16. Vishakha Nakshatra - Mikes Sleeping Dog (2024)

Vishakha Nakshatra

20º 00’ Libra – 3º 20’ Scorpio
Alpha Librae (Zuben el Genubi, the north scale), Beta Librae (Zuben el Hakhrabi, the south scale), Gamma Librae, Lota Librae

Ruled by Jupiter.

Star of purpose.
Power to achieve many and various fruits in life; to spread around & dissipate

Main deity: Indra-Agni (Shakragni)
Meaning: Forked Branch, Poisoned Vessel, Radioactive
Main symbols: the triumphal decorated archway & potters wheel (patience for spiritual path)

Western Deities: Dinus
Associations: fission, fixation, separation, catharsis

Secondary symbols: a tree with spreading branches giving shelter; White Lotus, the number five.
Secondary deities: Indrani (Indra’s wife), Radha (the delightful), Love story between Radha – Krishna

Rulership: Trees that bear red blossoms and fruits, sesame, green gram, cotton, black gram, Bengal gram and men devoted to Indra & Agni.

Brihat Samhita: When Saturn transits Vishakha, the following people will suffer: the people of Trigarta, modern day Jalandhara in Punjab (it was a militarised city); Cina, which is described as a kingdom in the mountains to the north (the people are described as yellow-skinned outcaste tribals; historians think they could be connected to slightly later Qin dynasty that unified China); and Kuluta, now known as Kullu valley, famous for pine, cedar and apple trees. This popular tourist area is deep in the valley formed by the Beas River cutting through the mountains. Saffron, lac, crops, and flowers are also destroyed.

Brihat Samhita: When Jupiter is in Vishakha there will be dreadful unrest and violence among the subjects. If Saturn is with Jupiter in Vishakha, the capital will be stormed.

Qualities of Vishakha:

Trimurti: Brahma/Creative

Gotra/Clan: Sage Vashishtha

Gana/Tribe: Rakshasa

Varna/Caste: Mleccha

Motivation/Goal: Dharma

Nature: Mixed – Sharp & Soft

Activity: Active

Place: Cotton Field

Body parts: Arms, breast.

Guna: Sattvic

Element: Fire

Dosha: Kapha

Sex/Gender: Female

Downward Facing

Direction: East

Colour: Golden

Animal: Male Tiger

Tree: Elephant apple

Brahma / Creative energy: A creative energy that brings something new and fresh into the world.

Rakshasa: They hail from the clan of Rakshasa. Outcaste demon tribals who come down from the mountain and cause trouble. They don’t know the way and they don’t really care since they also have their own ways. And there usually is something pure about them; purification by fire, since this is still a sattvic nakshatra motivated by dharma.

Mleccha: Outcaste, all-castes, mixing, misfits of society. They like the subterranean world. The underground themes and places. They tend to feel like the outsider of any community of home they are in. They either inflict or remove poison and in either case, it’s time to move on afterwards. They are capable of mixing with any case that will help them achieve their goals.

Dharma: focused on following dharma; reaching for one’s own highest spiritual potential. Planets which support dharma will support a person on their soul path to the highest order. Dharma positions seek to rise up, expand and illuminate their righteous actions. Planets belonging to the other castes will result in a mix of the castes. The energy of the planet in a dharma position will also help one find their purpose in life.

Misra – Mixed: Wednesdays. Krittika is the only other Mixed Nakshatra. They are a mix of sharp and soft. Multitasking is common for these folk. They like to be in high stress positions with a lot of critical information coming moment by moment. Vishakha will often have two very different things going on at once. They think on their feet, take charge and take care of business. They like to mix things up to keep themselves sharp. They might literally or metaphorically “play with fire” or electricity. And Vishakha likes to mixe

Sattvic: Tendency towards purity, harmony, truthfulness, sincerity, peacefulness. They tend to have a positive attitude and seek constructive dialogue. The activity of planets in this asterism act as an instrument of the divine.Their inspiration ultimately comes from the soul. They usually recognise that purity needs to be achieved within ourselves which somehow sets them up for a struggle between the ideal and the reality.

Fire: rises up, expands, illuminates, transformers burns, cooks, assimilates. Fire & Air are cooperative. Earth & Water are cooperative. Space cooperates with all.Earth does not cooperate with Fire and impedes Air. Water does not cooperate with Air and impedes Fire.

Kapha: Water & Earth elements. Cool, oily, heavy, stable, slow, soft, gross, sticky/cloudy, smooth. Stable, slow, methodical, greedy. Disturbed by sweet (Jupiter), salty (Moon), sour (Venus).Pacified by pungent (Sun) and astringent (Saturn).

Active: Planets here will actively pursue their interests. Active planets like Mars and Sun will have their activity enhanced. If afflicted here it can make a person very aggressive and angry. More passive planets will struggle in an active field a little bit like. The Moon here can make an active mind, but we need active and alert minds to nourish and protect the weak. Saturn is slow and bureaucratic, systematic, but does well on the libra part of Vishakha.

Female: Imparts some female characteristics to planets sitting here.

Adho-Mukha – Downward Facing: Relates with research, containment, underground activity, digging wells or mines, drilling for oil, digging up the garden or other trenching activities. It may also relate with shame, pessimism or low self worth that causes you to keep your eyes cast downward. Bharani, Krittika, Ashlesha, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Vishakha, Mula, Purva Ashadha, and Purva Bhadra. Planets like Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu share this nature.

East: Movement east of your home becomes likely in the periods of planets placed here.

Sage Vashishta

He and his wife Arundhati are an example of the closeness, intimacy and blessing that marriage brings into a couples life. Her star, Alcor, is the 7th sister who stays in the handle of the Big Dipper with her husband (a star called Mizar) instead of with her six sisters in Pleiades (the Vedic seers only recognised 6 stars in Pleiades). The star Mizar is sometimes worshiped by married women in thanks for the blessings of married life. The seven sons of Vashishta and Arundhati all became great sages themselves. Vashishta was the keeper of the wish fulfilling cow, Kamadhenu.

One of his main teachings was that we must overcome our prejudice, bigotry and stereotypes and seek to work in cooperation and harmony with our rivals. but they only become successful once they learn this important lesson. He believed there was a common spiritual core between even the worst rivals.

Sage Parashara was one of his sons, suggesting this lineage has something to do with astrology. Vashistha Samhita is about electional astrology which is used to select favourable timing for events such as marriage or war. Vashistha typically highlights the importance of the means we use to achieve our desired outcome.

Some of his hymns in the Rig Veda discuss family life, and much emphasis is put on his hymns extolling Indra & Varuna on equal terms. The power of Indra was needed to destroy enemies and Varuna was there to uphold social & ethical norms of society.

Vashistha also has a famous section in the Ramayana where he answers Rama’s questions about nature of life, human suffering, free will, creativity, & spiritual liberation. He is considered the Adi Guru of Vedanta Philosophy. He taught that the powers of the deities arose from within ourselves and that our fate was not determined by external gods. We must make an effort to live in harmony with nature and with others. He was devoted to righteous action and worked for the welfare of the world.

He was involved in a famous feud with a king who wanted to steal Kamadenu but he warded off all attacks by the king and his men. In a final attempt to get the cow, Vishwamitra did severe penance; however, by the end of his tapas he decided to reconcile with the sage. Vashistha teaches us to defend nature and many of those who are descendants of Vashistha find various ways to act as custodians of nature.

Male Tiger

Male Tigers reach sexual maturity around 4 – 5 years of age. The Female is typically receptive for 3 -6 days even 3 – 9 weeks. Although the female can get pregnant throughout the years. Most mating behaviour is seen in the cool months November – April. The female will advertise their readiness through vocalisation and a distinctive scent in her urine. They typically begin courtship by circling each other and vocalisation. Copulation is typically brief, but repeated many times in four or five days. Males and females will have several mates over their lifetime. Cubs remain with the mother for 17 – 24 months. The male will occasionally associate with mother and cubs. Females typically have a fairly well defined territory while the males will typically overlap their territory with a couple of females (but will not usually encroach on another males territory. The male will seek to defend the female. He will also share his kill with a female and will wait for her to finish eating from her own kill before he takes his share.

Compatibility: Anuradha, Jyeshta, Mula, Shravana.

Wood Apple – Kaitha – Elephant Apple – Limonia Acidissima

Wood Apple is found in India, Sri Lanka & Thailand. It has a hard shell and smells like a combination of blue cheese and over-ripe bananas. Inside is a dark brown pulp with seeds. Its sour flavour is good for pickles and jams.

Wood Apple is an excellent summer fruit with medicinal properties for combating Sun stroke and other heat related health issues. Tannis and phenolic properties enriched with antioxidants make it useful for piles, ulcers, and other stomach or digestive problems such as dysentery and diarrhoea. Riboflavin and thiamine detoxify the body, cleansing the kidneys and keeping the gut healthy. It has expectorant properties that are helpful for respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis and sore throat. Wood Apple is high in vitamin C and has immunity enhancing properties to keep viral, fungal and bacterial infections at bay. Laxative properties and high fibre make it good for keeping bowel movements regular. Combined with jaggery it can give a good energy boost. The leaves can be boiled to make a tea which reduces high blood pressure. The fruit also acts as a blood purifier and prevents diabetes by regulating sugar in the bloodstream. It has various properties for treating skin conditions and for maintaining health skin. It even boosts hair growth and can be used to treat itching, dandruff and folliculitis. Taken during pregnancy is helps regulate stress hormones in the body and reduces constipation. The powdered rind is given to children with some honey to relieve diarrhoea. Pulp form the roots, leave, fruit and bark is combined to treat snakebite.

A gum extracted from the branched and truck is used in inks, varnish dyes, and water colour paints. The wood can be used to agricultural implement, carving, block printing, as well as for burning.

Eating too much wood apple can cause gastric problems and flatulence. Consumed over a long time can cause pressure in the stomach causing the abdominal muscles to contract.

Special Considerations

  • Moon debilitated at 3º Scorpio.
  • Pushkara amsha 24º Libra. Nourishing point. Moons transit brings auspicious and nourishing results. Good time to plan auspicious events.
  • Pushkara Navamsha: 23º 20′ to 26º 40′ Libra (2nd pada: Taurus Navamsha).
  • Pushkara Navamsha: 0º to 3º 20′ Scorpio (4th pada: Cancer Navamsha)
  • Birth Star of Lord Murugan (Kartikeya)
  • Month of Vaishakha: In the Spring when the Sun is in Aries: April – May.
Planing the Transit: Auspicious Activities
Muhurtha – Electional Astrology

Activities relating to house and land, making ornaments, architecture, sculpture, construction, making chariots or vehicles, taking medicine. War executive ability, argument, harshness, mental focus, goal orientated, ceremonies parties, Awards, romance, sex, penance, making resolutions, getting dressed up. Marriage, travel, beginnings, tact, initiations, diplomacy

Gods & Symbols of Vishakha

Story of Radha Krishna

The beloved female slave, the Gopi with five beauties or charms of a woman: beautiful hair, curvaceous figure, good bone structure, smooth golden skin, youthfulness.

Love based on penance and devotion. They were both married, their love was impossible, but it was not just a desire. Blind trust, blind faith. They tend to show this devotion towards their career as well.

Krishna and his sister Drupati were considered destroyers of the kshetriyas. The pure Agni side of this Vishakha destroys the malign maya aspect related to the indriyas; the senses.

In a story from the Bhil tribal literature about Radha and Krishna. Right after they were married Krishna had to go away on business. This angered Draupadi so she went to the market and slept with a bangle seller. In the story, this also turns out to be Krishna as well. But he’s not angry; they have an open liberal relationship where she can do what she wants. Some other stories have Vasuki tying up Arjuna and ravishing Drupati. He gets mad at Vasuki but not Drupati; she is free to do what she wants, but only a snake will come between a man and his wife. And of course such things can poison the well. This is like the poison Shiva holds in his throat. They say communication is the key to neutralising such poisons, though I suppose every planet will have their own story and style of dealing with it.

Indra – Agni: Indra rules Jyeshta & Agni rules Krittika.

This combination can be understood as fire & lightening, it’s where the inner fire rises up to meet with divine inspiration from outside Its the place where people argue to disagree and split the difference. Some call this couple “Fire & Rain” but fire and brimstone is probably close to the truth. Indra is electrical energy, or more precisely, and electrically charged atmosphere, He is nucleus in the middle that all the atoms rally around. He’s the king, the viraja, the agent who controls the shakes, the powers and abilities of the senses. In many ways, prana in the fire and the warmth of life. This fire is transported though the Prana vayus and like flashes of lightening or flickers of a television screen, these prana vayus reach out with the senses to find the objects which are in our heart. Some others compare this combination to Fire & Rain to highlight the likely connection between the endocrine system and the nervous system that Vishakha nakshatra represents,

In many ways this couple represents that fragile gap between the polar opposties. That momentariness of reality that many of the Buddhists talk about. If we take this perspective e we could talk about the split between Dharma and Kama; the love and lust Mizra Ghalib lamented over, singing that love demands patiences while lust insist on action. Of course patience is the highest path; but who can wait that long?!

The forked branch of lightning is mostly associated with Indra striking things down from the sky like Zeus with his thunder-bolt, but lightening actually reaches up from the ground with equal force as which comes from the sky.

Indra Agni have one other relationship which is important. Indra is the fire master, the master of ceremonies. Agrni is the ceremonial fire. Together, the fire ritual can proceed. Of course like so many things that originate in Vedic culture, there is an actual fire ritual, but the fire ritual is also a metaphor for the engagement between the subject and the object and the unlimited creative potential of this union.

“One day Vyasa was ‘employed in rubbing his sticks to make a fire. While thus engaged he beheld the Apsara Ghritachi, who, in consequence of her energy, was then possessed of great beauty.” Seeing Ghritachi, Vyasa ejacul*tes spontaneously – his sem*n falls on the fire, and Shukra is born.”

In Arthashastra (Book XIII, “Strategic Means to Capture a Fortress”, Chapter I. Sowing the Seeds of Dissension), Kautilya says:

“When the conqueror is desirous of seizing an enemy’s village, he should infuse enthusiastic spirit among his own men and frighten his enemy’s people by giving publicity to his power of omniscience and close association with gods. Proclamation of his omniscience is as follows:–rejection of his chief officers when their secret, domestic and other private affairs are known; revealing the names of traitors after receiving information from spies specially employed to find out such men; pointing out the impolitic aspect of any course of action suggested to him; and pretensions to the knowledge of foreign affairs by means of his power to read omens and signs invisible to others when information about foreign affairs is just received through a domestic pigeon which has brought a sealed letter. Proclamation of his association with gods is as follows: Holding conversation with, and worshipping, the spies who pretend to be the gods of fire or altar when through a tunnel they come to stand in the midst of fire, altar, or in the interior of a hollow image.”

HYMN CVIII. Indra-Agni.

1. ON that most wondrous car of yours, O Indra and Agni, which looks round on all things living, Take ye your stand and come to us together, and drink libations of the flowing Soma.
2 As vast as all this world is in its compass, deep as it is, with its far-stretching surface, So let this Soma be, Indra and Agni, made for your drinking till your soul be sated.
3 For ye have won a blessed name together: yea, with one aim ye strove, O Vṛtra-slayers. So Indra-Agni, seated here together, pour in, ye Mighty Ones, the mighty Soma.
4 Both stand adorned, when fires are duly kindled, spreading the sacred grass, with lifted ladles. Drawn by strong Soma juice poured forth around us, come, Indra-Agni, and display your favour.
5 The brave deeds ye have done, Indra and Agni, the forms ye have displayed and mighty exploits, The ancient and auspicious bonds of friendship,—for sake of these drink of the flowing Soma.
6 As first I said when choosing you, in battle we must contend with Asuras for this Soma. So came ye unto this my true conviction, and drank libations of the flowing Soma.
7 If in your dwelling, or with prince or Brahman, ye, Indra-Agni, Holy Ones, rejoice you, Even from thence, ye mighty Lords, come hither, and drink libation of the flowing Soma.
8 If with, the Yadus, Turvaśas, ye sojourn, with Druhyus, Anus, Pūrus, Indra-Agni! Even from thence, ye mighty Lords, come hither, and drink libations of the flowing Soma.
9 Whether, O Indra-Agni, ye be dwelling in lowest earth, in central, or in highest. Even from thence, ye mighty Lords, come hither, and drink libations of the flowing Soma.
10 Whether, O Indra-Agni, ye be dwelling in highest earth, in central, or in lowest, Even from thence, ye mighty Lords, come hither, and drink libations of the flowing Soma.
11 Whether ye be in heaven, O Indra-Agni, on earth, on mountains, in the herbs, or waters, Even from thence, ye mighty Lords, come hither, and drink libations of the flowing Soma.
12 If, when the Sun to the mid-heaven hath mounted, ye take delight in food, O Indra-Agni, Even from thence, ye mighty Lords, come hither, and drink libations of the flowing Soma.
13 Thus having drunk your fill of our libation, win us all kinds of wealth, Indra and Agni. This prayer of ours may Varuṇa grant, and Mitra, and Aditi and Sindhu, Earth and Heaven.

HYMN CIX. Indra-Agni.

1. LONGING for weal I looked around, in spirit, for kinsmen, Indra-Agni, or for brothers. No providence but yours alone is with me so have I wrought for you this hymn for succour.
2 For I have heard that ye give wealth more freely than worthless son-in-law or spouse’s brother. So offering to you this draught of Soma, I make you this new hymn, Indra and Agni,
3 Let us not break the cords: with this petition we strive to gain the powers of our forefathers. For Indra-Agni the strong drops are joyful, for here in the bowl’s lap are both the press-stones.
4 For you the bowl divine, Indra and Agni, presses the Soma gladly to delight you. With hands auspicious and fair arms, ye Aśvins, haste, sprinkle it with sweetness in the waters.
5 You, I have heard, were mightiest, Indra-Agni, when Vṛtra fell and when the spoil was parted. Sit at this sacrifice, ye ever active, on the strewn grass, and with the juice delight you.
6 Surpassing all men where they shout for battle, ye Twain exceed the earth and heaven in greatness. Greater are ye than rivers and than mountains, O Indra-Agni, and all things beside them.
7 Bring wealth and give it, ye whose arms wield thunder: Indra and Agni, with your powers protect us. Now of a truth these be the very Sunbeams wherewith our fathers were of old united.
8 Give, ye who shatter forts, whose hands wield thunder: Indra and Agni, save us in our battles. This prayer of ours may Varuṇa grant, and Mitra, and Aditi and Sindhu, Earth and Heaven.


Drupati is famous as the wife of the Pandavas, but she was merely a reincarnation of Radha who a a reincarnation of Laxmi. From Vaishakha perspective they represent the fire pan into which the ghee is saddled or the the sem*n deposited so that some wholly new thing might be craated. You might notice that Vaishakha will find much in common with Purva Phalguni.

Often compared to a lotus flower she is said to be born from vedi (the raised platform), yagna-agni (the sacrificial fire) and Ghee (the libations poured into it.” “And there arose, after this from the centre of the sacrificial platform, a daughter also, called Panchali, who, blessed with great good fortune, was exceedingly handsome. Her eyes were black, and large as lotus-petals, her complexion was dark, and her locks were blue and curly. Her nails were beautifully convex, and bright as burnished copper; her eye-brows were fair, and bosom was deep. Indeed, she resembled the veritable daughter of a celestial born among men. Her body gave out fragrance like that of a blue lotus, perceivable from a distance of full two miles. Her beauty was such that she had no equal on earth. Like a celestial herself, she could be desired (in marriage) by a celestial, a Danava or a Yaksha. When this girl of fair hips was born an incorporeal voice said, ‘This dark-complexioned girl will be the first of all women, and she will be the cause of the destruction of many Kshatriyas. This slender-waisted one will, in time, accomplish the purpose of the gods, and along with her many a danger will overtake the Kauravas.” — KMG trans., Adi Parvan -169

“Vaisampayana said, …The illustrious Yagnasena, otherwise called Drupada, had a daughter risen from the centre of the sacrificial altar. Of eyes like lotus-petals and of faultless features endued with youth and intelligence, she is extremely beautiful. And the slender-waisted Draupadi of every feature perfectly faultless, and whose body emitted a fragrance like unto that of the blue lotus for two full miles around, is the sister of the strong-armed Dhrishtadyumna gifted with great prowess–the (would-be) slayer of Drona–who was born with natural mail and sword and bow and arrows from the blazing fire, himself like unto the second Fire. And that daughter of Yagnasena will select a husband from among the invited princes.”

“Her loins (Vedi) are the altar; her body-hairs, the strewing-grass; her skin, the Soma-press; her labia, the fire in the middle. The one who practises sexual intercourse knowing this gains as great a world as the one who offers the Vajapeya sacrifice, and takes the merit of the women to himself. However, the one who practices sexual intercourse without knowing this, the women take his merit to themselves.” — Mantra of Brhadaranyaka Upanishad

“In Rig Veda, sexual intercourse is an act of Sacrifice/Yagna: sem*n is the Ghrta (libation) in the Agni of Yoni. “Agni has come from OUT, goes towards Yoni, and then goes IN abounding in grease, being fond of and desiring Yoni, and also being desired by Yoni, standing firmly and remains and continues in that condition and action, having a wide approach or access; and then it shines brightly in pleasure, soars high in purity and sublimity, moving into Yoni and back again and again, like the two pieces of wood used in kindling fire renewing with every force, and are purified in the waters anew with every force (my trans.).”— Shatapath Brahmana (7:5:1:38)

“The fire-pan is the belly, the mortar the womb;–the fire-pan is above, and the mortar below; for the belly is above, and the womb below. The pestle is the sisna; it is round-like, for the sisna is round-like. He places it to the right (south of the mortar), for the male lies on the right side of the female. And what food there is for the consecrated animal, that is the dûrvâ-brick. The left (north) side of that (Agni or altar) is more raised,–that Agni is an animal, and hence the left side of the belly of a well-filled beast is more raised (than the right side).”

“They enter woman, and make her lap their offering-fire, her womb the fuel,–for that (womb) is called the bearer, because by it Pragâpati bore creatures,–and the seed their pure libation: they satiate woman; and, verily, for him who, knowing this, approaches his mate, the Agnihotra comes to be offered. The son who is born therefrom is the renascent world: this is the Agnihotra, Yâgnavalkya, there is nothing higher than this.’ Thus he spoke; and Yâgnavalkya granted him a boon. He said, ‘Let mine be the (privilege of) asking questions of thee when I list, Yâgnavalkya!’ Thenceforth Ganaka was a Brahman.”

The word for Female Genital is Yoni – often translated in English as vagin*. However, in RgVeda, the word Yoni also means “the womb, uterus, vulva, female organs of generation; place of birth, source, origin, spring, fountain; place of rest, repository…” — Monier-Williams

Drupati’s true nature is revealed to be a goddess with a tiger; and a kind of avatar of the power goddess Durga. And since Krishna was also born for the sacrificial fire they are like brother and sister.

In Bhil literature, Drupati is ‘Dayan Devi’. This reveals an ambiguous relationship between benevolence and malevolence. She exists to destroy the civilised folk who arrogantly lay claim to the forests and make it their home.

The Potter’s Wheel:

This points is more direct towards the chakra psychophysical energy system. The spinning and whirling is what keeps everything in balance. By applying slight pressure against the centrifugal force a new pot is created. Of course the speed and everything has to be balanced just right or everything will go wrong. I tend to also associate the “Wheel of Dharma,” which is often depicted and as the Captains steering wheel of a ship.

The Triumphal Gateway decorated with leaves

The triumphal moment of penetration of the vagin* which is the decorated archway with leaves. Said to be the symbol for an interdimentional radio total which spans Radha and Anuradha. It’s the triumph of man, the victorious soldier,

Health:Arms & Brest

They might also experience problems with their lower stomach, bladder, gallbladder, kidneys and pancreatic or prostate glands. Organs of reproduction and elimination will be harmed with malefics poorly placed here.

Stars of Vishakha

Four stars in the shape of a pylon: Alpha Librae (Pada 1); Beta Librae (Pada 2); Gamma Librae (Pada 3); Iota Librae (Pada 4).

Key Themes

Brain storms. Expansive shocks. We might see the underdog pull one off, or someone come from behind to seize and incredible comeback. Strength, power, brilliance, and perfectionism are all a part of Vishakha. One is purified under fire and is capable of anything. Hope is never lost to Vishakha, or just when it is, ka-pow, everything suddenly just comes together. Complete destruction followed by expansive growth. Vishakha reminds us that we have to sacrifice something in order to get anything important. In relationships we learn that we have to give up something of ourselves to have a relationship, to get anything that is really worth having. When we speak of what we love, what we are passionate about, we should talk about what we have sacrificed for that thing or person rather than what it does for us or how it makes us feel. At the stage of Vishakha life is at the bargaining stage; here life asks: “So you want this? What are you willing to give up?”

In other ways this nakshatra represents the bursting of life from the egg, the sprout from Swati rising up in the crack between time and space, feeding off the environment in order to express its own personal creativity. This is a very fertile, pro-creative nakshatra. But it’s also a deadly, poisonous nakshatra related to alcohol and toxicity in general, but radioactive energy, radium, polonium, radiology, splitting of the atom. Electro-magnetic energy at its peak of power. Is Vishakha a wave and a particle? It’s said to be the buildup of atmospheric energy just before a storm; the electric shock that causes an event of split and grow. Shakti, the power, and Shiva, the agent brings full sovereignty. The full chakra; full power.

Unity in diversity, a popular slogan for many modern yoga ashrams. Divide and conquer a popular tactic for destroying the enemy. Vishakha’s are likely to take both of these roads at some point in time. Many Krishna devotees can be found here and of course these natives typically have strong appetites for food and for sex. The fire in them burns strong; but hey can also develop a steel-will.

They usually have an attractive personality with bright, dark eyes and a lightening flash smile; like Drupati. They are very good with dealing with people, juggling multiple agreements, broad ranging negotiations. They tend to charge the atmosphere with their presence and they might transfer electric charges through their touch, voice, look or other modes of interacting with the world.

They do well in high level positions and situations where the atmosphere is charged. In many cases it will be the combination of houses owned by the planet that will come together to charge up the house the planet in Vishakha is in. By spanning Libra and Scorpio Vishakha represents the transformation from air to fire. As long as there is some fuel, this is a very intense situation to be in; just waiting for everything to flare up.

1st lord in Vishakha can give a split in the personality in certain situations related to house & sign placement as well as other planetary influences. 2nd lord in Vishakha can cause a split in the family and/or the bank account or other stores assets. 3rd lord will cause a split in the team or associations. 4th lord the split will be in the home itself, though Saturn in Vishakha conjunct Ketu in the 4th house: can literally cause the house to be hit by lightening. Interestingly enough it went right up through the door frame which is like the victory arch symbol of this nakshatra. The 5th lord in Vishakha often give some kind of joint custody of children, or even joint attribution of a creative project. 6th lord related with Vishakha can effectively divide and conquer the enemy, but if poorly placed it could be how the enemy conquers you. 7th lord relation with Vishakha can really put you in the fire when it comes to negotiated settlement. The liberal Jupitarian side of this nakshatra might allow the terms of agreement to expend until they reach their breaking point.

8th lord in Vishakha is very likely to bring very sudden shocking events related to fire or electricity. Of course one might also inherit some kind of power or authority. Prostate problems, piles, anal fissures are also possible if this placement is particularly problematic. The 9th lord here can cause schism in the church or some great change of faith. The 10th lord might have you working for both sided somehow; a double agent in some way. Or one might have a split in the structure of authority. 11th lord here can place one in some very charged mass gatherings; the potential for incitement to riot would be strong. Or perhaps some kind of systematic destruction meant for rebirth. The 12th lord here bring extra power to your dreams and fantasies, isolation and privacy would give you a charge. With Mars and nodal influence it could be the kind of charge that a thief feels once they’ve entered someone else’s personal space, or it could be the energy gained from a retreat get away. Either way one may feel all charged or fired up.

Vishakha people are good diplomates or business negotiators; but they like to play hard ball. At some point in their life they often take a great change and begin doing almost the opposite of what they were doing before. This great change can affect all parts of life if its a powerful and influential planet, or just parts of life its it’s influence is less. They do well in politics (or NGO’s which are essentially another branch of politics). They are usually good communicators and good with people so any kind of teaching, speaking, writing also come into play. The Jupiter influence will likely put them to work in some kind of humanistic cause; and for Vishakha the military might very well be included as a humanistic organisation. They often like science and research, they might be interested in law or any other field that allows them to rise up something new from the ashes. They want the challenge attaining unity among diversity; but planets placed here might be recognised first for the diversity of Vishakha. One might be tempted to ask how these two sides exist in the same person.

They can be good counsellors and the shocks of life typically lead them towards spirituality, and they can become good leaders, and broad minded patriarchs. Poor placements can develop into an overly commanding firey nature of a brutal dictator. They split things so that there might be greater development and growth of hidden potential. They often get some kind of help from people in low places. It might be Garth Brooks’ friends in low places, but it might be some special help from a mailroom clerk that helps an executive land the big promotion; which of course nobody was expecting. In some way they have a secret source of power, or fuel that allows them to rise. They might burn a lot of people on their way up and they can have lots of enemies; or get enemies in the way our desires control us by controlling our senses rather than us, realising who we really are and exerting control over our mind and senses (all 11 indrias) in order to experience ourselves as sovereign, free and fully empowered: free to… and free from….

They tend towards a sedentary lifestyle and can put on weight later in life. They might find that they are able to exert greater self control in their diet than in their exercise.

Three quarters of this nakshatra is in a Venus ruled sign so that the energies of Jupiter and Venus combine energies: the two gurus. They tend to like scripture and respect dogma, but the chose to embrace a broader colour spectrum and delight in Maya, illusion, the suspension of belief or reality, That allows them to be touched so deeply by events, shocked by what was right in front of their eyes; but for some reason they were not looking there. The might be progressive politically, extremists very much set in their convictions relating with fairness, justice and equality (Venus and Libra themes). They are not seekers, they usually believe that they have seen the truth and they are here to show this truth to others. They can be very provocative in this quest.

Vishakha traits may be highlighted during Jupiter periods.

Planets & Padas of Vishakha

Jupiter:Expansive, hope, optimism, permissive, inclusive, philosophical, compassionate, worship, worthiness, virtue, moral compass, provides gravity, ideology, charity, dogma, globalism, travel, doctrine, optimism, generosity, justice, judiciary, jurisprudence, judgement, good advice, humanism, permissive, can be heavy and prideful, beliefs, the big picture, husband, father figures, gurus, preceptor, councillors, children, joy, theory, inspiration,fat, heaviness, grave, gravity, wealth , yellow, space.

Libra:Balancing, harmonising, equality, fairness, trust, vow, agreeability, compromise, negotiations, partnerships, one-to-one relationships, subject-object relationship, the other, marriage partner, deal-making, bargaining, mediation, advocates, middle-men, peace, arrangement, alliance, coalition, integration, balanced design, yoga, union,

Scorpio:Secretive, confidential, indirect penetration, psychologically penetrating, mysterious, sex, death, surgical, transformation, occult, tantra, research,discovery, exploration, shock, dive, plunge, dig, mining, recycle, renovate, rebirth, cross the bridge, unexpected, unearned, unspoken or unspeakable, intuited but unseen,

Libra + Jupiter:Expansive agreements, prosperous business agreements. One contract leads to another. Contracts and agreements themselves be be somewhat “open.” Influences liberal minded or spiritual relationships.

Scorpio + Jupiter:Expansive secretes, shocks, traumas, sexual liberated. Many secrets, confidences but many might be somewhat open secrets (everyone knows but no one says anything).

Vishakha pada 1, 2, 3 are called to destroy and renew. The are balancing rearrangers, negotiating diplomats, attuned to communicative professions, writing or following scripts, schedules, media-messaging, touring, team-work, skills-training, hands, arms. They often have to deal with protracted war, toxic environments, conflict that drags on and becomes stagnant. They take explanatory roles, writing and diagraming. tactical planning of some kind of controlled destruction. Of course this can relate with all kinds of adversarial situations in life including litigation and persecution, betrayal, institutional conflict, exploitation, disease, or grave illness; any charged situation. They can be gifted “how to” instructors and experts of the small group or workshop process; perfect skills for modern activism; by being able to act at the right time they are able to have a successful career with many periods of great excitement and tension. They may however be attacked or scapegoated. Virgo Vishakha ascendant will give an affinity for philosophically or ideologically conflicted situations. They understand the tension between the poles and they tend to work in that grey zone between the two.

Pada 1 (Libra + Jupiter + Aries): Saturn Exaltation Pada: Very energetic and impulsive. They typically maintain a thin waist, they remember those who help them. They are usually old-souls, proud, and capable of doing the jobs nobody else wants to do. They can lead an army, though they are typically peaceful. They might cause trouble for the family because of their rude and adamant behaviour. They none-the-less develop a wide array of social connections. They are intelligent and knowledgable in all fields. They can be very passionate and romantic, but also short-tempered. Saturn influence on this Moon can make a person very cruel, especially when combust by Sun. However, Saturn placed in the first pada is exalted because these people are capable of great sacrifice in order to maintain a difficult vow (which may seem cruel to others).

Pada 2 (Libra + Jupiter + Taurus): Pushkara pada 24 degrees & Moon’s exaltation navamsha. Creative, intelligent, talented and skilled in their profession. They are successful in life and in the art of secretly defeating their enemies. They can be good researchers often involved in media entertainment. Their public persona might be very different from their private one. They can suffer ear ailments. They will be lustful and may conduct extra-marital affairs.

Pada 3 (Libra + Jupiter + Gemini):Knowledgable and well read with learning from many fields and excellent communication skills. They are often interested in religion bestowed with fame, long life, and happiness. They work well with people and they usually have some level of commercial enterprise.; they are good at business. They can be good teachers or tutors, especially in one-to-one setting. It’s said that after age 32 they will see much success.

Pada 4 (Scorpio + Jupiter + Cancer): Moon debilitated at 3 degrees Scorpio. Pushkara navamsha & Moon in own navamsha. These folks are all about shock and awe, and that’s without getting into their secrets. They tend to take advantage of authority positions and care-taking roles to satisfy their own greed and desire. They are often he good samaritan with selfish ulterior motives. Malovence might not always be the intention, but painful, unpredictable shock is a part of their lives. Doctors and surgeons will have this position; no doubt due to the shocking news they deal with and well as several of the tools of their trade. They are very aware that meeting with the cycles of death-and-rebirth often confers a capacity for large-scale rebirth. They can help nurture people though great transformation. They might also find more heterodox methods of shock therapy, trauma therapy, occult counselling usually involving some kind of harsh “purification by fire.” They atmosphere is most highly charged and can feel very heavy in this pada. They often seek to take more in than they release. They especially like to collect fixed assets. They can be a lot of jealousy, greed and gluttony here. Female can be especially sexual with broad knowledge of both birth and death. They will experience a lot of changes in life.

Ascendant in Vishakha

Behari General Indications: “Your face will beround, brightandphysical appearance extremely attractive. There has been noticed two types of physical appearance: one with fatty and long structure and the other with very lean and short structure. You will be full of vigour and vitality and possessintelligence of the highest order. You are a firm believer in God and lead a life of truthful existence. You do not believe in the orthodox principles nor the age old tradition. You arefond ofadopting modern ideas. Mainly, you live away from your family. You are overly generous when dealing with others. While you are very much religiously active, you do not follow any superstitious religious fanaticism. You treat all religions, castes and creed as one. You will follow a non-violent approach to life and may become a renunciate in your mid-30s. You are a very good orator and have the capacity to attract a crowd. You will win several prizes in elocution competition. Hence you will be the fittest person to be in thepolitical circle. There is a peculiar spending tendency. While on the one side you are very careful spending, on the other side you may be extravagant in spending where it is not required. You are fit for doing an independent business, or a job involving high responsibility, banking and religious professions, mathematician or a teacher or a printer. You may not enjoy love and affection from yourmother,caused mainly by separation. On the other hand, there may be several beneficial points of yourfather,of which you can always be proud, even though you will lead avery independent life. There may bedifference of opinionbetween your father and youthat seems irresolvable. It is due to these reasons from childhood that you become a hardworking andself-made person. You love your spouse and children very much, although you may struggle withaddictionto intoxication andintimate relationships outside of marriage. Despite these weaknesses,it will not become a hindrance either in the family or in your social life. Your health will normally be very good. However, you may be prone toparalytic attackafter the age of 55 years. You may also be prone toasthmaticattack.”

Astrology King: Ascendant conjunct Zubenelgenubi:Could mean rise in fortunes, followed by a downfall. There is also an indication of danger coming about in connection with water. Ascendant conjunct Zubeneschamali:A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity from youth and in own city. Honor, preferment, good fortune. Honours and distinction. Ascendant conjunct Zubeneschamali and born in the day:Natives who are lovers of letters, scholars, popular speakers, ingenious, lovers of music and the arts, who hit the mark, good-looking, capable of many activities, dignified, pious, religious, fit for business, well known or those who acquire gold and silver and other riches thanks to fortunate relationships or exchanges and who retain their noble feeling even in misfortune. Ascendant conjunct Zubeneschamali and born at night:They claim to be wise and are braggarts and affected and pretenders. They are nevertheless erudite, have a good memory, are capable of teaching and are pure in their desires.

Shil-Ponde Female with Vishakha Ascendant: “Delicate features, soft, pleasing voice, but strong character, hard and cruel. She will follow her own inclinations and will not take advice from others. She will appeal to the opposite sex and get a very fortunate marriage to a wealthy husband. She usually has great legs. She will have two or fewer children. She is fond of travel and change and will travel much with her partner. Favourite colour is red or crimson. She might find her world view greatly shaped my the male figures in her life. High forehead.”

Shil-Ponde Male with Vishakha Ascendant: “Aggressive, impatient, and overbearing in their desire to get things done. They are very active, but not very popular. Others tend to resent their aggressiveness. They are very proud and take offence easily at even imagined slights against them. They will overcome enemies by force of character, though their enemies remain enemies. They need to work on tact and kindness. High forehead, golden glow to their skin. Agents of ‘storm’ who accept large scale annihilation and destruction are necessary for justice and equality.”

B.V. Raman Libra Rising: “idealistic, quick-witted, vindictive, forceful and positive. They generally have a fair complexion, middle-sized stature, phlegmatic constitution, handsome appearance, broad face, fine eyes, broad chest and regular features. Youthful appearance. They generally have a sensuous disposition. They are keen observers of human nature. They have keen foresight and reason things out from the standpoint of their own views. They love justice, peace, and order and are agreeable persons. They are ambitious, more idealistic than realistic or practical; they often contemplate schemes that are like building castles in the air. They are not sensitive to what others say of them. As political leaders or religious reformers they exert tremendous influence over the masses and sometimes their zeal and enthusiasm can go to such a pitch that they can force their views on unwilling minds. They are not easily amenable to reason. They are great lovers of music. Truth and honesty have a special appeal for them.”


Ascendant in Vishakha (Libra) Pada 1, Aries Navamsha: “Red flash in the eyes, a ruddy complexion, and a scar or mark on the stomach. Health is poor. Has very little intelligence, and issecretive. Best occupations are importer or exporter offood supplies. Has aquarrelsomeattitude. Easily angered.” — Shil-Ponde

Ascendant in Vishakha (Libra) Pada 2, Taurus Navamsha: “Red flash in the eyes, a ruddy complexion, and a scar or mark on the stomach. Health is poor. Has very little intelligence, aquarrelsomeattitude and is easily angered andsecretive.” — Shil-Ponde

Ascendant in Vishakha (Libra) Pada 3, Gemini Navamsha: “Red flash in the eyes, a ruddy complexion, and a scar or mark on the stomach. Health is poor. Has very little intelligence, aquarrelsomeattitude and is easily angered andsecretive.” — Shil-Ponde

Ascendant in Vishakha (Scorpio) Pada 4, Cancer Navamsha: “Is always in the company of the opposite sex; is somewhat careless and thoughtless. Issuaveand smooth spoken. Likes to live alone.” — Shil-Ponde

Celebrities with Vishakha Ascendant

Ascendant in Libra: Julius Caesar (1), Pompey (1), King Henry V of England (1), Desmond Tutu (1), Carl Jung (1), Jean Chretien (1), Hermann Oberth (rocketry (1)), Steve Austin (1), K.N. Rao (1), Yuri Gagarin (1), Michael Douglas (1), John Graham Burge (1), Marquis de Sade? (1), Harvey Weinstein (1), John Leslie (Children’s show host; resigned due to accusations (1)), Demi Moore (1), Anna Steel (1), Chelsea Clinton (1),

Mikhail Gorbachev (2), B.K.S. Iyengar (2), David Frawley (2), Johannes Vermeer (2), Timothy McVeigh (2), Bugsy Siegel (2), John Wayne Gacy (2), Clint Eastwood (2), Ozzy Osbourne (2), Prince (2), Keith Richards (2), Chad Smith (Drummer (2)), George Fredrich Handel (2), David Lynch (2), Jerome Deschamps (actor, stage director (2)), Jim Caviezel (actor who played Jesus (2)), Erin Sullivan (2), Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (2), Athina Onassis Roussel (equestrian show jumper, disputes over inheritance (2)), Margaret Thatcher (2), Diane Keaton (2), Mary Ann Polly Seguin (2),

Benito Mussolini (3), Thomas Spence (3), Malcolm X (3), Jefferey Epstein (3), Hans Asperger (Physician, neurology (3)), O.J. Simpson (football, abusive, criminal (3)), Jacques Plante (3), Gordon Lightfoot (3), Stan Lee (3), Vin Diesel (3), George Floyd (street crime, drugs, killed by cop (2)), Erwin Schrodinger? (3), Juliette Binoche (3),

Ascendant in Scorpio: Galileo Galilei (astronomy, physics, engineering (4)), Berni Sanders (4), Jeremy Corbyn (4), Ulysses S. Grant (4), Allan Pinkerton (Detective (4)), Doc Holliday (4), Ernest Starling (Physiology: Blood, Heart, Hormones, Kidneys (4)), Bhagat Singh (freedom fighter, cop killer, bomb (4)), Donovan Bailey (4), Louis Braille (4), J.B.S. Haldane (4),Bob Saget (4), Philip Johnson (architect (4)), Margaret Trudeau (4), Jeanne d’Arc (4), Margareth del V.B.C. (4), Priscilla Chan-Zuckerberg (4), Jennifer Lawrence (4), Barbara Lama (4), Kristen Gilbert (nurse who killed her patients (4)), Stromboli Volcano 2019 (4), Alice Cooper, ////

[Many charts have not been confirmed so ascendant and even Moon nakshatras may not be correct. There may be inconsistencies regarding the house placement of the planets as well. Use your own judgement. A healthy dose of scepticism should be applied to astrological data generally.]

Sun in Vishakha

They have a lot of drive for success, for victory and will not let anything get in their way once they have set their sights. They have the ability and timing to strike suddenly when it’s least expected. They can appear to have a lot of confidence, shining a bright glittery light. They typically have a dual way of expressing themselves that is usually surprising to people. This may show up in life through a job change into a very different field no one would have ever expected. When the light comes on and truth dawns on them they will give all of themselves to achieve success and complete the objectives. They are typically good at business and striking a deal from a somewhat compromised position.

AstrologyKing: Sun conjunct Zubenelgenubi:Sickness, loss in business and through fire or speculation, disgrace, ruin, disfavor of superiors, suffers through wrongful accusations, sickness to family. Sun conjunct Zubeneschamali:Great good fortune, high position, transitory difficulties eventually proving beneficial. Favours civil servants, lawyers and scientists.

Bepin Behari Sun is in Libra: “will send a very disturbing message. The individual will be surrounded by undesirable situations and will feel that he is missing something precious in life which he is unable too comprehend. A kind of veil of ignorance, a shadow of illusion will intensify around him and his soul will weep from the core of his being and he will not know from where that sorrowful voice is coming.”

Chamatkar Chintamani Sun in Libra: “Rude mean, wicked, much travelling, loss of honour and wealth, living by metals, jealous, service, debauchee, disrespect from superiors. Early marriage. Sincere, impartial and intuitive. If Moon aspects the native will be a prostitute suffering from venereal diseases; gain through shipping, fishery and such. With Mars aspecting the native is hasty, has capacity for games and sports, martial spirit and courage. Mercury aspecting the native is fond of music, painting, writing, composing poems and literary works. With Jupiter aspecting the native is a governor, charming personality, in advisory capacity with friends and foes alike. With Venus aspecting the native I wise but times, affluent with women and pleasure, gain through refinement. If Saturn is aspecting the native is sick, feeble, poor, cruel, mean and suffers loss in business.”

Bepin Behari Sun in Scorpio: “will send the message of universal truths which it will vaguely let the individual know, impelling him to search for these but his physical and psychic bridge (Moon and ascendant charts) may determine whether he could understand and follow it.” Powerful position for military commanders, surgeons, scientists.

Chamatkar Chintamani Sun in Scorpio: “Ugly, disrespectful, danger from arms, fire, poison, mean, greedy, short-tempered, quarrelsome, a liar, marriage denied or with a wicked woman, irreligious, gain from narcotics. Liable to accidents. Moon’s aspect will make the native popular, generous, high status, lots of attendants. Gain & success though common people and women. Frail. If Mars is aspecting the native is strong, energetic, aggressive, and possessing the ability to command and control. If Mercury aspects, the native is the underdog, living in servility, poor, weak, miserable and shabby. If Jupiter aspects, the native is a judge, minister or man of status with all the noble qualities of a protector. If Venus aspects, the native is amorous, and has misfortune in dealing with their partner, friends and relatives. Physical debilities. If Saturn aspects, the native suffers from derangements of health, has ability to concentrate, unsympathetic and careless with the feelings of others.”

Celebrities with Sun in Vishakha

Sun in Libra: Reverend Billy Graham (1), Dr. Howard Eugen Wasdin (Navy SEAL (1)), Christiaan Barnard (first heart transplant surgeon (1)), Albert Camus (1), Leon Trotsky (1), Gordon Ramsay (1), Edsel Ford (1), J.B.S. Haldane (1), Marie Curie (1), Tara Reade (1), Emma Stone (1), Margaret Mitchell (1), Amy Purdy (1), Sex Pistols (1), Indian Demonetisation (1),

Mikhail Kalashnikov (2),, Captain James Cook (2), Demi Moore (2), Dorothy Dandridge (2), Leonardo DiCaprio (2), Richard Burton (2), Anne Hathaway (2),

Prince Charles of Wales (3), Kristen Gilbert (nurse who killed her patients (3)), Edmund Speyer (Chemistry Professor, Oxycodone (3)), Dostoyevsky (3), Carvello Creighton (3), Charles Manson (3), Neil Young (3), Travis Barker (3), Guy Fox Day (2),

Sun in Scorpio: Jawaharlal Nehru (4), Bernard Montgomery (WW II Commander (4)), Charles Guthrie (Military Officer (4)), Alan Shepard (astronaut aviation (4)), Cynthia Breazeal (robotics (4)), Ionannis Pallikaris (founder of LASIK (4)), Rene Margotton (cubist painter (4)), Claud Monet (4), Gordon Lightfoot (4), RuPaul (4), Georgia O’Keeffe (4),

Moon in Vishakha

(Moon Vishakha Libra. 4 April 2023)

(Moon in Vishakha Scorpio)

The classics say that one with Moon in Vishakha Nakshatra at birth will be bright in appearance extremely jealous, slim, proud, but luxurious, odiously disposed, greedy, irritable, will say (or speak) too much and will be clever in speech He will have wife, sons, money, and wisdom. He will be respectful towards the learned, preceptors, and Brahmins; liberal in donations and skilful in languages. He destroys his enemies, will be an ascetic winning his senses, wealthy and miserly. He will suffer from eye diseases. (The classics: Hora Sara, Varahamihira, Jataka Parijata, Sage Narada, Brihat Samhita.)

Emotionally they can be very fiery and exhibit traits of having a split personality. They will not forget and slight against them and will get revenge when the time is right.

AstrologyKing: Moon conjunct Zubenelgenubi:Trouble through opposite sex, wrongful accusations, disgrace, ruin, mental anxiety, loss of relatives, many disappointments, much sickness, disease in those parts of the body ruled by the Sign.

AstrologyKing: Moon conjunct Zubeneschamali:Active mind, organising ability, benefits through new and influential friends, valuable gifts, uses friends’ names to obtain money but matter is amicably settled, high position, love of respectable women. A splendid and illustrious life; great, distinguished and opulent nature. Favours civil servants, lawyers and scientists.

Bepin Behari Moon in Libra: “Will induce greater movement towards the pleasures of life: at this stage, the psyche will struggle to have increasingly more and more intense experience of worldly pleasures. It becomes incapable of learning spiritualising lessons from the earthly experiences. The tamasic proclivities will be greatly accentuated.”

Chamatkar Chintamani Moon in Libra: “Much movable property, gain and success through partnership, morose and irritated for nothing, soft-spoken, courteous and warm hearted, success in love and marriage, balanced and artistic if Mercury is in good aspect. Much travelling. If aspected by the Sun the native lives through misfortunes and great struggle, disrespected, travelling and issueless. Aspect from Mars makes him aggressive, a prig, mean, debauchee, foolish and having visual defects. Aspect from Mercury grants him art, wealth, learning, name and fame. Jupiter aspect can make him a famous jeweller. Aspect from Venus allows the native to enjoy good health and wealth. He will be a great scholar with an attractive personality. Aspect from Saturn gives him conveyance and devotion to mother, but misfortune.”

Bepin Behari Moon in Scorpio: “The desire to move in the realm of psychic experiences, delving into psychic phenomena, and the craving for such forbidden pleasures will destroy the susceptibilities of the individual to higher realm impulses will be heightened.”

Chamatkar Chintamani Moon in Scorpio: “The native is most active and successful in life and business, travelling since childhood, debauchee, has artistic taste, independent, firm, determined, devoted to mother, interested in occultism, in female charts it indicates difficult childbirth. If Sun aspects, the native is always voyaging; great gain but unhappy. With Mars aspiring the native is energetic, ardent, firm and resourceful. Mercury’s aspect will make him foolish and a cheat. Jupiters aspect increases vitality and fertility; grants wealth and charm. With Venus’ aspect the native wastes his strength on women; he is wealthy but indulgent. Saturn’s aspect give trouble from sons, poverty, misery, illness and lying.”


Moon in Vishakha (Libra) Pada 1, Aries Navamsha: Saturn debilitation pada. Very energetic and impulsive. They typically maintain a thin waist, they remember those who help them. They are usually old-souls, proud, and capable of doing the jobs nobody else wants to do. They can lead an army, though they are typically peaceful. They might cause trouble for the family because of their rude and adamant behaviour. They none-the-less develop a wide array of social connections. They are intelligent and knowledgable in all fields. They can be very passionate and romantic, but also short-tempered. Saturn influence on this Moon can make a person very cruel, especially when combust by Sun. However, Saturn placed in the first pada is exalted because these people are capable of great sacrifice in order to maintain a difficult vow (which may seem cruel to others).

Moon in Vishakha (Libra) Pada 2, Taurus Navamsha: Pushkara pada 24 degrees & Moon’s exaltation navamsha. Creative, intelligent, talented and skilled in their profession. They are successful in life and in the art of secretly defeating their enemies. They can be good researchers often involved in media entertainment. Their public persona might be very different from their private one. They can suffer ear ailments. They will be lustful and may conduct extra-marital affairs.

Moon in Vishakha (Libra) Pada 3, Gemini Navamsha: Knowledgable and well-read with learning from many fields and excellent communication skills. They are often interested in religion bestowed with fame, long life, and happiness. They work well with people and they usually have some level of commercial enterprise.; they are good at business. They can be good teachers or tutors, especially in one-to-one setting. It’s said that after age 32 they will see much success.

Moon in Vishakha (Scorpio) Pada 4 Cancer Navamsha: Moon debilitated at 3 degrees Scorpio. Pushkara navamsha & Moon in own navamsha. The Moon is debilitated in this last pada of Vishakha where the emotions are very sensitive as this pada is saturated by Cancer and Scorpio. They can be very emotionally reactive These folks are all about shock and awe, and that’s without getting into their secrets. They tend to take advantage of authority positions and care-taking roles to satisfy their own greed and desire. They are often he good samaritan with selfish ulterior motives. Malevolence might not always be the intention, but painful, unpredictable shock is a part of their lives. Doctors and surgeons will have this position; no doubt due to the shocking news they deal with and well as several of the tools of their trade. They are very aware that meeting with the cycles of death-and-rebirth often confers a capacity for large-scale rebirth. They can help nurture people though great transformation. They might also find more heterodox methods of shock therapy, trauma therapy, occult counselling usually involving some kind of harsh “purification by fire.” They atmosphere is most highly charged and can feel very heavy in this pada. They often seek to take more in than they release. They especially like to collect fixed assets. There can be a lot of jealousy, greed and gluttony here. Female can be especially sexual with broad knowledge of both birth and death. They will experience a lot of changes in life.

Moon in Vishakha Libra: They can be good negotiators, and good at business and trade. It’s all about success through making the deals. Vishakha pada 1, 2, 3 are called to destroy and renew. The are balancing rearranges, negotiating diplomats, attuned to communicative professions, writing or following scripts, schedules, media-messaging, touring, team-work, skills-training, hands, arms. They often have to deal with protracted war, toxic environments, conflict that drags on and becomes stagnant. They take explanatory roles, writing and diagraming. tactical planning of some kind of controlled destruction. Of course this can relate with all kinds of adversarial situations in life including litigation and persecution, betrayal, institutional conflict, exploitation, disease, or grave illness; any charged situation. They can be gifted “how to” instructors and experts of the small group or workshop process; perfect skills for modern activism; by being able to act at the right time they are able to have a successful career with many periods of great excitement and tension. They may however be attacked or scapegoated. Virgo Vishakha ascendant will give an affinity for philosophically or ideologically conflicted situations. They understand the tension between the poles and they tend to work in that grey zone between the two.

Moon in Scorpio: This is an unstable place for the Moon due to the excessive heat and dryness. They can be cruel, mean, ungrateful. They never rally know if they should be patient and secretive or just let out their emotions in a dramatic flash of lightening. Success is often sought through secret means.

Celebrities with Moon in Vishakha

Moon in Libra: Ratan Tata (1), Mark Zuckerberg (1), Jimmy Carter (1), Felix von Luckner (1), Jigoro Kano (founder of Judo (1)), Derek Chauvin? (1), Bobby Hatfield (1), RuPaul (1), Paula Yates (1), Shannen Doherty (actress (1)), Elizabeth Taylor (1),

Osama Bin Laden (2), Dr. Howard Eugen Wasdin (Navy SEAL (2)), John Leslie (Children’s show host; resigned due to accusations (2)), Karl Theodor Komer (poet, philosopher, german nationalist (2)), Chelsea Manning (2), Nancy Pelosi (2), Valerie Solanas (2),

Nelson Mandela (Lawyer; 1st post-apartheid president (3)), Jean Chretien (Lawyer, Prime Minister (3)), Nostradamus? (3), Hugh Armstrong Robinson (pilot, inventor, daredevil (3)), Steven Crowder (Change my Mind (3)),Miles Davis (3), Wilhelm Rontgen (physics, engineering (3)), Dick Van Dyke (3), Forrest Ackerman (science fiction writer, editor, agent (3)), Oxford (3),

Moon in Scorpio: Jesus (4), Alexander the Great? (4), Prince Andrew Duke of York (4),Rembrandt (4), Ray Kroc (4), Warren Beatty (4), Francis Ford Coppola (4), Shaquille O’Neal (4), Johnny Stompanato (4), Roger Waters (4), Scarlett Johansson (4), Maria Siemionow (nerve regeneration surgeon (4)), Afghanistan (4),Alfred Hettner (),Soviet-Japan Neutrality Pact (), Hans-Joachim Rice (), Pietro Scalia (), Oshima Volcano (), J. Paul Getty, Jules Verne,, Alois Alzheimer (),/ ///

Mars in Vishakha

AstrologyKing: Mars conjunct Zubenelgenubi:Bitter quarrels, entailing bloodshed or death. Mars conjunct Zubeneschamali:High ambitions, success through energy, influential position, forceful writer and speaker.

This is a drying process of the tissues in the colon, thereby causing cracks in the walls of the colon. Mint teas and a teaspoon of olive oil three times per week would be very helpful here. These natives find it difficult to relieve their bowels which causes haemorrhoid problems. The external use of Vaseline would also be quite helpful.

Chamatkar Chintamani Mars in Libra: “The native has the eye of a scientist. Cultured growth of the native. Much opposition and rivalry. Deaths, losses but gain through opposite sex. Reverses through business and love affairs; develops sanity later in life. Blessed with noble offspring. If afflicted, trouble through relatives, friends and partner. With Sun aspecting the native will be practical in his approach to life and business, a successful executive, income, expenditure and pleasure are rife. When excited, trouble though partner and much opposition from friends and foes. Moon’s aspect makes him quick in action and indifferent to the consequences. More than one union, averse to mother, much sickness and fear from water. Aspect from Mercury famous gain through literary and scientific pursuits. Fond of art and music, untrustworthy, Progeny denied. Aspect from Jupiter brings good fortune, time for new ventures, philanthropic and noble. Aspect from venus gives energy, the spirit of adventure and a passion for women folk. Government recognition. Aspect from Saturn boosts his leadership, brings great name in the native place; a friend of the community. Prosperous.”

Chamatkar Chintamani Mars in Scorpio: “The native is industrious, practical, scientific in approach, firm and positive, indifferent to others. Diplomatic. Successful chemist, result orientated, sudden or violent accidents. If afflicted the native is unfriendly, unsociable and selfish. Trouble through service. With Sun aspecting the native enjoys health, wealth and happy family life. High status: a judge, an army officer, a surgeon, or an engineer of repute showing enterprise and confidence. Moon’s aspect makes him more sportive and electric. Success in every business involving outdoor activity. Motherless. More daughters than sons. Aspect from Mercury grants dexterity and precision in work. Jupiter gives eloquence and strengthens chances of legacy; big business magnate. Devoted to parents. Aspect from Venus makes him amorous, gives him capacity to earn more, but he is not acquisitive. Saturn makes him unfriendly and drives him towards debauchery.”


Mars in Vishakha (Scorpio) Pada 4, Cancer Navamsha: Mars’ debilitation navamsha. Suggests a strong start but a poor finish. All their secret activities to split things ends up causing them to loose power. Taking action on both sides might cause it to cancel things out so that nothing ever actually gets done. The right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing.They will build alliance to make war and have no qualms about using threats to create an alliance. With just a little bit of negative influence or placement they folks can be dangerous, menacing folks, using threats and ultimatums to gain agreement; nothing will stop them from victory. Divide and conquer is a method they might gain some experience of, either used against themselves or against others. They do very well in military and athletics. They have a very powerful second wind. Their brothers and competitors are powerfully disposed Vishakha figures. Often they are overly competitive making it very hard on personal relationships. On the Scorpio side they might find some way to weaponise vulnerability. They will be very active, very passionate and very sexual. It’s a good position for researchers, investigators, people with shocking secret activities.

Celebrities with Mars in Vishakha

Mars in Libra: Desmond Tutu (1), Joseph Goebbels (1), Bashar Al-Assad (1), Albert Bandura (1), Chad Smith (Drummer (1)), Olivia-Newton John (1), Bobby Hull (1), Jim Duggan (1), Chelsea Manning (1), Evelyn Mary Booth (Botanist (1)),

James Norman Mattis (2), Mohandas Gandhi (2), J.R.R. Tolkien (2), K.N. Rao (2), Deepak Chopra (2), Mark Zuckerberg (2), Harvey Weinstein (2), Stephanie Charbonnier (2), Charles Bukowski (2), Steven Seagal (2), Frank Evers Beddard (Zoologist: worms (2)), Jimi Hendrix (2), Layne Staley (2), Saint Bartholomew Day Massacre (2),

Carvello Creighton (3), Jozef Haller (3), Kyle Rittenhouse (3), Denton Cooley (heat surgeon (3)), Dick Van Dyke (3), Mel Gibson (3), Bill Cosby (3), Louis Sullivan (3), Ray Bradbury (3), Waylon Jennings (3), Hunter S. Thompson (3), Greta Thunberg (3), K.D. Lang (3), Alyssa Milano (3)Horatio Nelson (1), Fifth Business (),

Mars in Scorpio: George Washington (4), Narendra Modi (4), Otto Von Habsburg (4), Rutherford Hayes (Lawyer, military, President (4)), Dr. Howard Eugen Wasdin (Navy SEAL (4)), Albert Speer (4), Charlie Parker (4), Morgan Freeman (4), Patrick Swayze (4), Oprah Winfrey (4), Jennifer Aniston (4), Christie Brinkley (4), Afghanistan (4),

Mercury in Vishakha

Mercury in Vishakha splits the count, the cash,separates the students, and can pit both sides against each other. Typically very intelligent excellent debaters, good mathmaticians, clerks, sales people who are separating everything into their portion. They like playing mind games, crossword puzzles and these kinds of things. They will often spend.a lifetime learning and will have the capacity to learn any new thing very quickly, and they might seek success through learning. They can easily surprise people with their skills.

They might achieve some special success through communication or language. They have a way of saying the right thing at the right moment that can completely change things in their favour: either in negotiation and equity seeking, or in their research (or possibly through research.

Information, news, communications, speech is used for shock value. There might also besome shocking secret activities carried pout with students.

AstrologyKing: Mercury conjunct Zubenelgenubi:Crafty, revengeful, treacherous, quick mind, bad health, disgrace, poverty at end of life. (0°30′ orb):This position affects the lower colon by causing a thin film to cover the inside of the colon. The result is a lack of absorption and stagnation in this area, clogging the inside walls of the colon. Stimulation is required to increase the flow, and these natives resort to laxatives to release the waste in the system. Instead of laxatives, these individuals need to drink papaya juice and raspberry tea continuously. Mercury conjunct Zubeneschamali:Active, alert, favors from influential people, good position, much expenditure, benefits through writings. Studious.

Chamatkar Chintamani Mercury in Libra: “Gain through better business management, large hearted, witty, rational, respect for God and Guru. Best suited for any kind of intellectual exercise. If Sun aspects the native will be poor, easily provoked, head strong, mental powers, debauchee. Moon indicates trust, god fearing, firm, popular and full of advisory capacity. Aspect from Mars causes physical affliction, trouble though enemies and state; much travelling. Aspect from Jupiter makes him a trusted leader of the community. Cheerful and jovial. Aspect from Venus will make him close to women folk, trusted by them, fond of decent attire, charming personality. Aspect from Saturn causes nothing but adversity: friendless and unfortunate.”

Chamatkar Chintamani Mercury in Scorpio: “The native creates enemies with his quick temper, sarcastic, argumentative, resentful and impatient nature. Troublesome partner, cruel, merciless and mean, poverty stricken, a cheat and fool. Life is full of disappointments. If Sun aspects the native might be a reputed surgeon, noble, generous, reputed. Aspect from Mars makes him fertile, sexy, characterless and unsuccessful in business. Aspect from Mars make shim strong, loyal, full of energy and accumulative. Gives congenial partner but much enmity and opposition. Ailing. Jupiters aspect grants occultism, philosophical mind, great learning and prosperity. Aspect from Venus grants authority, artistic touch and self confidence. With aspect from Saturn the native may be violent and forgetful, but will have scientific and intellectual pursuits.”

Celebrities with Mercury in Vishakha

Mercury in Libra: Suleiman the Magnificent (1), Pope John XXIII (1), Aleister Crowley (1), Travis Barker (1), Bruce Lee (1), John Henry Schwarz (one of the founders of string theory (1)), Oscar Wilde (1), Jack Welch (1), George Floyd (street crime, drugs, killed by cop (1)), Kate Walsh (1), Anne Hathaway (1), Carla Van Raay (God’s Callgirl (1)), Bankers Panic Stock Crash 1907 (1),

Winston Churchill (2), Ma Huateng Pony (2), Bhagat Singh (freedom fighter, cop killer, bomb (2)), Rumi (2), Alex Grey (2), Jean Claude Van Damme (2), John Krasinski (2), Richard Pryor (2), Winona Ryder (2), Kim Kardashian (2),

Augusto Pinochet (3), Hillary Clinton (3), Joe Biden (3), Bill Gottselig (4), Mark Twain (3),Roy Rogers (3), Gianni Versace (3), Deepak Chopra (3), Lev Simkhovich Vygodsky (3), Indian Demontization (3), Richard E. Byrd, Andre Gide, ///3apr22///

Mercury in Scorpio: Pope Benedict XV (4), Baruch Spinoza (4), Bernard Montgomery (WW II Commander (4)), Ted Bundy (4), Seaborn Buckalew Jr (lawyer, politician, judge (4)), Gary Gilmore (murder (4)), Larry King (4), Picasso (4), Aishwarya Rai-Bachchan (4), Dale Evans (4), Sinead O’Connor (4), Julianne Moore (4), Glasgow (4),

Jupiter in Vishakha

Their own idealism in relationships can bring many socking surprises and sudden splits or separations. Some kind of joint custody of children is possible. They are usually focused on some kind of spiritual success: a triumph of faith. It’s likely they will have a great crisis of faith at some time in their life or they will be torn between to spiritual religious or ideological paths. They are likely to develop some kind of special insight into the topics of the houses involved.

Chamatkar Chintamani Jupiter in Scorpio: “Strong willed, ambitious and preserving, over-bearing, enjoying status and reputation with government or social organisations. Gain through investment, partner, litigation, minerals. Trouble through children, ill-health, and water. If the Sun aspects the native is philanthropic, honest, noble sons, fortunate, hairy body, fortitude, inclination to religion as in intellectual exercise for spiritual growth. Aspect from moon brings interest in women, gems and Jewells, history and literature. Awakening of psychic interest. Aspect from Mars makes him hot tempered, gives energy, activity, restlessness and negative approach. Rich and characterless partner. Aspect from Mercury developed the low instincts of the native making him wicked, over-critical, courteous bu ta prattler. Venus make’s him fond of art, literature, music and all that is beautiful. Prosperity and cowardice. Aspect from Saturn grant possession of worldly wealth, boldness, greed, ugliness, name, progeny.”

AstrologyKing: Jupiter conjunct Zubenelgenubi:Hypocrisy, deceit, dishonesty, pretended religious zeal for business purposes, danger of imprisonment. Jupiter conjunct Zubeneschamali:Philosophical mind, ecclesiastical or legal preferment, able writer or speaker, influential friends. Favors civil servants, lawyers and scientists. (0°30′ orb):This brings self-esteem to these natives through their good works. These are the person who would give up their own life for another. They build very powerful relationships. This is truly the eagle and not the scorpion. They work on a high level and pick their associates very carefully. Although this can be overdone, they never harm another.

Celebrities with Jupiter in Vishakha

Jupiter in Libra: Dalai Lama XIV (1), L. Ron Hubbard (1), Ronald Reagan (1), Joseph Mengele (Dr Death: SS physician, experiments (1)), Antoni Gaudi (architect, designer (1)), Gianni Versace (1), Henrik Ibsen (1), Hank Williams (1), Ron Paul (1),Donald Sutherland (1), Rocky Marciano (1), Candy Barr (1), Jaime Lee Curtis (1), Guatemala Volcano 2018 (1),

Napoleon Bonaparte (2), Bernard Montgomery (WW II Commander (2)), Barron Trump (2), Steve Forbes (2), Steven SpielbergAA (2), O.J. Simpson (football, abusive, criminal (2)), Salman Rushdie (novelist (2)), Norman Mailer (novelist (2)), Leonardo Del Vecchio (2), Elvis Presley (singer, songwriter, acter (2)), Arnold Schwarzenegger (actor, governor (2)), Ken Dryden (hockey (2), Georgia O’Keeffe (2), Danielle Steel (2), India (2),

William T. Vollman (3), Ken Kesay (3), Franklin Pierce (3), Kevin Spacey?? (3), Roy Rogers (3), Matt Molloy (flute master (3)), Sri Rammya (3), Anne Hathaway (3), Patty Smith (punk singer songwriter (3)), Calamity Jane (3), Mary Anne Adan-Harter (market analyst (3)), Elsie Inglis (female Surgeon WWI (3)), Elsie Ingils (), Teenage Runaway (1), Baron Trump (), Volcano Guatemala 2018 ()

Jupiter in Scorpio: Stephen King (4), Hugh Laurie (House MD (4)), Stephen Wolfram (Mathematics (4)), Ted Cruz (4), Jerome Deschamps (4), Leon Gaumont (4), Vitali Klitschko (4), Pence (4), Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (4), Nolan Ryan (baseball pitcher (4)), Turkey (4),

Venus in Vishakha

They love highly charged situations. In many ways, Vishakha represents those last three steps we take on the gang plank; and then the fourth which carries us into the unknown in Scorpio. One is looking for peace, for some agreement at any cost. A better analogy might be after a couple of virgins get married and are going to have sex. The atmosphere becomes highly charged as they sit beside each other on the bed not knowing what to do, but something tells them that they have to do this; they have to have sex. This just increases the energy in the room, but then someone takes the step into Scorpio. This Scorpio sliver of Vishakha is not a very comfortable position for Venus as it’s ruled by his enemies Mars and Jupiter. This is where we get those highly charged, heavy relationships; something always breaks. The openness and vulnerability is at it’s peak in this last pada before Anuradha clamps down to control this energy; this is especially true when Venus is in enemy camp.

They can be showy a theatrical in their style, they like to stand out. The Libra side is, of course, more likely to keep a more balanced conventional style while the Scorpio side can be more mysterious and sexy. They dress to make an impression, especially a first impression they will try to sear into peoples minds. Beauty to them is a flash of illumination, bright, beautiful. Men will find that their spouse and many of the sisterly women in your life have many of these powerful traits of Indra-Agni. The kind of women I call “firecrackers;” full of energy, full of life, they love by high intensity situations.

They can be very determined in love, but they will have to face some difficult choices in matters of love, peace, trust. There can be something tantric in knowing that beauty, balance, harmony is in the space between two things; this is how trust is formed. They can make good counsellors, inspiring trust in the most highly charged situations. They are the ones who have to remain balanced and calm when sh*t is hitting the fan. This can also be seen in athletes, especially those known to rise to the occasion.

Venus in Scorpio: They have a love for those high charged, heavy situations where no one knows what will happen. They love secrets, the occult, that heavily charged atmosphere that can come between two people when one person has a secret love shocking people in various ways. They might have a double life in love. Two interests will always seem to be there at the same time. They may be prone to a kind of addiction for highly charged situations in which anything could happen. They just love that high energy of the stadium during a play-off game: do or die. Many criminals love this tension that comes with their “work”, like the whole world could change in an instant. I don’t think we can quite call these people adrenaline junkies, but other things in their chart could easily tilt them this way.

“Peace at any cost” is especially apparent in Kyle Rittenhouse. Kyle Rittenhouse also went out with a gun on that fateful night to protect property and ended up having to shoot several people and defend the defensive nature of his actions in a court of law. It was that dangerous love for those kinds of highly charged situations that allowed that to happen.

In many ways, it’s love for turning up the heat. Greta Thunberg’s whole career on the emergency of climate change: she literally proclaims an emergency out of the rising temperatures.

Of course this is also what made Rittenhouse famous, Patrick Roy, as a hockey goaltender was the last line of defence. Jean Claude Van Damme stared in the movie Double Impact, which is a very Vishakha title. It’s seems bouncers, Peace Keepers, and criminals will often have this placement. This might also be seen in counsellors and helpers trying to balance everyones interests.

Chamatkar Chintamani Venus in Scorpio: “The native is unfortunate, poor, mean, debtor, violent, venery, hostile to relatives, a cheat, unsocial and unfriendly; linked with wicked women, sorrow, trouble through them; very sexy, occultism, patrimony and legacy. If Sun aspects there is trouble and discord in married life, early marriage. Affable, sympathetic, sociable and fortunate. Gain through legacy. Peaceful end. Separation and grief. Aspect from Moon links the native with a wicked partner. In a female chart there will be menstrual problems, A large number of children but many fail to survive. Aspect from Mars indicates service, penniless, disrespected, delayed and unfortunate marriage if in a female chart. Danger by fire or accident. Mercury causes much discord with brothers, mean, obstinate, impolite, cruel and a prig. Aspect from Jupiter gives lonely looks, blessed with comely wife and promising children, prosperous. Aspect from Saturn bring financial difficulties after marriage, travelling, inert and chronic ailments.”

AstrologyKing: Venus conjunct Zubenelgenubi:Bad for marriage, sudden and secret death, may be poisoned owing to jealousy of one of own sex.Venus conjunct Zubeneschamali:Social success, help from women, favorable for love affairs and marriage.

Celebrities with Venus in Vishakha

Venus in Libra: Pope John XXIII (1), Marie Antoinette (1), Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek (1), Edmund Speyer (Chemistry Professor, Oxycodone (1)), Voltaire (Satire, social criticism, “Candide”(1)), H.G. Wells (1), Ray Charles (1), Phil Donahue (writer, tabloid talk show host (1)), Gordon Ramsay (Chef (1)), Kirk Douglas (1), Serena Williams (1), Florence Griffith Joyner (Olympic sprinter (1)), Katie Holms (1),

Turkey (2), Hillary Clinton (2), Mohandas Gandhi (2), Martin Luther (2), Ted Cruz (2), Ip Man (2), Leonardo DiCaprio (2), Gianni Versace (2), Steven SpielbergAA (2), Charles Manson (2), Prostitute #3 (2),

Akbar the Great (3), Chester Arthur (3), Ma Huateng Pony (3), Bill Gates (3), Semi Joseph Begun?? (electrical engineer (3)), Lucien Bouchard (Separatist Politics (3)), Matt Damon (3), Denzel Washington (3), Alex Grey (3), Ted Bundy (3), Joseph Conrad (3), John Legend (singer, songwriter, pianist (3)), Anne Hathaway (3), Sexual Abuse #5 (3), Winona Ryder (3), Demi Moore (3),

Venus in Scorpio: USA Peacetime Draft (4), Sri Ramana Maharishi (4), Pope Benedict XV (4), Johannes Vermeer (4), Jean Claude Van Damme (4), Niels Bohr (4), Jack Parsons (Rocket Engineer (4)), Patrick Roy (4), Mario Lemieux? (4), Kyle Rittenhouse (4), Julius Mayer (4), Greta Thunberg (4), Lilly Wachowski (4), Anne Rice (4), Susan Sarandon (4), Sylvia Brown (4), Patty Smith (punk singer songwriter (4)),

Saturn in Vishakha

The triumph of he working man. Relationship scan succeed through hard work there will be many shocking tests to ones patience and commitment, but through hard tapas, austerities one make the relationship succeed or get the deep inner transformation. Ones work environment might be highly charged. Service personnel will be highly motivated and disciplined.

Because of the dry nature of Saturn there can be excess of static electricity in the atmosphere. Ketu can create electrical storms and lightning strikes.

Chamatkar Chintamani Saturn in Scorpio: “Hasty, stubborn, acquisitive, influential, vain, greedy, success in cheating others, danger from poison or arms, many losses and ill health, interest in geology, chemistry. Gain through hard work. If Sun aspects the native is an agriculturalist, a miner, a landlord, gain through superiors or own effort; alertness and perseverance bring him financial gain. Fortunate. Laying for future. In a female chart marriage id denied or it brings misfortune. Aspect from the Moon takes away a persons wealth and involved them with ugly, characterless women. Misery and unhappiness are in store. If in good aspect it brings success in elections and political status. Aspect from Mars brings all vices like women and wine, a gambler, a thief, murderous tendencies. Fevers, wounds and accidents. If favourable the native is self reliant, bold and a mining engineer. Aspect from Mercury makes successful teaches, medical man or commissions agent; If afflicted it will bring much delay and cause hinderances. Slander, criminal and unfriendly, unhappiness and poverty. If Jupiter aspects he will have advisory capacity, prosperity, fortune and affluence. Aspect from Venus takes him to women and debauchery; brings unhappy marital alliance.”

AstrologyKing: Saturn conjunct Zubenelgenubi:Dishonorable, often escapes justice but finally suffers, jealous, quick-tempered, domestic disharmony, bad for marriage, gain and legacies. Saturn conjunct Zubeneschamali:Cautious, reserved, studious, economical, analytical, good chemist or detective, good judge of human nature, early losses never fully recovered, favorable for gain and domestic matters, sickness to children in infancy.

Celebrities with Saturn in Vishakha

Saturn in Libra: Saint Bartholomew Day Massacre (1), King George VI of England (1),Tamerlane (1) Johnny Stompanato (1), Wild Bill Hickok (1), Hans Huttig (Nazi Officer, photographer (1)), Bepin Behari (1), Jean Piaget (1), Johnny Carson (1), Paul Newman (1), Lee Bowers (1), Maria Lantseva (1), Nanuran Choudhry (1), Stanislawa Leszczynska (midwife (1)), Margaret Thatcher (1), Avril Lavigne (1),

Coenraad Jacob Temminck (Zoologist, museum director (2)), Johann von Goethe (Faust (2)), Kevin Costner (2), Johannes Kepler (Laws of Planetary Motion (2)), Robert Curry (Vedic Astrology (2)), F. Scott Fitzgerald (2), Martin Luther (2), Denzel Washington (2), Richard Burton (2), Robert F. Kennedy (2), Lore Ruckert (2), Canada (2),

Akbar the Great (3), Nicolas Sarkozy (3), Bill Gates (3), Steve Jobs (3), Lev Simkhovich Vygodsky (3), Frank Lloyd Wright (3), Sir Christopher Wren (architect (3)), Andy Griffith (3), Albert Bandura (3), Bruce Willis (3), Allen Ginsberg (3), Miles Davis (3), Carlos Castaneda (3), Dick Van Dyke (3), Scarlett Johansson (3), Marilyn Monroe (3), Sexual Abuse #3 (3), Ukraine Revolution (3),

Saturn in Scorpio: Thich Nhat Hanh (4), Tom Hanks (4), Thomas Starzl (transplant surgeon (4)), Max Knoll (Electrical Engineer; Electron Microscope (4)), Feodor Ingvar Kamprad (Ikea (4)), Buster Keaton (4), Jaroslav Halak (4), James LeBron (4), Henry Gustav Molaison (4), Bill Nye (4), Murray Rothbard (4), Wilber Wright (4), Howie Mandel (4), Hugh Hefner (Playboy magazine (4)), Count Zeppelin (4), Queen Elizabeth II (4), Athina Onassis Roussel (equestrian show jumper, disputes over inheritance (4)), Marie Curie (4), /Billy Bob Thornton, Ben Shapiro, Justin Bieber, Rudolf Hess, Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Rahu in Vishakha:

They often work on the cutting edge of technology seeking success at any cost. Electrical technology is likely to be a specialty. They might follow a kind of scorched earth policy to getting what they want. They can become fixated in consuming relationship or sexual energy. This can be an incredibly impulsive position for Rahu who wants to devour everything until all the fuel is gone. Obsessive compulsive and easy succumb to excess and driven to triumph over others. There can be an unstable energy surrounding them and a very charged and unpredictable atmosphere.

Rahu in Libra is famous for exciting mismatched partners, promising too much, being to accommodating, and deals with the devil. It gives a strong, overly ambitious drive to connect with others, but balance, fairness, equity and trust may be missing from the equation. This might lead in chronic dissatisfaction with relationships, broken promises, and lack of trust.

Celebrities with Rahu in Vishakha

Rahu in Libra: Pope John Paul II (“The Warrior Pope” (1), Werner Heisenberg (Pioneer of Quantum Mechanics (1)), Sri Rammya (1), Ravi Shankar (1), Walt Disney (1), Bobby Hull (1), Elsie Inglis (female Surgeon WWI (1)),

Osama Bin Laden (2), Lucien Bouchard (Separatist Politics (2)), Ted Turner (2), Charles Guthrie (Military Officer (2)), Robert Owne (textiles, utopian socialism, co-op (2)), Joseph Lister (2), Sonny Barger (2), Fred Vargas (2), Gordon Lightfoot (2), Carla Van Raay (God’s Callgirl (2)), Mary Ann Polly Seguin (2), Sid Vicious (2), Prostitute #3 (2)

Qasem Soleimani (3), Edmond James de Rothschild (3), Richard Wagner (3), Leon Gaumont (early motion pictures, industrialist (3)), Gabriel Lippmann (invented of photography (3)), Robert H. Goddard (3), Kenny Rogers (3), Tiger Woods (3), Travis Barker (3), Henry Every Pirate (3), Kate Winslet (3), Tara Reade (1), Maxine Waters (3), Sex Pistols (3), Elise Inglis (),

Rahu in Scorpio: Pierre Trudeau (4), Hariprasad Chaurasia (4), Peter Jennings (4), Mikhail Kalashnikov (4), Natalie Wood (4), Nabievas Bakhar (4), Ella Eyre (4),

Ketu in Vishakha

Static electricity; scattered static particles in the air. With Saturn making the air especially dry there can be lightening strikes in the house involved. In many ways they are born winners. They might lead so quickly to the front of the pack that they don’t feel it as an achievement; it’s meaningless to them. In some cases the opposing side is so mismatched that who can really celebrate another triumph by Israeli over its enemies. One the other hand, they might win many battles, but the war goes on. In other cases the success may not be merit based so it feels rather empty. Other are truly born to triumph, the effort they put might feel like nothing to them, just normal, but it’s enough to give them the win. They might have a deeply spiritual side to them.

Celebrities with Ketu in Vishakha

Ketu in Libra: Swami Yukteshwara Giri (1), Ronald Reagan (1), Al Gore (1), Antoine Lavoisier (1), Robert Boustany (physics & Yoga Therapy (1)), Andrew Loyd Webber (musical theatre (1)), Gordon Ramsay (Chef (1)), Bob Newhart (actor (1)), James Taylor (1), Barbara Walters (1), Sinead O’Connor (1), Israel Independence (1),

Evan MacKay (2), Eckhart Tolle (2), John Graham Burge (corrupt cop (3)), Jaroslav Halak (2), Mary Pickford (2), Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (2), Oonagh Shanley-Toffolo (nurse, nun, acupuncture (2)), Jamie Brewer (Actress with Downs Syndrome (3)), Anne Frank (3),

King Qin Shi Huang (3), Thomas Jefferson (3), Jozef Haller (3), Sir Christopher Wren (architect (3)), Cristiano Ronaldo (soccer (3)), Halle Berry (actress (3)), Priscilla Chan-Zuckerberg (3), Audrey Hepburn (3), /////

Ketu in Scorpio: Pope Benedict XV (4), Ramakrishna Paramahansa (4), Benjamin Franklin (4), Mayer Amschel Rothschild (4), Ionannis Pallikaris (founder of LASIK (4)), Alejandro Jodorowsky (4), Jerome Deschamps (4), Frank Gehry (4), J.R.R. Tolkien (4), Stephen King (4), Oscar Wilde (4), David Usher (4), James LeBron (4), Mike Tyson (rape, boxing, sports entertainment (4)), Mother Teresa (4), Hillary Clinton (4), Athina Onassis Roussel (equestrian show jumper, disputes over inheritance (4)), Lisa Edelstein (4), Samantha Fox (4), Mary Anne Adan-Harter (market analyst (4)),

Contact for astrology readings or see my services to explore various learning opportunities. holliday.michael@gmail.com

16. Vishakha Nakshatra - Mikes Sleeping Dog (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.