Vorago (Learner Friendly) (2024)

Vorago (Learner Friendly) (1)


-level 99 in combat stats

-You must be able to speak in discord.

Or,at the very least, be able to listen in voice chat if you don't have a functional microphone.

-Must have Sunshine and Death's Swiftness unlocked

-Ability to use aPack Yack or Pack Mammoth

-Armour and weapons perked with Invention

-Level 95 prayer with curses unlocked

-96 herblore for Overloads

-Tier 90+ weapons

-Tier 80+ armour

-Tier 90 shield

-Berserker aura

*As a learner, you are expected to take the incentive and read up on the fight mechanics in the purple section of this post*

*Along with the gearing section in green*

These sections will have the answers to most questions you may have as a learner. This will give you a good head start.

That being said, I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. And Iwill walk you through it every step of the way.

You are not expected to know everything prior to the fight. This is a learning environment after all.

This is considered to be high tier pvm.You will need to remain alert for the entire fight.

You should have experience killing some of the mid tier bosses in runescape,

suchasRaids, Elite Dungeon Full Runs, Araxor, Nex, etc. before attending this event.

Difficulty is similar to Yakamaru

You must have your buff bar and debuff bar easily visible on your interface.

You cannot use melee for learning.

(You can useMele as base tank, but it is not advised.It is quite a bit more difficult.)

You must be able to use ranged or magic style combat, while still meeting the above requirements.

Strong Recommendations:

(not required)

-Relic powers from the Archaeology Monolith

Fury of the Small, Persistent Rage, and Berserker's Furyare great ones to have.

(click on the Relic Power names for their respective wiki links for more info)

-The bladed dive ability unlocked, and a bladed dive switch

-Aweapon switchwith the Planted Feet perk

-Elite EnhancedExcalibur

-A ring of Death

-Ring of Vigour

Vorago (Learner Friendly) (2)


Read through the hidden content for gearing requirements/suggestions.


-Vorago is immune to poison

-you will be using a pack yack/mammoth familiar, and fill it with fish (sailfish/rocktail/cavefish)and brews.

around a ratio of 3 fish to one brew. or whatever your profferedratio is.

-You MUST bring a Vorago (Learner Friendly) (3)Powerburst of vitalitypotion

They are very cheap on the Grand Exchange, at about 1,000gp each.

buy 100 if you don'thave any. This willlast you quite a while.

This will double your health for 6 seconds with a 90 second cooldown.

-You will want to have 3 super restore flasks .

-You are required tomake a Bank Preset to use during the sessionfor quick banking between kills.

In your bank preset, have your shield equippedand bring one sailfish soup.

Refer to this link for Example Gear Setups. You do not need to match exactly.


Note that we will NOTbe turning our auras or scrimshaws on until the end of phase 2.

We will tell you when the time comes in voice chat.

Vorago (Learner Friendly) (4)

T h eF i g h t

This is everything you need to know before

taking on Vorago for the first time as a DPS role.

Please read through this entire section in the hidden text if you:

-arejust rusty anddon'tremember all the mechanics.

-have very low experience killing Vorago

-have not killed Vorago before

You aren't expectedto know everythingbefore entering the fight. But getting a basic understanding beforehand is curtailfor a good learning experience. Just try to get a rough idea of what the fight is like. And then I will walk you through it from there.


Here is the PVME page for vorago, this has a lot of amazing information.


There really aren'tany good Youtube guides out there for Vorago. Feel free to watch what's out there, but I don'tpersonally recommend this.But Ihave taken the liberty of creating some usefultext to read up on before the fight. This is much shorter than the PVME, and has all the information you need before your first kills as a dps role.

Challenging Vorago

*If you haven'tFought Vorago before, you will need to speak to him and exhaust all of his dialogue before taking him on*

It is recommended to use the Thermal Bath treatment from the spa at the Anachronia base camp. As well as applyingthe bonfire health boost right before you start.

Upon entering the borehole, you will hop the rocks overto his face on the side of the mountain.

This is where everyonewill be waiting when they are ready to take on Vorago.

Once everyone is ready, the base will challenge the boss.

Everyone receives a dialog boss with an option to fight the boss.

You must accept the challenge to enter the fight.

If you do not get the dialogue box, you will need to quickly click on Voragoto challenge him.

After 12 seconds, the group will evenly split 50,000 damage (capping at 12,500)

While waiting, it doesn't hurt to use the fortitude prayer and over-heal with a brew sip and a sailfish soup for added safety.

(your vit pot will double your final hp.this will result in having higher hp on dropdown)

Then hover your mouse over your powerburst of vitality.

You will recieve a callout over voice text to drink your powerburst of vitality potion so that you can survive this and enter the fight.

The potion only lasts 6 seconds, and has a 90 second cooldown, so you only get one chance to drink it.

You can die if you are not under the effect of the potion when the damage is dealt.

If everyone does this correctly, phase one will start after the damage is dealt and we will fall down into the arena.

Phase 1, Top Lure

Everyone will drop down onto the battle field. Vorago attacks in 2 ways. mele swipes, and bombs.

These attacks will happen during all 5 phases.

as a dps role, you do not need to worry about the other mechanics going on in phase one.


IIyou are one or two squares away, you will be in range of his melee hits.

Without melee prayer, these can hit upwards of 6,000 damage.

simply stand more than 2 squares away from the boss.

Protect melee if you become in melee distance.


Red BombVorago (Learner Friendly) (5) ? 4 Blue BombsVorago (Learner Friendly) (6) ? Repeat

If you are the furthest player from the boss, you will receivehis bomb projectile attacks.

These hit upwards of 4,000 damage

These do A.O.E.damage, and will damage any players standing near the person receivingthe bomb.

Vorago (Learner Friendly) (7)

Blue bombs deal magic damage,

Their damage issusceptibleto defensiveabilities, including resonance.

Vorago (Learner Friendly) (8)

Red bombs deal typeless damage, and are not susceptibleto defensive abilities.

Sometimes they are sent towards a random player.

The person receivingthe random bomb will want to step away from their team mates, to avoid splashing damage onto them.

Eat up to high health before it hits you to be safe.

bombs are quite punishing, so be carefulto not be too far from the boss, and dont stand near the bomb tank.

the safe zone is 3-4 squares away from the boss.

This is where you should always be as a DPS role.

do not stand near the bomb tank.

At the end of the phase, Vorago will jump into the air.

there will be rocks raining down on a location of the arena, signifying he is about to land there. you will want to get away from this spot, as being landed on can deal upwards of 6000 damage.

he does this 5 times, and then the floor breaks and we drop down to the next phase.

this happens at the end of every phase.

Example of Where to stand:

Vorago (Learner Friendly) (9)

Phase 2, Bring Him Down

In phase 2, DPSroleswill want to stand north of the boss and stay 3-4 squares away from Vorago for the entirety of this phase.

If everythinggoes smoothly, the boss will not move during this phase. But if he does move, you may need to adjust your distance.

Vorago will do what are called bleeds, or smashes at the start of the phase.

It will look like this


You don't need to do anything while this is happening as a DPSrole except for pay attention to when they are over by counting the 5.

After bleeds are over, there will be 3 auto attacks, and then he will do his reflect attack.

This lasts about 7seconds. During this time, a randomly selected player will receiveany damage Vorago receives.

It is HIGHLY IMPORTANT that you stop attacking the boss.

You can do this by clicking on the ground. but on revolution, your next attack will likely still be queued, andgo off.

Making clicking off a poor method. Rapid clicking will cancel the next ability, but..

If you are using channeled abilities like rapid fire or bleeds, they will continue to fire even when you click off.

You can unequip your ammo as a ranger. but this will not cancel rapid fire or bleeds.

the best way to stop attacking, is to either use full manual combat to controlyour attacks, or to use the new cease ability in your defensive abilities.

Vorago (Learner Friendly) (10)

This only lasts 6 seconds, so you will need to press it oncea little early before he starts reflects to be safe, and again after hestarts reflect to reset the 6 second timer. This way it will last for the entire reflect.

The timer for cease will showup in your buff bar.

Vorago (Learner Friendly) (11)

Gravity Fields

During reflects, a Gravity Field will appear at a random location. Someone needs to click on the Orb and it will be absorbed by Vorago.

Once 4 orbs are absorbed, we can "bring him down".

If you do not press it a second time after he starts reflect, you will continue attacking.Then you will likely kill whoever the boss is reflecting onto.

You must be very carefulduring this mechanic.

It will be called out when to get off the boss before reflect happens.

Just make sure you have cease on a convenient key-bind.

Once 4 full attack rotations have gone by, and he absorbsthe 4th Gravity Field,you will go into "bring him down".

This is where you will spam click on Vorago until his bar fills up. once his bar is full, you will need to build to 100% adrenaline. The phase will end shortly.

Because the slower we do phase 3, the harder it will be to finish.

Full Attack Rotation

5 Bleeds ? 3 auto attacks ? Reflect ? 7 auto attacks ? repeat

Phase 3, Weekly Special

Phase 3 is the only phase that ends as soon as we deplete his health bar. Unlike the other phases Where he will not die until The other mechanics are over.

Some weekly specialswill have the weekly special mechanic take up the entire phase.

Others will follow this attack rotation.

Weekly Special Mechanic ? 3 or 5 auto attacks ? Reflect ? 3 auto attacks ? Weekly Special mechanic ? 3 or 5 auto attacks ? repeat

There are a total of 6 differentPhase 3's that change every week.

You will be instructed on what to do in voice chat.

Keep in mind, reflects are still present in many of the 6 weekly rotations.

See the link below for information on weekly specials on the wiki.

Phase 4, Waterfall

Once we drop down, one of the 4 corners of the arenawill have a waterfall overit.

You must immediately get behind the waterfall, and into thecorner of the arena.

Go all the way to the corner square.

You have about 10 seconds to get behind the waterfallin time.

Failure results in receiving8000 damage.

You then need to get to your proper distance of 3-4 squares as soon as possible to avoid receiving bombs.

One person will receive a stone clone, a monster who will attack only you and can only be killed by you. kill it quickly.

Full Attack Rotation

Waterfall ? 3 auto attacks ? Stone Clone ? 7 auto attacks ? Weekly Special mechanic ? 3 or 5 auto attacks ? 5 Bleeds ? 3 auto attacks ? Reflect ? 3 auto attacks ? repeat

Phase 5, Push-Back

Vorago will land in the yellow area in the image below.

Vorago (Learner Friendly) (12)

As DPS, you will be standing in the area marked in green on the south side of the arena.

You want to drop your Death's Swiftness or Sunshine on the x immediately.

This will be before the boss lands.

The goal is to push him all the way backwards (to the east).

The more damage we do, the more we push him back.

The more damage he does to us, the more he pushes us back.

It;s like a tug of war, but more of a push of war.

Vorago (Learner Friendly) (13)If he pushes us all the way west and off the edge, we all get insta-killed.Vorago (Learner Friendly) (14)

But if we push him all the way to the end, ourtl5 can smash him in the face with a big hammer and he will fall off the ledge and die.

Do not stand in melee distance, because you will receive melee hits and get us pushed back.

Do not stand too far back, as you will receive bombs and get us pushed back.

Make sure you get off for reflect, becausethat will also push us back.

STAY AGAINST THE SOUTH WALL AT ALL TIMES (The green zone in the picture above)

You need to movewith the boss as it is pushed back, and stay at least2 squaresaway to avoid melee damage.

Now, during this phase, we get 5 bleeds.

Anyone can get a bleed, they are given out randomly.

You need to watch your de-buff bar for the

Vorago (Learner Friendly) (15)

Dismember icon.

If you receive this icon, you need to use freedom.

Once your bleed is cleared, it is possible for you to get a second one while freedom is on cooldown.

For this reason, you want to step one square north after you clear a bleed.

If you receive a second bleed, use the escape ability.

Being more than 5 squares away from Vorago will automaticallyclear your bleed.

The reason you need to walk one square north, is that while you are standing against the wall, escape will not work.

It will try to escape into an unreachable location.

So you must walk north 1 square after you clear a bleed and be ready to escape.

Just rememberthese 4 things.

1: Avoid taking damage.

2: Do lots of damage

3: Clear your bleeds

4: Don'tkill your friends on reflect.

Andwe win!

Specifics on Pushback Mechanics:


Full AttackRotation

Weekly Special mechanic ? 3 or 5 auto attacks ? Reflect ? 3 auto attacks ? 3 Bleeds ? 3 auto attacks ? repeat

For more info on how to kill Vorago, Check out the wiki on Strategies for Vorago


Vorago (Learner Friendly) (16)


Note, All Tectonic energies and Seismics

will be split evenly among the team at the end of each session.

Reveal the hidden content to see the rewards and detailed drop mechanics from killing Vorago.


Vorago will drop a total of 5 drop piles per fight.

Who gets each pile is determined on each of the 5 phasesduring the fight.

During each phase, one of the 3 methods of determining who gets the pile for that phaseis randomly selected.

The selection methods are as follows.

1: Doing the most damage out of the group

2: Taking the most blue bombs (bomb tank role)

3: Hold Vorago's aggression for the longest duration (base tank)

Players CAN be awardedmultiple piles at the end of a kill

Players can also get no piles at the end of a kill

It is common for DPSrole to get little to no piles in a session,

so we split Tectonic energies at the end to be fair to the team.

Vorago has a decently sized drop table.

But these are the notable ones:

Vorago (Learner Friendly) (17)

Tectonic energy

Each pile has a 4/5 chance in drooping2 Tectonic energy.

At the end of the session, everyonewill give all the tectonic energy that they receivedduring the session to the host.

The hostwill then be evenly split them among the group.

If you have any in your bank before the fight, it is advised to sell them so that you can better keep track of the amountof energy you get during the session.

Alternatively, you can just take note of the quantity before the session.

With an average of 5-6 kills per hour, it is typicallya pot of around 50m to split among the group from Tectonic Energy alone.

Current Ge Price:


Vorago (Learner Friendly) (18)Vorago (Learner Friendly) (19)

Seismic Wand & Seismic Singularity

For each pile,

there is a:

-1/400 chance for a Seismic Wand

-1/400 chance for a Seismic Singularity

Consequently, there is a:

1/200 chance to get a seismic weapon per pile

1/40 chance for a seismic weapon to be given per kill

1/8chance to receivea seismic splitat the end ofeach session you attend.

The price of the wand is about80m

(see link for current G.E. price)


The price of the singularity is about 200m.

(see link for current G.E.price)


And if you're a Lucky Ducky,

Vorago (Learner Friendly) (20)

Ancient Summoning Stone

There is a 1/5000 chance per pile to receivean Ancient Summoning Stone, with a threshold of 1000.

This will award the Vitalis Pet.

Vorago (Learner Friendly) (21)

For more information on Vorago drops, see the link below


Vorago (Learner Friendly) (2024)


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.