[OpenWrt Wiki] ADB P.DG A4001N A-000-1A1-AX (2024)

Devices with Broadcom WiFi chipsets have limited OpenWrt supportability (due to limited FLOSS driver availability for Broadcom chips). Consider this when choosing a device to buy, or when deciding to flash OpenWrt on your device because it is listed as supported.See Broadcom WiFi for details.

DSL will not work at all on devices with BCM63xx DSL chipset (due to unavailability of FLOSS driver for Broadcom chips). Consider this when choosing a device to buy, or when deciding to flash OpenWrt on your device because it is listed as supported.
See Broadcom DSL, Unsupported: DSL modem and Broadcom BCM63xx for details.

The ADB P.DG. A4001N A-000-1A1-AX also known as Telecom Italia ADSL2+ Wi-Fi N (firmware codename: AGPWI), as far as I know, was distributed only by Telecom Italia with its brand. If for some reason you posses an unbranded version of this router or one with a different brand than Telecom Italia, please provide me some pictures of the chassis and the PCB (circuit) and let me know if all the LEDs light up correctly and have the right name when using OpenWrt

I'm writing what follows assuming that you posses the Telecom Italia's ADB P.DG. A4001N A-000-1A1-AX version that I'll call A4001N for short.

Supported Versions

Hardware Highlights

Backup the OEM firmware

If you understand the Italian language you can follow this guide https://www.ilpuntotecnico.com/forum/index.php?topic=74367.0 or you can do as follows:

  • Buy a SPI Flash memory programmer like the 5€ CH341A (a bit hard to use) or the TL866II (easier to use) with a SOIC16 pakage adapter

  • Desolder the Macronix MX25L12845EMI-10G SPI Flash memory from the PCB (circuit) of the router and put it in the SOIC16 pakage adapter on the programmer. (Do not try to flash the memory without desoldering it first from the PCB)

  • Read the SPI flash memory and save its content to a file

  • Re-solder the memory on the PCB (circuit) or leave it unsoldered if you plan to install OpenWrt using the procedure 1 described below

Install OpenWrt

If you posses an unbranded or other brand version of this router you can only use the flashing procedure number 1.


  • There is no difference between A4001N with or without external antennas

  • If you don't know well how to use the serial port, look at Serial Console.

  • If you don't understand well what is and how to use the TFTPD protocol, look at Setting up a TFTP server for TFTP Recovery/Install

  • Take in mind that if you decide to use the official OpenWrt image that I created (https://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/targets/bcm63xx/generic/openwrt-bcm63xx-generic-adb_pdg-a4001n-a-000-1a1-ax-squashfs-cfe.bin), you'll be using a snapshot that is an OpenWrt image still under development and so unstable. If you don't want to use an unstable image you can flash the A4001N1 image (https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/19.07.5/targets/brcm63xx/generic/openwrt-19.07.5-brcm63xx-generic-A4001N1-squashfs-cfe.bin) or wait for OpenWrt 20.x to be released. It will have official support for the A4001N and will be stable.

  • If you use the A4001N1 image you'll have 65,536 Kbytes less of storage, an unmapped LED and LED names changed as follows:

    chasis LED name-> LuCI LED namepower_red-> A4001N1:red:powerpower_green-> (mapped elsewhere, where there are no LEDs connected)adsl_red-> A4001N1:red:pppadsl_green-> A4001N1:green:pppinternet_red-> A4001N1:red:inetinternet_green-> A4001N1:green:inetwifi_red-> A4001N1:red:wlanwifi_green-> A4001N1:green:wlanservice_red-> A4001N1:red:3gservice_green-> A4001N1:green:3g

The installation of OpenWrt in the A4001N is not as simple as installing it on a TP-Link TL-WR941ND because it has to be hacked.

The Telecom Italia's firmware and CFE bootloader are protected:

  1. The stock firmware hasn't got any file-select field in its web-interface that would allow you to choose and upload the OpenWrt firmware from your PC's filesystem

  2. The CFE bootloader won't boot any firmware that has a different signature than the stock Telecom Italia's firmware

To flash OpenWrt into the A4001N you have to overwrite/replace the stock CFE bootloader with an unlocked version that does not check for the signature and so can execute the OpenWrt firmware.

To do this and flash OpenWrt you can follow one of the following three procedures:

  1. Program the SPI Flash memory using a Flash memory programmer (this procedure is similar to this in Italian language https://www.ilpuntotecnico.com/forum/index.php/topic,73762.0.html and this that uses a different SPI Flash chip for another router https://oldwiki.archive.openwrt.org/toh/thomson/tg582n):

    • Buy a SPI Flash memory programmer like the 5€ CH341A (a bit hard to use) or the TL866II (easier to use) with a SOIC16 pakage adapter

    • Desolder the Macronix MX25L12845EMI-10G SPI Flash memory from the PCB (circuit) of the router and put it in the SOIC16 pakage adapter on the programmer. (Do not try to flash the memory without desoldering it first from the PCB)

    • Program into the memory this file http://tastiere.altervista.org/TG582n/Openwrt%20installation/cfe6328_configured.bin at the beginning of the flash

    • Re-solder the memory on the PCB (circuit)

    • Short circuit the R192 bottom pad and the R193 right pad, switch on the router and wait for one minute


      • Buy a 1€ 3.3v TTL voltage compatible serial port like one that has the Prolific PL2303TA IC inside

      • Solder the R192 pads together and the R193 pads together, solder a 6 PIN pin header on the J5 connector of the PCB (circuit) and plug the serial port on it. The PIN layout of the serial port connector is this:

      • Download a serial terminal like ExtraPuTTY and configure it to use your serial port with baudrate set at 115200, no parity check and 8 data bits

      • Open the serial terminal, switch on the router and continuously press ENTER until you see the CFE> prompt

    • Plug an ethernet cable to the PC and to any of the ports of the router's switch

    • Set your PC's IP to the static address to and navigate to

    • Download the latest OpenWrt stable version available for that router https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/19.07.5/targets/brcm63xx/generic/openwrt-19.07.5-brcm63xx-generic-A4001N1-squashfs-cfe.bin or use my snapshot https://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/targets/bcm63xx/generic/openwrt-bcm63xx-generic-adb_pdg-a4001n-a-000-1a1-ax-squashfs-cfe.bin and upload it through the CFE's web-interface

  1. Overwrite the stock firmware's CFE using a Telecom Italia's firmware exploit and a serial port:

    • Buy a 1€ 3.3v TTL voltage compatible serial port like one that has the Prolific PL2303TA IC inside

    • Solder the R192 pads together and the R193 pads together, solder a 6 PIN pin header on the J5 connector of the PCB (circuit) and plug the serial port on it. The PIN layout of the serial port connector is this:

    • Download a serial terminal like ExtraPuTTY and configure it to use your serial port with baudrate set at 115200, no parity check and 8 data bits

    • Plug an ethernet cable to the PC and to any of the ports of the router's switch

    • Switch on the router, let it boot, navigate to and through it's stock firmware's web-interface ensure that you have a firmware version lower or equal than *AGPWI_1.1.0_013*. If you have an higher version number you have to:

    • Download this file and put it into a foleder called unlock: http://beghiero.myftp.org/mendocino89/P.DG-A4001N/Firmware/cfe-A4001N-V0000_96328avng.bin

    • Set your PC's IP to the static address

    • Download a TFTPD server like tftpd64, open it and select the unlock folder.

    • Switch on the router with the serial terminal opened and let it boot to the Telecom firmware

    • When the firmware finishes booting and asks for the username put “admin” and when it asks for the password put “riattizzati”. If everything worked correctly you should see a prompt like > or #

    • Type these commands into the serial terminal:

      system shellflash load -u tftp:// -s00system reboot

      If everything worked the router should reboot.

    • Open the serial terminal, switch on the router and continuously press ENTER until you see the CFE> prompt

    • Set your PC's IP to the static address and navigate to webpage

    • Select the ImmCFE+OpenWRT_CC.bin image and upload it. After reboot you'll have OpenWrt 15.05

    • Upgrade OpenWrt to the latest stable version available for that router https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/19.07.5/targets/brcm63xx/generic/openwrt-19.07.5-brcm63xx-generic-A4001N1-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin or use my snapshot https://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/targets/bcm63xx/generic/openwrt-bcm63xx-generic-adb_pdg-a4001n-a-000-1a1-ax-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin

  2. Overwrite the stock firmware's CFE using a Telecom Italia's firmware exploit and Telnet:

    • If you understand the Italian language, you can follow this guide https://www.ilpuntotecnico.com/forum/index.php?topic=76545.0

    • If you can't visualize the page or some of its links, register yourself to the www.ilpuntotecnico.com Italian forum

    • Upgrade OpenWrt to the latest stable version available for that router https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/19.07.5/targets/brcm63xx/generic/openwrt-19.07.5-brcm63xx-generic-A4001N1-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin or use my snapshot https://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/targets/bcm63xx/generic/openwrt-bcm63xx-generic-adb_pdg-a4001n-a-000-1a1-ax-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin

Restore the OEM firmware

Use the procedure 1 if you did a backup of the OEM firmware using the guide at this link (https://www.ilpuntotecnico.com/forum/index.php?topic=74367.0) or if you're happy to use a generic OEM firmware with different router-specific data like the MAC adddress.
Use the procedure 2 if you did a backup of the OEM firmware using the procedure described in this wiki

Procedure 1:

  • Short circuit the R192 bottom pad and the R193 right pad, switch on the router and wait for one minute


    • Buy a 1€ 3.3v TTL voltage compatible serial port like one that has the Prolific PL2303TA IC inside

    • Solder the R192 pads together and the R193 pads together, solder a 6 PIN pin header on the J5 connector of the PCB (circuit) and plug the serial port on it. The PIN layout of the serial port connector is this:

    • Download a serial terminal like ExtraPuTTY and configure it to use your serial port with baudrate set at 115200, no parity check and 8 data bits

    • Open the serial terminal, switch on the router and continuously press ENTER until you see the CFE> prompt

  • Plug an ethernet cable to the PC and to any of the ports of the router's switch

  • Set your PC's IP to the static address to and navigate to

  • Download https://mega.nz/#!RN0RHAZT!tfybxu0yF0aUk_0AEXmooQjsSMGulXf_EUEFxxQ3RfM or use a backup you previously made using this guide https://www.ilpuntotecnico.com/forum/index.php?topic=74367.0 and upload it through the CFE's web-interface

Procedure 2:

  • Buy a SPI Flash memory programmer like the 5€ CH341A (a bit hard to use) or the TL866II (easier to use) with a SOIC16 pakage adapter

  • Desolder the Macronix MX25L12845EMI-10G SPI Flash memory from the PCB (circuit) of the router and put it in the SOIC16 pakage adapter on the programmer. (Do not try to flash the memory without desoldering it first from the PCB)

  • Program into the memory the backup file you created at the beginning

  • Re-solder the memory on the PCB (circuit)

Flash Layout

The stock Telecom Italia braded firmware has many partitions and thepartition layout changes with every firmware relase.

The PSI nvram partition is present in the stock firmware under the“UNKNOWN” name but it's empty, full of FFs. Since removing partitionsdoes not cause problems with the stock firmware reflashing procedure,I removed from the dts the PSI nvram partition from OpenWrt and expandedthe rootfs one.

Furthermore this router's flash needs to be entirely reprogrammedand a new generic bcm6328 cfe must be flashed to boot OpenWrt. Thesame process takes place when reflashing the stock firmware.

Here follows the original flash layout for AGPWI_1.1.0_013, the laststock Telecom Italia braded firmware for which we have rootcredenctials (admin/riattizzati).

Flash layout:Section 00 Type BOOT Range 0x00000000-0x00020000 MaxSize 0x00020000 No more information.Section 01 Type IMAGE Range 0x00020000-0x007C0000 MaxSize 0x0079FF6C Uninitialized.Section 02 Type IMAGE Range 0x00800000-0x00FA0000 MaxSize 0x0079FF6C Uninitialized.Section 03 Type CONF Range 0x00FA0000-0x00FC0000 MaxSize 0x0001FF6C Size 0x0000841E Name 'rg_conf' Checksum 0x0041E03B Counter 0x0000051F Start Offset 0x00000000Section 04 Type CONF Range 0x00FC0000-0x00FE0000 MaxSize 0x0001FF6C Size 0x0000838E Name 'rg_conf' Checksum 0x00419A5A Counter 0x00000522 Start Offset 0x00000000Section 05 Type FACTORY Range 0x00FE0000-0x00FF0000 MaxSize 0x0000FF6C Size 0x00000554 Name 'rg_factory' Checksum 0x0001255E Counter 0x000004D3 Start Offset 0x00000000Section 06 Type UNKNOWN Range 0x00FF0000-0x01000000 MaxSize 0x00010000 No more information.Total 7 sections found.

The last A4001N firmware release from Telecom Italia should be AGPWI_4.0.6 and it has much morepartitions than AGPWI_1.1.0_013.

The cfe partition in the stock firmware is 0x00020000 bytes long unlike theOpenWrt dts in wich it's 0x00010000 bytes long because from 0x00010000 to0x00020000 in the stock cfe there are only 00s and also because the cfe mustanyway be reflashed with a generic bcm6328 cfe 0x00010000 bytes long torun OpenWrt.

OpenWrt's Flash memory layout:

root@OpenWrt:/# cat /proc/mtddev: size erasesize namemtd0: 00010000 00010000 "cfe"mtd1: 00ff0000 00010000 "linux"mtd2: 001e364c 00010000 "kernel"mtd3: 00e0c8b4 00010000 "rootfs"mtd4: 00ac0000 00010000 "rootfs_data

Upgrading OpenWrt


LuCI Web Upgrade Process

  • Browse to LuCI Upgrade URL

  • Upload image file for sysupgrade to LuCI

  • Wait for reboot

Terminal Upgrade Process

If you don't have a GUI (LuCI) available, you can alternatively upgrade via the command line.There are two command line methods for upgrading:

  • sysupgrade

  • mtd

Note: It is important that you put the firmware image into the ramdisk (/tmp) before you start flashing.


  • Login as root via SSH on, then enter the following commands:

cd /tmpwget http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/trunk/XXX/xxx.abcsysupgrade /tmp/xxx.abc


If sysupgrade does not support this router, use mtd.

  • Login as root via SSH on, then enter the following commands:

cd /tmpwget http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/trunk/XXX/xxx.abcmtd write /tmp/xxx.abc linux && reboot


Program the SPI Flash memory using a Flash memory programmer (this procedure is similar to this in Italian language https://www.ilpuntotecnico.com/forum/index.php/topic,73762.0.html and this that uses a different SPI Flash chip for another router https://oldwiki.archive.openwrt.org/toh/thomson/tg582n):

  • Buy a SPI Flash memory programmer like the 5€ CH341A (a bit hard to use) or the TL866II (easier to use) with a SOIC16 pakage adapter

  • Desolder the Macronix MX25L12845EMI-10G SPI Flash memory from the PCB (circuit) of the router and put it in the SOIC16 pakage adapter on the programmer. (Do not try to flash the memory without desoldering it first from the PCB)

  • Program into the memory this file http://tastiere.altervista.org/TG582n/Openwrt%20installation/cfe6328_configured.bin at the beginning of the flash

  • Re-solder the memory on the PCB (circuit)

  • Short circuit the R192 bottom pad and the R193 right pad, switch on the router and wait for one minute


    • Buy a 1€ 3.3v TTL voltage compatible serial port like one that has the Prolific PL2303TA IC inside

    • Solder the R192 pads together and the R193 pads together, solder a 6 PIN pin header on the J5 connector of the PCB (circuit) and plug the serial port on it. The PIN layout of the serial port connector is this:

    • Download a serial terminal like ExtraPuTTY and configure it to use your serial port with baudrate set at 115200, no parity check and 8 data bits

    • Open the serial terminal, switch on the router and continuously press ENTER until you see the CFE> prompt

  • Plug an ethernet cable to the PC and to any of the ports of the router's switch

  • Set your PC's IP to the static address to and navigate to

  • Download the latest OpenWrt stable version available for that router https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/19.07.5/targets/brcm63xx/generic/openwrt-19.07.5-brcm63xx-generic-A4001N1-squashfs-cfe.bin or use my snapshot https://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/targets/bcm63xx/generic/openwrt-bcm63xx-generic-adb_pdg-a4001n-a-000-1a1-ax-squashfs-cfe.bin and upload it through the CFE's web-interface

Failsafe mode


Basic configuration

Basic configuration After flashing, proceed with this.
Set up your Internet connection, configure wireless, configure USB port, etc.


The default network configuration is:

Interface Name Description Default configuration
br-lan LAN & WiFi
vlan0 (eth0.0) LAN ports (1 to 4) None
vlan1 (eth0.1) WAN port None
wl0 WiFi Disabled

Switch Ports (for VLANs)

Numbers 0-3 are Ports 1-3 as labeled on the unit. Don't be fooled: Port 1 on the unit is number 3 when configuring VLANs. vlan0 = eth0.0, vlan1 = eth0.1 and so on.

Port Switch port
LAN 1 3
LAN 2 2
LAN 3 1
LAN 4 0

If you want to enable one WAN port, you can use the followinf network configuration file:

config interface 'loopback'option ifname 'lo'option proto 'static'option ipaddr ''option netmask ''config globals 'globals'option ula_prefix 'fdf0:7c91:f1f3::/48'config interface 'lan'option type 'bridge'option ifname 'eth0.1'option proto 'static'option ipaddr ''option netmask ''option ip6assign '60'config interface 'wan'option ifname 'eth0.2'option proto 'dhcp'option hostname 'A4001N_A-000-1A1-AX'option type 'bridge'config switchoption name 'switch0'option reset '1'option enable_vlan '1'config switch_vlanoption device 'switch0'option vlan '1'option ports '0 1 2 8t'config switch_vlan option device 'switch0' option vlan '2' option ports '3 8t'

Enable the WiFi N mode

The b43 WiFi driver OpenWrt comes with does not support the N mode. It supports only (a/b/g).If you want to enable the wifi N mode you should install and enable the Broadcom's proprietary drivers:

opkg updateopkg install kmod-brcmsmacmv /etc/modules.d/b43 /rootrmmod b43insmod brcmsmacservice network restart

Ensure the router is connected to the internet before running these commands.


hardware.button on howto use and configure the hardware button(s).The WiFi button is on GPIO 15 (active low).

The ADB P.DG A4001N has the following buttons:

Reset reset
WiFi/LED wps




Case front:

Case back:

Opening the case

Note: This will void your warranty!

remove two screws from the bottom ad put A LOT of force to open it. two hooks on the right side and two hooks on the left side keep it closed even without the screws.

Main PCB:

Printed Circuit Board up:

Printed Circuit Board down:

System on Chip:


port.serial general information about the serial port, serial port cable, etc.

Solder the R192 pads together and the R193 pads together, solder a 6 PIN pin header on the J5 connector of the PCB (circuit) and plug the serial port on it. The PIN layout of the serial port connector is this:

Serial connection parameters
for ADB P.DG A4001N A-000-1A1-AX
115200, 8N1


port.jtag general information about the JTAG port, JTAG cable, etc.

The JTAG has not been proved to work on this device. After checking with the tester I suspect the following pinout could be the right one:

14 Pin Header

This header is fully MIPS EJTAG 2.6 compatible and described in the EJTAG 2.6 standard. Found in Edimax routers (and other brands that are Edimax clones), the 14-pin header has the following arrangement of JTAG signals and pins:

A buffered cable such as the Wiggler requires an external Vcc voltage supply. The 14-pin header conveniently supplies this voltage on pin 14. The typical unbuffered cable, however, does not require an external voltage in order to function. Formally, the pin 14 is called VREF and used to indicate a JTAG signal levels: 5V, 3.3V or 2.5V. On the most devices this pin is tied to the device's Vcc and may be used to power a buffer IC chip (and to generate an appropriate levels as result). Note that the 12-pin JTAG header arrangement does not provide Vcc.

Bootloader mods


All the following commands are accessible only if you have a serial port connected to the router and a serial terminal to stop the boot process before the CFE bootloader boots the image in the flash or in the tftpd server.

Display all CFE commands:

CFE> helpAvailable commands:sm Set memory or registers.dm Dump memory or registers.w Write the whole image start from beginning of the flashe Erase [n]vram or [a]ll flash except bootromr Run program from flash image or from host depend on [f/h] flagp Print boot line and board parameter infoc Change booline parametersf Write image to the flashi Erase persistent storage dataa Change board AFE IDb Change board parametersreset Reset the boardhelp Obtain help for CFE commandsFor more information about a command, enter 'help command-name'*** command status = 0

Change the base MAC address of the router:

CFE> bPress: <enter> to use current value '-' to go previous parameter '.' to clear the current value 'x' to exit this command96328avng ------- 096328avngrP1 ------- 196328avngr ------- 2963281TAN ------- 3963293epon ------- 4963293epon_gphy ------- 5Board Id (0-5) : 3Number of MAC Addresses (1-32) : 11Base MAC Address : 00:01:02:03:04:05PSI Size (1-64) KBytes : 24Enable Backup PSI [0|1] : 0System Log Size (0-256) KBytes : 0Main Thread Number [0|1] : 0*** command status = 0CFE>

putting a different MAC address in

Base MAC Address :

The base MAC address is the address the router will use for the ethernet switch. For the wifi it will increment by one the base MAC address
Pay attention:

Base MAC Address :

MUST be at least 2 because otherwise the wifi won't have a MAC address available to use and so won't work.
Further i suggest to set

Board Id (0-7) :

to 96328avng (4) that is the right board ID of the A4001N. From these IDs will also depend how the CFE will control the LEDs at startup. I tried all of them and none of them seems to correctly control every LED on the board because this CFE was not intended for this specific board but we use it to be able to use OpenWrt. This won't affect the way OpenWrt controls the LEDs.
Ensure to set

Enable Backup PSI [0|1] :

to 0 if you're using my snapshot because I removed the PSI/nvram partition from the image.

Boot an initramfs image from the CFE to test a firmware build without installing it on the flash.
If you want an initramfs image you have to build one by yourself using OpenWrt's buildroot tool. You can do it:

  • Permanently

    CFE> cPress: <enter> to use current value '-' to go previous parameter '.' to clear the current value 'x' to exit this commandBoard IP address : IP address : IP address : from flash/host (f/h) : hDefault host run file name : adb_pdg-a4001n-a-000-1a1-ax-initramfs.elfDefault host flash file name : bcm963xx_fs_kernelBoot delay (0-9 seconds) : 3*** command status = 0CFE>

    put “f” (flash) if you want to boot from the flash or “h” (host) if you want to boot from a tftpd server in

    Run from flash/host (f/h) :

    when you power on the router or when you hit the “r” command without any argument
    you can also:

    • Change the default name of the initramfs image that the router will search for tftpd boot on the tftpd server putting its name in

      Default host run file name :
    • Change the default name of the image that the router will search on the tftpd server when you want to flash a firmware in memory running the “f” command putting its name in

      Default host flash file name :
    • Change the CFE firmware-upload webpage IP putting the new address in

      Board IP address :

      Pay attention: if you maintain the netmask


      the first three numbers of the IPv4 address like 192.168.2 MUST match the ones in

      Host IP address :


      Gateway IP address :

      the lust number of the IPv4, instead, must be different like .50, .13 and .254

    • Change the time the CFE will give you to hit the ENTER key before it boots from the flash or the tftpd server putting its value in seconds in

      Boot delay (0-9 seconds) :
  • Unatantum


    For the example I'm assuming the TFTPD IP's being and the initramfs image being adb_pdg-a4001n-a-000-1a1-ax-initramfs.elf. The initramfs image name can't be to much long otherwise the CFE won't boot the image. You can not specify the initramfs image name or the tftpd IP if the default one is ok. If you don't specify any argument the router will do what defined by the string

    Run from flash/host (f/h) :

    and the rest of the strings printed by the “c” command above.

Hardware mods

wire out of the case the serial port, the JTAG port and one GPIO


OEM bootlog

HELOCPUIL1CIDRAM----PHYSZQDNPHYEDINTLSYNUSYNMSYNLMBEPASS----ZBSSCODEDATAL12FMAINCFE version 1.0.37-106.5 for A4001 0013-locked BCM96328 (32bit,SP,BE)Build Date: gio nov 25 17:41:15 CET 2010 ( root@tiglio2 )Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Broadcom Corporation.HS Serial flash device: name MX25L128E, id 0xc218 size 16384KBTotal Flash size: 16384K with 256 sectorsChip ID: BCM6328B0, MIPS: 320MHz, DDR: 320MHz, Bus: 160MHzMain Thread: TP0Memory Test PassedTotal Memory: 33554432 bytes (32MB)Boot Address: 0xb8000000Board IP address : IP address : IP address :Run from flash/host (f/h) : fDefault host run file name : vmlinuxDefault host flash file name : bcm963xx_fs_kernelBoot delay (0-9 seconds) : 1Board Id (0-1) : 96328avngNumber of MAC Addresses (1-32) : 1Base MAC Address : 00:8c:54:6e:1f:85PSI Size (1-64) KBytes : 24Enable Backup PSI [0|1] : 0System Log Size (0-256) KBytes : 0Main Thread Number [0|1] : 0Voice Board Configuration (0-4) : LE88276*** Press any key to stop auto run (1 seconds) ***Auto run second count down: 0One only valid image tag found ...Trying boot FIRST image copy (0x00000080) ... pucDst 0x80010000 pucEntry 0x80010000 dataLen 0x0000002B pucSrc 0x8000200C latest imageSequence found: ... 1 - Flash Kernel Address: 0xB80201AA - Tag->kernelLen: 0x0076754C - Flash Kernel Address: 0xB8020100RMT image size: 7676F6 pbase: B8020000 sectSize: 10000 n_image: 0image seq: [0][0][0][31]Last Reading addr: B8780000 img_size: 76F6MD5 over total file:FA AD 4B E5 B4 00 FD AF 19 96 4C 9A 78 E0 16 CCSignature is > AC DD 4C 86 A9 ED EF AB 21 E8 C7 CE 15 20 93 49 EA 6D DD 1F BC 75 1F 56 17 4A 58 FA 6F 4E EB B3 24 5C 75 C4 5C 16 26 95 D0 B2 23 61 11 97 A4 60 E7 78 E5 61 0A E4 42 91 1F 28 ED C3 73 CD C6 BE 97 1B 6F 86 3E 5F 6A E4 C4 30 DD CD 81 4B B7 4E 13 14 CD E1 C2 51 DE 79 76 1D 00 86 36 8F 50 92 8F E9 27 EE A0 DF 2E E3 31 AB 87 A0 D1 67 A2 5B CE C5 58 56 7F 44 96 8D 86 71 10 BC 10 69 95 56MD5 - decrypted checksum is :FA AD 4B E5 B4 00 FD AF 19 96 4C 9A 78 E0 16 CCSGP DIGITAL SIGNATURE VERIFIED !LZMA: Prossible old LZMA format, trying to decompress..Decompression OK! - starting 1Entry at 0x80006000Flash head.s at 0xb80241aaDistribution: DW_96328Version: AGPWI_1.1.0_013Build Date: 2012/08/09-17:18Closing network.Disabling Switch ports.Flushing Receive Buffers...0 buffers found.Closing DMA Channels.Starting program at 0x80006000 Start Partition: 0Uncompressing Linux...Enter lzma_decode.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OkBooting the kernel[21474536.480] Linux version #2 Thu Aug 9 17:18:29 CEST 2012[21474536.480] prom init[21474536.480] CPU revision is: 0002a075[21474536.480] Determined physical RAM map:[21474536.480] memory: 01f00000 @ 00000000 (usable)[21474536.480] On node 0 totalpages: 7936[21474536.480] DMA zone: 7936 pages, LIFO batch:0[21474536.480] DMA32 zone: 0 pages, LIFO batch:0[21474536.480] Normal zone: 0 pages, LIFO batch:0[21474536.480] HighMem zone: 0 pages, LIFO batch:0[21474536.480] Built 1 zonelists[21474536.480] Kernel command line: console=ttyS0,115200[21474536.480] brcm mips: enabling icache and dcache...[21474536.480] Primary instruction cache 32kB, physically tagged, 4-way, linesize 16 bytes.[21474536.480] Primary data cache 32kB, 2-way, linesize 16 bytes.[21474536.480] Synthesized TLB refill handler (21 instructions).[21474536.480] Synthesized TLB load handler fastpath (33 instructions).[21474536.480] Synthesized TLB store handler fastpath (33 instructions).[21474536.480] Synthesized TLB modify handler fastpath (32 instructions).[21474536.480] PID hash table entries: 128 (order: 7, 2048 bytes)[21474536.480] Using 160.000 MHz high precision timer.[21474536.485] Dentry cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)[21474536.490] Inode-cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)[21474536.500] Memory: 21804k/31744k available (2153k kernel code, 9940k reserved, 362k data, 120k init, 0k highmem)[21474536.505] Calibrating delay loop... 319.48 BogoMIPS (lpj=798720)[21474536.615] Mount-cache hash table entries: 512[21474536.620] Checking for 'wait' instruction... brcm wait instruction: enabled[21474536.690] NET: Registered protocol family 16[21474537.015] SCSI subsystem initialized[21474537.020] usbcore: registered new driver usbfs[21474537.025] usbcore: registered new driver hub[21474537.045] PCI: Bridge: 0000:01:00.0[21474537.045] IO window: disabled.[21474537.050] MEM window: 10f00000-10ffffff[21474537.055] PREFETCH window: disabled.[21474537.060] PCI: Enabling device 0000:01:00.0 (0000 -> 0002)[21474537.065] PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:01:00.0 to 64[21474537.080] fuse init (API version 7.6)[21474537.085] io scheduler noop registered[21474537.090] io scheduler anticipatory registered (default)[21474537.095] io scheduler deadline registered[21474537.100] io scheduler cfq registered[21474537.105] PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:01:00.0 to 64[21474537.110] pcie_portdrv_probe->Dev[6328:14e4] has invalid IRQ. Check vendor BIOS[21474537.115] Allocate Port Service[0000:01:00.0:pcie00][21474537.120] Allocate Port Service[0000:01:00.0:pcie01][21474537.285][21474537.285] Random: 0x41e660c4[21474537.515] loop: loaded (max 8 devices)[21474537.520] PCI: Enabling device 0000:00:0a.0 (0000 -> 0002)[21474537.525] PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:0a.0 to 64[21474537.530] ehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: EHCI Host Controller[21474537.560] ehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1[21474537.565] ehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: irq 50, io mem 0x10002500[21474537.570] ehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: USB f.f started, EHCI 1.00, driver 10 Dec 2004[21474537.575] usb usb1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice[21474537.580] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found[21474537.585] hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected[21474537.585] ehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: SetPortFeature: Testing EHSET_POWER_ON_FEATURE[21474537.695] ohci_hcd: 2005 April 22 USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver (PCI)[21474537.700] hub 1-0:1.0: over-current change on port 1[21474537.705] ehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: SetPortFeature: Testing EHSET_POWER_ON_FEATURE[21474537.710] PCI: Enabling device 0000:00:09.0 (0000 -> 0002)[21474537.715] PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:09.0 to 64[21474537.720] ohci_hcd 0000:00:09.0: OHCI Host Controller[21474537.725] ohci_hcd 0000:00:09.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2[21474537.730] ohci_hcd 0000:00:09.0: irq 49, io mem 0x10002600[21474537.790] usb usb2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice[21474537.795] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found[21474537.795] ohci_hub_control(81ea0800,0xa006,0x2900,0x0000,80971b00,000d)[21474537.800] hub 2-0:1.0: 1 port detected[21474537.800] ohci_hub_control(81ea0800,0xa000,0x0000,0x0000,80971ab8,0004)[21474537.910] ohci_hub_control(81ea0800,0xa300,0x0000,0x0001,81e65d68,0004)[21474537.915] usbcore: registered new driver usblp[21474537.920] /home/sj1mingofu/telecom/AGPWI_1_1_0_013/openrg/rg/os/linux-2.6/drivers/usb/class/usblp.c: v0.13: USB Printer Device Class driver[21474537.925] Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...[21474537.930] usbcore: registered new driver usb-storage[21474537.935] USB Mass Storage support registered.[21474537.940] md: raid0 personality registered for level 0[21474537.945] md: raid1 personality registered for level 1[21474537.950] md: raid5 personality registered for level 5[21474537.955] md: raid4 personality registered for level 4[21474537.960] raid5: measuring checksumming speed[21474537.990] 8regs : 254.400 MB/sec[21474538.015] 8regs_prefetch: 216.000 MB/sec[21474538.040] 32regs : 274.400 MB/sec[21474538.065] 32regs_prefetch: 260.000 MB/sec[21474538.065] raid5: using function: 32regs (274.400 MB/sec)[21474538.070] md: md driver 0.90.3 MAX_MD_DEVS=256, MD_SB_DISKS=27[21474538.075] md: bitmap version 4.39[21474538.075] u32 classifier[21474538.080] OLD policer on[21474538.085] NET: Registered protocol family 2[21474538.130] IP route cache hash table entries: 256 (order: -2, 1024 bytes)[21474538.135] TCP established hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)[21474538.140] TCP bind hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)[21474538.145] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 1024)[21474538.150] TCP reno registered[21474538.155] IPv4 over IPv4 tunneling driver[21474538.160] GRE over IPv4 tunneling driver[21474538.165] NET: Registered protocol family 1[21474538.170] NET: Registered protocol family 17[21474538.175] NET: Registered protocol family 8[21474538.175] NET: Registered protocol family 20[21474538.180] 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8 Ben Greear <greearb@candelatech.com>[21474538.185] All bugs added by David S. Miller <davem@redhat.com>[21474538.190] HS Serial flash device: name MX25L128, id 0xc218 size 16384KB[21474538.200] brcmboard: brcm_board_init entry[21474538.205] bcm963xx_serial driver v2.0[21474538.210] test monolithic ok[21474538.215] Freeing unused kernel memory: 2106744k freed[21474541.310] Algorithmics/MIPS FPU Emulator v1.5[21474542.455] insmod: add-symbol-file build/debug/be_pppoa_mod.o 0xc0003000 -s .data 0xc0003d70 -s .bss 0xc0003e90[21474542.920] insmod: add-symbol-file build/debug/one_module.o 0xc0081000 -s .main_flow 0xc00bd070 -s .data 0xc00c99a0 -s .bss 0xc00cb720[21474543.100] Loading license 2fcf99a451f3dc6f0a979700c73b24a526bb305386451f605ec8793202f329a8f3f5efc36aead869b91f3dc0488e600ec79f9ab44242e6b62ae1bb4f45d2d4560aeceaa3d2da3a59f6c6760a8f5a75eb4fcfc7b2f152c2.PIRELLI[21474543.105] loading license key: PIRELLI[21474543.110] loading license key: PIRELLI<01/01 0:00:13> Press ESC to enter BOOT MENU mode.[0] found ops for dev of type 29[1] found ops for dev of type 28[2] found ops for dev of type 32[3] found ops for dev of type 93[4] found ops for dev of type 92[5] found ops for dev of type 4[6] found ops for dev of type 50[7] found ops for dev of type 33[8] found ops for dev of type 48[9] found ops for dev of type 27[10] found ops for dev of type 80[11] found ops for dev of type 77[12] found ops for dev of type 3<01/01 0:00:17> ========================>arch_uievent_init<01/01 0:00:17> Initializing scheduled commands component<01/01 0:00:17> loading configuration<01/01 0:00:17> mt_rg_conf_compat: saved external_version is AGPWI_1.1.0_013, current is AGPWI_1.1.0_013<01/01 0:00:17> New release version AGPWI_1.1.0_013<01/01 0:00:17> Removing not persistance route rule<01/01 0:00:17> Elimino la regola 0<01/01 0:00:17> Elimino la regola 7<01/01 0:00:17> Elimino la regola 15<01/01 0:00:17> Controllo ed Elimino le regole di FW per UDP_ECHOADBB GS manage_udp_echo_rule --> fw/policy/0/chain/fw_ppp0_in/ruleADBB GS manage_udp_echo_rule --> fw/policy/0/chain/fw_ppp2_in/rule<01/01 0:00:17> Started HW Watchdog[21474554.475] insmod: add-symbol-file build/debug/bcm963xx_xtmrt_mod.o 0xc0012000 -s .data 0xc0019420 -s .bss 0xc0019560[21474554.505] bcmxtmrt: Broadcom BCM6328B0 ATM/PTM Network Device v0.3 Aug 9 2012 16:49:02[21474554.575] insmod: add-symbol-file build/debug/bcm963xx_xtmcfg_mod.o 0xc0005000 -s .data 0xc000d210 -s .bss 0xc000d5d0[21474554.605] bcmxtmcfg: bcmxtmcfg_init entry[21474554.875] insmod: add-symbol-file build/debug/bcm96368_adsl_mod.o 0xc0102000 -s .data 0xc012d610 -s .bss 0xc012dfb0[21474554.905] adsl: adsl_init entry[21474554.935] insmod: add-symbol-file build/debug/log_chardev.o 0xc000f000 -s .data 0xc000f830 -s .bss 0xc000f970[21474554.975] insmod: add-symbol-file build/debug/qos_ingress.o 0xc001c000 -s .data 0xc001c270 -s .bss 0xc001c3b0[21474555.015] insmod: add-symbol-file build/debug/btn.o 0xc001e000 -s .data 0xc001e790 -s .bss 0xc001e8e0[21474555.065] insmod: add-symbol-file build/debug/bcm963xx_pwrmngt_mod.o 0xc0020000 -s .data 0xc00208f0 -s .bss 0xc0020a70[21474555.085] bcmPwrMngtDrvInit::76[21474555.205] insmod: add-symbol-file build/debug/bcm963xx_eth_mod.o 0xc0043000 -s .data 0xc0055880 -s .bss 0xc0055ba0[21474555.240] Broadcom BCM6328B0 Ethernet Network Device v0.1 Aug 9 2012 16:48:45[21474555.275] dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: bcmsw registered[21474555.280] bcmsw: MAC Address Nvram: 00:8C:54:6E:1F:85[21474555.285] bcmsw: MAC Address Nvram modified: 00:8C:54:6E:1F:8F[21474555.300] eth0: MAC Address: 00:8C:54:6E:1F:8F[21474555.310] eth1: MAC Address: 00:8C:54:6E:1F:8F[21474555.325] eth2: MAC Address: 00:8C:54:6E:1F:8F[21474555.335] eth3: MAC Address: 00:8C:54:6E:1F:8F[21474555.350] eth4: MAC Address: 00:8C:54:6E:1F:8F[21474555.385] insmod: add-symbol-file build/debug/pppoe_relay.o 0xc0028000 -s .data 0xc002aaf0 -s .bss 0xc002ac00[21474555.430] insmod: add-symbol-file build/debug/rg_pppoe_relay.o 0xc0022000 -s .data 0xc00226e0 -s .bss 0xc0022820[21474555.475] insmod: add-symbol-file build/debug/rg_ipv4.o 0xc0024000 -s .data 0xc0024200 -s .bss 0xc0024340[21474555.490] IPV4 device driver registered[21474555.500] eth1 Link UP 100 mbps full duplex[21474555.505] eth4 Link UP 1000 mbps full duplex[21474555.545] insmod: add-symbol-file build/debug/rg_auth1x_pktfil.o 0xc0000000 -s .data 0xc0001390 -s .bss 0xc00014b0[21474555.595] insmod: add-symbol-file build/debug/rg_dhcp_pktfil.o 0xc0026000 -s .data 0xc0026e60 -s .bss 0xc0026fa0[21474555.640] insmod: add-symbol-file build/debug/tcp_mss.o 0xc005a000 -s .data 0xc005a560 -s .bss 0xc005a6a0[21474555.705] insmod: add-symbol-file build/debug/igmp_proxy_mod.o 0xc0067000 -s .data 0xc006c5c0 -s .bss 0xc006c6d0[21474558.270] insmod: add-symbol-file build/debug/wl.o 0xc0424000 -s .data 0xc0661820 -s .bss 0xc0694230[21474558.325] [MB]: --- init 2 --- wl_module_init:323[21474558.335] PCI: Enabling device 0000:02:00.0 (0000 -> 0002)[21474558.340] PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:02:00.0 to 64[21474558.355] wl:srom not detected,using main memory mapped srom info(wombo board)[21474558.395] wl0: Broadcom BCMa8d8 802.11 Wireless Controller cpe4.406.0(WLTEST)[21474558.400] dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: wl0 registered[21474558.405] [MB]: wl_module_init:360[21474558.410] Freeing CRAMFS/MODFS memory: 1280k freed<08/09 15:15:47> Setting low_power status=1<08/09 15:15:47> led_set_low_power_status to 1[21474561.495] board: set low_power to 1)<08/09 15:15:48> >>> mt_up (mt_main.c:959) starting openrg_reconf...-- dev_if_notify bcmsw -> state 1-- dev_if_notify br0 -> state 1-- dev_if_notify eth0 -> state 1-- dev_if_notify eth1 -> state 1-- dev_if_notify eth2 -> state 1-- dev_if_notify eth3 -> state 1-- dev_if_notify bcm_atm0 -> state 1<08/09 15:15:48> [MB:] dev_if_bcm43xx_init-- dev_if_notify wl0 -> state 1-- dev_if_notify ethoa0 -> state 1-- dev_if_notify ppp0 -> state 1-- dev_if_notify ppp1 -> state 1-- dev_if_notify eth3.1407 -> state 1-- dev_if_notify eth2.1407 -> state 1-- dev_if_notify eth1.1407 -> state 1-- dev_if_notify eth0.1407 -> state 1-- dev_if_notify ethoa1 -> state 1-- dev_if_notify eth3.3 -> state 1-- dev_if_notify eth2.3 -> state 1-- dev_if_notify eth1.3 -> state 1-- dev_if_notify eth0.3 -> state 1-- dev_if_notify br1 -> state 1-- dev_if_notify ppp2 -> state 1<08/09 15:15:48> dev_if_bcm6328_changed[692]: hw switch changed vid<08/09 15:15:48> [MB]: WiFi need reconf, do it!<08/09 15:15:48> dev_if_bridge_reconf --> stop_wps, hook 0x0-- dev_if_notify br0 -> state 2<08/09 15:15:48> dev: br0 -> mac: aa:0:0:0:0:1-- dev_if_notify br0 -> state 3-- dev_if_notify br0 -> state 4[21474562.130] openrg uses obsolete (PF_INET,SOCK_PACKET)[DF - DHCP] ALT, INVALIDATE client list<08/09 15:15:48> dev_if_bcm6328_changed[692]: hw switch changed vid<08/09 15:15:48> dev_if_bcm6328_reconf: SIOCGENABLEVLAN num_vid = 5 vid = 1407 untag = 0xF forward = 0xF is_pvid = 0[21474562.170] ethsw_config_vlan enable=1 num_vid=5 vid = 1407, untag = 0xf forward 0xf is_pvid = 0-- dev_if_notify bcmsw -> state 2<08/09 15:15:48> dev: bcmsw -> mac: aa:0:0:0:0:2[21474562.200] device bcmsw entered promiscuous mode-- dev_if_notify bcmsw -> state 3<08/09 15:15:48> dev_if_bcm6328_notify: SIOCGENABLEVLAN num_vid = 5 vid = 1407 untag = 0xF forward = 0xF is_pvid = 0[21474562.220] ethsw_config_vlan enable=1 num_vid=5 vid = 1407, untag = 0xf forward 0xf is_pvid = 0-- dev_if_notify bcmsw -> state 4-- dev_if_notify eth0 -> state 2<08/09 15:15:48> dev: eth0 -> mac: aa:0:0:0:0:3-- dev_if_notify eth1 -> state 2<08/09 15:15:48> dev: eth1 -> mac: aa:0:0:0:0:4-- dev_if_notify eth2 -> state 2<08/09 15:15:48> dev: eth2 -> mac: aa:0:0:0:0:5-- dev_if_notify eth3 -> state 2<08/09 15:15:48> dev: eth3 -> mac: aa:0:0:0:0:6-- dev_if_notify bcm_atm0 -> state 2<08/09 15:15:48> dev_if_bcm96368_adsl_tryup::673[21474562.405] BcmAdsl_Initialize=0xC0115238, g_pFnNotifyCallback=0xC012D7A4[21474562.625] pSdramPHY=0xA1FFFFF8, 0x27457 0xDEADBEEF[21474562.630] *** XfaceOffset: 0x21F90 => 0x21F90 ***[21474563.170] *** PhySdramSize got adjusted: 0x83E0C => 0x997D8 ***[21474563.175] AdslCoreSharedMemInit: shareMemAvailable=419840[21474563.185] AdslCoreHwReset: AdslOemDataAddr = 0xA1F78E44[21474563.190] dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: dsl0 registered<08/09 15:15:49> @@@ ulReceiveQueueSizes 400-- dev_if_notify bcm_atm0 -> state 3<08/09 15:15:49> dev_if_bcm96368_adsl_tryup::673<08/09 15:15:49> [MB]: WiFi need reconf, do it!-- dev_if_notify wl0 -> state 2<08/09 15:15:49> +++++++ dev_if_bcm43xx_tryup start +++++++<08/09 15:15:49> iwconfig_ap:1080 +++++++ Start iwconfig_ap ++++++<08/09 15:15:49> iwconfig_ap:1093 ++++++++ LOCK iwconfig_ap while init running. +++++++<08/09 15:15:50> WPS_TEST: riconfigura wifi -> lock WPS AP-PIN mode[21474563.590] board: get low_power to 1)<08/09 15:15:50> led_get_low_power_status strLen = 1[21474563.710] device wl0 entered promiscuous mode<08/09 15:15:50> iwconfig_ap:1205 ++++++++ cur drv settings: cur_chanspec=2b01 cur_ch=1 cur_bw=800 cur_sb=300<08/09 15:15:50> iwconfig_ap:1215 ++++++++ cur conf settings: ch_conf=-1 bw_conf=1 sb_conf=0[21474563.805] device wl0 left promiscuous mode[21474563.810] WLC_SET_MACLIST: updated auth client list item: 0[21474563.815] WLC_SET_MACLIST - bsscfg->nmac: 0<08/09 15:15:50> +++++++ set chanspec radio_channel=6 | ctl_sb=100 | bw=c00 | band=2000 (chanspec=2d06)<08/09 15:15:50> [SCANN] mrate set[21474563.835] WLC_SET_MACLIST: updated auth client list item: 0[21474563.840] WLC_SET_MACLIST - bsscfg->nmac: 0[21474563.875] device wl0 entered promiscuous mode<08/09 15:15:50> WLC_SET_INTERFERENCE_MODE 4<08/09 15:15:50> +++++++ Start autochannel form INIT +++++++<08/09 15:15:50> wlmngr_autoChannel_scan:815, ++++++++++ lock autochannel while running<08/09 15:15:50> wlmngr_autoChannel_scan:840, ++++++++++ START autochannel selection: cur_chanspec=2d06 cur_ch=6 cur_bw=c00, cur_sb=100<08/09 15:15:50> wlmngr_autoChannel_scan:846, WLC_SET_SSID ret=0[21474564.070] info: nprobes 1 dwell active/passive 40ms/250ms home 0ms<08/09 15:15:53> wlmngr_autoChannel_scan:861, ++++++++++ after autochannel 1: next_chanspec=2d06 next_ch=6 next_bw=c00 next_sb=100<08/09 15:15:53> wlmngr_autoChannel_scan:875, ++++++++++ after autochannel 2: last_chanspec=2d05 last_ch=5 last_bw=c00, last_sb=100<08/09 15:15:54> [MB]: set periodic scan timer to 86400 seconds<08/09 15:15:54> wlmngr_autoChannel_scan:939, ++++++++++ END autochannel proc, unlock<08/09 15:15:54> +++++++ tolog=0<08/09 15:15:54> iwconfig_ap:1603 ++++++++ end of iwconfig_ap, unlock. +++++++<08/09 15:15:54> +++++++ dev_if_bcm43xx_tryup start +++++++<08/09 15:15:54> [SL] update_bcm_security<08/09 15:15:54> Security is WPA, enable WPS.<08/09 15:15:54> WIFI: On<08/09 15:15:54> [SL] bcm43xx_resetLedStatus<08/09 15:15:54> +++++++ dev_if_bcm43xx_tryup end +++++++<08/09 15:15:54> [SL] bcm43xx_resetLedStatus<08/09 15:15:54> +++++++ dev_if_bcm43xx_tryup end +++++++<08/09 15:15:54> dev_if_bridge_reconf --> stop_wps, hook 0x0<08/09 15:15:54> dev: br1 -> mac: aa:0:0:0:0:a<08/09 15:15:54> Numbering for PPP MNG:10 NAME:ppp0<08/09 15:15:54> Numbering for PPP USER:22 NAME:ppp2<08/09 15:15:54> ADBB themanager_setup_user_ppp -- Add the Unreacheable-default ppp User rulesetting /proc/sys/fs/file-max to 16384<08/09 17:15:59> <<< ended openrg_reconf.<08/09 17:16:00> reset_switch_phy on eth0<08/09 17:16:00> reset_switch_phy on eth1<08/09 17:16:00> reset_switch_phy on eth2Success<08/09 17:16:00> reset_switch_phy on eth3<08/09 17:16:00> SET LOW POWER ONSuccessSuccess<08/09 17:16:00> load ifmark rules<08/09 17:16:00> setup_pwrmgt::1419Successdefault performance powersave l0s_powersave [l1_powersave]<08/09 17:16:01> Create the Default Route entry --> Pos 0 Addr:<08/09 17:16:01> ADBB TYPE ROUTE_TYPE_DEF -- POS 0<08/09 17:16:01> Rules 0 Is Not Present -- Create It[21474574.945] eth1 Link DOWN.<08/09 17:16:02> Create the Default Route entry --> Pos 0 Addr:<08/09 17:16:02> ADBB TYPE ROUTE_TYPE_DEF -- POS 0<08/09 17:16:02> dhcps_ti_client_list_update: is LAN CLIENT on port 0<08/09 17:16:02> [AC2] ........................... NAS EAPD WPS started[21474575.980] eth1 Link UP 100 mbps full duplex<08/09 17:16:03> check_ntp_servers_routes -- NTP 0 IP:<08/09 17:16:03> Rules 7 Is Not Present -- Create It<08/09 17:16:03> ROUTE_TYPE_NTP_FROM_RECONF --> NO Reconf<08/09 17:16:03> check_ntp_servers_routes -- NTP 1 IP:<08/09 17:16:03> Rules 15 Is Not Present -- Create It<08/09 17:16:03> ROUTE_TYPE_NTP_FROM_RECONF --> NO Reconf[21474576.840] eth1.1407: dev_set_promiscuity(master, 1)[21474576.845] device eth1 entered promiscuous mode[21474576.850] device eth1.1407 entered promiscuous mode[21474576.860] eth1.1407: add 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface[21474577.160] eth1.3: add 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface<08/09 17:16:03> eth1: link up, device will be up<08/09 17:16:03> >>> dhcps_client_list_create_reconf (dhcpst.c:352) starting openrg_reconf...<08/09 17:16:03> Numbering for PPP MNG:10 NAME:ppp0<08/09 17:16:04> Numbering for PPP USER:22 NAME:ppp2<08/09 17:16:04> <<< ended openrg_reconf.<08/09 17:16:04> >>> themanager_start_reconf (themanager.c:158) starting openrg_reconf...wps_osl_build_conf::693<08/09 17:16:05> <<< ended openrg_reconf.Username: adminPassword: ***********OpenRG> shellBad command - Try using help -s <command>Returned 1OpenRG> helpError: help should be called with at least 1 argumenthelp Show help for commands within this menuUsage: help all - show all available commands in the current level help [category]... <category> - show commands in a certain category help [category]... <command> - show detailed help for a specific command help -s <string> - search for categories/commands containing the stringAvailble help Categorieshelp wbm - show help about Print information on OpenRG web pageshelp pvc - show help about PVC scan related commandshelp ssh - show help about SSH commandshelp service - show help about Service commandshelp conf - show help about Read and write OpenRG configuration datahelp cwmp - show help about CWMP related commandshelp bridge - show help about API for managing ethernet bridgehelp firewall - show help about Control and display Firewall and NAT datahelp connection - show help about API for managing connectionshelp inet_connection - show help about API for managing internet connectionshelp 802.1x - show help about 802.1x Port based authntication commandshelp misc - show help about API for OpenRG miscellaneous taskshelp firmware_update - show help about Firmware update commandshelp log - show help about Contorols OpenRG logging behaviourhelp dev - show help about Device related commandshelp kernel - show help about Kernel related commandshelp system - show help about Commands to control OpenRG executionhelp flash - show help about Flash and loader related commandshelp net - show help about Network related commandshelp cmd - show help about Commands related to the Command moduleReturned -1OpenRG> help cmdCommand Category cmd - Commands related to the Command moduleexit Exit from the current clihelp Show help for commands within this menuReturned 0OpenRG> <08/09 17:17:05> dhcps_ti_client_list_update [sys_arp_delete dev br0- ip C0A80102] error<08/09 17:17:05> >>> dhcps_arp_scan_reconf (dhcps.c:101) starting openrg_reconf...<08/09 17:17:05> <<< ended openrg_reconf.<08/09 17:18:35> >>> dhcps_arp_scan_reconf (dhcps.c:101) starting openrg_reconf...<08/09 17:18:35> <<< ended openrg_reconf.<08/09 17:21:40> >>> mt_dns_http_interception_add_alias (dns.c:680) starting openrg_reconf...<08/09 17:21:41> <<< ended openrg_reconf.<08/09 17:21:50> dhcps_ti_client_list_update: is LAN CLIENT on port 1<08/09 17:21:50> >>> dhcps_update_lease_reconf (dhcps.c:730) starting openrg_reconf...<08/09 17:21:50> <<< ended openrg_reconf.<08/09 17:21:51> LAN: added host IP MAC 00:e0:4c:08:40:70 (static)<08/09 17:21:51> ETH: added MAC 00:e0:4c:08:40:70OpenRG> system shellBusyBox v1.01 (2005.09.07-07:38+0000) Built-in shell (lash)Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands./ # helpBuilt-in commands:-------------------bg Resume a job in the backgroundcd Change working directoryexec Exec command, replacing this shell with the exec'd processexit Exit from shell()fg Bring job into the foregroundjobs Lists the active jobsexport Set environment variableunset Unset environment variableread Input environment variable. Source-in and run commands in a filepwd Print current directoryhelp List shell built-in commands/ # lsbin etc home mnt sbin tmpdev fstab lib proc sys var/ # hekphekp: No such file or directory/ # helpBuilt-in commands:-------------------bg Resume a job in the backgroundcd Change working directoryexec Exec command, replacing this shell with the exec'd processexit Exit from shell()fg Bring job into the foregroundjobs Lists the active jobsexport Set environment variableunset Unset environment variableread Input environment variable. Source-in and run commands in a filepwd Print current directoryhelp List shell built-in commands/ # exitReturned 0OpenRG> helpError: help should be called with at least 1 argumenthelp Show help for commands within this menuUsage: help all - show all available commands in the current level help [category]... <category> - show commands in a certain category help [category]... <command> - show detailed help for a specific command help -s <string> - search for categories/commands containing the stringAvailble help Categorieshelp wbm - show help about Print information on OpenRG web pageshelp pvc - show help about PVC scan related commandshelp ssh - show help about SSH commandshelp service - show help about Service commandshelp conf - show help about Read and write OpenRG configuration datahelp cwmp - show help about CWMP related commandshelp bridge - show help about API for managing ethernet bridgehelp firewall - show help about Control and display Firewall and NAT datahelp connection - show help about API for managing connectionshelp inet_connection - show help about API for managing internet connectionshelp 802.1x - show help about 802.1x Port based authntication commandshelp misc - show help about API for OpenRG miscellaneous taskshelp firmware_update - show help about Firmware update commandshelp log - show help about Contorols OpenRG logging behaviourhelp dev - show help about Device related commandshelp kernel - show help about Kernel related commandshelp system - show help about Commands to control OpenRG executionhelp flash - show help about Flash and loader related commandshelp net - show help about Network related commandshelp cmd - show help about Commands related to the Command moduleReturned -1OpenRG> help allCommand Category wbm - Print information on OpenRG web pagesprint_all_pages Print registered web pagesprint_page Print registered web page by idexit Exit sub menuhelp Show help for commands within this menuCommand Category pvc - PVC scan related commandsscan Scan predefined vpi.vci to determine PPP protocolscan_restart Restart PVC scanscan_status Display PVC scan statusexit Exit sub menuhelp Show help for commands within this menuCommand Category ssh - SSH commandsservice Service commandsconf Read and write OpenRG configuration datacwmp CWMP related commandsbridge API for managing ethernet bridgefirewall Control and display Firewall and NAT dataconnection API for managing connectionsinet_connection API for managing internet connections802.1x 802.1x Port based authntication commandsmisc API for OpenRG miscellaneous tasksfirmware_update Firmware update commandslog Contorols OpenRG logging behaviourdev Device related commandskernel Kernel related commandssystem Commands to control OpenRG executionflash Flash and loader related commandsnet Network related commandsexit Exit from the current clihelp Show help for commands within this menuCommand Category service - Service commandsssh SSH commandsexit Exit sub menuhelp Show help for commands within this menuCommand Category conf - Read and write OpenRG configuration datafactory Factory related commandsprint Print OpenRG configurationset Set OpenRG configuration path to valueset_obscure Set OpenRG configuration path to an obscured valuedel Delete subtree from OpenRG configurationram_set Set OpenRG dynamic configurationram_print Print OpenRG dynamic configurationreconf Reconfigure the system according to the current OpenRG configurationshow_wifi_data Show WiFi Data, SSID, WEP KEY and WPA Keyexit Exit sub menuhelp Show help for commands within this menuCommand Category cwmp - CWMP related commandsstatus Print CWMP statussession_start Start CWMP session to ACSsession_stop Stop CWMP sessionexit Exit sub menuhelp Show help for commands within this menuCommand Category bridge - API for managing ethernet bridgeconnection connect separate network interfaces to form one seamless LANconfig Configure bridgeinfo Print bridge informationexit Exit sub menuhelp Show help for commands within this menuCommand Category firewall - Control and display Firewall and NAT datarestart Stop and start Firewall & NATstart Start Firewall & NATstop Stop Firewall & NATfilter Turn Firewall packet inspection on/offmac_cache_dump Dump MAC cache datadump Display Firewall datavariable Display variables of the firewall rulestrace Trace packet traversal via the Firewall rulesetfastpath Turns firewall fastpath feature on/off (default is on)exit Exit sub menuhelp Show help for commands within this menuCommand Category connection - API for managing connectionspppoe Configure pppoe interfacepppoa Configure pppoa interfacevlan Configure vlan interfaceexit Exit sub menuhelp Show help for commands within this menuCommand Category inet_connection - API for managing internet connectionspppoe Configure pppoe internet connectionpppoa Configure pppoa internet connectionether Configure ethernet internet connectionexit Exit sub menuhelp Show help for commands within this menuCommand Category 802.1x - 802.1x Port based authntication commandsopen Open 802.1x deviceclose Close last 802.1x devicestatus Print 802.1x device statusset_mode Change operating mode of 802.1x devicemac_auth Add or remove authorization for 802.1x deviceexit Exit sub menuhelp Show help for commands within this menuCommand Category misc - API for OpenRG miscellaneous tasksdisks Print all connected disks and partitionslpq Display print server statuslpd_spool_info Display printer spool diagnosticsradius_stats Print RADIUS statisticspppos_start Start PPPoS connectionpppos_close Close PPPoS connectionvlan_add Add VLAN interfacetop Profiling over event loop and estreamwbm_debug_set Stop and start WBM debug modeexit Exit sub menuhelp Show help for commands within this menuCommand Category firmware_update - Firmware update commandsstart Remotely upgrade OpenRGcancel Kill running remote upgradeexit Exit sub menuhelp Show help for commands within this menuCommand Category log - Contorols OpenRG logging behaviourcat Prints or deletes contents of log to consoletest Tests for verbose logslev_on Redirect rg_error output equal to or higher than level to the current console.lev_off Stop rg_error redirection to the current consoleexit Exit sub menuhelp Show help for commands within this menuCommand Category dev - Device related commandsbcm6328 BCM6328 HW switch commandsmii_reg_get Get Ethernet MII register valueexit Exit sub menuhelp Show help for commands within this menuCommand Category kernel - Kernel related commandssys_ioctl issue openrg ioctlmeminfo Print memory informationtop Print OpenRG's processes memory usagecpu_load_on Periodically shows cpu usage.cpu_load_off Stop showing cpu usage (triggered by cpu_load_on).cpu_load_avg Shows average cpu usage of last 1, 5 and 15 minutes.exit Exit sub menuhelp Show help for commands within this menuCommand Category system - Commands to control OpenRG executiondie Exit from OpenRG and return retps Print OpenRG's tasksentity_close Close an entityetask_list_dump Dump back trace of all etasksrestore_default Restore default configurationreboot Reboot the systemver Display version informationprint_config Print compilation configuration. Search for option if specifiedexec Execute programcat Print file contents to consoleshell Spawn busybox shell in foregrounddate Print the current UTC and local timemgt_uievents_led_set Activates a certain led according to board definitions.low_power_leds_timeout set / get the low power timeout for ledsboardId get the board type read kernelexit Exit sub menuhelp Show help for commands within this menuCommand Category flash - Flash and loader related commandscommit Save OpenRG configuration to flasherase Erase a given section in the flashload Load and burn imageboot Boot the systembset Configure bootloaderlayout Print the flash layout and contentdump Dump the flash contentlock Lock mtd regionunlock Unlock mtd regionexit Exit sub menuhelp Show help for commands within this menuCommand Category net - Network related commandsdns_route Dyncamic Routing according to DNS repliesigmp IGMP Proxy related commandshost Resolve host by nameifconfig Configure network interfaceping Test network connectivityrg_ifconfig List OpenRG Network Devicesroute Print route tablemain_wan Print the name of the current main wan deviceexit Exit sub menuhelp Show help for commands within this menuCommand Category cmd - Commands related to the Command moduleexit Exit from the current clihelp Show help for commands within this menuReturned 0OpenRG> layoutBad command - Try using help -s <command>Returned 1OpenRG>

OpenWrt bootlog

HELOCPUIL1CIDRAM----PHYSZQDNPHYEDINTLSYNUSYNMSYNLMBEPASS----ZBSSCODEDATAL12FMAINCFE version 1.0.37-106.17-1 for BCM96328 (32bit,SP,BE)Build Date: 2010-06-28 15:35:56 (wander@broadcom-eu)Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Broadcom Corporation.HS Serial flash device: name MX25L128, id 0xc218 size 16384KBTotal Flash size: 16384K with 4096 sectorsChip ID: BCM6328B0, MIPS: 320MHz, DDR: 320MHz, Bus: 160MHzMain Thread: TP0Memory Test PassedTotal Memory: 33554432 bytes (32MB)Boot Address: 0xb8000000Board IP address : IP address : IP address :Run from flash/host (f/h) : fDefault host run file name : adb_pdg-a4001n-a-000-1a1-ax-initramfs.elfDefault host flash file name : bcm963xx_fs_kernelBoot delay (0-9 seconds) : 3Board Id (0-7) : 96328avngNumber of MAC Addresses (1-32) : 11Base MAC Address : 02:10:18:01:00:01PSI Size (1-64) KBytes : 0Enable Backup PSI [0|1] : 0System Log Size (0-256) KBytes : 0Main Thread Number [0|1] : 0Serial Number :Voice Board Configuration (0-11) :*** Press any key to stop auto run (3 seconds) ***Auto run second count down: 0Booting from only image (0xb8010000) ...Code Address: 0x80A00000, Entry Address: 0x80a00000Decompression OK!Entry at 0x80a00000Closing network.Disabling Switch ports.Flushing Receive Buffers...0 buffers found.Closing DMA Channels.Starting program at 0x80a00000[ 0.000000] Linux version 5.4.65 (daniele@daniele-vmwarevirtualplatform) (gcc version 8.4.0 (OpenWrt GCC 8.4.0 r14392-e14bebdb16)) #0 Mon Sep 14 01:57:10 2020[ 0.000000] Detected Broadcom 0x6328 CPU revision b0[ 0.000000] CPU frequency is 320 MHz[ 0.000000] 32MB of RAM installed[ 0.000000] board_bcm963xx: Boot address 0xb8000000[ 0.000000] board_bcm963xx: CFE version: 1.0.37-106.17-1[ 0.000000] printk: bootconsole [early0] enabled[ 0.000000] CPU0 revision is: 0002a075 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)[ 0.000000] board: board name: 96328avng[ 0.000000] MIPS: machine is ADB P.DG A4001N A-000-1A1-AX[ 0.000000] Initrd not found or empty - disabling initrd[ 0.000000] Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 16 bytes.[ 0.000000] Primary data cache 32kB, 2-way, VIPT, cache aliases, linesize 16 bytes[ 0.000000] Zone ranges:[ 0.000000] Normal [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x0000000001ffffff][ 0.000000] Movable zone start for each node[ 0.000000] Early memory node ranges[ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x0000000001ffffff][ 0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x0000000001ffffff][ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 8120[ 0.000000] Kernel command line: rootfstype=squashfs,jffs2 noinitrd console=ttyS0,115200[ 0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes, linear)[ 0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes, linear)[ 0.000000] mem auto-init: stack:off, heap alloc:off, heap free:off[ 0.000000] Memory: 24832K/32768K available (4769K kernel code, 216K rwdata, 1084K rodata, 1284K init, 199K bss, 7936K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)[ 0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=16, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=1[ 0.000000] NR_IRQS: 256[ 0.000000] random: get_random_bytes called from start_kernel+0x328/0x530 with crng_init=0[ 0.000000] clocksource: MIPS: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 11945377789 ns[ 0.000018] sched_clock: 32 bits at 160MHz, resolution 6ns, wraps every 13421772796ns[ 0.008130] Calibrating delay loop... 319.74 BogoMIPS (lpj=639488)[ 0.050499] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301[ 0.055644] Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes, linear)[ 0.063220] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes, linear)[ 0.080929] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 7645041785100000 ns[ 0.091011] futex hash table entries: 256 (order: -1, 3072 bytes, linear)[ 0.098233] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem[ 0.104928] NET: Registered protocol family 16[ 0.355150] registering PCI controller with io_map_base unset[ 0.411122] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00[ 0.415402] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x10f00000-0x10ffffff][ 0.422476] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x0][ 0.429459] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x0][ 0.436442] pci_bus 0000:00: No busn resource found for root bus, will use [bus 00-ff][ 0.444655] pci 0000:00:00.0: [14e4:6328] type 01 class 0x060400[ 0.450961] pci 0000:00:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot[ 0.458237] pci 0000:00:00.0: bridge configuration invalid ([bus 00-00]), reconfiguring[ 0.466858] pci 0000:01:00.0: [14e4:a8d8] type 00 class 0x028000[ 0.473117] pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0x00000000-0x00003fff 64bit][ 0.480158] pci 0000:01:00.0: enabling Extended Tags[ 0.485413] pci 0000:01:00.0: supports D1 D2[ 0.491366] pci_bus 0000:01: busn_res: [bus 01-ff] end is updated to 01[ 0.498212] pci_bus 0000:00: busn_res: [bus 00-ff] end is updated to 01[ 0.505046] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0x10f00000-0x10ffffff][ 0.512037] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x10f00000-0x10f03fff 64bit][ 0.519574] pci 0000:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01][ 0.524671] pci 0000:00:00.0: bridge window [mem 0x10f00000-0x10ffffff][ 0.531884] workqueue: max_active 576 requested for napi_workq is out of range, clamping between 1 and 512[ 0.549963] clocksource: Switched to clocksource MIPS[ 0.558314] NET: Registered protocol family 2[ 0.564566] tcp_listen_portaddr_hash hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes, linear)[ 0.573306] TCP established hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes, linear)[ 0.581265] TCP bind hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes, linear)[ 0.588578] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 1024)[ 0.595681] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes, linear)[ 0.602530] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes, linear)[ 0.610394] NET: Registered protocol family 1[ 0.615033] PCI: CLS 0 bytes, default 16[ 0.631605] workingset: timestamp_bits=14 max_order=13 bucket_order=0[ 0.655955] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher[ 0.662003] jffs2: version 2.2 (NAND) (SUMMARY) (LZMA) (RTIME) (CMODE_PRIORITY) (c) 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.[ 0.718110] bcm6328-pinctrl 10000080.pin-controller: registered at mmio (ptrval)[ 0.727199] pcieport 0000:00:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)[ 0.734759] 10000100.serial: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x10000100 (irq = 36, base_baud = 1562500) is a bcm63xx_uart[ 0.744511] printk: console [ttyS0] enabled[ 0.744511] printk: console [ttyS0] enabled[ 0.753103] printk: bootconsole [early0] disabled[ 0.753103] printk: bootconsole [early0] disabled[ 0.782743] spi-nor spi1.0: mx25l12805d (16384 Kbytes)[ 0.788896] 3 fixed-partitions partitions found on MTD device spi1.0[ 0.795489] Creating 3 MTD partitions on "spi1.0":[ 0.800426] 0x000000000000-0x000000010000 : "cfe"[ 0.807530] 0x000000010000-0x000000ff0000 : "linux"[ 0.820211] parser_imagetag: rootfs: CFE image tag found at 0x0 with version 6, board type 96328avng[ 0.829687] parser_imagetag: Partition 0 is kernel offset 100 and length 1e5f48[ 0.837204] parser_imagetag: Partition 1 is rootfs offset 1e6048 and length df9fb8[ 0.844987] parser_imagetag: Spare partition is offset 8b0004 and length 72fffc[ 0.852704] 2 bcm963xx-imagetag partitions found on MTD device linux[ 0.859265] Creating 2 MTD partitions on "linux":[ 0.864109] 0x000000000100-0x0000001e6048 : "kernel"[ 0.871479] 0x0000001e6048-0x000000fe0000 : "rootfs"[ 0.878835] mtd: device 3 (rootfs) set to be root filesystem[ 0.889984] 1 squashfs-split partitions found on MTD device rootfs[ 0.896390] 0x0000008b0000-0x000000fe0000 : "rootfs_data"[ 0.904089] 0x000000ff0000-0x000001000000 : "nvram"[ 0.913575] libphy: Fixed MDIO Bus: probed[ 0.918531] bcm63xx_enetsw bcm63xx_enetsw.0: IRQ index 1 not found[ 0.967018] b53_common: found switch: BCM63xx, rev 0[ 0.972791] bcm63xx-wdt bcm63xx-wdt: started, timer margin: 30 sec[ 0.982828] leds-gpio leds-gpio.0: Skipping unavailable LED gpio 0 ((null))[ 0.990053] leds-gpio leds-gpio.0: Skipping unavailable LED gpio 0 ((null))[ 0.997221] leds-gpio leds-gpio.0: Skipping unavailable LED gpio 0 ((null))[ 1.004389] leds-gpio leds-gpio.0: Skipping unavailable LED gpio 0 ((null))[ 1.011556] leds-gpio leds-gpio.0: Skipping unavailable LED gpio 0 ((null))[ 1.019113] bcma-pci-bridge 0000:01:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)[ 1.026088] bcma-pci-bridge 0000:01:00.0: bus0: Found chip with id 43225, rev 0x01 and package 0x0A[ 1.035475] bcma-pci-bridge 0000:01:00.0: bus0: Core 0 found: ChipCommon (manuf 0x4BF, id 0x800, rev 0x22, class 0x0)[ 1.046454] bcma-pci-bridge 0000:01:00.0: bus0: Core 1 found: IEEE 802.11 (manuf 0x4BF, id 0x812, rev 0x17, class 0x0)[ 1.057543] bcma-pci-bridge 0000:01:00.0: bus0: Core 2 found: PCIe (manuf 0x4BF, id 0x820, rev 0x0F, class 0x0)[ 1.181948] random: fast init done[ 1.196185] bcma-pci-bridge 0000:01:00.0: bus0: Invalid SPROM read from the PCIe card, trying to use fallback SPROM[ 1.226222] bcma-pci-bridge 0000:01:00.0: bus0: Bus registered[ 1.235196] NET: Registered protocol family 10[ 1.248919] Segment Routing with IPv6[ 1.252966] NET: Registered protocol family 17[ 1.257653] 8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8[ 1.272090] VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly on device 31:3.[ 1.296781] Freeing unused kernel memory: 1284K[ 1.301459] This architecture does not have kernel memory protection.[ 1.308061] Run /sbin/init as init process[ 2.532193] init: Console is alive[ 2.536201] init: - watchdog -[ 5.784426] kmodloader: loading kernel modules from /etc/modules-boot.d/*[ 6.179575] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs[ 6.185497] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub[ 6.191226] usbcore: registered new device driver usb[ 6.309641] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver[ 6.340958] SCSI subsystem initialized[ 6.359525] ehci-fsl: Freescale EHCI Host controller driver[ 6.369515] ehci-platform: EHCI generic platform driver[ 6.481951] ehci-platform ehci-platform: EHCI Host Controller[ 6.487950] ehci-platform ehci-platform: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1[ 6.496500] ehci-platform ehci-platform: irq 50, io mem 0xb0002500[ 6.517918] ehci-platform ehci-platform: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00, overcurrent ignored[ 6.528197] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found[ 6.532972] hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected[ 6.552363] ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver[ 6.561830] ohci-platform: OHCI generic platform driver[ 6.567544] ohci-platform ohci-platform: Generic Platform OHCI controller[ 6.574624] ohci-platform ohci-platform: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2[ 6.582947] ohci-platform ohci-platform: irq 49, io mem 0xb0002600[ 6.651803] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found[ 6.656545] hub 2-0:1.0: 1 port detected[ 6.674644] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage[ 6.682144] kmodloader: done loading kernel modules from /etc/modules-boot.d/*[ 6.700305] init: - preinit -[ 6.928349] random: crng init done[ 10.254415] bcm63xx_enetsw bcm63xx_enetsw.0: link UP on Port 3, 100Mbps, full-duplex[ 10.263210] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0.1: link becomes readyPress the [f] key and hit [enter] to enter failsafe modePress the [1], [2], [3] or [4] key and hit [enter] to select the debug level[ 11.101925] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready[ 14.894469] jffs2: notice: (463) jffs2_build_xattr_subsystem: complete building xattr subsystem, 21 of xdatum (0 unchecked, 11 orphan) and 24 of xref (11 dead, 0 orphan) found.[ 14.916125] mount_root: switching to jffs2 overlay[ 14.982340] overlayfs: upper fs does not support tmpfile.[ 15.009976] urandom-seed: Seeding with /etc/urandom.seed[ 15.278840] procd: - early -[ 15.282067] procd: - watchdog -[ 16.049522] procd: - watchdog -[ 16.053335] procd: - ubus -[ 16.214979] procd: - init -Please press Enter to activate this console.[ 18.103099] kmodloader: loading kernel modules from /etc/modules.d/*[ 18.571791] ntfs: driver 2.1.32 [Flags: R/O MODULE].[ 18.684873] Loading modules backported from Linux version v5.8-0-gbcf876870b95[ 18.692368] Backport generated by backports.git v5.8-1-0-g79400d9e[ 18.794573] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic[ 18.801545] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for generic[ 18.870000] xt_time: kernel timezone is -0000[ 19.105403] urngd: v1.0.2 started.[ 19.111047] usbcore: registered new interface driver ftdi_sio[ 19.117228] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for FTDI USB Serial Device[ 19.434542] usbcore: registered new interface driver pl2303[ 19.440547] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for pl2303[ 19.476672] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2[ 19.498173] NET: Registered protocol family 24[ 19.686521] brcmsmac bcma0:1: mfg 4bf core 812 rev 23 class 0 irq 31[ 19.846473] kmodloader: done loading kernel modules from /etc/modules.d/*[ 47.738392] bcm63xx_enetsw bcm63xx_enetsw.0: link UP on Port 3, 100Mbps, full-duplex[ 47.760256] br-lan: port 1(eth0.1) entered blocking state[ 47.765905] br-lan: port 1(eth0.1) entered disabled state[ 47.772109] device eth0.1 entered promiscuous mode[ 47.777064] device eth0 entered promiscuous mode[ 47.838158] br-lan: port 1(eth0.1) entered blocking state[ 47.843763] br-lan: port 1(eth0.1) entered forwarding state[ 48.608808] br-wan: port 1(eth0.2) entered blocking state[ 48.614414] br-wan: port 1(eth0.2) entered disabled state[ 48.620650] device eth0.2 entered promiscuous mode[ 48.890867] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): br-lan: link becomes ready[ 48.937762] br-wan: port 1(eth0.2) entered blocking state[ 48.943366] br-wan: port 1(eth0.2) entered forwarding state[ 49.918030] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): br-wan: link becomes ready[ 56.972523] brcmsmac bcma0:1: brcms_ops_bss_info_changed: qos enabled: false (implement)[ 56.980934] brcmsmac bcma0:1: brcms_ops_config: change power-save mode: false (implement)[ 62.210655] wlan0: authenticate with ec:6c:9a:54:8b:c4[ 62.220805] wlan0: send auth to ec:6c:9a:54:8b:c4 (try 1/3)[ 62.239077] wlan0: authenticated[ 62.262026] wlan0: associate with ec:6c:9a:54:8b:c4 (try 1/3)[ 62.274071] wlan0: RX AssocResp from ec:6c:9a:54:8b:c4 (capab=0x1411 status=0 aid=6)[ 62.282965] brcmsmac bcma0:1: brcmsmac: brcms_ops_bss_info_changed: associated[ 62.290472] brcmsmac bcma0:1: brcms_ops_bss_info_changed: qos enabled: true (implement)[ 62.298747] wlan0: associated[ 62.347944] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes readyBusyBox v1.31.1 () built-in shell (ash) _______ ________ __ | |.-----.-----.-----.| | | |.----.| |_ | - || _ | -__| || | | || _|| _| |_______|| __|_____|__|__||________||__| |____| |__| W I R E L E S S F R E E D O M ----------------------------------------------------- OpenWrt SNAPSHOT, r14467-690248102a -----------------------------------------------------root@OpenWrt:/#


A credit goes to all of the persons who wrote the following guides that helped me to define the procedures 1 and 2:






How to add tags

bcm63xx, BCM6328, 16Flash, 32RAM, CFE, MIPS, MIPS32, USB2.0, 802.11abgn, NonDetachableAntenna

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.