L3wd Rider Naki and Valkyrie - Chapter 1 - The_RedWriter (2024)

Chapter Text


For the last few weeks, there have been rumors of ever increasing Magia attacks targeting many successful companies. And soon enough, many businesses started hiring A.I.M.S soldiers as personal bodyguards, including one company set outside the city and its very wealthy CEO, Kaijiro Hasegawa who insisted on only having the “Best of Best”' to protect his company.

He specifically requested the services of Field Captain of A.I.M.S, Yua Yaiba, along with her Technical Advisor, a Humagear named Naki. His company having very strong ties to many markets, the last thing he wanted was to lose potential sponsors and closing out over such a trivial issue, the two agents understanding his fears, accepted his terms and were ready to start their first day as his personal bodyguards.

The routine would go on like this: Yua and Naki would stay in his office to protect him during the day while the Humagear would assume the night shift since they wouldn't be required to sleep. The A.I.M.S agents arrived at the company HQ and made their way to Hasegawa's office before entering. They then find the CEO seated on his chair with a big goofy smile on his face, quickly getting up to properly greet them.

“Oh, you two are finally here, thank goodness!” He welcomes them while shaking their hands “I feel much more at ease now that you're both protecting me and my company.” Kaijiro follows with Yua and Naki silently nodding, mainly being a little confused and overwhelmed by the man’s excitement.

Regardless, the two would then go to their positions, each standing on one side of the room and protecting the entrance. Thankfully, nothing much happened throughout this first day, with Hasegawa working as normal while they watched over him and made sure nothing endangered him.

But something piqued Naki's curiosity throughout the day, that of Kaijiro opening and closing his table drawer constantly, almost like he was making sure that whatever was inside wouldn’t vanish out of thin air and that no one but him would look at its content.

As the day ends and Naki’s night shift was about to start, they couldn't help themselves but to point out the strange behavior the man had regarding the drawer, which Yua also noted “It's probably none of our business but if you are that worried about his drawer, you can always ask him about it while on the night shift at his house.” She remarks with a carefree tone.

“If you say so…” Naki followed half-heartedly with their usual calm tone, Yua left the rest to her advisor as they and Hasegawa headed back home. Meanwhile, she went home to get some proper rest for tomorrow’s shift.


The next day after Naki's first night shift however, Yua noticed that something was off about them, the Humagear was now standing way closer to Kaijiro and kept stealing glances from each other whenever she looked at them but Yua wrote it off as a mere coincidence and the rest of the day went just as smoothly as yesterday.

“Yua, about the drawer I told you about yesterday, it was nothing to worry about, just something he likes to keep looking at to give him motivation.” Naki pointed out at the end of the day but their usual calm tone was…slightly off this time, it was more “happy” and “cheery” than usual but again, Yua dismissed it. As the day ended, the woman went back home while Naki went on to their second night shift but as she watches them leave with Kaijiro, Yua could sense that something weird will happen soon enough...


The next day, Yua was a bit more tired than usual, mainly due to having a little trouble sleeping that night, feeling huge tremors going on around the ENTIRE CITY . Thinking that it was probably her imagination, the woman shrug that sensation off and went off to work, but as the third day started, something was DEFINITELY wrong, specifically with Naki: their usually androgynous body now had two ENORMOUS BREASTS bouncing like volleyballs and a toned and firm BOUNCY ASS that looked straight out of a JAV video, confirming her suspicions from yesterday.

And they were now standing even closer to Hasegawa, the latter was even caught groping them in the process. Yua tried her hardest to ignore and continue her job when Naki called her during lunch break and insisted on giving her something “Yua, it turns out that Master Hasegawa has a fully stocked lab on his house, so I helped him built some stronger Progrise Keys to keep up with the increased Magia attacks.” They explains while doing something Yua would never expected them to do: a cutesy pose followed by a peace sign.

Yua is thus given an new key, sporting a gradient from pink to orange with no design on its front, only the name “Humping Cheetah” written on it, naturally, she was weirded out by the Key’s name, believing to be a typo of the word “Hunting”.

And as if the heavens found the perfect timing, an alert was set off on their phone, a rogue Magia was detected very close to the building, Yua rushes to action, not only to protect the office but to also move away from the awkward atmosphere of the office “Magia Alert! I'll take care of it, Naki, you protect Mr.Hasegawa at all costs!” She shouted out while leaving the building “Okay!~” Naki agreed while making another pose.


Arriving at the Magia’s location, Yua finds herself face to face with a Bunny Magia, despite having never fought that kind of Magia before, it looked like a Magia that relies on its speed to attack, not unlike Yua herself. Not wanting to waste any time, she grabs the new Key and activates it:


Before inserting it on the Shotriser and quickly pressing on the trigger, as it shoots a bullet, another sound is made:


Humping Cheetah!! Try to keep up with this sex demon only to be left dried up!

While the transformation wasn't exactly painless, this time it went more differently than usual: with the bullet shooting directly into Yua's heart, it surprisingly felt…good? As she was too distracted on the sensation she just felt, Yua decided to actually look at herself thanks to a nearby window as a mirror, her jaw dropping as she sees how the armor looked like, if she could call it one:

Her breasts had a giant opening that exposed her whole cleavage, her tights were now fully exposed with what looked like a kneesock on her legs, her ass was fully exposed to the world, looking like she was wearing a very, very thin tong. Yua’s shoulder guards were gone with the only armor on her arms being what appeared to be full length gloves, which really accentuated her arm muscles, with her rear and chest looking bigger than usual.

WHO'S THE IDIOT WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA?!!!” Yua screamed while looking at her suit, not even paying attention to the Magia who was about to attack. Jumping and trying to kick her at the speed of sound, her body dodged it with an equally impressive speed that Yua has never achieved before.

Thinking that maybe Naki sacrificed the armor in favor of more speed, she then attacked the Magia, who could not even see her attack coming thanks to how fast they were, the rogue robot flew straight on a wall, even breaking it. Yua, realizing how powerful this new form is and wanting to minimize collateral damage, decides to finish it off, pressing the trigger on the Key and the Shotriser.


Yua in an instant Rider kicked through the Magia, leaving a hole on its body and taking the Magia’s Key along with her. The machine then exploded into nothingness, leaving only ashes in its place, Yua quickly undid the transformation, removing the Key from the Shotriser, putting it back in her pocket.

After the adrenaline cooled off, Yua realized something was off about her clothes, her normally fit suit was feeling even TIGHTER than before and she was feeling an immense sense of heat emanating from her body, she quickly shrugged it off once more, chalking it up to a side-effect of the sheer speed Humping Cheetah granted.

The woman decides to hurry back to the office, but not without dropping by A.I.M.S HQ to leave the recovered Magia Key there.


A few minutes later, Yua finally arrives at the office to resume her shift along with Naki, but as she walks towards the office, a loud scream resonates across the building, followed by tremors being felt all over the building “An earthquake?! The same one as last night… NO!!! ” She exclaims, fearing that another Magia may have swooped in while she was away, Yua starts running to the office and kicks the door wide open with her Shotriser in hands, however, the woman gasped loudly as she entered and wasn't ready for the sight she discovered when opening the door…

Naki, the usually calm and collected Humagear was naked and on all fours, moaning from the top of their lungs while Hasegawa f*cks them ROUGHLY like a wild animal. Their whole body bounces from the FRENETIC SPEED and SHEER FORCE Kaijiro was using, with ripples that could be seen on their FAT JUICY ASS .

Yua was shocked and surprised at this revelation, to think that the Naki she knew would do something so obscene…She could not help but scream at the two that were f*cking like two street dogs mating savagely “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING?!” Yua exclaims with shock as she holds on tightly to something near her as the tremors only intensified.

M-Master was feeling lonely so I d-decided to cheer him up! ” Naki moans while making a peace sign and speaking in between long breaths for air.

That gesture appeared to arouse Kaijiro even more, encouraging him to increase his thrusting speed EVEN MORE , so fast as to become a blur in the process. Seeing such a lewd act happen in front of her left Yua in shock, the heat she was feeling earlier started to increase, especially on her crotch “W-What is even happening to me?” Yua thought to herself as the CEO started to smack Naki’s FAT ASS with such a level of force that it resonated across the building, making the Humagear moan even louder.

“YES, YES!! HARDER, HARDER~!!!” Naki squealed as their eyes rolled to the back of their head and pushed them to make a perverted look on their face, their whole body also jiggled and bounced all over the place, vibrating through the pounding they're getting from Hasegawa who continues their SUPERSONIC THRUSTING and giggling at how fast he was f*cking the Humagear.

From their thighs to their now soft tummy, everything was bouncing like they were one big MARSHMELLOW co*ckSLEEVE . Yua never knew that Humagears could be this soft and bouncy. “H-Hey, look at that Naki, your body is so sexy now that even Yua is masturbating to us doing it!” Kaijiro pointed out with a confident tone as he gaze at the woman watching the raunchy spectacle unfolding “ Y-YES, LOOK AT ME MORE YUAAAA~ ” They roared out as the man continued to pound them to pieces, thrusting his hips against their asscheeks as ferociously as he could.

Yua was wondering about what they were talking about until she looked down and saw her pants on the ground, one of her hands rubbing her puss* like an automatic piston and the other groping her breasts.

Hasegawa upon watching her, took one his hands off Naki and reached out to Yua's body, the woman didn't even realize she was that close to them until he grabbed her breasts, something that made her moan loudly like she never did before. As Naki was one the verge of climaxing, looking at them melting with pleasure gave the man a trip down memory lane.


Two days earlier…

Back when Naki started their first night shift as bodyguard for Mr. Hasegawa, they were inside his car on the way home. The man put his hand on Naki's leg, shocking them over such an action, but by looking at the Kaijiro’s face, he probably didn't even realize what he was touching. But weirdly, his hand stayed there for the entire trip, thankfully, the two arriving at his house after such an awkward ride was a breath of relief to the Humagear.

As he went to his room, Naki accompanied him up to the door, with Hasegawa asking for a few minutes, closing the door in the process, as he was going to change up.

They nodded at his request and waited on the other side of the door. But after a few minutes, Naki heard the man calling out for them. Thinking this would be the perfect opportunity to ask the man about the contents of his drawer, they enter…

Only to see Hasegawa being all naked and jerking off his co*ck on his chair, seated in the direction of Naki. And as if his meat-beating was in sync with the sound of the door opening, the man BLASTED a long nasty rope of sem*n straight onto Naki’s face.

And it felt as warm as pure lava, having a weird smell to it too, Naki tried their hardest to keep their cool, turning around to leave the room until Kaijiro gets up and walked towards them, holding the Humagear by their ass “I think you need a little more meat on your bones, in my opinion.” Kaijiro advised with a smug tone as his palm sensed the jiggly nature of their booty.

Naki gave off a confused expression on their face as they turned their head to Kaijiro holding their ass “What…are you talking about?” The Humagear asked with growing confusion “Well, I like to see some curves and slight chubbiness down there. You know, if you wanna serve me, you have to be like that.” The man follows with his smugness “To serve…You?” They confusedly pondered.

“Yeah! Don't you know anything about being someone's personal bodyguard?” The man asks while stroking his hard co*ck with his free hand once more. “N-Never mind that, I came to ask you about the contents of your drawer that you kept on looking at throughout the day.” They point out while looking at the man jerking off once again.

“O-Ohh yeah that right, I saw you looking at my drawer throughout the day, lemme show you what it is, this Progrise Key is a prototype storing information on how to be a model bodyguard, lend me your module for a second.“ He follows while grabbing something in his pants that were on the ground. Naki could not really see from the angle they were on, but it was indeed a Progrise Key. Hasegawa got back up and put the key on their module, suddenly, a flow of data was quickly sent to the Humagear's data disc.

Naki felt their mind being overrun with thoughts that weren't there before: How big a dick could be, how hard it was, how creamy the sem*n on their face felt. Those lewd thoughts kept on being accumulated as their crotch started to heat up like it was on fire, shortly gushing out their puss* juices on the floor they stood on. The pressure eventually became too much for them to handle and the Humagear promptly removed their pants and threw it to the wet ground.

All they could do was to moan, making one continuous moan that sounded like a police siren being pounded in the ass. Hasegawa then started fingering their now exposed puss* with a rapid pace, the thoughts on Naki's head started encouraging them to reciprocate the action.

The Humagear wasn’t strong enough to ignore these thoughts and quickly did as they were told, by pumping the man shaft up and down with a similar pace as he fingered them.

They kept going at it for the next few hours, both not looking even a bit tired from standing still for that much long as they jerked each other off so rapidly that their respective hands became nothing but invisible blurs, with Hasegawa grunting in pleasure, surprised by how fast a Humagear could be under certain conditions while Naki continues moaning at feeling Hasegawa's hands getting such a firm grasp on their puss* like super glue.

Regardless, the two carried on and took all of their might to pleasure one another, feeling more and more like two gods of lewd trying to top one another.


Eventually, morning came around, with the man finally letting go of Humagear’s puss* after a long night of puss* fapping, the same could not be said about Naki however, who was still trying to jerk the man off at TURBO SPEED as he was walking away from his room “Man, you sure are passionate about this, aren't you?” He wonders, Naki could only moan and nod in response.

“Ah, by the way, do you want to know what I’ve worked on throughout the day? Here, this is the result of my labor.” Hasegawa follows before throwing the object to Naki who was still jerking the man off with their blurry hand, and it was yet another Progrise Key, sporting the design of a woman in a obscene pose while saluting, with the words “co*ck-Crazed Bodyguard“ plastered into it.

The man continues talking as Naki gazes at the key “This Key is a more finished version of the one I’ve put on your module last night. Once it is done, would you like to test it out since you seem to be THAT passionate about your job? I won't even have to look at it for motivation anymore, but for now, get ready, let's go to work.” Kaijiro playfully finishes as Naki finally slows down and lets go of his co*ck, following his orders.


The next night…

Hasegawa invited Naki to follow him to a different room this time, and upon reaching it, the Humagear realizes that the man has a FREAKING LAB in his house. “Since you're the type to like playing around with keys back at A.I.M.S, be free to do whatever you want today.” He says as Naki excitedly goes inside the lab, looking around this new place of wonder and taking interest in a familiar object on one of the desks.

It looked like the Forceriser they used to transform, something on Naki's mind told them to put it on and they comply without a second thought, as they do that a sound comes from it:


Naki then activated the Key Hasegawa just gave them with a bright smile on their face as he watches them with curiosity:


And without wasting time, Naki inserts it on the belt and pulls the trigger to activate the transformation:

“The skan*y-Addicted Humagear with a ferocious FAT ASS! Naki! co*ck-Crazed Bodyguard!”

Naki’s body starts to change rather drastically, their breasts bust out of their clothes with their ass following next, their whole body becomes more endowed, and they could feel their mind being rewritten as their body changes.

“Awakening of a true slu*t! BREAK DOWN !” The belt screams along with p*rnographic sounds bursting out of it.

Their clothes had now completely dematerialized, leaving only the now thicc Humagear on their birthday suit. The CEO could only applaud at the lewd transformation he witnessed, prompting Naki to pull out a really lewd pose, the same one in the Key.

“Ready to serve you, master!” Naki cheerfully exclaims in a way that has never been heard before. Hasegawa then starts walking towards them, looking closely at their body from all angles upon reaching their FAT ASS and giving it a powerful SMACK that resonates across the whole suburb.

HARDER~ ” Naki purrs while bending over and presenting their ENORMOUS ASS to a very, very lustful Hasegawa. The man was all too happy to follow suit by smacking their ass some more, each SMACK becoming stronger than the last, the Humagear was getting so much pleasure out of it that it felt like a THUNDERSTORM was striking them multiple times, that sensation gave Naki an idea, removing the belt and putting it on the table before bending their EARTHQUAKE ASS over to take a closer look at it.

Kaijiro takes that move as an invitation to f*ck them hard, he then promptly gets on his birthday suit and let his THROBBING co*ck reaches its THICK size. Before it even finishes growing, he shoves his co*ck straight into the Humagear's FAT ASS , making Naki gasp loudly and moan like an horny animal as they work on their idea, it was time for round two it seems.

Hasegawa resumes his slapping of Naki’s MARSHMALLOWY ASSCHEEKS again while tearing their ass apart, his thrusting becoming more and more fast with each passing seconds as Naki’s moaning became so p*rnographic that they wouldn't look out of place in an opera.

The rough f*cking continued for a bit, with Hasegawa becoming a blur once more as he continues his attack on the Humagear's holes until Naki started cumming, blasting the ground with their love juices with so much force that it damages the expensive tiles.

A crazed and perverted expression could be seen on their face as Hasegawa released his entire stock of sem*n deep in their ass as the Humagear lose all strength on their legs and fall to their knees, Naki struggled to even get up, only managing to reach the table by holding onto it and grabbing two objects on it.

“Tell me, what are you working on anyway?” He confusedly asked as he never saw them being so laser focused before “I was looking for these.” Naki moans as they present the Keys to him while striking a pose.

There were two Progrise Keys on their hands: one with a white and pink gradient with the label “Twerking Wolf” written on it and an orange and pink one with “Humping Cheetah'' plastered on it. “With theses two cuties, me and Yua can become the Ideal co*ck-Guards for you sir!” They followed while striking a different pose “But...I will need a lot more data so…” They says while getting back on all fours with enough strength to cause an earthquake, jiggling and waving their FAT TITANIC ASS to the man like a beast doing their mating call “ I want you to f*ck me like an animal in mating season, Master~!

Hasegawa nods in agreement and quickly grabs their hips again, aiming at their puss* this time around and bows a little so he could grab Naki's breasts. He then pistons their vagin* at the SPEED OF LIGHT as Naki squeals and begs for more puss*-f*ckING .

Eventually, Kaijiro and Naki started to act like two uncontrollable animals on mating season, only communicating with squeals and moans as they continued their wild f*cking and ignored the concept of time until the CEO blast yet another year's worth of cum inside of them once again, unbeknownst to them, this would be the start of an incident that wouldn't look out of place in a nature documentary.

Without forgetting to give Naki the barrage of ass smacks that he knows they love, Hasegawa removed his co*ck from their puss*, with sem*n now dripping from both of their holes, puking out a continuous stream of white co*ck cream that quickly scattered across the ground they stood on.

Naki, feeling ballsy, gets up smiling with the Twerking Wolf Key in hands “Alright, this should be enough!” They exclaim as they put their usual belt back on which emits the same sound they're all too familiar with:


Then, they proceed to get on top of the table “ Please, take a look at this master~ ” they purred before pressing the key:


Once the sound finishes, Naki inserts it inside the Forceriser, their lust was so intense that they were indistinguishable from any street animal in need of mating.

“Look at my TRANSFORMATION !!!” Naki roars as they pull the trigger and start twerking their FAT EARTHQUAKE ASS frantically on the table, numerous belts start to fly all around Naki's body until they all come back to them, causing them to moan loudly in ecstasy.

Devolving into a wild horndog as the belts vanish while a new armor starts being materialized from it, a white dress with open sides, and a boob-window to show Naki’s big breasts, that now each had clothes pegs on them.

Going down on their hips, two handle bars showed up where the ends of the dress were tied on. Which connected to their Knee-socks. Their puss* had a plate on top of it while their ass on the other hand, was fully exposed, as if they're inviting anyone who sees it to f*ck it roughly. Back to their arms, having opera gloves with some ribbons coming out of them like a kite.

And finally in their neck a dog collar took place, their helmet was very similar to the regular one, but with an opening for their nose and mouth to allow ruthless facef*ckings.

"Asscheeks CLAPPING like a THUNDERSTORM! Twerking Wolf!”


As the p*rnographic moans blasted at full force, Hasegawa applauds once more at another lewd transformation was completed but this celebration quickly turns into lustful curiosity then bewilderment as Naki keeps on twerking their FAT ASS out so f*ckING FAST even afterwards and hoo boy to say that the man was ecstatic about it would be an understatement.

Even when tamed, the wolf's desire to mate is limitless and now Naki's mating call is TRULY about to begin…

Naki squatted with their ass in the direction of the man and clapped their asscheeks so RAPIDLY and VIOLENTLY that strong gusts of wind blew the man away and felt as if a hurricane went in to ravage his lab, holding himself against it with his HARD co*ck , Kaijiro keep watching the wolf's mating call, not even noticing how the table was starting to crack or the lights dimming.

But for now, Naki's twerking pattern changed, becoming more wild as they kept going, bouncing it from side to side like a wolf wagging its tail to invite its partner to start the breeding session. And the Human Horndog was all for it, approaching them with caution as he felt his lust being renewed.

The sheer speed of Naki's ass twerking was no slouch either, creating afterimages upon afterimages of themself, which started to appear all over the man, and quickly surrounds him while he stood still, having his ears destroyed by their STRONG POWERFUL ASSCLAPS that sounded like thunderstorm hitting his house and the barrage of Naki's twerking cheeks lock him up and imprison him like a living fortress.

It looked like he had created his own personal harem of Nakis to support him. Eventually the table the Humagear was on succumbed to the power of their bubble butt and broke but luckily, they felt right on their knees and continued their ass clapping opera.

The Humagear horndog and their afterimages then slowly starts to closing in on the man, Hasegawa could already feel the destructiveness of that booty the more they approach him, the shockwaves coming out of Naki's FANTASTIC SUPERSONIC TWERKING ASS resonates across the whole city as small tremors was being felt.

It was as if he bathing on the sun sensation, this godly booty took on a whole different level when then contact was made, Hasegawa roars as if his whole body was being hotdogged by the wolf horndog's ass, this sensation made him feel like he was buried between their EARTHQUAKE ASSCHEEKS , gasping for air as their twerking tries to choke it out of their lungs.

The harshness of Naki's twerking was softened by the sheer MARSHMALLOWY feel of their ass, making the Human Horndog get lost in lustful pleasure and even forget where he was until he remembered the bars that were on Naki and took a firm grip on them. Putting his restless dick in between their asschecks, as if taken by its weak point, all afterimages converged back to them, with only the original twerking wolf remains.

But to the man's surprise, holding them by the handles had just made Naki twerk in an even CRAZIER way while hotdogging his dick. Not only was the afterimages instantly reappeared, but they clapped their asscheeks so f*ckING FAST that the Humagear horndog caused even more powerful tremors that made Hasegawa's entire body vibrate, grunting at the indescribable pleasure felt in between Naki's butt crack.

After that, Kaijiro couldn't hold it anymore and blasted his sem*n all over them. However, something weird happened with Naki when Hasegawa came; as he shot his cum, it appeared to make the Humagear horndog oiled up, making his dick slip out of their ass.

Upon learning that their ass became more slippery, Naki jumped ass first hitting the man’s crotch once again and making him fall to the ground, before landing with his co*ck DEEP inside their ass, still holding onto the handles and thankfully so as the impact made a huge BOOM , breaking the windows of his lab in the process.

With that out of the way, Naki started assf*cking and riding Hasegawa's co*ck like it was a dild*, bouncing up and down on his schlong at a crazy, inhumane SUPER SPEED . The Humagear's afterimages were getting harder and harder to differentiate, with cracks on the ground starting to appear from the sheer ANIMALISTIC FORCE of Naki's hip thrusts crushing the man's crotch, Hasegawa unknowingly settling on a crater made of horny arousal.

But he wasn’t complaining, far from that: the man was actually moaning loudly as Naki kept on twerking so rapidly that he couldn't differentiate the real Naki from any of their afterimages, dropping their whole weight on Kaijiro as they succumb to their primal urges but as much as he was enjoying that display of lust, Hasegawa couldn't handle such assf*cking for much longer unfortunately.

I-I'm cumming~ ” He howled as an ocean of cum went straight to Naki's womb, making the Humagear horndog squeal in gratitude from that delicious filling, stopping themself and having their afterimages converging back to them once again. As Hasegawa came DEEPER than ever inside Naki's ass for a few more minutes, both people calmed down and shortly fainted with Naki canceling their transformation before falling into a deep sleep at the same time.


They both woke up, realizing it's almost time to go to work, Naki quickly looked around Hasegawa's closet to find a suit that'd fit their new body before going off to work. And it seems like even the night wasn’t long enough to fully quench their lust for each other, as the car ride was nothing more than a one long make out session and mutual groping.

Naki and Hasegawa's tongues danced and battled both in and out of their mouths for the whole world to see. It looked like the two were speaking a language that no one but them understood, a language where one need only to use a tongue to speak. Even when their lips parted their tongues were spinning around in the air, wanting to clash against one another some more.

The Humagear opened Hasegawa's pants and started to jerk him off at SUPERSPEED while looking at him with needy eyes, the man immediately understood and did the same to Naki, fingering them and playing with their puss*, rubbing it with the same frenetic speed as the first time.

Both of their hands felt like they were on fire, making afterimages of themselves pleasuring each other but neither complained nor grunted in pain, the only grunt being heard were that of them busting their sex fluids all over the car windows, thankfully it was still visible enough to see or else this session would end tragically.

Once they arrive at the office, Naki had to use all of their willpower to not jump on their master to get assf*cked by his big co*ck again. It was until an alarm came from Yua’s phone that a sigh of relief could be heard from the Humagear, warning her about a Magia close by, the moment she left to fight it, the two horndogs couldn't take it anymore…

Naki ripped their clothes off and jumped on Hasegawa's lap, their TIGHT ASSHOLE landing first into his THROBBING HARD co*ck , Kaijiro happily complied, putting his dick back inside the co*ck warmer he loves so much,he decides to not hold back anymore and reward the Humagear horndog for all their hard-work.

At first, he was assf*cking them in Full Nelson while sitting on the chair, being subtle enough that anyone who walked in would never even realize what they were doing, except for all the loud moans Naki would make when Hasegawa's hand teases their nipples. And the tightness of their ass did not help quench his roars either.

But as Naki continues to absorb his schlong like a black hole and crush his hips with their FAT ASS , the man could not hold back anymore and grabs Naki before getting off the chair, lining them up on the ground on all fours with the Humagear horndog twerk their ass out loudly like two horny street dogs during mating season.

While they were deep in their fun, Yua came back from the battle and bust up the door with her Shotriser in hands, and upon seeing the two f*cking like animals, she would get one hand to undo her pants then use the other to rub her breasts at a DRASTIC PACE .


Back in the present, Yua and Naki were now both naked and on all fours while Hasegawa was hard f*cking the latter and fingered the former, he still made sure that he gave Naki their lot of ass smacking they loved so much as a reward for having Yua join in their fun.

As Kaijiro switches who he's currently f*cking, he starts to grope both bodyguards’ bodies, appreciating both the softness of Naki's ass and the marshmallowy breasts of Yua. But not being able to hold it anymore, he c*ms another stock of sem*n while switching again, resulting in Yua and Naki's juicy asses being covered in his HOT, NASTY BABY JUICE .

The man then picks up Yua and starts f*cking her puss* while firmly holding onto her, Yua also leglocks him and tighten her grips on him as well, Hasegawa then sits on top of Naki, still on all fours; using them as a chair while he manhandles Yua, making sure to keep slaping Naki's FAT ASS in the process so they didn't felt left out, pushing his whole co*ck within the woman's womb and listening to Yua's opera moaning.

After a few minutes, he removed his co*ck from Yua's puss*, letting go of the woman, putting Yua in all fours on top of Naki and starts f*cking her again ruthlessly while Naki starts TWERKING SAVAGELY and ask for more ass slaps, this time, Kaijiro was happy to listen to the deafening ASSCLAPS . Hasegawa shoves his THROBBING co*ck as deep as possible, diving into the depth of Yua's holes, moaning like a horndog as she squeals the faster he gets.

Naki’s deafening twerking was perfect background noises for him to go all out on Yua's c*nt, making afterimages of himself once again and showing her what she missed out on during the night shifts. “ F-f*ck~ You're tearing me apaaaaaaart ~” She squeals as her body starts to vibrate from the puss* f*cking Hasegawa was giving her and it was only about to get worse…

While her ass was vibrating from the thrusts of Hasegawa, Yua's whole body vibrates as well thanks to the savage twerking of Naki, the Humagear also making afterimages of their ass clapping. In a matter of seconds, Yua was trapped in between two horndogs and their afterimages, her whole body shaking from their frantic speed; Hasegawa continued to thrust back and forth, processing the sheer tightness of Yua's puss* until his balls were again ready to release another wave of co*ck cream.

As he gets close to climaxing, he lets go of Yua with both her and Naki now on their knees watching the man jerk his dick off, pulling their tongue out and preparing themselves for a hot sem*n rain but they weren't ready for how many loads he had in store for his slu*ts.

“I'm cumming again, GET READY~!!” He warns before letting it all out, Kaijiro thus blast his biggest nut yet, starting with Naki, he fires straight at their face and bury it with his white liquid as the Humagear spread it across their body like it was f*cking lotion under the impressed gaze of Yua, shocked at how much gallons of sperm Hasegawa was packing.

Eventually going to the woman, he drench Yua with his cum while the woman prefers not wasting a single drop and takes all of the seeds Hasegawa's co*ck blasted, drinking it all up like it was some tasty apple juice. Naki was speechless at such a level of DEGENERACY , to think that the woman would get herself comfortable with the white liquid so rapidly, they had to top her after that.

Once that cum shower done, Yua and Naki both got up with their backs turned to Hasegawa, streams of cum could be seeing gushing out from the two with Naki's ass already being red thanks to the relentless attacks their ass suffered since yesterday, they give each other a small nod before turning around, now both wearing their respective belts, they activate their Keys in sync:

“Hump!!” “Twerk!!”

The two got into position and screamed in unison: “ HENSHIN !”

As they insert their Keys in their respective belts before activating them, they then transform into their lewd form:

“Humping Cheetah!! Try to keep up with this sex demon only to be left dried up!”

"Asscheeks CLAPPING like a THUNDERSTORM! Twerking Wolf!”


Now transformed into their lewd yet powerful forms, they both strike a lewd pose that piqued the man's curiosity, especially Yua, whom he never expected her to do such things but still watch nonetheless:

"The Anal Addicted masoch*st Wolf! Kamen Rider Naki!” They howled happily while turning around and presenting their asshole by spreading their asscheeks wide open. Giving the man a nasty yet hot view of their anus pulsating like a heartbeat.

Yua followed suit “Mating press Addicted Cheetah! Kamen Rider Valkyrie!” as Yua holds one of her legs up presenting her puss* to him. The woman then went back to a normal stance and started looking at her own hands “I feel even more powerful than before. How is that possible?” She wonders with curiosity.

“It's sem*n!” Naki says while making a cutesy double peace sign pose “These Keys use yummy sem*n as both a form of heat to generate more power and lubricant to make our movement faster!” They followed while gesturing their hand and emulating a handjob “In short, We get stronger every time we get creampied or sprayed over!” The Humagear happily continues explaining while doing yet another pose.

“A-Amazing!!!” Yua and Hasegawa both exclaim in sync out loud. “I can also do this.” Naki follows as they pull the Forceriser lever, gaining the other two's curiosity.

“TWERKING DYSTOPIA!” The Forceriser screamed as something started materializing on Naki's crotch plate: a co*ck, a real canine co*ck, a REAL GIGANTIC WOLF DICK appears on their crotch and it looks like it’s made out of the same material as the crotch plate “And it's fully functional too~” The Humagear remarks while caressing their new member as it throbbed with excitement before looking lustfully at the woman.

“Come on, don't be shy Yua~” Naki smugly assures to the woman as they grabbed her head and inserted their dick in her mouth, she immediately starts licking and sucking on it like a vacuum cleaner, as if the Key taught her how to suck a dick like a pro.

Naki then grabs her moving thong to the side and spreads her puss* to their master “She wants it here too, Master~” They encourage Hasegawa with an upbeat tone.

Kaijiro was a little astonished but still very aroused. He follows Naki's advice and inserts his co*ck DEEP inside Yua's puss*. They and Hasegawa start double teaming Yua savagely at a really fast pace, becoming two blur going at it at the same speed, she never felt like this before: both her throat and her puss* were being destroyed at the same time by her boss and coworker.

Yua felt like she was being pushed around like waves in the ocean on a stormy day, with any thoughts about her duty vanishing from her mind as time went on until she can only think of her desire to keep being used as a co*cksleeve.

She was not even touching the ground anymore, floating all by herself thanks to the SUPERSONIC speed at which both of her partners were f*cking her at, Yua felt like she was flying away to a nirvana of pleasure. Naki and Kaijiro were both really close to coming, the trio moans quickly harmonized with each other, creating a melody of lewdness.

“I'M CUMMING!!!” Hasegawa and Naki growled in unison as they both blasted their entire stock of cum DEEPLY inside the Humping Cheetah, making her still as she was getting filled up like a turkey, eventually falling down on the ground.

As Yua quickly recovered from the bliss, she noticed that the penis Naki had that was so strongly ravaging her throat vanished as she looked up to them, sporting an embarrassed face “...Unfortunately, it's a one time use only.” Naki follows before they both hear a loud noise of someone falling, the two turn back to see Hasegawa exhausted and on the verge of passing out.

“S-Sorry but…I can’t even feel my co*ck anymore…” He confessed, feeling like his balls were drained for the next few generations. The Humagear helps Yua get up, then explains to Hasegawa why they're still standing after all that lewd session.

“We have much more stamina than most humans while transformed, that's why you can't keep up with us Master, but don't worry, there's a way to fix this!” Naki remarks while taking Yua’s Shotriser from her belt and handing it to her “You just need to hit him with a Special Shot and he’ll be back on his feet with a hard co*ck in no time!” They followed, Yua nodded and pressed the key button inserted on the Shotriser before aiming at the tired Hasegawa.

HUMPING BLAST !!” The driver screamed as a Rainbow-Colored bullet came out from the Shotriser, going directly into the Hasegawa's crotch, phasing right through it. Weirdly, this didn't hurt the man that much, if at all but unbeknownst to the bodyguards, that bullet would awaken the untamed beast within Kaijiro and take their threesome mating session to… unreal levels really quickly as one will quickly realize.

Suddenly, Hasegawa gets right back up on his feet, with his eyes now glowing with pure energy, his dick got BIGGER and THICKER than ever, followed by a dark aura emanating out of his naked body. “Woah, what's going on? Naki, did-” He was about to wonder until the overwhelming energy of the bullet took full control of his body and soul, now purely running on animalistic lust.

What was about to unfold was now three horndogs evolving into HORNGODS and the genesis of an new level of lust never seen before:

Kaijiro quickly approached the two bodyguards’ direction, making tangible afterimages of himself as he pushed Yua and Naki against the wall, sliding his THROBBING JUNK on their holes, f*cking both bodyguards at the same time.

One of the Hasegawa's afterimages pressed Naki on all fours against the ground and pounds their ass like a Jackhammer at SUPERSONIC SPEED while the other puts Yua into a CRUSHING MATING PRESS and pushes his entire dick inside of her with each thrust.


Let's now take a look at how animalistic this breeding session is shaping up to be and THIS has to be seen to be believed:

Naki felt like their FAT ASS was being repeatedly smacked by 20 different people at the same time, with every centimeter of it being attacked and ripped apart continuously. That was so overwhelming that the Humagear horndog looked up to see the man railing them out.

And from their point of view, Hasegawa pretty much looked like a god sporting as many hands as the likes of Ashura and kept smacking their dump truck like some sort of warranted divine punishment, imposing his superiority to the lewd Humagear but Naki wasn’t gonna let themself be manhandled like that.

As they were going insane from both pain and pleasure, Naki tries to twerk their EARTHQUAKE ASS at MAXIMUM SPEED , their ass rippling like a ocean on stormy day, creating their trusty afterimages and easily keeping up with the Ashura-like figure, said afterimages surrounded Hasegawa just like during the night shift, enveloping the man’s whole body in an tower of twerking afterimages.

The Humagear keeps creating more and more afterimages, becoming an Horngod in the process but unfortunately, each and every one of them kept getting butt f*cked and smacked the moment they appeared, as if Hasegawa understood what they're trying to do and was playing some lewd rhythm game using their EARTH-SHATTERING ASS as drums, each smack feeling as powerful as lightning.

From the SMACKING sounds to the loud clapping of their asschecks, Naki's continuous moanings and even Kaijiro's co*ck pistoning in and out of their tight asshole like a rabid machine, the final result is a unique melody that only the two who were at SUPERSPEED could truly appreciate.

Each of their clashes resulted in shockwaves that affected the whole building, making windows rattle before breaking and walls crumble from the decibels they made. If people saw this kind of spectacle, they would say it was a battle for the ages. Neither were willing to give up, with each violent clash of skin making them go faster, this was now a battle of horngods trying to best one another.

But this wouldn't last long, as Hasegawa decides to grab Naki by their handles with one set of hands while another holds them tightly by the ribbons on their arms. For anyone not able to to keep up with their FRENETIC SPEED , it looked like Naki was floating and was being f*cked in mid air, another hand appeared to hold onto Naki's crotch plate, something that made the Humagear gasp in fear.

And they couldn't be more right to be afraid as the man then RIPS IT OFF like it was just a vulgar band-aid while at the same time, have another of his afterimages shoves its penis inside of their puss*, being now overwhelmed from being f*cked in both their ass and puss* at the same time in such a CRAZY ANIMALISTIC SPEED , it was just too much for the Humagear to handle.

With them eventually admitting defeat by a high-pitch moan that alerted every horndogs in a 50km radius, the Humagear then felt the most powerful climax imaginable within their guts, Naki was dropped on the ground as the man's co*ck continues to puke his sem*n DEEP in their ass and puss* at the same time but also covering them on the outside.


Yua on the other hand, was being mated pressed into the ground so ROUGHLY that the sheer force of the thrust was making a crater on the ground. She was also holding hands and kissing Hasegawa, giving him a well-deserved French kiss before shortly parting the kiss to provoke the man “Is that the best you can do? At least TRY to knock me up good!” Yua taunts while slapping the man’s back, as if she was commanding a horse to walk faster.

Feeling challenged by the taunts, Hasegawa thus starts to pound Yua EVEN HARDER , deepening the crater of lust with such power that he eventually BREAK said floor and the two pummeled down each floor of the building. While falling down, Yua took the opportunity to use all of her strength to flip Hasegawa around and was now on top of the man in a cowgirl position.

Yua drops all of her weight on his crotch as she humps him faster and faster like a JACKHAMMER from hell with the rippling sounds of her ass resonating across all of Japan and weakening the building's foundations. This fastened their fall as they dropped lower and lower within the office, Kaijiro was temporarily too powerless to change positions and watch Yua making afterimages of herself as she continued riding his co*ck, becoming an Horngod in the process.

They finally reach the underground where the parking lot was at, being abandoned for a while now, dropping in like they were a METEOR hitting Earth as no one else was around. But now that they were on a firm solid ground, Hasegawa could truly feel her weight as she humped on his dick without stopping for even a second.

With now a smug smile on his face, he puts his hands up to grope Yua’s breasts with all his might, something that caught the woman off guard and make her squeal of pleasure in the process, which confused her long enough for Hasegawa to grab her and get up with her juicy body. Slamming his dick in her puss* once more, Yua was about to experience the most powerful FULL NELSON ever…

Kaijiro wasted no time and started to rail Yua’s puss* and made damn sure that she felt every inch of his schlong within her as he SLAMS and SLAMS his lower half against her holes, with so much strength as to cause the parking lot to tremble and the pillars to start cracking under the force of his thrusts, all the while hastening his pace to the point of looking more like a ghost.

The woman’s eyes could only roll back at the back of her head as she felt her guts being destroyed by that bitchbreaker of his and the harder he pounded, the closer he was to climaxing “Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yeshh!” Yua chanted as she was bouncing on Hasegawa’s dick while the parking lot was crumbling down and the pillars were falling apart, not even the car alarms ringing across the parking lot managed to put them out of their trance…

Kaijiro then starts to hasten his pace once more, creating afterimages while Yua screeches her brains out. Debris from the pillar was falling around but that didn't stop Hasegawa, continuing his pounding until he released another blast of co*ck cream straight into Yua's womb.

The sheer force coming from him was so intense that it sent them all the way back to the office, the woman squealing with pleasure as they blasted off the now destroyed parking lot. Once back in the office, Yua flew out of Hasegawa’s co*ck and fell limply on the ground along with Naki who was also getting tired from this UNREAL SEX SESSION .


Both A.I.M.S agents were now on the ground, their bodies being all limp while Hasegawa's afterimages converged back to him, smiling smugly at his triumph. As he was about to get some well-deserved nap after all of that debauchery, Naki and Yua suddenly started to shine, their helmets’ eyes and belt now glowing a strong violet, before they started getting up with all the strength the two got left.

“Have you forgotten what I said, Master? We get stronger every time you creampie us!” Naki recalls as they put their tongue out and start slapping their own ass as they were taunting Hasegawa, which only aroused the man at the sight of that fat ass he loves so much about them.

“In that case, let's finish this in one move!” Yua followed while getting ready to teach Kaijiro a lesson, Naki silently nodded and likewise prepared themselves. Hasegawa was curious to see what the two were up to, as he let out a small giggle but what came next would end up surprising him.

Both Riders presses their keys inside their belts at the same time:

“TWERK !!” “HUMP!!”

Yua and Naki's belts then make a standby sound before the two press the button on their drivers, with Naki pressing it twice:



Yua and Naki quickly jump with their FAT ASSES towards Hasegawa, he gets ready to intercept the two only to end up underestimating their combined strength. The woman and The Humagear's jump was so fast that they broke the speed of sound, slamming directly into the man as the three of them flew out of the building together.

While Hasegawa was recovering from these SUPERSONIC jumps, Yua and Naki took the opportunity to get into position, with the Humagear sitting on his face, while Yua impaled her puss* on his co*ck. Holding themselves tightly against the CEO as the trio was landing straight toward another building near the previous one.

While that happens, Naki were too busy being a mad lad and humped the man’s face as a punishment from ignoring their warning but also as a reward for helping them find out their new purpose in life.

The three of them finally crashed into the building with Hasegawa taking all the fall damage in strides and making it out just fine, and so are his two bodyguards. Sliding into the seemingly abandoned place until stopping themselves completely.

Kaijiro doesn't even have the time to get what's happening as Yua starts humping on the man’s crotch with the accumulated force and speed to power an entire reactor while Naki starts twerking on his face, breaking past the speed of light. They've barely arrived in this new building that was already starting to crack from the SUPERNOVA ass clapping.

Both went all out on their finishers without ever stopping, getting faster and stronger by the second, going beyond the laws of physics, Yua and Naki then started creating afterimages once again, overwhelming the man as their abilities became MORE and MORE destructive.

The raunchiness was coming to an end and there was no better way than to end it with a bang: starting with Yua dropping her whole weight on Hasegawa's lower half, as each bounces weakens the ground they were standing on while Hasegawa lied down and took their fat asses clapping on him. Eventually, the cracks were getting bigger and bigger until the whole building was snapped in half and the trio fell to what could be their death.

But none of them even cared about it, especially Yua and Naki who continues to bounces on the man with their asses, their speed matching that of their fall, Naki wouldn't have to worry as they're a Humagear but if it wasn't for there new abilities, Yua and Hasegawa would've long since die from such shenanigans. As they fell, the two bodyguards’ afterimages started to overwhelm the man who couldn't even moan over the TREMENDOUS pleasure he was feeling right now.

Hell, he couldn't even feel the cold ground of the parking lot they ended up crashing into and it was almost identical to the one he and Yua were f*cking at and destroyed. But, the woman and Naki were too busy showing Hasegawa the full extent of their new Keys' abilities to realize their surroundings, especially Naki, whose twerking skills massively improved ever since the night shifts.

Now with each clap of their ass, Naki creates micro black holes that briefly pops up to absorb anything coming its way before disappearing just as quickly as they appears. Despite not seeing much, Hasegawa was floored by such improvements and blasted another tank of cum straight to Yua's womb, but unlike the Humagear, this was too much for the woman who felt all her energy vanishing from the TURBO HUMPINGS and fell off the still hard co*ck of the man.

Now, the other two horngods could resume their primal debauchery and use their remaining forces to go all out, meanwhile Yua limply crawl towards a somewhere safe to watch the two displaying their lust and abilities to one another:

Naki thus resume their SUPERSONIC TWERKING once more upon seeing Yua now in a safe place, as the tremors resume and the parking lot pillars were once again cracking, the Humagear slid off Hasegawa's head thanks to the mini earthquake they've caused and ended up impaling themselves on that bitchbreaker of his once more.

The man didn't even have the time to moan at the feeling of sheer tightness invading him once again that Naki turned back and was now facing him, Hasegawa seeing their cute face sweating from all that humping as the two are now in a reverse mating press.

Nonetheless, the Humagear continues to clap their asscheeks, this time dropping their whole weight with each cheeks clashing against one another, making Hasegawa fall deeper and deeper into the ground, enlarging the crater in the process and intensifying the tremors as usual.

This was too much for Hasegawa who felt like he was about to blast his final nut inside of his mate. Naki understood that all too well and pull off one last stunt that'd pop his eyes out: getting off his bitchbreaker, the Humagear hot dogs the hard shaft with their phat ass and hasten their twerk at an unrivaled pace, becoming almost invisible as a testimony of how FAST they truly became “I-I'M CUMMING ~” Hasegawa howls before blasting his nut juice DEEP within them.

Climaxing his lifetime's worth of sem*n while hearing Naki squealing in gratitude for that feeling inside of thim, Hasegawa's eyes finally stopped glowing and FINALLY passed out, looking like he was dehydrated. The Humagear happily looked at Yua one last time, making a double peace sign to her but she already passed out from the raunchy sex, eventually, even Naki themself felt their strength waning and fell asleep on top of him, their transformation being canceled as their conscience faded.


This raunchy battle leaving the building (and its city) in shambles concludes this third day of bodyguarding, the neighbors had to move out of the area and the last few habitants were being evacuated. Now in its place was a wasteland not too different from Daybreak Town. With debris of buildings longing the way, Hasegawa's office was now nothing but a crater filled with water and electrical circuits surrounding the place.

And thanks to the constant moanings coming from three people, some have named this entire area as “Dawntown”... creating an entirely new wasteland through sex is really something ridiculous yet fascinating...

Meanwhile, at the office… Or what was left of it, Kaijiro continues his work as usual but with a catch “I'd never thought that this little thing I've made would result in my building getting totally wrecked, guess that my genius can be frightening at times haha.” Hasegawa points out as he looks under his table, watching Naki draining the life out of his throbbing co*ck like a hungry vampire on Halloween using their TWERKING EARTH-SHATTERING ASS in a depraved animalistic ass clapping show that would makes him proud.

While Yua still got her time in the spotlight, she was mostly rubbing her puss* to Naki and Hasegawa's raunchy lewd sessions that sometimes got very shaky on the ground. She and Naki have also long since given up on A.I.M.S and decided to become Hasegawa's full-time bodyguards, now fully loyal to him.

To be continued…

L3wd Rider Naki and Valkyrie - Chapter 1 - The_RedWriter (2024)


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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.