerned that Dooku plans to use Ventress to betray him, invokes the Rule of Two and forces Dooku to kill Ventress. Ventress survives the assassination attempt, leading her to seek revenge on her former master. She returns to her home planet of Dathomir and asks Mother Talzin and the Nightsisters for help. After their attempt to ambush Dooku fails, she turns to the Nightbrothers, choosing Savage Opress to be magically empowered and sent in to be Dooku's newest apprentice, with the end goal being that Savage and Ventress would kill Dooku together once Savage became strong enough.
  • Tired of the abuse he suffers from both Dooku and Ventress, Savage turns on both of them and returns to Mother Talzin, who informs him that his brother Darth Maul is still alive. Savage travels to Lotho Minor and finds Maul miraculously alive, albeit as a weakened raging lunatic. Savage brings him to Talzin, who restores Maul's sanity and crafts him a new set of robotic legs. In response, Dooku has General Grievous massacre the Nightsisters. There are only a few known survivors of the witches besides Talzin - including Merrin, a young girl, and Morgan Elsbeth.
  • Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka happen upon Mortis and encounter the gods there. The Son kills the Daughter and tries to turn Anakin to his side so he may escape and plunge the galaxy into darkness. During this, he kills Ahsoka with the Daughter giving the remainder of her life energy to resurrect her. The Father tries to implore Anakin to take his place as the guardian of the balance of the Force but fails, and is forced to kill himself to engineer his son's demise. Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka leave Mortis with no time having passed since their arrival in the realm.
  • Aq Vetina is among the many planets that suffer a Separatist invasion. Young Din Djarin's parents are killed, but he is rescued by a member of the Children of the Watch, a hardline tribe of Mandalorians, and Djarin becomes a foundling and part of the tribe.
  • Jedi Master Eno Cordova foresees the fall of the Jedi Order and hides a holocron containing a list of future Force-sensitive children in the galaxy before disappearing.
  • Though Palpatine's emergency war powers are great, they are not infinite, and he sometimes finds his schemes and legislation foiled or at least waylaid by more idealistic senators like Padmé. Palpatine thus takes steps to increase his power, building a powerful supermajority in the Senate and nationalizing the Banking Clans, and preparing to appoint a team of regional governors who only report to him.
  • Maul recovers from his injuries inflicted by Obi-Wan and with the help of Savage forms a third party in the war based in Mandalore. Maul seizes control of the planet after he helps install Pre-Vizla, leader of Death Watch, as leader of the planet, but the two come to blows in a duel that ends in Maul killing Vizla and becoming the rightful owner of the Darksaber. Seeing Maul as a threat to his plans, Sidious personally defeats Maul and kills Savage, invoking the Rule of Two, using him to find and kill Mother Talzin.
  • Ahsoka is framed for a terrorist attack by the true culprit Barriss Offee. The Jedi Council refuses to stand with her and banish her from the Order upon receiving pressure from the Republic. Though Anakin unveils Barriss as the true culprit, Ahsoka is so disgusted by the affair that she leaves the Jedi Order.
    • Barriss is given a life sentence for her crimes and is unknowingly removed from the list for Order 66 by Palpatine who sees her as a potential Inquisitor.
  • Out of horror at Dooku's latest atrocities, the Jedi Council decides to have him assassinated out of desperation to end the war. The crisis sees Quinlan Vos and Asajj Ventress meet and fall in love, however, Dooku slays Ventress with the attempts on his life failing. Unbeknownst to all, Ventress returns to life under unknown circ*mstances.
  • The war leads to battles across the galaxy, ranging from places such as Kamino to Kashyyyk. Heroes and villains rise and fall, and neither side can claim decisive victory. Only partial ones. However, thanks to the superior thinking of the Republic Clone Armies, the Separatists slowly begin to be driven back from the Galaxy.
  • Clone Trooper Fives discovers the conspiracy of Sidious' Order 66. He attempts to reveal the truth to the Jedi, but Sidious and the Kaminoans manipulate events until Fives is forced to become a fugitive. Though he is killed before he can reveal the truth of Order 66, a select few Clone Troopers heed his words and remove their inhibitor chips.
    • The Jedi learn of Dooku's hand in the Republic Clone Army, but see no other option but to continue using the Clone Troopers as they fall out of political favor with the Republic as a whole. Yoda learns the ways of becoming a Force Spirit and that the Jedi are doomed to lose the war, but also realizes that there will one day be a new hope that will repent for the Jedi's actions during the war.
  • Clone Trooper Echo, believed killed on Lola Sayu, is found on Skako Minor as the subject of human experimentation by the Separatists. He joins the "Bad Batch", an elite squad of clone troopers - consisting of Hunter, Tech, Crosshair, and Wrecker - that had advantageous mutations.
  • The Battle of Coruscant. General Grievous captures Chancellor Palpatine, but he is rescued by Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Count Dooku is killed by Skywalker during the rescue. The Separatists are forced onto the defensive on their final hold-outs in the Outer Rim.
  • The Siege of Mandalore. After Maul reassumes control of the planet, a detachment of clone troopers led by Ahsoka, Rex and Bo-Katan Kryze invade and retake the planet, capturing Maul.
  • Palpatine begins putting his final pieces into place, advising Grievous to send the Separatist council to Mustafar, and then leaking Grievous's location to the Republic. In a ploy to isolate and distress Anakin, he appoints him to the Jedi Council, then strokes his ego by requesting that he be sent. In retaliation, the Jedi send Obi Wan instead, fully isolating Anakin from the last calming presence around him.
  • The Battle of Utapau. Leading a stealth mission, Obi-Wan just misses the Separatist council, but engages Grievous in a final battle. While the Clones begin a liberation of the planet, Obi-Wan hunts down and finally kills General Grievous.
  • Anakin Skywalker learns that his wife Padmé is pregnant and is haunted by visions of her death. He later discovers that Palpatine is actually Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, who offers the power of the Dark Side to save her. The Jedi Council attempts to arrest Sidious, but they are overpowered and killed. Desperate to save his wife and feeling he's gone too far after helping Sidious kill Mace Windu, Anakin pledges himself to Sidious, becoming his apprentice Darth Vader.
  • Order 66 is implemented.
    • On every battlefront across the galaxy, clone troopers suddenly turn on their Jedi Generals with the activation of the order in their inhibitor chips. Most of the Jedi Council and ranking masters are wiped out, including Tera Sinube, Plo Koon, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Aayla Secura.
    • Darth Vader leads his 501st clone troopers to attack the Jedi Temple and wipe out the Jedi inside. Few survivors escape with their lives, but they include Grogu, who goes underground after being rescued from the carnage at the Temple by Kelleran Beq; and Reva Savander, who fakes death by mortal wound inflicted by Vader.
    • While leaving Mandalore with Maul in tow, Ahsoka is nearly killed as a result of the order; she manages to free Rex from its control and survive, but Maul escapes.
    • Other survivors include: Caleb Dume, who escapes thanks to the aid of Hunter after his master Depa Billaba is cut down; Cal Kestis, saved only by the sacrifice of his master Jaro Tapal; master and apprentice Cere Junda and Trilla Suduri, who escape with a few other younglings; Taron Malicos, who flees to Dathomir and falls to the Dark Side; Bode Akuna, reconnaissance specialist; Baylan Skoll, who loses faith in the Jedi Order and becomes a mercenary; Wookie youngling Gungi; Eno Cordova; Quinlan Vos; Jocasta Nu; and Huyang.
  • Declaration of a New Order: While Darth Vader kills the remaining Separatist leaders, Sidious declares himself Emperor. The Galactic Republic is reformed into the Galactic Empire.
    • As the Jedi are wiped out, Sidious frames them as traitors, with any who dare sympathize or aid them marked for execution. Many Republic officials such as Wulff Yularen remain with the Empire, believing the propaganda against their slain former allies.
  • The Last Stand of the Jedi: Obi-Wan and Yoda face off against Darth Vader and Darth Sidious respectively. Obi-Wan manages to critically injure Vader, but Sidious survives unscathed. Both Jedi are forced into exile.
    • To make up for his debilitating injuries, Vader is given a new mechanical body and armored suit, complete with an ominous breathing mask. He will become the face of imperial might in the future.
  • Padmé gives birth to her and Anakin's twin children, son Luke and daughter Leia, before passing away shortly after. For the twins' protection, they are to be raised separately. Luke is sent to Tatooine to be raised by Owen and his wife Beru while Leia is adopted by Bail and Breha Organa, becoming the princess of Alderaan.
  • The Bad Batch, due to their genetic anomalies and enhancements, are immune to the implementation of Order 66 and realize the Empire is wrong. After Crosshair defects to the Empire, the remainders - Hunter, Tech, Echo, and Wrecker - escape Kamino with Omega and become mercenaries working for Cidarrin "Cid" Scaleback.
  • Ezra Bridger is born on Lothal the same day of the Declaration of a New Order, whose anniversary comes to be known as Empire Day.

Reign of the Empire ( 19 BBY - 5 BBY)

  • The Galactic Empire tightens its hold on the galaxy.
    • The Imperial Senate loses much of its power in the wake of Palpatine's rise to his position of absolute ruler. He allows the Senate to carry on with reduced power, still requiring them to handle the bureaucracy of running his Empire, but keeps close tabs on their proceedings in case they go against his wishes.
      • Whatever rot that was already in the Senate is exacerbated as many senators turn to corruption and the underworld to recoup the power they lost upon Palpatine's ascension to absolute dictator. Many former Separatists mourn the death of Count Dooku and deem the Empire's creation vindication of his cause, unaware of his part in the Empire's creation.
    • Governor Tarkin terminates the Empire's contract with Kamino, and with it the clone trooper program. Most of the Kaminoans are wiped out, but a select few deemed useful for their cloning expertise are covertly assigned to the Advanced Science Division, a secretive operation headed by Doctor Royce Hemlock, a mad scientist who was fired from the Republic only to be rehired by Palpatine after his ascension to Emperor.
    • The Advanced Science Division undertakes a mysterious cloning project, Project Necromancer, on direct orders of Palpatine involving the cloned Zillo Beast. Dr. Penn Pershing and Dr. Emerie Karr are among those recruited to the division. The end goal is to successfully forge a clone body with a suitable midichlorian count so that Palpatine may inhabit the body upon any potential demise; however, he tells Hemlock that the project is simply to create Force-using clones as an army (though he doesn’t rule out this plan as a back-up). Force-sensitive children are trafficked from across the galaxy, this time without the Jedi there to stop them. A select few are brought in as test subjects for the project.
    • The military is greatly expanded. Vice Admiral Rampart oversees Project War Mantle, the initiative to have clones gradually replaced with non-clone recruits from across the galaxy. When the Bad Batch exposes Rampart's destruction of Kamino, Palpatine personally steps in to salvage the Defense Recruitment Bill and with it the Imperial Stormtrooper program. Soon stormtroopers and Imperial Star Destroyers become a common sight.
    • Vader and Sidious begin actively using the Inquisitorious to hunt the surviving Jedi, most of whom are padawans with incomplete training. A former Jedi Temple Guard who was shaken by the trial of Ahsoka takes leadership of the Inquisitorious as the Grand Inquisitor. Reva takes a position as the Third Sister while the last batch of Jango Fett clones are brought in as Purge Troopers to serve the Inquisitorious. The organization also begins searching for Force-sensitives, mostly children, to break and reprogram into loyal servants.
      • Cere is captured by the Empire and under torture surrenders the location of Trilla and the few younglings they saved. Trilla is tortured until she falls to the Dark Side, becoming the Second Sister of the Inquisitorious. Cere taps into the Dark Side to escape and cuts herself off from the Force as penance for her betrayal of her apprentice.
      • While in hiding, Bode marries a woman named Tayala and has a daughter named Kata with her. However, Tayala is found and killed by the Inquisitorius. Falling to the Dark Side, Bode becomes a mole and personal assassin for ISB Commander Lank Denvik, infiltrating insurgent cells and helping root out surviving Jedi in exchange for Denvik keeping him and Kata hidden from the Inquisitorious.
      • Barriss is recruited for the Inquisitorious, but during her first mission she realizes their hypocrisy and returns to the light as a Jedi before going on the run. She becomes a healer using the Force.
  • Director Orson Krennic oversees the Death Star project, aka Project Stardust.
    • The Geonosians work on constructing the battle station in orbit around their planet.
    • Many innocents across the galaxy are imprisoned on ridiculous pretenses purely to provide a manual labor force large enough to construct parts for the Death Star.
    • The Empire begins mining the once-sacred planet of Illum for the kyber crystal needed for the Death Star's primary weapon.
    • Stardust is kept extremely confidential with even the Imperial Security Bureau remaining largely unaware of it.
  • After deciding to cut ties with Cid, the Bad Batch consider retiring to a peaceful life on the remote paradise of Pabu. However, when they learn Crosshair has defected from the Empire and has been captured by the Advanced Science Division, they try to rescue him. Tech perishes during the escape from an Imperial summit on Eriadu, and Cid betrays the group to the Empire, resulting in Omega's capture by Hemlock.
    • Omega spends several months as a captive on Mount Tantiss while the Batch searches for her with no success. Omega proves to have the sufficient m-count needed for Project Necromancer but her samples are destroyed by Nala Se. During an inspection from Palpatine, Omega is given a window to escape by Nala Se and she convinces Crosshair to escape with her and a domesticated lucre hound named Batcher. The trio eventually reunite with Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo. Despite some frostiness, Crosshair is slowly accepted back into the team. The Batch begins coordinating with Rex to begin scheming to rescue the remaining clones on Tantiss.
    • The Batch learns from Ventress that Omega has a high m-count which makes her a top-priority target for Project Necromancer. Shortly afterwards, Pabu is invaded and Omega surrenders herself to Imperials led by Trooper X-2 to stop the carnage.
    • The Batch use the former Vice Admiral Rampart to find a way to Tantiss. There, Omega frees herself and the children and Karr defects from the Empire to evacuate the children while Omega frees the Zillo Beast and eventually the captured clones with Echo. The Batch manages to kill Hemlock, while Nala Se destroys all data on Project Necromancer before killing Rampart as he shoots her. In the aftermath, Tarkin suspends all funding for Project Necromancer to pivot it towards Stardust. Echo and Rex return the captured children to their families while Karr joins up with Chuchi’s underground movement. Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair, and Omega retire to a quiet, peaceful life on Pabu.
  • Clone troopers are finally retired after an incident during an uprising on Mon Cala in which a rogue Jedi re-activates Order 66 in their presence, causing them to turn on the Inquisitors present. With the Defense Recruitment Bill in place, many clones are either reassigned to sanitation, hard labor, or fall into poverty as their accelerated aging catches up to them.
  • Lasan is invaded by the Empire. Future ISB agent Aleksandr Kallus wins a Lasat bo-rifle off a member of the Honor Guard; while another Honor Guardsman, Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios, survives but leaves the planet in shame. Very few Lasat escape and as a result most assume the Lasat are on the brink of extinction, unaware of Liresan.
  • Gar Saxon is appointed the Imperial puppet leader of Mandalore. Young Sabine Wren creates a weapon capable of utterly destroying Mandalorians but realizes the Empire intends to use them to further enslave Mandalore; when her family refuses to stand with her after she speaks out, she flees, becoming a bounty hunter before eventually becoming a Rebel.
  • Ahsoka initially tries to retire to a quiet life, traumatized from the fall of the Jedi. However, when she is exposed and briefly confronted by an Inquisitor, she regains the will to fight and links back up with Bail Organa. She eventually becomes the first Rebel informant to use the codename "Fulcrum". She also begins to be followed by a convor called Morai, who appears to have a relationship with the Daughter of Mortis.
    • Others who begin taking early steps to resist the Empire include Senator Mon Mothma of Chandrila and Luthen Rael, who form a reluctant alliance as they begin procuring funding for an organized rebellion; Onderon insurgent Saw Gerrera, who easily transitions to fighting the Empire after the Clone Wars leading the Partisans; Barriss, who reestablishes contact with Ahsoka to help hide Force-sensitives from the Empire; and Rex, who becomes a coordinator of early rebel activity. He and Echo begin searching the galaxy for clone troopers who have anti-Imperial sentiments.
  • Owen orders Obi-Wan to stay away from the Lars homestead out of fear of what could happen to Luke regardless of whether he is exposed as a Force-sensitive or if he becomes a Jedi. Obi-Wan reluctantly agrees but does his best to keep negative attention from Jabba's forces away from the homestead, optimistic that he will change Owen's mind.
  • Maul returns to his remaining criminal syndicates and continues to rule from the shadows, fending off at least one hunt from an Inquisitor and claiming their lightsaber after having lost his in the Siege of Mandalore.
  • With both surviving Jedi and Force-sensitives being hunted throughout the galaxy, an Underground Railroad called The Hidden Path that helps them escape from the Empire is formed. Several surviving Jedi assist the Path including Quinlan Vos.
  • Palpatine becomes interested in Lothal after finding evidence a portal to the World Between Worlds lies there in secret and begins searching for clues to it.
  • With all the resources in the galaxy at his disposal, Palpatine begins covertly constructing a colossal fleet that he will one day dub the Final Order.
  • Mitth'raw'nuruodo of the Chiss Ascendancy is found by Captain Voss Parck and cadet Eli Vanto. Being brought before Palpatine, he impresses the Emperor with his knowledge of the Unknown Regions and is allowed to join the Empire after claiming he has been exiled by the Ascendancy. Unbeknownst to Palpatine, Mitth'raw'nuruodo has not been exiled and is instead scouting the Empire as potential allies against the Grysks threatening the Ascendancy. Mitth'raw'nuruodo adopts the simpler name "Thrawn" (due to the difficulty most Basic-speakers have pronouncing his name) and swiftly rises through the ranks, a rarity for a non-human in the Empire.
  • Cal Kestis is exposed as a Jedi and is promptly hunted by the Second and Ninth Sisters. He joins up with Cere Junda and her pilot Greez Dritus, searching for Cordova's hidden Jedi holocron to rebuild the Jedi Order. The group is later joined by Merrin on Dathomir. When the holocron is stolen by the Second Sister, Cal and Cere confront her at the Fortress Inquisitorious. When she falls, the Second Sister is executed by Vader for her failure. After escaping, Cal and Cere destroy the holocron, knowing they would be putting any children they recruit in terrible danger.
  • After several further adventures together, the crew of the Mantis splits up. Cal continues on as a vigilante working against the Empire and forms a new crew (Bode joins Cal's crew as part of a long-term game to find Cere). Greez starts a cantina called Pyloon's Saloon in a homestead on Koboh, Merrin wanders the galaxy to explore and find people in need. Cere reunites with her master and the pair join the Path, forming an outpost on Jedha.
  • Orson Krennic confronts Galen Erso, in hiding on the planet Lah'mu, forcibly recruiting him into the Death Star project. His daughter Jyn evades Krennic's squad of Death Troopers (who execute Galen’s wife Lyra) and is taken in by rebel leader Saw Gerrera.
  • Han Solo steals coaxium and attempts to flee his home planet of Corellia with Qi'ra, only for her to be detained. Vowing to return, he joins the Imperial Navy to secure passage offworld.
  • On Ezra Bridger's seventh birthday, his parents Ephraim and Mira are imprisoned by the Empire for speaking out against them, leaving him to live on Lothal alone and embittered by their loss. The Bridgers befriend former Governor Ryder Azadi.
  • While constructing the Final Order fleet, Palpatine begins researching the prospect of creating a clone body for himself in the event of his demise on Exegol using the scraps that remain of Project Necromancer. A clone of Palpatine named Dathan is created, but is deemed a failure due to not being a Force-user.
  • Expelled from the Carida Flight Academy, Han serves as a Mudtrooper in an Imperial campaign on Mimban. Alongside an enslaved Wookiee named Chewbacca, he abandons the Empire and joins a criminal gang led by Tobias Beckett. All other members of the gang besides Beckett are killed in an attempted refined coaxium theft gone awry, forcing Beckett to return to Crimson Dawn leader Dryden Vos empty-handed.
  • Meeting with Vos, Han finds Qi'ra and learns she has gained status within Crimson Dawn. She joins Han and Beckett, along with Lando Calrissian and the droid L3-37, in an effort to obtain unrefined coaxium. They succeed, at the cost of L3. However, at the behest of the Cloud-Riders, Han decides to betray Crimson Dawn, leading Beckett to in turn double-cross him. In the ensuing fight, Qi'ra kills Vos and Han kills Beckett. Qi'ra allows Han to give the coaxium to the Cloud-Riders, but abandons him to continue serving Crimson Dawn and its ultimate leader, Darth Maul.
  • Han wins the Millennium Falcon from Lando Calrissian in a game of sabacc.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

  • The Inquisitors are drawn to Tatooine in search of a Jedi named Nari, who is eventually found and killed. The Third Sister believes Obi-Wan Kenobi to still be alive and sets a trap by kidnapping Leia — knowing that Kenobi was a close friend to her father Bail — and using her to bait him out of hiding. After much pressing from Bail, Obi-Wan takes the bait and tracks Leia to Daiyu. The Third Sister informs Kenobi that Anakin/Vader is alive and looking for him. Thanks to a scuffle between the Third Sister and the Grand Inquisitor, Kenobi and Leia manage to escape Daiyu on a cargo ship, while Vader senses his old master through the Force.
  • Landing on Mapuzo, Obi-Wan and Leia are intercepted by an Imperial defector named Tala who's part of the Path. Vader arrives on Mapuzo and nearly kills Obi-Wan in a one-sided duel before the latter escapes. Leia is taken to Fortress Inquisitorious to draw Obi-Wan in, but he and Tala rescue the girl.
  • The Empire follows Obi-Wan’s party to the Path’s hideout and invades. Tala dies during the siege, but Obi-Wan learns of Reva’s past as a survivor of Order 66 scheming to kill Vader and helps lure him to her. As the Path escapes, Vader easily defeats Reva and leaves her for dead. Obi-Wan meets Vader face-to-face one more time. Having fully regained his Force abilities, Obi-Wan ultimately beats Vader in combat. After one last attempt to appeal to Vader's good side, Vader tells Obi-Wan that he killed Anakin. Obi-Wan says goodbye to Vader and leaves him alone once again.
  • Meanwhile, Reva travels to the Lars' homestead on Tatooine to assassinate Luke after finding a discarded message from Bail revealing his whereabouts. Despite Owen and Beru's attempts to fight her off, she catches up to Luke and knocks him unconscious. Before she can deliver the killing blow, she realizes that striking down a child would make her no better than Vader and returns Luke to the farm alive, turning her back on the Dark Side. Darth Sidious forces Vader to stop pursuing Kenobi, Leia is returned to Alderaan and Obi-Wan finally reunites with the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn, who tells him that there's more work to be done.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

  • Cal slays the Ninth Sister on Coruscant after she leads an attack that wipes out most of his new crew and takes a breather on Koboh at Pyloon's Saloon. While exploring Koboh, Cal discovers the High Republic temple in which Dagan Gera is being held in suspended animation. Upon revival, Dagan resumes his quest for Tanalor so he can have a base from which to build an army to destroy the Empire and conquer the galaxy; Cal and Bode both see Tanalor as an opportunity to have a shelter from the Empire.
    • Cal and Bode defeat Dagan and gain the compass to reach Tanalor. However, Bode betrays the Path's location on Jedha to the Empire, murdering Cordova. Cere dies holding the line against Vader himself while the others evacuate.
    • The surviving crew of the Mantis pursues Bode to Tanalor. Though they try to reason with Bode, he refuses to surrender Tanalor as a haven for Kata and has to be killed by Cal and Merrin. The crew adopts Kata into their family and hold a funeral for Bode, Cere, and Eno, resolving to carry on their fallen friends' legacy by proceeding with forming a sanctuary on Tanalor.
    • The Empire ramps up their presence on Koboh, causing many residents to leave.
  • Morgan Elsbeth approaches the Empire with a plan for a more powerful TIE fighter, the TIE Defender. However, the Empire balks at the price and rejects her. Admiral Thrawn accepts Elsbeth's offer and takes her and the TIE Defender project under his wing.
  • With the Death Star nearing completion, the Empire sterilizes the population of Geonosis, who had formed the majority of the workforce, to keep the project secret, leaving only a handful of survivors. The Death Star is moved to Scarif for its' remaining construction timetable.

Age of Rebellion ( 5 BBY - 4 ABY)

  • A resistance cell on the Outer Rim planet Lothal becomes active, consisting of Kanan Jarrus (formerly Caleb Dume), Hera Syndulla, Zeb, Sabine, and Chopper who form a family unit. They are joined by Ezra.
    • As their activity becomes more public galaxy wide, the Empire assigns Grand Moff Tarkin to deal with them. After Kanan defeats the Grand Inquisitor, Darth Vader himself is brought in to deal with them. As such, the cell is driven from Lothal and forced to join up with the larger Phoenix Squadron cell led by Commander Jun Sato.
    • Shortly before the Grand Inquisitor's demise, the Ghost crew has Ezra broadcast a message of rebellion to the galaxy. The Bridgers recognize their son and help lead a prison break. Though Azadi and most of the prisoners escape, the Bridgers perish.


  • Cassian Andor is recruited by Luthen Rael to aid in a daring heist on an Imperial garrison at Aldhani, stealing millions of credits. The Empire responds to the attack by implementing the Public Order Resentencing Directive, enacting harsh crackdowns on any dissidents and extremely lengthy prison sentences. When Cassian goes rogue after taking his cut of the Aldhani heist, Luthen orders his forces to hunt him down and kill him to eliminate the loose end.
    • Mon Mothma covertly gathers funding to funnel into the still growing rebellion. Though she gets the aid of Davo Sculdun, a shady banker from Chandrila, it comes at the cost of allowing her daughter Leida to enter courtship with Sculdun's son for an arranged marriage.
    • Imperial fanatic Syril Karn does everything in his power to get the Empire to hunt down Cassian after failing to apprehend him for the deaths of two Pre-Mor employees. He eventually convinces ISB supervisor Dedra Meero to conduct a search for Cassian and Luthen.
    • Cassian is arrested on Niamos and sentenced to six years in jail on Narkina-5, a prison camp whose inmates are constructing parts for the Death Star's superlaser. Cassian helps inmate supervisor Kino Loy lead a prison riot and mass escape, though Kino appears to not survive the escape due to being unable to swim away from the prison.
    • Cassian returns to Ferrix after the death of his adoptive mother Maarva for her funeral and to rescue his old friend Bix Caleen, unaware Dedra has laid a trap for him. However, Maarva's last message inspires the townspeople of Ferrix to riot against the Empire, allowing Cassian to easily escape and get his friends off-world before he goes to Luthen and is allowed to join the Rebellion full-time.
  • A more unified group called the Rebel Alliance is formed with the express purpose of defeating the Empire and restoring freedom to the galaxy, after Mon Mothma leaves the Imperial Senate after denouncing Tarkin's massacre of the Ghormans.
  • While the now aged Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair remain on Pabu to enjoy their retirement, a now grown Omega enlists in the Rebellion.
  • Gerrera is ex-communicated from the larger Rebel Alliance due to his paranoia and extremist tactics.
  • Ezra learns of his parents' demise in the prison break they engineered after being inspired by his message.
  • The Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister gain access to the Lothal Jedi temple, finally providing Palpatine with a solid lead on the portal to the World Between Worlds.
  • Kanan, Ezra, and Ahsoka battle Vader and his Inquisitors in a Sith temple on Malachor while searching for a way to defeat the Sith. Kanan and Ezra are forced to flee when the temple collapses and assume Ahsoka, who was locked inside the temple with Vader, has perished.
    • Ahsoka is actually plucked from her duel with Vader to the World Between Worlds during Ezra's visit to the realm a year later. She returns to her time, but lays low to not disrupt the timeline after learning of future events.
    • During the altercation, Maul is discovered by the Ghost crew. After failing to recruit Ezra as his new apprentice, he tracks Obi-Wan Kenobi to Tatooine, engages Kenobi in one final duel and is killed.
  • Grand Admiral Thrawn is deployed to deal with Phoenix Squadron's plan to assault Lothal and destroy the TIE Defender project. After he successfully cripples them at the Battle of Atollon, the Ghost crew goes to Lothal to personally work on liberating the planet.
  • Sabine Wren comes into possession of the Darksaber, but she passes it to Bo-Katan Kryze to appoint her as the new Manda’lor. After Gar Saxon is slain in combat, a new civil war erupts for control of Mandalore.
  • With both the numbers of Inquisitors and surviving Jedi for them to hunt dwindling, the Inquisitorious is quietly retired.
  • Lothal Governor Arihnda Pryce kills Kanan in an attack that compromises the TIE Defender project. Kanan's will, still operating through the Force, directs the Ghost crew to seal off the Lothal Jedi Temple to prevent Palpatine from gaining access to the World Between Worlds.
    • While in the World Between Worlds, Ezra plucks Ahsoka from her duel with Vader on Malachor a year earlier, saving her life. She returns to her time, but lays low to not disrupt the timeline after learning of future events.
  • The Liberation of Lothal: General Hera Syndulla rallies a ragtag small army to liberate Lothal from Thrawn's forces. They succeed after Ezra summons a horde of Purrgil that decimate the Imperial blockade, though Ezra and Thrawn go MIA after they are teleported away to another galaxy by the departing Purrgil. With the gateway to the World Between Worlds and the TIE Defender project being lost, the Empire turns its' attention away from Lothal allowing it to retain its' newfound freedom.
    • Ezra, Thrawn, and the Chimaera are taken by the Purrgil to Peridea. Ezra becomes a fugitive on the planet's surface hiding with the Noti while Thrawn finds and revives the Great Mothers of the Nightsisters, forming an alliance and taking them on as advisors regarding the Force. In exchange for their services, Thrawn agrees to transport mysterious coffins from their catacombs back with him when he returns from exile.
  • Rogue One.
    • Galen Erso sends a defecting pilot to Saw Gerrera with information on the Death Star. With information of this trickling out across the galaxy, this leads to the Rebellion sending Cassian Andor to form a team, retrieve the pilot, and get the information. Gerrera allows himself to be left behind to die when Tarkin orders the Death Star to fire on Jedha.
      • In the course of the adventure, Cassian begins forming a team around himself of rebels, old guardians and reprogrammed imperial droids.
    • The Battle of Scarif. A group of Rebel misfits, tagalongs, assassins and others, led by Cassian Andor and Jyn Erso, infiltrate the planet as "Rogue One". Using guerrilla tactics, stealth, and the support from a Rebel battle fleet, they manage to obtain the plans for the Death Star, transmitting them off to Princess Leia, who then flees the battle with 2 missions. She needs to deliver the plans and call on her father's old friend for help: Obi-Wan Kenobi.
    • Sadly, Rogue One perishes to the man and machine in the attempt, and much of the rebel fleet is destroyed as well, greatly weakening the alliance in the immediate future.
  • Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan obtains the secret plans to the Death Star. She is captured by Darth Vader before she can get the information to safety, and so sends it away with C-3PO and R2-D2 to get help from her old protector Obi-Wan Kenobi. Taken aboard the Death Star, she is forced to watch as Governor Tarkin destroys her home planet as a demonstration of the station's power.
  • Luke Skywalker, now nothing more than a farm boy from Tatooine, comes by the secret plans stored in R2-D2, who plans to bring the plans to Obi-Wan in exile on Tatooine, much to C-3PO's chagrin and annoyance.
    • Meeting up with Obi-Wan (now going by Ben), Luke is made partially aware of his heritage. When the Empire destroys Luke's home and kills his Uncle and Aunt, Luke sets out on a journey with Obi-Wan to learn to be a Jedi and stop the empire.
    • Hitching a ride with the smuggler duo Han Solo and Chewbacca, the party is taken aboard the Death Star, but manages to free Leia. Obi-Wan fights Vader one final time and sacrifices himself so that the Rebels can escape. After their escape to the Rebel Base on Yavin IV, Luke manages to blow up the Death Star with help from R2, Han and the Force. Vader is shot away from the action, but survives to fight another day.
  • The Rebels are forced to abandon the Yavin base. They eventually settle on the ice planet Hoth.
  • The Rebels begin The Mid Rim Offensive: a series of attacks designed to gain support from the outer control of the Empire, and working their way in.
  • The destruction of the Death Star is quickly recognized as the worst military defeat in Imperial history. Tarkin is dead as are all of the joint chiefs aside from Cassio Tagge, who foresaw the ineffectiveness and vulnerability of the battle station. Furthermore, Tarkin's destruction of Alderaan has caused mass defections to the Rebellion and galaxy-wide unrest as sentiment sides with them; Palpatine's disbandment of the Senate has also left him without a bureaucracy to govern the galaxy nor a superweapon to replace it.
    • With Vader the sole surviving Imperial commander from the Death Star, Palpatine places most of the blame on him, promoting Tagge to Grand General. He also weighs replacing Vader with a number of enhanced individuals produced by Dr. Cylo, but Vader eventually brings down the Cylo Directive and displaces Tagge from his position.
    • Vader begins a personal mission to find the identity of the pilot who destroyed the Death Star. He eventually learns the pilot is Luke Skywalker, who is his own son.
  • Through appeals to freedom and self interest, Mon Calamari joins the rebellion, providing them with highly effective cruisers for the future.
  • The survivors of the Ghost crew rejoin the larger Rebel Alliance, though Sabine stays on Lothal to defend it while Azadi resumes the governorship. Hera Syndulla gives birth to Jacen Syndulla, who she conceived with Kanan prior to his death.
  • While rallying new ships at the Space Station Mako Ta, the Rebels are betrayed by a mole and ambushed by Vader and Admiral Ozzel. Despite catastrophic losses of their budding fleet, the main rebel leadership manages to evacuate to fight another day.
  • The Empire begins construction of a second Death Star above the Endor moon, one far larger and eliminating the design flaws.
  • Accidentally stranded in the cold on a regular patrol, Luke sees a vision of Obi-Wan Kenobi telling him to learn the ways of the Force from his old master, Yoda. He's rescued by Han Solo, and rehabilitated relatively fast.
  • The Imperial Navy discovers the location of Hoth base and launch a devastating ground assault resulting in the deaths of many Rebel soldiers.
    • Admiral Ozzel is executed for ruining their ability to effectively attack the Rebellion from space, leading to the rise of Admiral Piett.
    • While overwhelming the defense forces, Vader's haste wasn't as effective as hoped. As several transports safely escaped, allowing the Rebellion to regroup once again in safer space.
  • Luke Skywalker escapes to Dagobah, to learn the ways of the Jedi from Yoda. Meanwhile, Han, Leia, Chewbacca, and C-3P0 attempt to evade the Imperial fleet.
  • Han takes the Millennium Falcon to Bespin for repairs, but is captured by Darth Vader, who lays a trap for Luke. Han is encased in carbonite and taken to Jabba the Hutt. Leia, Chewbacca, and Lando Calrissian escape. Luke duels with Vader, and learns the truth of his parentage. He also loses his right hand, which is then replaced with a mechanical one.
  • Palpatine punishes Vader for his failure to capture Luke. Vader rebels against Palpatine in a rage, but upon finding the already massive Final Order fleet in construction, relents and bends the knee to Palpatine again.
  • Dathan flees Exegol and marries a woman named Miramir.
  • Qi'Ra, still leading Crimson Dawn, engages in a turf war with the Empire, causing enough damage to draw Vader and Palpatine into the field against her. Though Crimson Dawn easily loses against the might of the Sith Lords, the conflict distracts them long enough for the Rebellion to replenish their ranks after the Battle of Hoth.
  • Return of the Jedi
    • Luke leads a mission to rescue Han, resulting in the death of Jabba the Hutt. Bib Fortuna assumes command of Jabba's criminal empire, though its' influence is severely weakened and the lords of Mos Espa only tolerate Fortuna's rule as he is harmless and mostly lets them do their own thing in exchange for tributes.
    • The Rebels learn of the existence of the second Death Star and prepare an attack to destroy it, as the Emperor will soon be aboard. Unbeknownst to them, it is a massive trap by the Emperor to eliminate the Rebels and to turn Luke to the Dark Side.
    • The Battle of Endor. Han, Leia, and Chewbacca lead a commando mission to the moon to infiltrate the shield bunker, befriending the indigenous Ewoks (who help the Rebel cause). The space battle results in the destruction of the Imperial flagship Executor and fleet commander Firmus Piett. Luke and Vader duel, but the former refuses to turn to the Dark Side and the latter redeems himself by killing the Emperor. Anakin Skywalker dies before he can escape with Luke. The second Death Star is destroyed. The Imperial fleet, now under the command of Rae Sloane, withdraws while the Rebels celebrate their victory.
  • Zeb and Kallus retire to Liresan, the latter forgiven by the Lasat for his partaking in the Cleansing of Lasan. Zeb later reenlists in the New Republic as a ranger and teacher of new recruits.
  • Ahsoka finally resurfaces and goes to Sabine to train her as a Jedi in preparation for their eventual mission to bring Ezra home from wherever he has gone. Ahsoka also becomes traveling companions with Huyang.
  • With their control of Mandalore threatened, the Empire lays waste to the planet in the Great Purge of Mandalore. During the chaos, Kryze loses the Darksaber to Imperial Moff Gideon when she attempts to surrender to spare her people, but Gideon betrays her and continues the assault. The Children of the Watch came to believe any who did not win the Darksaber in combat were cursed. Much of the populace is wiped out including Clan Wren bar Sabine. However, while Mandalore was ravaged by the attack, the planet was not poisoned as the Empire claimed and a Mythosaur still lived in the Living Waters deep underground. Gideon forms a base of operations on Mandalore where he hides a garrison and mines for beskar.
    • As Sabine reels from the loss of her family, Ahsoka discontinues her training out of fear of her falling to the Dark Side in despair. This only further devastates Sabine who becomes resentful of her now-former master.
  • The Book of Boba Fett
    • During the conflict that resulted in Jabba's death, Boba Fett was inadvertently knocked into the Sarlacc Pit by Han, but escaped shortly thereafter. His armor is stolen by Jawas and Boba himself is captured by Tusken Raiders, though he eventually befriends them.

The New Republic ( 4 ABY - 34 ABY)

  • As what remains of The Empire is driven back by Rebel forces, Operation Cinder, a galaxy-wide operation planned by Palpatine in the event he perished (and was not victim of Vader carrying out the Rule of Two by usurping him), gets underway. Many planets are targeted for decimation with the end goal being Palpatine's petty revenge against his Empire, unwilling to let it continue without his rule. Not even loyal Imperial planets are spared from the offensive.
    • The carnage produces another wave of defectors from the flailing Empire. Inferno Squadron members Iden Versio and Del Meeko defect, leaving behind their fanatical comrade Gideon Hask, and later fall in love and have a daughter named Zay; Imperial sharpshooter Miggs Mayfield defects after his entire division is sacrificed by their commanding officer.
  • Events culminate in the decisive Battle of Jakku. Within two years of the Emperor's death, the Empire sues for peace, and the New Republic is born.
  • Mothma becomes Chancellor of the New Republic. Scarred from her life's work rebelling against Palpatine, Mothma severely weakens the New Republic's executive powers, intending to prevent such a terrible dictator from ever rising again. However, this results in the Republic becoming demilitarized and complacent. Many fear the prospect of another war and refuse to entertain even the notion of a standing army, let alone the notion that the remaining Imperials could pose a threat.
  • The New Republic begins decommissioning most Imperial technology and hires defectors from the Empire and Imperial remnants, though they keep select Imperial tech on hand for their own uses. Many citizens throughout the galaxy also see little difference between the two administrations, with plenty of Imperial sympathizers remaining at work in every level of government in the New Republic despite former Imperials taking oaths of loyalty to the New Republic.
  • The Great Mothers of the Nightsisters reach out to Magistrate Morgan Elsbeth, a descendant of Mother Talzin's Nightsisters, instructing her to begin preparing to retrieve Thrawn from his exile. As Elsbeth begins preparing, rumors begin circulating that Thrawn has returned to the galaxy.
    • Several members of the Imperial remnant join together to form the Shadow Council, headed by Commandant Brendol Hux and Captain Gilead Pellaeon, who manage the remnant's resources and speak on behalf of Thrawn's loyalists, respectively.
    • Valuing the effectiveness and valor of the Jedi-clone alliance during the Clone Wars, Hux works on trying to build a new clone army for the Imperials. He also oversees the mysterious Project Necromancer, still incomplete decades after the Declaration of a New Order and the fall of Tantiss.
    • Gideon works on the Dark Trooper program using his resources from plundering Mandalore. Gideon also conscripts Dr. Pershing, seeking out a subject with a high enough midichlorian count so that he can use their blood to produce an army of Force-user clones of himself.
  • A cult known as the Sith Eternal operate in secret even within the fledgling Imperial Remnant. Using cloning technology from what has been found using Project Necromancer, they are able to resurrect Palpatine, though with his clone body insufficient to hold his essence, they work over the years to build him a proper one.
    • Palpatine learns Dathan and Miramir have had a daughter named Rey and deems her a worthy candidate to transfer his soul into. Dathan and Miramir are forced to sell Rey into slavery on Jakku to protect her before they are killed by the Sith Assassin Ochi. Rey grows up longing for her parents to come back, unaware of their demise.
    • Palpatine has a homunculus named Snoke created to lead the First Order in his stead.
  • Luke Skywalker begins to rebuild the Jedi Order. Leia becomes one of his first students, but she retires from the ways of the Jedi when she has a vision her path would result in the death of her newborn son, Ben Solo.
    • Snoke reaches out to the young Ben Solo to begin converting him to the Dark Side to serve as another potential heir/host for Palpatine.
  • The Book of Boba Fett
    • Unknown between 4 and 9 ABY: Boba Fett's Tusken family is massacred by the Pykes. He begins roaming the desert alone.
  • The Mandalorian Seasons 1-2
    • Din Djarin, by now a seasoned bounty hunter taking jobs to help provide for the Watch, discovers that his latest target is Grogu, who has been in hiding in the decades since Order 66. Djarin bonds with Grogu, but comes into conflict with Moff Gideon, who seeks Grogu's blood for his cloning experiments. Djarin eventually detains Gideon after the latter abducts Grogu; he subsequently gives custody of Grogu to Luke Skywalker, vowing to see him again.
    • Gideon escapes capture and his loyal lieutenant Elias Kane becomes a spy in the New Republic. She leads Pershing into a trap framing him as relapsing to the Imperial Remnant and uses a mind flayer to fry his brain, incapacitating him.
    • On the planet Corvus, Ahsoka Tano hunts for information on Grand Admiral Thrawn. She forces Elsbeth to confess to the existence of a star map that can lead to Thrawn's location on Peridea.
    • Boba Fett comes across a badly wounded Fennec Shand, who was mortally wounded and left for dead after a run-in with Djarin and a young, untested bounty hunter. He helps nurse her back to health and she becomes loyal to him as he schemes to form a crime family, convinced that he and other like-minded individuals will only survive if they form a tribe of their own. The pair become allies of Djarin and help him rescue Grogu from Gideon. Subsequently, Fett assassinates Bib Fortuna and takes control of Jabba the Hutt's territory in Mos Espa with Shand by his side.
  • The Book of Boba Fett
    • Boba Fett spares two Gammorean guards who remained loyal to their former bosses. They later save him from an assassination attempt.
    • Boba also encounters "The Twins", a duo of Hutts who want to take back the empire that formerly belonged to Jabba. However, they decide to leave Tatooine after realizing Mos Espa Mayor Mok Shaiz intends to give Tatooine to the Pyke Syndicate, unwilling to join the coming gang war. They give Boba a juvenile rancor.
    • Boba Fett employs a team of mods to his syndicate and hires on Djarin and Black Krrsantan as enforcers.
    • The Pyke Syndicate attempts to make a move on Tatooine, hiring Cad Bane as their enforcer with protection from Shaiz. Boba requests the crime families of the region (the Klatoonians, Trandoshians, and the Aqualish) to remain neutral, but they betray him and attack his allies.
    • The Battle of Mos Espa: Boba's forces, aided by the citizens of Freetown, formerly Mos Pelgo, route the Pyke army. Bane dies at the hands of Boba Fett. Meanwhile, Fennec Shand assassinates the Mayor and the heads of the crime families.
      • During the chaos, Djarin is surprised by the return of Grogu, who has chosen to return to him after learning that embracing the ways of the Jedi will come at the cost of living with him as his father figure. After fighting in the battle on Fett's side, the pair go on to continue their adventures together.
  • The Mandalorian Season 3
    • Djarin travels to Mandalore to bathe in the Living Waters beneath the ancient mines, due to having been cast out of his covert for being forced to remove his helmet during the rescue of Grogu. With the aid of Bo-Katan, he succeeds, and is welcomed back into his clan; Bo is also allowed to join after she fulfills requirements for redemption as well. Grogu begins undergoing training to graduate from foundling to apprentice.
    • Gideon hires Pirate King Gorian Shard to conquer Nevarro to discredit the New Republic, who Kane helps convince to not send aid; Djarin convinces the Children of the Watch to rescue the civilians under siege. After the Mandalorians defeat Shard, High Magistrate Greef Karga grants the clan land on Nevarro to settle on. The Armorer declares the time has come to retake Mandalore and that Bo-Katan will be the leader who will lead the unification of the Mandalorians across the galaxy.
    • Bo-Katan reclaims ownership of the Darksaber when Djarin cedes it to her upon pointing out she retrieved it from an enemy who captured him on Mandalore, and with it, she regains leadership of the Nite Owls who split off from her. She leads the combined might of the Children of the Watch and the Nite Owls to Mandalore to reclaim it once and for all. However, Gideon ambushes them with reinforcements from the Shadow Council, killing Paz Vizsla. The Mandalorians successfully fend off Gideon's army, with Gideon perishing and his clones being destroyed.
    • Mandalore is officially reclaimed under Bo's leadership. Djarin formally adopts Grogu as his own, rechristening him "Din Grogu" as his son and apprentice, and takes up work as a bounty hunter unofficially employed by the New Republic. He also is gifted a permanent home on Nevarro by Karga.
  • Ahsoka Season 1note
    • Baylan Skoll and his young apprentice Shin Hati free Elsbeth from New Republic custody. Joined by former Inquisitor Marrok, they scheme to power up the Eye of Sion to rescue Thrawn from his exile.
    • Ahsoka finds the map to Thrawn and takes it to Sabine to decode. Though Sabine opens the map, she loses it to Shin. Ahsoka and Sabine resume their master-apprentice relationship after reconciling and set out to track down the map, and with it, a chance to find Ezra.
    • Ahsoka and Sabine confront Elsbeth's forces on Seatos. After Ahsoka is knocked off a cliff, Skoll convinces Sabine to surrender the map in exchange for being allowed to reunite with Ezra. The Eye makes its' jump to the distant galaxy.
    • Ahsoka finds herself in the World Between Worlds where she is tested by the spirit of the redeemed Anakin, who helps her move past her guilt and trauma from the Clone Wars and his fall to darkness. Reinvigorated, and rescued thanks to Jacen's Force-sensitivity, Ahsoka bonds with a nearby purrgil pod and convinces them to take her through hyperspace after Sabine and Ezra.
    • Elsbeth's party arrives on Peridea where they meet with the Great Mothers and Thrawn and begin preparing to return to the main galaxy with the former's cargo. Sabine is allowed to find and reunite with Ezra and they link back up with Ahsoka and Huyang when they arrive. Baylan dismisses Shin from his command as he seeks a greater power he senses on Peridea, though Shin flees on her own after being bested by the Jedi in combat.
    • Elsbeth perishes dueling Ahsoka and Sabine, the latter of whom finally unlocks her ability to wield the Force. Ezra sneaks aboard the Chimaera as it returns to the main galaxy, with Thrawn and the Great Mothers setting up a base on Dathomir. Ezra reunites with Hera and Chopper, while Ahsoka, Sabine, Huyang, Baylan, and Shin remain stranded on Peridea. Ahsoka notices Morai close by and realizes they still have a purpose there.
  • The Imperial remnant eventually coalesces into the First Order, a legacy government that seeks to restore the Empire.
    • Hux's plans for a clone army fall through, and the First Order begins targeting and kidnapping children to indoctrinate into their army, particularly Force-sensitives. Lando's daughter is among those who are kidnapped, though she eventually leads a few dozen Stormtroopers in defecting from the First Order and hiding out on one of Endor's moons.
    • The First Order converts the strip-mined Illum into Starkiller Base, a more powerful version of the Death Star.
  • The New Republic fails to oppose the First Order's growth. Leia and others try to warn them of the nascent successor to the Empire, but the complacent New Republic refuses to listen. Leia's reputation and political career is also destroyed when a political rival outs her as the daughter of Vader. Leia forms an underground Resistance of activists without overt Republic approval.
  • Snoke successfully turns Ben Solo to evil. Foreseeing his turn, Luke nearly kills Ben but immediately relents, but Ben witnesses Luke over him with his lightsaber drawn and completes his turn, then wipes out his fellow Jedi. In grief, Luke exiles himself to Ach-To. Ben is rechristened as "Kylo Ren", leader of the Knights of Ren.

Rise of the First Order ( 34 ABY - 35 ABY)

  • Resistance pilot Poe Dameron recovers a map to the location of Luke Skywalker, but is captured by Kylo Ren. Thanks to the efforts of Poe's droid BB-8, First Order defector "Finn" FN-2187, and Rey, the map is successfully delivered to the Resistance.
  • The First Order completes construction on Starkiller Base and use it to destroy the Hosnian system, the current capital of the Republic.
  • The Battle of Starkiller Base. The Resistance mounts a precision strike to destroy the Base and its weapon. Han Solo is killed during the battle by Kylo Ren, his son.
  • Following the map, Rey travels to the world Luke now resides on, to train her newfound skill in the Force. Unfortunately for her, Luke has no intention of continuing the Jedi, feeling their legacy and his to be nothing but failure. However, with a little prodding from R2-D2, Luke does give Rey a few lessons in controlling the force and a base history of the Jedi.
  • The Resistance evacuates D'Qar. Endangered by oncoming Star Destroyers, Poe leads a daring group of fighters and bombers to destroy their main ship, though at heavy cost. Fortunately, doing so does give them time enough to get at least most of the beings out and safe to hyperspace.
    • Exiting warp, it turns out they were tracked by the First Order, who wreck the bridge of their main ship, killing a majority of their leadership, though Leia manages to use the Force to survive. Unable to escape through hyperspace as Leia observes the First Order has developed hyperspace tracking, the Resistance begins to flee for Crait with the First Order in hot pursuit.
  • Demoralized and fearful, Poe, Finn, and engineer Rose Tico make a plan to stop the Order by getting a hacker to stop their targeting and allow them to escape to hyperspace again. Unfortunately, it all goes wrong, as Finn and Rose fail to find the codebreaker they were looking for. On the other hand, they do find another one, and at first seem to be making progress, only to be caught by the First Order.
    • Poe meanwhile almost starts a mutiny due to fear over the vice admiral having bad ideas. However, he's disabled and taken onto the new plan: evacuation via transport to Crait.
  • Rey meanwhile has a psychic contact with Kylo Ren, eventually deciding to return to the Resistance in order to redeem Ben Solo. She's captured and brought before Supreme Leader Snoke, who reveals he's the one who made the contact, making Rey malleable to being turned in. Not to turn her mind you, but be killed because she has "the true spirit of a Jedi".
    • Kylo Ren assassinates Snoke and his guard, but refuses to return to the light, trying to turn Rey to the other side. As the vice admiral uses light speed to ram the Mon Cal cruiser into the main ship, Finn, Rose and Rey escape the ship, joining the rest of the Resistance on Crait. Ren declares himself the new Supreme Leader.
  • The Battle of Crait. A desperate last stand by the Resistance, trying to hold the line for reinforcements, goes into nothing, leaving the remaining 40 or so people to escape in the Millennium Falcon. However, this is only made possible by Luke creating a force projection across the galaxy, drawing the First Order's attention, giving them the time. He says goodbye to his sister and nephew one last time, then becomes one with the force.
    • From this "last stand", the legend of Luke Skywalker begins to spread, giving hope to the galaxy despite the war with the First Order going poorly.
  • Leia steps in as Rey's new Jedi master.
  • The Resistance begins replenishing their ranks, while the First Order's conquest stalls due to lacking the manpower to subjugate the galaxy like their Imperial predecessors.
  • After a year of small fights and training, everything the First Order and the Resistance have prepared for each other comes to a grinding halt when transmissions begin being transmitted from the Unknown Space of the galaxy. Darth Sidious announces his return to the galaxy.
    • Kylo Ren tracks him down, intending to kill him, but Sidious reveals his hands in not only making Snoke but a backup imperial fleet that he intends to use to reconquer the galaxy with. Humbled by this overwhelming power, Kylo agrees to serve this new master and get his new fleet by killing Rey.
  • Finding information of Palpatine's return, Rey, Poe, Finn, C-3P0, and BB-8 set out on a grand quest to find his location and end the Sith once and for all.
    • Traveling from planet to planet, the tension for the gang continues to grow. Kylo reveals to Rey that she is the granddaughter of Sheev Palpatine himself.
  • Reaching the wreckage of the old Death Star, Rey and Kylo engage once again, nearly killing each other, and in the process, Rey comes close to falling to the dark side. Leia uses the last of her life Force to reach out to her son before dying; which prevents Rey from killing him. Moved by his mother's sacrifice, Kylo finally returns to the light as Ben Solo.
    • Rey meanwhile returns to Ach-To, trying to renounce all the good in her life because of her potential for evil. However, Luke's Force ghost comes to her, giving one last lesson to encourage her to finish the ancient war once and for all.
  • The Battle of Exegol. While Lando flies all over the galaxy, transmitting a cry for help for this last fight, Poe leads what's left of the resistance to begin disabling the star destroyers and their super lasers.
    • Rey and Ben meanwhile land planetside to confront Palpatine directly, using force tricks to aid each other, and struggling to overcome Sidious's influences.
    • With Palpatine's overwhelming power, he and his fleet seem to have final control, pushing the Resistance to the brink of destruction. But at that moment, Lando arrives with a galaxy's worth of reinforcements consisting of individual planetary and private ships, which begin wiping out the fleet.
    • Meanwhile, in the clash between Sidious and the last two Jedi, Rey manages to overcome Sheev at last, with the destruction of the Sith temple also wiping out the Sith Eternal, at the cost of her own life. In a final act of selflessness, Ben transfers his life energy into her, saving her life, but losing his in the process.
  • Following the victory celebration, Rey builds her own lightsaber to finish her initiation, then buries the sabers of Anakin Skywalker and Leia Organa in Luke's old home on Tatooine. Despite the trouble the Skywalkers got into, she decides to take on that name in honor of them.

New Jedi Order (circa 50 ABY - unknown)

Star Wars - TV Tropes (2024)


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.