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, " Rage 12 TBESWARTHMORE N HUI'ICAL .... , •••• WI' THE DEMOCRATIC VIEWPOINT THE CANDIDATES SPEAK FOR SCHOOL DIRECTOR Teachers employed In the Swarthmore-Rutledge School District, like teachers all over the country, are poorly paid to do a job that our society daily considers more Important. I find it shameful that teachers are forced to take second jobs in order to make ends meet, as' some of our ~eachers presently are req uired to do. The quality" of:. classroom teaching deterÂmines the excellence of a school system, not its buildÂIngs, or its grounds, or Its past reputation. I have decided to run for School Board because I want to express my can c ern for classroom education, for fine teachers, for well paid teach-ers who need not work other John R. Fry places in off hours, or move to other school districts with greater promise. I believe that .much more can be done in our teacher salary program without having to make new rate increases on tax weary residents. We shall have to hold the line but within the annual budget express what we consider most important. The recent equivocation of the School Board on providing that bus transportation to Swarthmore and Rutledge children which law determines shows on the one hand timidity in acÂcepting the twentieth century, and on the other hand disreÂgard for the children in Its special trust, I can promise thltt. if elected, I shall prosecute a positlon that is pro-teacher, pro-child, and pro-education. We have sometime to stop ral-. lying around our tree-lined streets and begin inspecting our moss covered values. I strongly encourage both activities. FOR BOROUGH COUNCILI believe Borough Council -:;"'~.'. .i will be unable to serve entire- ",' ly the future needs of this com- . ". munity without the ald and . advice of Swarthmore women. '~ Only by electing a "counlli~• '0 woman" can t hi s Important group be fully represented. It is the women who will be parÂticularly affected by the probÂlems of traffic and parking caused by an ever increaSing population; it. is the women who feel the lack of a borough trash collection; and It is they who will shop elsewhere If InÂadequate snow removal again makes Swarthmore stores inac-cessible. . It is the mothers who particÂularly appreciate what an im- Mary Wood portailt part of the community life the summer recreation proÂgram has become. I feel It is so important, that the Board of the Swarthmore Recreation Association should be made an arm of Borough Council to administer its summer program or. a tax supported basis. As a matter of fact, the program has had some tax support already In that both the School Board . and the Borough have made contributions to it. and the Re-, creation ASSOCiation has used public school facilities every summe~. As a Swarthmore mother whose children have parÂticipated in. this program, I would like all children In the borough to have this same opportunity regardless of ability to pay. Swarthmore women are very much affected by the decisions of our local government. Doesn't it make sense thl!t they should have a representative on Borough Council? FOR BOROUGH COUNCIL At electton time it is tradiÂtional for the ins to point with pride and the outs to view with alarm, OccasionallY, amid all this pointing and viewing, tlie facts may seem obscure. Not so, however, this time. Few, surely, will care to quesÂtion the list of the act! vities and accomplishments of BorÂough Cotincll as set forth by the SwarthmOle Republican Committee. Let us consider these activities an d accomÂplishments. They total seven. (1) Council has built a footÂbridge, and has paved the last unpaved street (the teference is presumably to Hillborn AvÂenue, paved in a fashion uno' animously opposed by the proÂperty owners concerned). . James A, Field. Jr. (2) Council has begun a perÂmanent and systematic tree care program (i.e. the PhiladelÂphia Electric Company has been persuaded to take down eight trees), (3) and (4) Council has air condltione\i the library, and has hired a CPA. (5) Council has kept the tax rate stable, despite excessive snow removal costs, etc. (what snow removal? what year was that?) . (6) There exist a Planning Commission and a youth GuidÂance Advisory Committee which make reports (received with reluctance and Interred with speed). . ('I) There also exists a Zoning -Board of Adjustment. That's'lt. That's all there ls. No whisper of concern wltb e.l.lm..a.p le): Ireftlla, s&reet conpSUoo and park- . . L ~~ Deal Red Cress months to the area hospitals with special word of appreCiation to in Fall Meeting Summer "bakers". An urgent plea for arts and The Fall Meeting of the Swarth- helpers was made In the more Branch of the American Red of the chairman, Mrs. Ro- Cross was called to order Friday Deacon. Emphasis was plac-morning in the American Legion on the fact that no special room, Borough Hall, by Chalrman Itallenlts or skills are required 'for Mrs. Avery F. Blake. greatly needed work. Volun- Following the presentation of will be trained to give as-the minutes of the May meeting to the learning veterans. by Mrs .. Corben Shute, secretary, Mrs. Lord was announced as and statement by the Treasurer, new chairman of Gray Ladies. Mrs. D. Mace Gowing, Mrs. H.L. resignation of Mrs. George McCune, chairman of blood ser- Karns as production chairman vice reported that since May announced and the secretary there have been 29 local requests to write a letter of ap-for Red Cross blood and 82 pints from the board for Mrs. supplied. services. Mrs. Wayne Ran- Voluntary S e r vic Ii chairman of Nurses Aides, Mrs. Robert M. Fudge reported 68 hours of service In 58 busy hours of service she tals contributed by volun· given during the summer from June 1· to October 1. In conferences with officials Virginia Rath, chairman of fire the monthly Southeast and water safety, reported 60 and the consequent and 10 adults registered the new reporting system in the Red Cross swimming pro-chairmen of the local branch held for 10 days at the col-cooperating. Mrs. John H. pool in July. The classes son, Jr., chairman of the In four sections with a daily nursing, reported 5~hours of ser- of 46. Junior volun-viM at the Bloodmobile in Broom- reported faithfulJ.y as as-allMrs. Ralph Hayes is worl\ing She reported also on the steadily with the United Fund In first aid course now in her post as liaison chalrman with on Tue.sday nights at the local Red Cross branch and Hall. Mrs. Robert w. co-chairman with the United Fund. Mrs. John. L. J. Kenneth Doherty of Can- Good, chairman of community IIst~d 24 hours service at vice to hospitals and Acme warehouse arid 16 hours reported continued Red Cross headquarters dur-of home-made birtbday cakes .the summer. Distinctive Hair Styling Colonial Court Apts •• Rutgers Ave. Swarthmore KI 3-9700 For Appointment , . Open Thurs. & Fri. Evenings Air Condo a brand new lecture by 'ANNE WERTSNER WOOD at the Tickets may be obtalned from: Thursday. Nov. 16 2 P.M. Mrs. R. M. Daniel . Trinity Church - Swarthmore 623 University Place (By Reservation Only) Z& D~nation $2.00 .:::i'1IJI!(1J otner and constructive' Mtion. ~ thought • FOR JUSTICE of the PEACE Since the adult residents of .' . the Borough of Swarthmore are above the average 'in their reÂspect for and obedience of the . laws of the Commonwealth' and the ordinances of the Borough, they have little reason, (rom a purely personal viewpoint, to concern themselves about the qualifications of the perÂson whom they elect to the juÂdicial office of Justice of the Peace in the coming election. As parents, however. and as deeply concerned citizens who caused to have made and pubÂlished the thorough stmly of the problems of lack ofrespecl and obedience of law demonÂstrated by the behavior of too large a percentage of our juveÂnile resIdents, these same James L. Malone adult residents have the opÂportunity to make a significant contribution toward establishÂIng a higher respect for tbe law and the judicial process In our community. While Justices of the Peace are consider.ed members of the Minor Judiciary to distinguish them from judges and jusÂtices of the higher courts, tlte J'Istices of the Pea c e of Swarthmore are the members of the ·judiciary .before whom every person who is accused of violating any ordinance or law within ijle limits of the Borough must appear for a bear-ing. . - . ,. . . It is hardly necessary to emphasize the creat importsDce of this firat impres810n of the Ju.dlcial process, ,espec1all1 to of tender £lecUon of tbe beUeI' ,,8Uftlllll IIIid October 2'1; 1961 Staff Aides. Mrs. Bingham, chairman, .. rs. FrederÂick fl. Lang, co-chairman, reportÂed '15 hours volunteer. service given in Red Cross activities since May. Training CO!lrses anÂnounced by Mrs. Dorothy Hopkins, administrative secretary of the Western' Delaware County Branch Office, included a course for Gray Ladies and Staff Aides at the Media.. office on Monday, October 30. The course for Gray Ladies will run' from 9:45 to 4, and for Staff Aides from 9:45 to 12. ReÂgistration must be made in ad, vance with Mrs. FUdge, KI 3- 5354. On November 2 from 8 to 10 p.m. a standard 'Red Cross First Aid course will be given at Trinity Church instructed by Mrs. Claro. Hawks of the Western Delaware County Branch. Chairmen in attendance at the meeting included Mrs. Blake, Mrs, Fudge, Mrs. Richardson, Mrs, Doherty, Mrs. Gowing, Mrs. Mc· Cune, Miss Rath, Mrs. Randal: and Mrs. Derickson. Directors present were Mrs. Joseph B. Shane, Mrs. Robert M. Grogan,. Mrs. George Plowman, Mrs. Arthur B. Kent, Mrs. Peter E. Told, as were Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter, chairman of the nominaÂting committee and MrS. John A. Schumacher, member of her comÂmittee. LOCA.L STUDENTS TA.KE HONORS PROGRAM Michael K. Becker of Walnu lane, John C. Cratsley of Strath Haven avenue, and Susan Preston of Dogwood lane, have been acÂcepted for the Honors Program of study at the Swarthmore College by the facwty. , Michael majors in history and mlnors in economics and poiltiÂcal science; John maJors In poliÂtical science and minors in his. tory and economics .. SUsan's .maJÂor is In psychology and her minÂors are English literature and fine arts. Piano Helen Clyde Beginners a Specialty Mulie: ViII,ge. KI4-~8, THE SWEET SHOP COLONIAL COUlT APJS. (Next to Post OffiCe) KI 3-4$97 • CUT FLOWERS - PLANTS CORSAGES tilll,om·e-JloIIacle Candy Homa-Made Cake. ent ubscriptions for Coil ••• a •• Prlval. 5'.001 51 ••••1 5 lo.r I •• Aea ••• le y.ar $1.75 o S •• ser ••• rs O.ly) 33 -"' N~MBER "" DUN IIINT WILL BE fORUM SPEllER SUNDAY "T. S. Eliot and the Inne~ Light" will be the subject on ",hlch Everett Hunt will speak on Sunday at the Swarthmore Friends Meeting Adult Forum, held at 9:45 a.m. Dr. Hunt, dean and professor of English Emeritus at SwarthÂmore College, came to join the faculty at the College in 1925. His previous te~hlng experience was at Cornell University. The Meeting bopes that anyÂone interested in tbe forums will 8v: nrt 11IIl()j~~~iI. Svw r HI rrIIr-'1"" .: ," . ..... ,S\\' A litH ~IORIC COI.I.~:" ~~ LIB... J(,\I(Y NOV 3 .1961 \ MOREAN PER YEAR Coil ... Arts Fesllul GtIW Will MEMORIAL TO IE HaD .. RIGI w •• ke.. 170 PTS BLOOD a.wo ••• Tiesciay' SUNDAY FOR DR,P)'MER Public Invited To College students and fac'~ltYIV< .. :"'1 Trio to Present Attiye Here 70 Years '1 contributed 1'10 plots of blood FI m. Music Program the9a.m. to2 p.m.eXltended visit r Program Retired Professor Was The Swarthmore College Arts the Red Cross Bloodmobile The . Woman's Club will hear A memorial service for Dr. Festival will be open for tbe IS~,arthm,ore Coilege on Tuesday. the Mellowettes, a Delaware Samuel Copeland Palmer, Swarth' final. time this week end~ Nov- total falls ooe pInt below Valley vocal trio, at the tim\! more College professor emeritus ember 2, 3, 4 and 5. The public the 1959 record of 1'10 pints the Neediework Guild Ingatber- of botany, will be held at 2 p.m. is cordially Invited to attend all maintains the consistently Ing at the club Tuesday "t2 p.m. in the Swarthmore Friends events, except theatre perfor, donation by co 11 e g e will give a program of House. There will be no viewing manc'es which are sold out. which helps to maintain the Bor- novelties, and Broadway and the family has reQ. uested that Among the many works feat- ough privilege of supplying free floral tributes be omitted. For ured In the ar t exhibit, are Red Cross emergency blood consists oUhree those friends who wished to send palntings by Chester County art- residents of the Borough and wives, Mrs. Roger l<ierstead flowers, the family feels it would attend. 1st Andrew Wyeth, who received students wbile they are Villa Nova, soprano; Mrs. David to contribute to _________ an honorary degree in Fine Arts residence during the college of Strafford, second sop- College for the Sam- INGll']HERING IS SO at Swarthmore College. otber . In 1960, tbe college gave and Mrs. Donald Townsend C. Palmer Memorial Fund. A works are by alumni, faculty pints. Devon, contralto. The accom- will be In the burial members and wives, and stud- According to Mrs. H.L. McCune Is Mrs. John Hanson ot' of the Concord Friends FOR 9 AJA. TUES. ents of the College. A number Mrs. C.C. Shute, chairmen of t Ai iI four are membersIMe,etl:ng. of artists from the townofSwarth- Service for the Swarthmore he Mat nee Musical Club of Dr. Palmer died Monday even- Afternoon Program more are represented, including of the Red Cross which Philadelphia, and have given . in Taylor Hospital where hV Scheduled for 2 P.M, an all palnting by Edward Cox, sponsored the visit, 11 pints of concerts at clubs, civic orl\.an- been a patient with virus professor emeritos of cbemistry, special O-positive type blood izatlons. and mbsic grOU'~P:s~'d ~u~~~II~~~~:~:,~ since the previous The Program for the The faculty wives are repre- were collected by special Mrs. Kierstead Is a ~ "Ingathering" for the sented by a patnting by Josep- Cross request for heart of the School of Music at a far m in Concord Brancb of the Needlework hlne Faul,kner, a pastel by Jean at Einstein Hospital on Wednes- Pauw University and was f~~;I~~~~~~:~ on April 2'1, 18'14, he. will tske place In the Sorber, a pen and ink drawing by day morning. Since October 13, erly a public school music • school in West Chester, Club; Tilesd93. In the Eleanor Paxson Keighton, plas- reQ. uests for blood (one ervisor in Indiana. She Is graduated froln Swarthmore from 9 to 10 o'clock, the ter and wood sculpture by Phoebe Borough, one from tbe col- the soprano soloist at tbe In 1895 and received a butlons of new clothing or Kasper.Wallach,anda landscape have been met by tbe local Methodist Church. ·Mrs. degree there in 190'1. He hold linen willbe received in by tbe late Florence Wilcox, for ' send, also a soloist In tbeWayne a Joshua Lippincott Fellow ciubhouse. In the afternoon at wbom the new Art Studio anc College student Barbara D8Jy, Church, is a graduate of Duke Harvard University 190'1-8 and o'clock everyone Is invited theatre exhibit lobby are named. by Rosemary Werner University, where she was act- receiving a masters· and cometo the Woman's Club to hearl Other alumni exhibitors In- MaryWllllams,had scheduled ive In musical work, Mrs. Car- of philosophy degree and' the "Mellowettes", a vocal trio. clude Miriam Jenkins Elsbree, 2'11 students and faculty members lisle bas been interested in athletics there during Following the program teo. jewelry ItJ1d enamel work; Janet for the visit. Thirty-four were re- ever since her childhood in WIs- period. be served and tbere will be Stanley Mustin, all painting; and others advanced al- consln. A talented !Rember of the foot-opportunity to see and Patrlca Ballagh Spencer, most to the bleeding room and track teams and presl- 'Items received In the pastel portrait. The art exhibit class and seminar schedules pre, EXHIBIT' ION TO OPBI of the Athletic Association ingathering. is open continously except dur- vented their remmning. Swarthmore College during his Guild directors include: ing performances of concerts and From the Swarthmore ll':r' aaft canER days, he coached Andrew Alexander,DavidBing' plays. . 24'volunteers gave 118 hours A 'UU" wblle teaching at the bam. Charles Black, Charles C. Performing In the Pearson service, Including two Oil Painti"gl Will Be Swartbmore Preparatory Brogan. Jr •• Wilfred Tbeatre on Saturday at 4:30 p;m. nu'rses, Mrs. Robert from 18(1:; to 1900. He . Ham B. Bullock. H. and Suhday at 2 P./fi. wlllhe tbe and Mrs. jolin H. Display Till Dec. 1 vice-principal of the school Clarke, Benjamin W. Swarthmore College Singers and More than 25 cQllege An exhibition of oils by 1900 to 1907. Samuel T. Carpenter.J, P. Instrumentalists. The. Singers gave more than 130 hours. ert D; McKinney of West Hejoined tbefacultyo! Swartb-rt J Will' P D dd Bre a select group chosen from will open Sunday at 3 p. m. College as acting professor elw yyn, Dr.u, maUl, aGmeo.r ge0 M. , The College Chorus for sp. ecial the Community Arts Center, biology and geology 1909-10, M H vocal work under the OIrection Mothers Club To Hold ers lane, Wallingford. asslstsnt professor 1911-23; LEaerel CL. .G aFteuwososo,d , W' illi•a m H. of Professors ·Peter Swing ad n' A native of New Castle, associate professor of ring, Jobn A. Gersbach, .hmes Sorber. Thelrprogramwlll Election Day Bake Sale McKinney received his B.S. In 1923. professor in · D MG' feature works by members of the gree in art education at and served as professor of Getty. • ace owmg. music faculty of the college, Mothers' Club members College and his Masters botany from 1928 until his retire- G. Griffin, Arthur J, Grover. Ric:b-I both past and present, Includ-. busy bakl'ng a variety of W~ elica-I at Pennsylvania State Univer- ment in 1942. He was graduate ard G. Haig. ing, Peter Swing and Peter Scb- cies for tbe Annual Election sity. He studied of athletics for 20 years, Henry L. HarriS. W. Minton Ickele, Alfred J. Swan and Vin- B a ke Sale . The sal"L will be Hobson Pittman at athietic director 1939-41, vey, A. L. Hilles, Jr.. Sewell W. cent Persichetti. Also on t he Tn' esd'ay N ovember 'I at tbe state University and witb . an active Interest up Hodge, Elden B. Hollis, I. gers Avenue School polls from Program are pieces' by Ernest ' Blanch a+ the Art Student League his fim8.J. Illness. He had' Hoot. Cecil D. How, ard, Bloc" paw Hindemith, and 7 a.m. unH,.I 5 pm..' of New Y,o rk. the alumni fund meeting, ,. (Continued on Page. 4) Claude Debussy. Mrs. David S. Smith, Mr. McKinney has won game and homecoming (Continued on Page 5) . announced btahkaetd a g wooiddes .va nadri ectayn d- prizes in water color and oil at the college two weeks Tr • ' nI6,u W. ... R_--..1y T. 8. ASS'.N. 'N AMES SEAL will be available to the busy CDheleaswtearr ec oAurntt YC eAnrtte r, Dr. Palmer, a seU-created art- SALE CHAIRMAN and llUngry.school children. arid at Woodmere Art Gallery. bad made 5445 drawings and For 'Holiday' Fair Committee members assisting 1959 he won the Purchase palntings of, 1556 varieties of Mrs. Ruth K. Butler of Mrs. Smith include the Mesdames . the Cheltenham Art Center. I; Annual'Event to be avenue has been appointed' Fred Hill, Richard Rittenbouse, Mr. McKinney's work Is In per- Held November 16 unteer Chairman for Samuel Reynolds, William Hard- manent collections of gallelri",sl CANTEEN to assist in the 1961 ing, Leslie Hoffman, Joseph throughout tbe East Coast TO MEET'SAT. Fingers are flYing, phones campaign of the win, Arthur Collins, Mort in many private collections. • ringing and plans are being cOIn-l"cco'·u"nty TuberculosiS and head, John Harvey, and associate professor of art SaturdaY evenln'g, 150 boys. pleted as the Women of Association which Is Cournoyer. west Cbester State and girls of the 9th, 10th, and under the chairmanship of Mrs. to begin on November 13. College and teaches at the 11th grades, took part in the Hal- Benjamin ,Eaton, ready fheir an- In other neighboring co'mmuIi··~, TO VOTE aware Art Center and at tbe festivities of the Garnet Rual Holiday Falr. Tbls ities Mrs. Robert Shipman Chester County Art Association. Prizes were awarded event takes place Thursday, Engl~road has been named chalr-I In the exhibition Mr. McKinney Johnson and Doug Tolley ember 16, .from 10:30 a.m. man for Wallingford, Mrs. Ge,org,el TUESDAY will show a series of oil Impro- the most comical costumes, 9 p.m. in Trinity Church. All P. Rouse of Brookside road BER 7Tu visatlons motivated by music. Kathy Bradbury for the clever-committees are putting finishing Rose valley, and Mrs. Aftnurl NOVEM II- ManY of the paintings are cosiume. and to Sheri Maule touches on Items for sale in the Krause of Clymer lane for objective while others are ab- Carl Gersbach for the best Country Store, children's Shop, ton-Rutledge. stract.' couple-vintage 1920. .Toy Chest, Book SheU, AtlJ.C, Teo. will be served from Canteen this week will start Table and Fish Pond. IP,'e,b),terian Choi! p.m. at the November 5 opening. 8 In the All Purpose Room of . The posters are just about to P t 'EI·· h' Members and friends are wel- Rut~eri; Avenue School, Can-be dl'Strl'buted by the E. Y. C., resen '10 come. The exhibltl,on will' cori- will be open to all mem• bers supervised by the Rev. G. Rich- The Chancel Choir of the tinue until December 1. the 9tb, 10th, 11th and 12th ard McKelvey. Last year's 'Church will pre:sentj grades at the high school. and design, created' by Mrs. ' by Mendelssfro hn 4i n ' Athlet,'c Club Sponsors' Swar thm ore resid ent s of t h e H.Nelson. was so thoroughly this Sunday. am P same age who attend various preciated tbat the design is be- 5:30, and from 'I p.m. nnln" 'I A.M. - 8 P.M. lB<Jd,nirlfo,n Group IU'U'" schools. Membership cards lng repeated this year. . The performance Wlllf NORTHERN PRECINCT The Swarthmore Athietlc Club be avallable at.the door. • A buffet luncheon. headed by in the .sanctuary 0 H• h S h I Sta ft R Group will begin plDV can teen' s mw'n abl'e c tlv e thOI S Mrs. Henft L. Har. rls and M. rs. H. on Harvard avenue gt'o9u nd c f0lo0o r digreecctrlay beohoimnd. November 6 at th- e IW'.D" w~'1 1 be fun.'o r everyone. H · Gibson , will b.e .ser v. ed road. 'ah 'II be the auditorium. High, SChool Gym- W'l1 1 be d anci ng. games A.nc!. 12 noon until 2 p.m. Dinner, Therole of EliJ WI DAA"Ad . All adults. who are In- The c h sperons will "'Tb e ved from 5:30 until 'I p.m. can Edward Heller. Georgbert EASTERN PRECINCT should cali Phil Swayne aod Mrs. Charles Lincoln, Mr. en· joyed by making . the organist, and RO e KI 4-1324; write Box 251, Mr s.G. Ale x 'Mill s, and Mr. with Mrs. Otis J. Ear 1 e, is the conductor. Americen L.gion R..... ....... M D Id VI t ~:~:W:~~~~~~~I~-==; . Country Club lane In Wallingford. PL' ,.....ent"f ~Orough H,aI, l. . MOJidaY;~lotr hc aom.rea c,tko etth.·e ... :g ym l&i~urcHi. R!arv (~ n ,..- ---- ': Anne Wertsner Wood willbe ..... I,: highllg\\tofthe'Hol1d93 Flllt DlMNER' .' VlESlERN.PREcINCT J=.~T~h:e~group plays from 8:45 to , .Tbe D~' 1ll".P '"rHJ!oSl:ld'iq~' 1'~~Il.~~~n~eW~~~~~bTeurbkeelyd DaDin nTehru rasndda yB, N~o,,- .'.I I tile licm. p:-'.'.'~,CaOn edd uicsa tslot~llcatll. 1 TIhne- " In tbe,F. ~Ilowsblp _i... tile R.t- ' .ill 'estead' fIbIn 1Iet~1st Cburch on ' ~ea.cl.'''. ,.tf.-. , , ,
---------- Page 2 ----------
INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Hage 12 THE S WAR T HMO R E N -~--------~~~nmmRau;---------iTL~~I~R~~~~--~~~thr~~thElSuSU~mm~e~r~~~rAi~~~~d\ October 27, 1961 I'OUI'Ic.lL aD .=*=r_tc.n Gea ed Crass BraHh I mClOtrlS to the area hospitals with I BilDgharn, chairman, Mrs. Freder- THE DEMOCRATIC VIEWPOINT a special word of appreciation to ick P.. Lang, co·chairman, report- in Fall Meeting summer "bakers". 75 hours volunteer service THE CANDIDATES SPEAK An urgent plea for arts and given in Red Cross activities FOR SCHOOL DIRECTOR Teachers employed in the The Fall Meetingof theSwarth- helpers was made in the since Ma,y. Training courses an- Swarthmore.Rutledge School more Branch of the American Red of the chairman, Mrs. Ro- nounced by Mrs. Dorothy Hopkins, District. llke teachers all over Cross was called to order Friday Deacon. Emphasis was plac- administrative secretary of the the country, are poorly paid to morning in the American Legion on the fact that no special Western' Delaware County Branch do a job that our SOCiety daily room, Borough Hall, by Chairman or skills are required for Office, included a course forGra,y considers more important. I Mrs. Avery F. Blake. greatly needed work. Volun- Ladies and Staff Aides at the find it shameful that teachers ~'ollowing the presentation of will be trained to give as· Media office on Monda,y, October are forced to take second jobs the minutes of the May meeting the learning veterans. 30. The course for Gra,y Ladies in order to make ends meet, as by Mrs. Corben Shute, secretary, Mrs. Lord was announced as will run'from 9:45 to 4, and for some of our teachers presently and statement by the Treasurer, new chairman ofGra,yLadies. Staff Aides from 9:45 to 12. Re-are req uiredlo do. The quality Mrs. D. Mace Gowing, Mrs. H.L. resignation of Mrs. George gistration must be made in ad-of classroom teaching deter- McCune, chairman of blood ser- Karns as production chairman vance with Mrs. Fudge, KI 3- mines the ex cell e n c e of a vice reported that since Ma,y announced and the secretary 5354. On November 2 from 8 to school system, not its build- there have been 2910cal requests to write a letter of ap- 10 p.m. a standard Red Cross ings,or its grounds, or its past for Red Cross blood and 82 pints from the board for Mrs. First Aid course will be given reputation. supplied. services. Mrs. Wa,yne Ran· at Trinity Church instructed by [ have decided to run for Voluntary Service Chairman chairman of Nurses Aides, Mrs. Clara Hawks of the Western School Board because [ want Mrs. Robert M. Fudge reported 68 hours of service In Delaware County Branch. to express my can c ern for 58 busy hours of service she had tals contributed by volun· Chairmen in attendance at the classroom education, for fine given during the summer months from June 1 to October 1. meeting included Mrs. Blake, Mrs. teachers, for well paid teach- in conferences with officials of Virginia Rath, chairman of fire Fudge, Mrs. Richardson, Mrs, ers who need not work other the monthly Southeast Chapter and water safety, reported 60 Doherty, Mrs. Gowing, Mrs. Mc· John R. Fry places in off hours, or move and the consequent ,simplifying and 10 adults registered Cune, Miss Rath, Mrs. Randal: to other school districts with greater promise. I believe that the new reporting system in which the Red Cross swimming pro- and Mrs. Derickson. .much more can be done in our leacher salary program without chairmen of the local branch are held for 10 days at the col- Directors present were Mrs. having to make new rate increases on tax weary residents. cooperating. Mrs. John H. Derick- pool in July. The classes Joseph B. Shane, Mrs. Robert M. We shall have to hold the line but within the annual budget son, Jr., chairman of the in four sections with a daily Grogan, Mrs. George Plowman, express what we consider most important. nurSing, reported 5% hours of ser- of 46. Junior volun- Mrs. Arthur B. Kent, Mrs. peter The recent equivocation of the School Board on providing vice at the Bloodmobile in Broom- reported faithfully as as- E. Told, as were Mrs. Carroll P. that bus transportation to Swarthmore and Rutledge children 311Mrs. Ralph Hayes is working I~;~~t;:~::dshe reported also on the Streeter, chairman of the nomina-which law determines shows on the one hand timidity in ac- steadily with the United Fund in I, first aid course now in ling committee and Mrs. John A. cepting the twentieth century, and on the other hand disre· her post as liaison chairman withl~~r~~:~ on Tuesda,y nights at Schumacher, member of her com· gard for the children in its special trust. I can promise thAt, the local Red Cross branch and I] Hall. Mrs. Robert W. mittee. if elected, I shall prosecute a position that is pro-teacher, hardson, co·chairman with =-=,..,..-:-:==-==-:-=--~ pro-child, and pro·education. We have sometime to stop ral- the United Fund. Mrs. John. L. J. Kenneth Doherty of Can- LOCAL STUDENTS TAKE lYing around our tree-lined streets and begin inspecting our Good, chairman of community listed 24 hours service at HONORS PROGRAM moss covered values. I strongly encourage both activities. vice to hospitals and Acme warehouse and 16 hours Michael K. Becker of Walnu reported continued Red Cross headquarters dur- lane, John C. Cratsley of Strath FOR BOROUGH COUNCIL I believe Borough Council of home· made birthday cakes the summer. Haven avenue, and Susan Preston "'~' ' ~"x."\.. will be unable to serve entire- of Dogwood lane, have been ac- \ "Ily the future needs of this com- ~~J~ cepted for the Honors Program of \ munity without the aid and ""~ study at the Swarthmore College advice of Swarthmore women. by the faculty. '. Only by electing a "council- D,'st,'nct,'ve Ha,'r Styling Michael majors in history and woman" can this important minors in economics and politi-group be fully represented. It Colonial Court Apts" Rutgers Ave, cal science; John majors in poli-is the women who will be par- tical science and minors in his· ticularly affected by the IlfOb- Swa rth mo re tory and economics. Susan's maj-lems of traffic and parking h or is in psychology and her min-caused by an ever increasing one KI 3-9700 For Appointment ors are English literature and population; it is the women fine arts. who feel the lack of a borough Piano trash coUection; and it is they who will shop elsewhere if inÂadequate snow removal again makes Swarthmore stores inacÂcessible. It is the mothers who partie· ularly appreCiate what an im- Ma ry Wood portant part of the community Itfe the summer recreation proÂgram has become. I feel it is so important, that the Board of the Swarthmore Recreation Association should be made an arm of Borough Council to administer its summer program on a tax supported basis. As a matter of fact, the program has had some tax support already in that both the School Board and the Borough have made contributions to it, and the Re-, creation Association has used public school facilities every summer. As a Swarthmore mother whose children have par· ticipated in this program, [ would like all children In the borough to have this same opportunity regardless of ability to pay. Swarthmore women are very much affected by the decisions of our local government. Doesn't it make sense that they should have a representative on Borough Council? FOR BOROUGH COUNCIL At election time it is tradiÂtional for the ins to point with pride and the outs to view with alarm. Occasionally, amid all this pointing and viewing, the facts may seem obscure. Not so, howe v e r, this time. Few, surely, will care to quesÂtion the list of the activities and accomplishments of BorÂough COIinc1i as set forth by the Swarthmore Republican Committee. Let us consider these activities and' accomÂplishments. They total seven. (1) Council has built a footÂbridge, and has paved the last unpaved street (the reference is presumably to Hillborn A vÂenue, paved in a fashion unÂanimously opposed by the proÂperty owners concerned). James A. Field, Jr. (2) Council has begun a perÂmanEmt and systematic Iree care program (i.e. the PhiladelÂphia Electric Company has been persuaded to take down eight trees). (3) and (4) Council has air conditioned the library, and has hired a CPA. (5) Council has kept the tax rate stable, despite excessive snow removal costs, etc. (what snow removal? what year was that?) (6) There exist a Planning Commission and a youth GuidÂance Advisory Committee which make reports (received with reluctance and Interred with speed). (7) There also exists a Zoning ·Board of Adjustment. That's it. That's all there is. No whisper of concern with (for example): population trends, street congestion and parkÂing, large apartment buildings, recreation and delinquency: open the 'health of the local business community, com~' Open Thurs, & Fri. Evenings Air Cond, o brand new lecture by ANNE WERTSNER WOOD at the Tickets ma,y be obtained from: Thursday, Nov, 16 2 P.M. Mrs. R. M. Daniel Trinity Church - Swarthmore University Pillce (By Reservation Only) <ÂDonation $2,00 .. otner appear serious thought and constructive action. FOR JUSTICE of the PEACE Since the adult residents of the Borough of Swarthmore are above the average in their reo spect for and obedience of the laws of the Commonwealth and the ordinances of the Borough, they have little reason, from a purely personal viewpoint, to concern themselves about the qualifications of the perÂson whom they elect to the juÂdicial office of Justice of the Peace in the coming election. As parents, however, and as deeply concerned citizens who caused to have made and pubÂlished the thorough study of the problems of lack of respect and obedience of law demonÂstrated by the behaVior of too large a percentage of our juveÂnile residents, these same Ja mes L. Ma lone adult residents have the opÂportunity to make a significant contribution toward establish· ing a higher respect for the law and the judicial process in our community. While Justices of the Peace are considered members of the Minor Judiciary to distinguish them from judges and jusÂtices of the higher courts, tlte Justices of the Pea c e of Swarthmore are the members of the judiciary before whom every person who is accused of violating any ordinance or law within ~he limits of the Borough must appear for a hearÂIng. It is hardly necessary to emphasize the great importance of this first impreSSion of the judicial process, especially to those of tender years. Election of. the better Qualified and more competent of the candidates offered on' the ballot is a duty which calls for something inore dellherative than the pulling of a party lever. ' Helen Clyde Beginners a Specialty Music Village KI 4-5448 THE SWEET SHOP COLONIAL COUI!.T APTS. (Next to Post Office) KI 3-4597 • CUT ROWERS - PLANTS CORSAGES tilH<om,e-lIl1aclle Candy Home-Made Cakes u ent ubscription for CoUe.e aid Priva •• $ellool S •• de •• s for .lIe Aeade.le year $1.75 o S.bscrlbers Oily) ~eO c..~e ~o " ~ (>'( Ki 3-0900 ki 3·1833 VOLUME 33 -- ER « DEAN HUNT WILL BE FORUM SPEAKER SUNDAY "T. S. Eliot and the Inner Light" will be the subject on "hich Everett Hunt will speak on Sunday at the Swarthmore Friends Meeting Adult Forum, held at 9:45 a.m. Dr. Hunt, dean and professor of English Emeritus at SwarthÂmore College, came to Join the faculty at the College in 1925. His previous te~ching experience was at Cornell University. The Meeting hopes that anyÂone Interest ed in th e forums will attend. ~\,i(ll t :-.. ~ S\\':\ i: (11 \IORJ.: ('I )f. 1 I-,'j; ,.: L I B I: .\ [( Y ~ NOV 3 1961 MOREAN SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3,1961 :114.'", PER Colleg. Arts Festival In Rial W •• k •• d Public Invited To GIVES RED 170 PTS BlOOD N.edl •• on Guild Will MfMORIAL TO BE HBD a.bwolle. Tlestlay' SUNDAY FOR DR,PAIMER College students and faculty Vocal Trio to Present contributed 170 pints of blood at Film, Music Program the9a.m. t02 p.m.eXltended visitll'c)p'Ular Program Actiye Here 70 Years Retired Professor Was The Swarthmore College Arts the Red Cross Bloodmobile to The Woman's Club will hear A memorial service for Dr. Festival will be open for the Swarthmore College on Tuesda,y. Ihe Mellowettes, a Delaware Samuel Copeland Palmer, Swarth· final time this week end, Nov- The total falls one pint below vocal trio at the time more College professor emeritus ember 2, 3, 4 and 5. The public the 1959 record of 170 pints but the Needlework Guild Ingather- of botany, will be held at 2 p.m. is cordially invited to attend all maintains the consistently high at the club Tuesda,y at 2 p.m. Sunda,y in the Swarthmore Friends events, except theatre perfor. donation by coli e g e studonts will give a program of fol House. There will be no viewing mances which are sold out. which helps to maintain the Bar· novelties, and Broadway and the family has req uested that Among the many works feat· ough privilege of supplying free floral tributes be omitted. For ured in the ar t exhibit, are two Red Cross emergency blood to The trio consists of three house those friends who wished to send paintings by Chester County art· residents of the Borough and to wives, Mrs. Roger Kierstead of I n<ower:,. the family feels it would ist Andrew Wyeth, who received students while they are Villa Nova, soprano; Mrs. David appropriate to contribute to an honorary degree in Fine Arts residence during the college Carlisle of Strafford, second sop- College for the Sam· at Swarthmore College. Other . In 1960, the college gave rano; and Mrs. Donald Townsend C. Palmer Memorial Fund. INGATHERING IS SEJ works are by alumni, faculty pints. of Devon, contralto. The accom, will be in the burial members and wives, and stud- According to Mrs.H.L.McCune paniest is Mrs. John Hanson oflg:'~~~~::.Of the Concord Friends FOR 9 A.M lUES ents of the College. A number Mrs. C.C. Shute, chairmen Strafford. All four are members II • • ofartislsfrom the townofSwarth· Service for the Swarthmore of the Matinee Musical Club of Dr. Palmer died Monda,y even- Afternoon Program more are represented, including of the Red Cross whIclliPhiiadelphia, and have given in Taylor Hospital where hOi' an oil painting by Edward Cox, sponsored the visit, 11 pints of concerts at clubs, civic organ- been a patient with virus Scheduled for 2 P,M. professor emeritus of chemistry. speCial O-positive type blood Izations, and mbslc groups.' P~'~~l~~:~;~ since the previous The Program for ttlh~e:ar:~~~:~~!1 The faculty wives are repre- were collected by special Red Mrs. Kierstead is a gIl.dllate Â¥ "Ingathering" for the S sented by a painting by Josep- request for heart surgery of the School of Music at De Born on a far m in Concord Branch of the Needlework hine Faulkner, a pastel by Jean at Einstein Hospital on Wednes- Pauw University and was form- on April 27, 1874, he, will take place in the Sorber, a pen and ink drawing by da,y morning. Since October 13, erly a public school music school in West Chester, Club, Tuesday. In the Eleanor Paxson Keighton, plas- two req uests for blood (one from ervisor in Indiana. She is now graduated from Swarthmore from 9 to 10 o'clock, the terand wood sculpture by Phoebe the Borough, one from the col- the soprano soloist at the in 1895 and received a butions of new clothing or Kasper Wallacb, and a landscape lege) have been met by the local Methodist Church. Mrs. rs degree there in 1907. He hold linen will be received in by the late Florer,ce Wilcox, for send. als? a soloist in the Wa,yne a Joshua Lippincott Fellow clubhouse. In the afternoon at whom the new Ar t Studio anc College student Barbara Daly, Church, IS a graduate of Duke Harvard University 1907-8 and o'clock everyone is Invited theatre exhibit lobby are named. by Rosemary Werner ~niversity,. where she was act- 1910-11 receiving a masters and come to the Woman's Club to Other alumni exhibitors In- Mary Williams, had s~~:~:~~~: II~e In muslCa~ work, Mrs. Ca!· of philosophy degree and the "Mellowelles", a vocal trio. clude Miriam Jenkins Elsbree, students and faculty lisle h~s been mterested in mu~,c athletics there during Following the program tea jewelry and enamel work; Janet the visit. Thirty-four were ever SlOce her childhood in W,s- period. be served and there will be Stanley Mustin, oil painting; I."t.n and others advanced consin. A talented member of the foot-opportunity to see displa,yed and Patrica Ballagh Spencer, Imllst to the bleeding room when and track teams and presi-items received in the pastel portrait. The art exhibit IC11.SS and seminar schedules pre- EXHIBITION TO OPEN of the Athletic Association ingathering. is open contlnously except dur- vented their remaining. 1111 Swarthmore College during his Guild directors include: Ing performances of concerts and From the Swarthmore a'I ARTS CENTER da,ys, he coached Andrew Alexander, David Bing' pla,ys. volunteers gave 118 hours A' while teaching at the ham, Charles Black, Charles C, Performing In the Pearson service, Including two ~~~~~t:I~~1 Oil Paintings Will Be former Swarthmore Preparatory Brogan, Jr" Wilfred Theatre on Saturda,yat 4:30 p.m. nurses, Mrs. Robert L, 'T from 1895 to 1900. He Ham B, Bullock, H, and Sunda,y at 2 p.m. will. he the and Mrs. John H. Derickson, Jr., On Display Till Dec. 1 was vice-principal of the school Clarke, Benjamin W, Swarthmore College Singers and IM<Jfe than 25 c(lilege volurltee",1 An exhibition of oils by from 1900 to 1907. Samuel T,Carpenter,J, p, Instrumentalists. The Singers gave more than 130 hours. ert D. McKinney of West Hejoined the faculty of Swarth- I dd are a select group chosen from will open Sunday at 3 p.m. inore College as acting professor eIwrtyyn, JrD" urWnai lHl, amG ePo.r gDeo M, , The Co II ege Ch o rus fo r speci al IbId the Community Arts Center, biology and geology 1909-10, vocal work under the tlirecttonMothers C u To Ho ers lane, Wallingford. assistant professor 1911-23; LEaerel CL. .G aFteuwososo,d ,M W, ilHli,a m H, of Professors Peter Sw.m g and I A native of New Castle, Mr associate professor of b h .l1mes Sorber. Their program will Election Day Bake Sa e McKinney received his B.S. biology in 1923, professor in ring, John A. Gers ac , '{."oldl feature works by mem b ers 0 f tbe gree in art education at 1926, and served as professor of GG,e Gttyri,f fiDn., AMrtahcuer GJ.o Gwrionvge, r,~ music faculty of the college, Mothers' Club mt embf edrs r are College and his Masters Degre botany from 1928 until his retireÂboth past and present, includ- busy baking a varie y 0 e Ica- at Pennsylvania State Univer- ment in 1942. He was graduate ard G. Haig, ing, Peter Swing and Peter Sch- cies for the Annual Election Da,y slty. He studied painting with manager of athletics for 20 years, Henry L. HarriS, W, Minton ickele, Alfred J. Swan and Vin- Bake Sale. The sale will be held Hobson Pittman at athletic director 1939-41, vey, A. L, Hilles, Jr.. Sewell W. cent persichettl. Also on t h e TUesda~v, November 7 at the Rut- State University and with Arnold an active interest up Hodge, Elden B. Hollis, I, program are pieces by Ernest gers Avenue School polls, from Blanch at the Art StodentLeague his final illness. He had Hoot, Cecil D, How, ard, Bloch. Paul Hindem.l th, and am.. unll'l 5 p . m. of New York. the alumni fund meeting, " (Continued on Page 4) Claudre Debussy. Mrs. David S. Smith, chairman, Mr. McKinney has won tball game and homecoming announced that a wide variety of (Continued on page. 5) d d prizes in water color and oil at the college two weeks Trinity WOlDen Ready for 'Holida,' Fair Annual'Event to be Held N'ovember 16 . homemade baked goods an can - . r·B' ASS'N NAMES SEAL ies will be available to th e bu sy CDheleaswtearr eC oAurnt tCy eAnrtte rA, sWsoi:lcmiai,ntigotonl";1 Dr. Palmer, a self-created art- SALE CHAIRMAN votCerosamndmhunitgtreysec h~mO~eom,~lbce~hris: :lid~lr~e:n~:.:1~a9n5d 9a ht ew wooond mtheere P Aurrtc hGaaslel ery. ipsati,n htiandg sm aodfe 51454556 dvraawriientgiess anodf Mrs. Ruth K. Butler of Mrs. Smith include the at the Cheltenham Art Center (Continued on Page 5) avenue has been appointed Hill, Richard Mr. McKinney's work Is in per- GARNET CANTEEN unteer Chairman for SaIDu,,1 Reynolds, William rnanent coilections of galleries to assist in the 1961 ing, Leslie Hoffman, Jo,~s~.e~p~h~t~dl throughout the East Coast and TO MEET SAT. Fingers are flying, phones Seal campaign of the win, Arthur Coillns, MO; in many private collections. He • ringing and plans are being com-I County TuberculosiS and head, John Harvey, and is associate professor of art Saturda,y evening, 150 boys pleted as the Women of ASSOCiation which is Cournoyer. West Chester State and girls of the 9th, lOth, and under the chairmanship of Mrs. to begin on November 13. College and teaches at the Del- 11tb grades, took part in the Hal- Benjamin Eaton, ready their an- In other neighboring comrrlUn-1 WHERE TO VOTE aware Art Center and at lowe'en festivities of the Garnet' nual H a lid ay Fair. This ities, Mrs. Robert Shipman Chester County Art Association. Canteen. Prizes were awarded event takes place Thursday, Engleroad has been named ch;aIr·1 SDAY In the exhibition Mr. McKinney to John Johnson and Doug Tolley ember 16, .from 10:30 a.m. man for Wallingford, Mrs. TUE will show a series of oil impro- the most comical costumes, 9 p.m. in Trinity Church. ~ll ~he P. Rouse of Brookside road NOVEMBER 7TH visations motivated by music. Kathy Bradbury for the clever-committees are putting fimshmg Rose Valley, and Mrs. Many of the paintings are non- costume, and to Sheri Maule touches on items for sale in the Krause of Clymer lane for objective while others are ab- Carl Gersbach for the best Country Store, Children'S Shop, ton Rutledge. stract. couple-vintage 1920. Toy Chest, Book Shelf, Attic Tea will be served from 3-5 Canteen this week will start Table and Fish Pond. Ip,rA"bvharian Choir p.m. at the November 5 opening. at 8 in the All Purpose Room of The posters are just about P t 'EI" h' Members and friends are wel- the Rutgers Avenue School., Can-be d,'strl'buted by the E. Y. C., resen Iia come. The exhibitlon will will be open to al I members supervised by the Rev. G. Rlch- The Chancel Choir of the tinue until December 1. the 9th, lOth, 11th and 12th ard McKelvey. Last year's poster Church will prE!se,nti at the high school, and design, created by Mrs. William 'Elijah" by Mendelssohn in Athlet,'c Club Sponsors' Swarthmore residents of the H.Nelson, was so thoroughly ap- this Sunda,y, from '" I~:~::;;~ age who attend various preciated that the design is 5:30, and from 7 p.m.. 7 A.M. - 8 P .M. aolmljn~on Group I, schools. Membership cards ing repeated this year. . The performance Will NORTHERN PRECINCT The Swarthmore Athletic Club will be available at the door. A buffet luncheon, headed by in the sanctuary of Il:::~~::~Group will begin pla,y Canteen's main objective this Mrs. Henry L. Harris and l-\rs. H. on Harvard avenue ~:::n~c~j':~r S~~~::;~t ~i.':::'d November 6 at the week will be fun for everyone. H. Gibson, will be served from road. the auditorium. High School Gym- will be dancing, games and 12 noon until 2 p.m. Dinner, The role of Elijah will bFeLe"vesi I':=~i~~d All adults who are in- Ip':iz,es. The chaperons will be ved from 5:30 until 7 p.m. can Edward Heller. Geor~ert Gr"o-I EASTERN PRECINCT II should call Phil Swayne and Mrs. Charles Lincoln, Mr. enjoyed by makl'ng the organist, and Ro e KI 4-1324; write Box 251, Mrs . G . Al ex MI' ll s, an d Mr . with Mrs. Otis J. Earle, Is the conductor. American Legion Room, hase- or come to the gym Mrs. David Vint. Country Club lane in Wallingford·[,~T;';;;n.C;~I;;-AN----- ment of Borough Hall. Monday,'with a racket. --- Anne Wertsner Wood will be th_eIITUIRK:EY PLAN The group pla,ys from 8:45 to SPONSORS' GROUP TO MEET highlight of the Holiday Fair Sl DIMNER d Bazaar WESTERN, PRECINCT p.m., and is strictly in- The Sponsors' Group of the year, presenting a brand new A Turkey Dinner and NoV All A .. pose Roam of the Infer. Iformlll and coeducational. The Friendly Open House will meet ture on "Hclida,y be held on Thurs ah~' Hali mediate Building of the Rut- 'I:::~~~;n will extend from Nov- Monda,y at 10 a.m. at the homeof at ,2 p.m. T,'cket ,,'n.''o rmat,'on 9' in hthe Fello WhS oInP Park gers A"(enSue hco 1o. M6 until the. end of March ,rs.' 'E. B. H ollis, 510 . South , obtained from Mrs. R.M. ' the Methodist C urc . ,~ 'Chester road. . University place Servings will be, at, 5:30 •
---------- Page 3 ----------
, " " Page 2 TBB SWAltTBMOltBAIf November 3. 1961 em broidered witb seoo lMr" JobnC. Mutcb. Jr .• sister Personals nearl". Her vell of Frencb 111us- f the bridegroom. Mrs'. Rich- Ion was held In place by a Juliet ard A. Newton. Mrs. Harry and the Misses' Judith Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banks cap of mrriaetdch ing lacead a nd fp eahrilts . 'I'O 'SI~lllvlln. Claire Hendrixson. Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. of Dogwood lane are nal grandparents. The J. are Mr. and Mrs. E. Kumpf of Pennsauken. ~~ .... '1'. "~'U~<::!~11ll~P'l:.a.Jt\4. Harvard avenue have bad'as" ca a case e 0 'I' e and Catherine Cooper. The guests for al d· Colonel Mallory the Com- Iq~91 laqwaAoN uo HI":! '"allaH aq' 's p'ala'Jo aq Banks' brothseer vMerr. PauIQl 'SM itMterns : manding Officer of th'ea Stttateionn dants were attired alike Ill'" ~sq~ IJ1l .tofua ~ ~taJPaJjuI "iItlssaoa.u aq~ •S l .tns•o lmo assistant dean of admiSSions at West Point, gave the the new belled skirted gow Pennsylvania state in marriage. °bfateemaueranledckglireneens vaenldvetthrweeith .~ .... UniversiO'-J Park, who is here Lt. Mary Jane Fel\,Zl!l, U. S. qua'rter sleeves and wo-re t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ College Nights. Mr.' Allan War- ' wtLS the mald of honor and matching smocked bead bands rock of Langdon, Alberta Can- attendant. She wore a with fac,," vells. They car-ada, Is Field Secretary ;or the ice blue slipper satin and car- ried cascades of orange de· T '. National Delta Upsilon a cascade of tinted light roses and magnolia he Bouq' uet ity .. and also their guest. and pink and white carna- leaves. Engagement Lt. James FitzMaurice Logan The flower girls were the Fort Ord, Callf., was best man Misses Carol and Christine Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. his brother. The ushers, all Larson and wore sea foam Mofe dfKiie, sawnnico*kU, DcReo St~h:e~ Tr~~ee~~~~:j~~'w=~hom are stationed at West grede n vet lvheit withh -f'"u ll bsak idrsts Included Major W. Emer- an ma c ng e... n. of tbeir daughter, to C t P D li C t J They carried nose gays of J h D E hi ap. . ar ng, ap. . on. seman, son of Mr. C t J C bell C t orange delight roses. The M hI ap •. amp ,ap. rs. Cares Ross Eshleman Stynes and Lt. J. Bishop. ring bearer wasJobnC.Mutch, ~--~= BEAUTY SAWN "THE SMART WAY IS THE BOUQUET WAr 9 South Chester RoMl 'Call KInpwood 8-0476 ............ ., .. "~.r •. * . 7 " Lancaster. Miss Tomer is The new bride and bridegroom III. granddaughter of Mrs. J. the church under the tradl- Tbemotberof tbe bride wss li~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii;ijiiii~~~~~iiiiii~iiiiiiii~~ Tumer of Cornell avenue. arch of crossed sabres. attired in apricot peau de Miss Tomer is a Junior the end of tbe ceremoJ\.Y Mon- soie with three quarter length Hood College, Frederick, Md. seigneur Moore read a special sleeves and a draped skirt. and a graduate of Papal Blessing received from She wore a matching feather High SChool, class of 1959. ~ope John, xXUJ, hat and a corsage of green Mr. Eshieman graduates The bride's mother wore a gown cymbidium orchids. ' Franklin and Marshall ~f lKUge broclldll JÂ¥ith white ac- Tbe' mother of the groom in June: 1962, and will enter cessories and a corsage of white wore turquoise brocade with University of Pennsylvania orchids. matcblng velvet petal bat. uate SChool of Medicine in The bridegroom's mother wore She carried a matching bag fall. gown of hyacinth blue cbiiff(1D1 with two wblte orchids. No date has been 'set for matching acc,essories and Dr. JamesL. Larson, brother wedding. of white orchids. of the bridegroom,' was the TO WED TOMORROW A reception followed at the best man. Tbe ushers were Club at West Point. Mr.' Frederick W. Larson, The marriage of Miss Carol Lt. and Mrs. Logan are at pre- brother of the bridegroom, Mr. Topping, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. on a wedding trip touring in Mr. Jobn C. Mutch, Jr., Brotber- Charles H. Toppin g of South. in-law of the bridegroom, and Princeton avenue, and Mr. H. Col. and Mrs. Loganenterts1ned Mssrs. Joseph C. Captain, James Banm, son of Mr. and Mrs. bridal party and all out' of James Krumsiek~ Normann"ru-I GeorgeHumphrey Baumof Morris, guests at a dinner party er, Edward Sullivan, and Rob- Ill., will take place tomorrow at the Omcers' Club at ert Lotz. afternoon at 2 o'c lac k in the Point after tbe rehearsal on The bride is a graduate from Swarthmore Presbyterian Church: evening. Mary Washington College The Rev. Robert O. Browne will the University of Virginia. omclate. She is the granddaughter of The rehearsal dinner wlll be LARSON-BATES of the late Mr. and Mrs. Her-given tonight by Mrs. James Bnl- Miss Sally Virginia Bates bert Wallace Todd and Mrs. littandhersoo-ln-Iawanddaugb- and Mr. John Phillip Larson ClarlsseM.BatesofNewYork ter Mr. and MrS. Robert Haus· were married Saturday after- City. She Is a member of the slein at Mrs. Bnllltt's home on October 28, at 2:30 Daughters of the Amerlcl!Jl Walnut lane. o'clock in the Swarthmore Revolution. A brunch tomorrow morning for Presbnerian Church. The The bridegroom is an alum-the bridal party and out,of town double ring ceremony was per-' nusofTheWllll",m Penn Char-goests will be given by Dr.'8Ddl~:!!~e~ by the Rev. Dr. D. ter School and Lafayette Col- Mrs. Joseph Lynch at their home Roberts assisted by Rev. lege; and recentlY completed on Dartmouth avenue. Walter Getty. A reception three years active duty as an The brlde-to-be was guest of Iwas held at the Rolling Gree'o officer 10 the United states honor at a' ldtchen shower on Goif Club. Naval Reserve. ' October 1'1 when her hostess was The bride Is the daughter Attera wedding trip to Nas- Mrs. Rachel Wildebush of Ogden of Mr. and Mrs. John Reginald sau, ·the couple will reside avenue. She was also honored at IB:atE!S of Swarthmore and Shore- in N~w York City. , a luocheon, and linen shower ham, Long Island. Mr. Larson given October 20 hy Mrs. W. C. a son of Mr. and Mrs. John BIRTHS Rowland of College avenue, and O. Larson of Wallingford. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kumpf of again on October 24' when Mrs. The bride, given in marriage lane announce the birth Bruce Smith gave a luncheon and by her father, ,wore a gown of a soo Craig Edward on Satur-recipe and serving dish shower Ivory taffeta, cut along prin-I:~~~~:2:8~'~in~t:h:e~L~8l1:k:e:n:au: a.~ her home on NQrth Princeton cess lines, and made with a a,veoue. fitted bodice finished with a oval neckline appliqued UNTIL NOV. JO COLEMAN-XAHDER Brussels lace, and a Mrs. Jackson Xander and Mr. skirt Good Housekeeping PhilipE. Coleman announce their a long, train. She wore also only 3.50 for' 2 yea r. marriage on SaturdlQ', October28, veil of tulle combined (reg. price $3.50 for 1 year.) 1961, in SWarthmore. I:::;~r{n;i n Bcraups seflass biloanc.e Sahre- c.iII I(J I-lOIO "- a cascade of phalae- .IL 1.1.1111 L U,FF.AI LOGAH-M~STER In(lpSilS, stephanotis, and, mag- Lt. LilaMIQ' Mester, U.S. Army, leaves.' daughter of Mrs. W1lllam H. Mes- Mrs. Ross A., MUler was ter of Chicago, ill .. and the of honor, MIss Nancy Mr. Mester, became the bride Muller, fiancee of Lt. George J. Logan, Jr .. son bride's brother, was maid Colonel and Mrs. George J .. ~~~~ ~~;;~T~h;e~b~ri~d~e;S~m;aI~d~S~w~e~rijell of Cornell avenue, at hi~~ Saturday, October 21, in the U.S. Military AcAdemy, West Point, N.Y. The mll1tary ceremony performed by the Catholic ChapÂlain Monseigneur Moore. The bride wore a ~:~:~~ I lenctb, gown of white C ' THE PLAIDS CLII OF SWARTHMORE ",.'b 'The Girls inS09' by Howard T.ichlllCln Di ..... dby NMaETH & POllOCK Mo:=l. New. 6th rv SSIli.h .m..id. ..n r'. f\IoY, 11 , ' (UDMUt II""", a.II ......... S.n, " Daily aloth Hot " Cold $1.25 • $2.15 • TIE .... ... .: 'e I. "'liIi ... .... IISURE YOUR PEACE OF III • sporta and hobby equip. mellt CUI be coltly to reÂplace .mell duauecl or olol.... Pia,. it 1IIIfe. I .... ..... ,them qainst theft, fire, wind, tr .... portation m10bap and other COIIUIIOIl baardo. See .. aboat a Sportmc and Robbi .. ~t)' F .... t« todq. ". KI •• IMII. 3-1131 DIiItt. ..' • • '-. -tr' -tr STATE INSPECTION WEAVER ALIGNMENT MOTOR TUNE-UP with ENGINE SCOPE v. E. AT%, Mg,. RUSSB I 'S SERVICE Opposit. laraugh Pa"",, Lot I Ittl ........... LIfI) •• 1e AI. 7 at P.M, (!4JOI~' ~A8/1/1~ sponsored by ~",*' **'' **'' DAUGHTERS of the BRITISH EMPIRE **'' in PENNSYLVANIA *' -tr -tr benefit of VICTORIA -trMonday, November 6 HOME FOR THE AGE., : Believue.Stratfor~ Hote'*, 25, DONATION *' DOOR PIUZES -tr 11 A.M. to 7 P.M. * il TE~ FROM 12 P.M. . ,UNUSUAL & HARD TO GET RECORDS ZENITH TELEY.saON SERVICE THE MUSIC BOX, I •• Klngswaad 3-1460 " 1ItA~'1() & 1t£,,~ ( former Swarthmore barbers ) {!AII.tIl ~ ~eJe", .R..U.T.G..E.R S Ave (next to Post, Office) ~ ....•................• INTRODUCTORY COUPON GOOD FOR 2Sf ON HAIRCUT M ...................... ~ •••• ~ ••••••••••• A...,. .................................................................. .. GOOD UNTIL NOVEMBER 30, 1961 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'cd;1II Si_ ,; Rear 01 CoIanial Court • AM .. 7 'M .. ~ CIoM4 _IMI. , Page 3 :ovember 3, 19~, ______________ T::-=B. SW A.1t T B. 0 It. A N DEMOCRATS ATTEND INJUReD IN GAME $25 DINNER OCT. 26. Ronoie Hoge of WoodbroGk' A number of local D~m~~!:!~llane, a junior at Swartbmore Higb I attended the county $25 School, was injured In the foot-in Springfield last Th\lrsdlQ', ball game on SaturdlQ' at Sharon which ,county candidates Hill. He Is a patient In TlQ'lor Anne X. Alpern were the Hospital, Ridley Park, wbere he speakers. Those attending underwent knee surgery on Tues· swarthmore included: day. County Commissioner and William A. Welsb, Democratic Chalrman Lois FOR SALE! Peterson and Mr. Peterson; Vic:e" '" ~ ~ Chalrman and Mrs. Cbarles ~ aUbert, David L. Bowler, tr.,a-l ---------'"T'---------~-r----..------~=I surer of the local committee, AL!,Ai.wu OPEN d I d Dr , G &- I mlttee members Jane Aaron, ~ - SCHOOL HOUSE, Bear s eys To lea • eorg ..... III. otbY.TlQ'lor and,EllzabethHynes ~ PROCLAIMED SUCCESS Roundtable Talks R.a.d. r ls Fr _ ,_I_..I.'.". ~ Mofr st.h eF rDedeemriocckra Dtiucd Wleyo,m en's "Can Man Be Rational?" Is srd 'It -~ 'II 'P All present at tbe Elementary Dr. George Armita~e, "'\lIlltbl ot swarthmore; and bo AM ~":eIf. Home and SChool board meeting' topic cbosen by Mr. and Mrs. ,,~ bers Mrs. James L. M~one, ..... l'Monlroe Beardsley, Rutgers ave- Chester"road, Chief of Staff k held on October 18 agreed the nue, for tbe November Round- Chief of Surgery at Chester Ho8ol Morris Bowie, and Mr. and .." 226 Par Avenue open house was a grand success. tsble discussions at Media Fel· pital for mao y years, has Norman snyder. * ~r Call KI 3-7042 Special note was m!l!le of the lowtlhlp House. nounced his retirement from flyer, the name tags and the ~. Beardsley will be tbe dls- ive private practice, effec1tiv,el the teachers did in displlQ'ing cusslon lellder at the first November first. the student,s' work and In out- cussion of tbe month, to be held He retired as Chief of lining the class goals. Suggest- . Mrs. Beardsley will lead and the Department when ions were made for possible fut- the one on November 10. For reached the age limit of 65, ure improvements. For tbose who third FridlQ', the Beardsleys proximately 'four years ago. Si.:~:1 could not attend the open house invited a guest spl.akeil that Ume Dr. Armitage has ~ a summary of their child's cur- from the Citizens Conncll Chief Surgeon Emeritus, CO~Itin·1 riculum is still avallable through Delaware County. .. ued his private practice, and his or her teacher. Mr. Beardsley is a professor an advisor to the JOJii~nt~m~;~~~'::;;1 Congratulations were extended philosophy at Swarthmore Col- ence an'd Planning' ( to Thomas Boyle on his new and is tbe chairman of Tbe of the hospitsl. ' position as principal of County Civil Uberties Bom and ralsed io th:~~~~~~1 Alice Grim SChool in Marple-- area, where he has Newtown Scbool District. Mr. M Beardsley has taught since 1914, he took his Boyle said it hlld been a Piea-lt\~~rs:':::,I~ for many years at training at Jefferson Medical sure to work with tbe parents, II University. lege and interned at who through the Home aod School Tbe pnb-nc Is cordially invited pita!. He is a general surgeon Association projects, the Book attend the discussions com- well as a specialist io ur(.IOIw·1 Fair, the sale of magazine sub- at 12:30. and ending Dr. Hany Armitage, with scriptions, etc.. hail made it t 30 Chester HospitatStaff is s nel,b-I possible to purchase for the a 1: . ew of Dr. "George" Armitage. sc~~:!~ curtains in both bulld- SOCC~R TEAM ---,------------- ings; draperies In the 1st PLACE I Friendly Open House to newall-purpose room ajnd t The Swarthmore Athietlc Club Meet November 13 conference room; a pro ec or; a T h Id to a 0-0 pull down screen on the stage earn was e The Friendly Open House met and a colored film library; re- tie ~.a,st, SundlQ' by a highly on October 23 at the presbyterÂcord pllQ'ers In most classrooms; Improved team from Ne"!Jlol!-and. ian Churcb where Mrs. and complete sets of encyclo- feature outsta,oding A. Hunter showed slides of the pedlas for all four sections of pllQ' by both clubs. Holy Land and Tbailand. the third fourth fifth and sixth Particularly impressive were A committee from the Friends ad ' , fullbacks led, Meeting served 'tea under thO gr T::' traffic probiem between All-American George chairmanship of Mrs. Carl deMolI, tbe school and Yale avenue will of Harvard aV~D~e. DUk: assisted by Mrs. J. Archer Tor-be studied by 'MrS. Walter 'SCh- Henry 0 es, an nero Mrs. Mark Bittle, leyer and berheaIih, welfare and Lewis, ~ sw~m:r:x;e~: Thatcber, MrS. Owen stephens, and safety committee. aiumni, so p e and Alice Marriott. soccer. Tbe next meeting will be held Swarthmore, who retained first on November 13, wben Col. Clyde SPEAKERS NAMED FOR place in the league, will ALUMNI MEETINGS 1~~:~I~the Elkton, Md., Ciub this B. pyle will show pictures Margaret' MacLaren, asslstant,ll at 2:30 in its final home MexiCO, Marine Life, and dean . {or IIdmlS,slons at the col· lBame. Far West. lege, will be tbe guest speaker, Tlie' Swarthmore AtbletiiCC~~!~:~''''ClmOn at the Swartbmore Club of Long composed of former ? 's Club Notes ,. ~/I;e1)~ElI Suits - Coats 1)/l1/1't) e;e1IS7;1-t' ~ ~,4'1f6 Dresses 104 Parle Avenue Swarthmore, Pa. A Word to the Wise! 1Ieett 4- 1tetN- ~, 'Pu~tnS~7 ALTHOUGH WE NORMALLY CUT THE LIST PRICES OF CAMERAS AND EQUIPMENT. WE ARE GOING TO TRY SOMETHING .NEW. FROM NOW UNTIL THANKSGIVING DAY WE WILL HAVE A "SPECIAL" LOW NET PRICE ON MOST OF aJR MAJOR CAMERAS, PROJECTORS ETC. Island's covered dish supper to pllQ'ers. Nine members On FrldlQ', November 10, tbe be held tonight in Westbury, N.Y team pllQ'ed at music department will meet for . This to encourage you to shop early She will discuss college affairs ,and others were at tlte New Century Club in general, witb reference to 1Id- schOols. attending tbe orchestra while WE aren't so busy. missions policy and procedure. Residents oJ Swarthmore concert at the AClldemy. , On November 16, Samuet T. Jim Noyes, formar mernberl & H bb Sh Carpenter, professor of engineer- the Amherst Soccer '~:~:L-----.;;;;--::---"--, Camera 0 Y 0 ing at the college, will be the Place, former All A featured speaker at tbe at swartbmore College; toml. 4 - 6 Park Avenue, Sw.rthmore, Pa. dinner meeting of the who also played Helen Clyde • Club of North Jersey, to be held swarthmore; Delmuth, 'at,,' KI ~"'191 Fri. .... A.M,to 8:30 P;M November 16 in C1'& tba :n. can and Gus ~;~:.e~~~~h:~~~11 1Iegi- a SpICI ~ • 9 A.M. to-- 5 P.M. topiC will be Swarthmore s - a member of .the .. ·:;:~~.ll~M~u~si:c~v~m:.~~KI~4~5:4:4:8:J.~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~!::~!::~!::~~~ trlbution to the engineering pro- Ifs.cnlty. f( ,fesslon. Jim White, also a swartbmore soccer star, is TO ATTEND BAZAAR tain of tbe Club team. Mrs. wllllam H. Brown of "",ve,:', view road, Mrs. A. M. H. Sheld· Mr. and Mrs. HenryWllbur Hoot, on of South Chester road, of swarthmore, have re- Mrs. J. H. Gordon Mcconechy moved into their newlJ Media, along with other friends home at 2445 Tumel of Britain, will attend the Bazaar Willow Grove. "Christmas 'Round the Mrs. E:J. Faulkner of Dick- Commonwealth," to be held inson avenue entertained at her day from 11 a.m. 'to 7 p.m. In home at a tea on WednesdlQ' Philadelphia. of her mother Mrs. Charles The bazaar is sponsored Werst of Lansdowne who is visit· year by the Daugbters of ing ber son·in-Iaw J3ritisb Empire for tbe benefit for two weekS, and for Mrs. of the Victoria Home for the K Nield of Baltimore, Md .. mo1thelrl Aged., of Mrs. Avery F. Blake of Am· ---.,-------- ,ELECTED TO LAW IlEVIEW Helene Hopper of Dogwood lane, a student at the University of vI~glnia Law Schooi, has reÂcently be~n elected to the EdÂitorial'Board of the Virginia Law Review . Mr. and Mrs. RlQ'lTIond F. Wi'lCh I ot DickinsOn avenue spimt past weekend with Mr, lUI,d,Mr:s.I Howard Gilliams, foniler IMlrs wllo lDO"ed in A'-.t .. , , VOTE FO'R TWO (2-A that Is) Tbe beague of Women votere urges' voters to support tbis amendment. wbich would per· mit Pa's. governors to run for .two tetmS, atotaiof elgbtyears If reelected. (DoeS not applJ to present Governor, J{o-;yever). " If he's ~d, htm ·'to do • pOd job !:::~-....:.-. Weekend Special I -' Swift's Premium , SIRLOIN T-BONE PORTERHOUSE , / It costs no more to enjoy- the 'Best at ••• The····· ~ - ',-.. : ":' . ~
---------- Page 4 ----------
Page 4 T.. 8 W A aT R 110 •• A !f . November 3, 1961 METHODIST NOTES FRI MEETING NOTES ng THE SW ARTBMOREAN The women of the Meeting are 9 A.M. Tuesday Camp Hilltop in powningtown lin"itE,d to gather in the Whittier ~Continued from Page i) . PI!NIU. the scene of tomonow's Of- at 12 noon Tuesda,y for ~ PUIIUSIIED I!VI!IY FlllAY ~T SWAI11UlOlI!, Board and Church Workers' Beverages and dessert . Huey.Howard C, Jackson. A, PETER E. TOLD.IlAJUORJE T. TOLD. PM.,;...... Tbe ail da,y Retreat w1U be provided. Tbese lunch- Johnson. Jr,. Donald P. Pbciae Krlll'wood 3-0900 at 9:45 a.m. will be held through uo'ne:s. Edmund Jones. J. Albright Mr. Kulp wiil continue wltb his season on the 'first Tues. Frank G. Keenen. F. Nor-" PETER E. TOLD. Bditor aeriea of sermons on tbe theme, of each month.' Landon. Morris M. Lee, Wil. B'n'·' B. KIDrr.lla .... · .. Bditor . Lo1'nOIIl: the Lord's Pra,yer," at F. Lee, William H. Lee, Ran. ... 1. D. Peirwol IlU7 E. hImer JluJorie T. Told IIboth the 8:30 and 11 a.m. servbicest LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN Lee. Chlar/es E. LkinHcolMn, Morning Worship. His su ~ec CHURCH ' R. MacE wee. J ac • c EDtered .. s-d Claa Matter.I ...... r)' 114, 1929,.t the Pod 1:~:E~w'.~eek will be "Give Us Dally Birney K. Morse, Frank Office .\ Sw.l-tbmo ..... Pa., WIder the Act of March 3. 18711. Tbe Wesley Feilowship will Shi~hewt~n~:!lg~ !~~t:y in H·H~:1dYOgram. C. Russell Pbi/. DEADLINE_ WEDNESDAY NOON at 5:30 p.m .. at tbe parson- Multi-purpose Room from J. Roland Pennock, H. Lind. SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1961 ••• 1L obny Stubned aR,ye vf.o r Hsourpspt eFr laancdh sa- p.mT.h eu nStailc r1a1m epn.mt .o fo nH so~ly~u ~~~;:I~~,~ RPiedeglw. aDyo. naHldo wWa.r dP oDo.l eS. iEpllelirs. L~;:;;::;::;:::~::;-:::::::-I;-TThh;ecOiiiPievl:iiiii'~iiinlcoiilaiiia~~;.;ter, M.D., East German physl- munion will be observed at D. Smitb. J; Roy Snape. PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Isu,pp.~r in McCaban Hall MOndaYI~~:I~r;an~ d pastor. D~. Flacbs- Ing Worsblp. M. Speers. Elric S. Sproat. The Sacrament of Holy Com- II subject will be "Why I On Sunday, tbe Chancel W. Sweet, Charles G. munlon, without sermon, will be Morning Prayers are held eachlAJIlI Here; Wbere 1 Am Going." and tbeir families will be H. Thatcher. celebrated Sunda,y at 8:30 a.m. ITue,sdll,Y at 9. The Junior and Senior rugh guests at a dinner given by PelterdE. Told, Morning WorShip and Church Training for Every Member COLD-IF1sllowshlips will meet Sunda,y Clayton Morris, organist and J. Turner. Wi! ar P. Tom- School will be held at 9:15 and vassers will be beld ~~~I:!8~~;li~~~'~ at 7 p.m. Tbe senior director, at 5:30 p.m. at and Raymond P. Wilson. 11 o·clock. 9:30 on Tuesda,y and will have a Cbrlstmas churCh. ' p. The Women's Bible class will nights next week. Eacb member will bring a Tile Christian Education Co.m-. lano meet at 9:30. Tbe 10th grade Tbe Missions and Benevol-It;lnn:sm,as gift whicbwlll be sent mlttes wlll meet Tuesday at Helen Clyde class meets at, 10:30, and the ences Committee will meet tbe Joyce's to be used in their p m 11th and 12tb' grades at 10:45. 1'7· .. n p.m. Monday'. work in Japan. . C'anvassers will meet ~inners a Spec:ialty Eleventb and 12th graders and Holy Communion will be Tbefirstofflve monthly Scbool day evening at 8 p:m. for Music Villa,e KI4.s448, tbelr parents will meet at 3 p.m. ebrated at 8 a.m. Wednesday of Missions meetings will be structions. for discussion. at 10 a.m. Tbursday. at 8 p.m. Sunday evening. Dr. Tbe Session will meet Tburs-, TbeCbancelCboir will preilent Tbe Executive Board of Flacbsmeier wlll also be the day at 8 p.m. "ElIjab" from' 4'to 5:30 p.m. and Women's Association WII:t~~::~guest speaker for this meeting at Tbe following people took from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Sunday. at 9:15 Wednesday. The whicb time his subject wlll be in tbe service last week in Service at 12 noon will 'Tbe Cburcll Bebind Tbe Curtain.' servance of La,ymen's Sunday: CHURCH SERVICES tbe monthly luncheon meeting The Commission on Member- Melvin Upton, Tbomas Reeves, the Women's Association, to ship and Evangelism will meet! Warren Griffin, George Jorgenson, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH beld in McCaban Hall. Wednesda,y at 8 p.m. Frank 'Alexander, Robert Banon, D.Eyor Robert •• Minister Adult study classes are On Tbursda,y morning from~' :~I~~~;~H:O:tcb:ki~S~:s~,_an:d~: Robart O.Browne.Assoc.Mini.t.r at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. a.m. to 2:30 p.m. the ladles Minister of Christian Education sewforMethodistHospitai. Those VISIT beautiful WEST LAUREL HILL ~ , any day from 9 to 4. Sunday. Noumber 5 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES attending are asked to bring 8:30, A.M.-Holy Comm!lnion Toda,y's need for splrltual svaidneddw.i cPho;r tacbolfef esee wwinigll mbaec hipnreos- Belmont Ave. above City Lin. Bala.Cynwyd 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Worship cernment will be elI,pbasji*zedl are needed evety second Tburs- GIVE to the' United Fund Stop in OBi,;, at (Jock Tower Cburcb Scbool Sunda,y at' C h r is tl a n day wben tbe group sews. 9:30 A.M.-Women·s Bible Class cburcb services In the Lesson- Tbe annual Turkey Dinner 10:30 A.M.-10th Grade Class ISEorm.ln entitled "Adam. and FaI- B~aar will be beld on 10:45 A.M.-11tb & 12tb Gratles len Man" Churcb Scbool offle.ers and 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship and Scriptural readings in tbe ~f':::J~~ Church Scbool. son-Sermon will Include thl!se 3:00 P.M.-"Parents - rugb of st. Paul (I cor. 2):· Bridger, Jr.; SCbool youth and Decisions" "Now we bave received, superintendent, J. Walter 4-5:30 P.M.-'Elijab· First Part the splrlt' of tbe world, but tbe general secretary, Lynn 7:00 P.M.-College Fellowship spirit whicb is of God; that treasurer, Raymond A. 7-8:30 P.M.-'Elijab'. 2nd Part migbt know tbe thi)lgs tbat adult division SI~p~:j;1 Monday. "'oYitmbe. 6 freely It!ven to us of God. John M. Patterson; .. !so we speak, not In roll director, Mrs. Paul M. 6:30 's whicbman's wisdom adult class teacbers, Tue.day. Nov.mb.'7 e':, but.wblcb tbe Holy M, Patterson, Willili.m 9:00 A.M.-Morning Prayers ",ached; comparing splrltual and Mrs. Augustus 8:00 P.M.-Training for Every things wItb spiritual. But Nicbdlas; youtb·divlslon sup- Member Canvass natural man recelvetb not . Dana B. Loudin; Bald- - for guidance . TRADITION Sympalloetlc serviCe, dependablDly GIld und.,nwMllng .. tracIitfonaJ with IMIOLIVER M. 'lAIR ·'CO. -.aD. Of sUI' tiS 1820 CHIIINUT STRIIT ,_& .... ' _A. .... " 'p things of tbe Spirit of God: higb class teachers, Wedne.day. Novemb.r 8 are foolishness unto MIles and 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion can be ,know tbem, junior higb cJlaassm ~S~~?~~ill~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;:~~ 12 Noon-Women's Ass'n Luncb- tbey are spiritually Pratt, ClYjle. eon and Program cerned. " William M. Nolan; senior 7:30 P;M.-Adult Education " All are welcome to attend tbe counsellors, Mr. and Mrs. Jame:sl s e rv ice s at 11 a.m. In and Linda Hall. Thur.day. Nov.m ..... 9 Cburcb of Cbrist, Scientist, Childrlm'.l division superin- III ," •• LOI-'''' 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion Park avenue. Mrs. Cbarles So. .Hoover; 8:00 P.M.-Training for department sUlperinten.:\erlt,1 ____ ~M~e:m:be::.r..:c:.:s:.:n::v::a:s:s _____ .I--:I~Sa=W:...:it:..:in~T~h~e~' S:w~aJrt[h=m::o,r::!";-=n_I~~:t . Dana B. Loudin; junior partment teacbers, Mrs. Robert A. METHODIST CHURCH THE RELIG~IROIUi!S"IDS ETY Detweiler, Mrs. B. Elliott Moc,rel The Rev.John C.Kulp,Mlnister Minister for Youth Chari •• Schisler Miftister ,. Music OF r and Mrs. .Harry J. Benton; DrIm-1 Sunday. November 5 ary . department 9:41:. A.M.-First-day Scbool CbarIes L. Hugbey; primary . 'teachers, Mrs., HElrbl!ftl 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum. Everett Edney, Mrs. W1Ulam E. Harbl~ H~t. speaker. "T; S. Eliot Cbarles F. Seymour, Mrs. don'l be a polÂwalcher. and the Inner Lieht." t:CHUb'"a'rles Kneedier, Mr. EUld Mr:s •• p..:uu A.M.-Meeting for Worship. David Burger; kindergarten.g;~I="~1ii Children cared for In Whittier partment superintendent, II! Baldwili Bridger. Jr.; kiI,dergart-1 Sunday. Nov_ber 5 8:30 A.M.-Morning Worship 9:45 A.M.-Sunday Scbool 11:00 A.M.-Momlng WorShip 7:30 P.M.-Jr. - Sr. MYF House. ---~T-R-IN-I-T-Y-CH-U-R-C-H--"i 7:30 P.M.-Bible Study Group. Th. Rev. Layton P. Zim_r. Rector Th. Rey. George R. McK.lvey. Curate Sunday. Nove .. ber 5 (Trinity XXIII) 8:00 A.M.-Holy. Communion and Word Albert Bailey. leader. Mon~ay. Nov.mb.r 6 AlJ.-day Sewil!lt for AFSC T .... day. Nove .. b.,7 nooa • Lunclieon for Quaker WOlllen. Whittier Room •. . Wedneadoy, Noy_b.r B All-day Quilting for AFSC en department James Malcomson and Mrs. ~:'~:~~II_~L. ...... Cox; nursery department s tIonnte; nnduernste,r yM'drse.p aCrItamreenntc ~le~R:'~:~:I---l Mrs. Don W. Dickinson, J. Stevens, Mrs. John C. Mrs. J.Walter strack. COOK ON A MODERN 9:30 A.M.-Family Morning P",v.1 FIRST OtURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST COLONIAL COURT APTS. (Nut to Post Office) er and Sermon RANGE! 11: 15 A.M.-Holy Communion 8:00 P.M.-Evensong Monday. Nove.her 6 9:15 A.M.-MOrning Pr~r 6:&1 P.M.-Evening Prayer T .. sday, No_her 7 9:15 A .... -Morning PrlQ'er 6:00 P .... -Enning PrlQ'er· W ....... oy, Nov_her 8 7:00 A .... -Holy CO_union 9:15 A .... - .. orlllDg PrQer 6:00 P .... -Enol .. Prayer n 'i, ...... h,' II: 15 A.II.-MondJIc Pn,rer 1:00 P.II.-BY I .. PnQer , . Sunday. Nov ... b.r 5 11:00 A.M.-Sunda,y School 11:00 A.M.-Tbe Lesson-Sermon .. mbe "Adam and Fallen Man". KI3-4597, • •l" "Etdn,escl~- eyening =meeting eacb »N. ......I IIII. . C, .... cur ROwaJ - IILAN1'S C'C)PU8 .. week, 8 P.M., Reading 409. Dartmoutb Ayenue. Roopoemn' l~~~~i~l~.~.i~ili.~~i~ week-dlQ's except hnUdlQ's, 10-' 5; Frl~ even1Dc, 7-9. LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN CItURCH NO F ... I ....... n ..... J •• II a. MlIII ..... . S ' .. MoL ' 5· ·1: ..... -7 "* AI" ...· ." II'. .&.IC C• • . ----- , rY,'U"'e not tied to Ihe kitchen when you cook on a modern gas range. There ore automatic oven controls, accurate heat control., and now the outomolic lop burner thai adju ... to desired heat-no ~! .. ching ar burning. See·;~~[ new gas range$ at your deal.'s or any Philadelphia Electric Compa~y suburban 101,0'''00111 arid sel.ct the one you lik. best. look for those which carry the AGA seal of ap'pr<'Yol., , PHILADELPHIA EIKIRIC cOMPANY . • • November 3, 1961 T B E S W A R T R M 0 REA N Page 5 P· e'r sona-ls ---;!'M-e...m . -o-r-ia-I-To-Be-H-el-d-- LIBRARY BOOK . SRA Elects Townes K~.::~~~OK:~:a Kappa Gamma Mr Sunday For Dr. Palmer SALE NElS $275 GrUnn Townes has been ele"'1 Sewing will be held TUesday • and Mrs. William H. Lee Ib- ted president of tbe at the home nfMrs. GeorgeCorse, d The Swarthmore Publlc L Recreation Assoc~a!;ti~:o~n~;~~~~~~~~I!i y of H· arvard avenue bave returne (Continued from Page 1) d d It hi hly uccessful 411 Yale avenue. home from a two week tr Ip to th e fi ower's,. ,e rns an d grasses na tive rary en e s g s Wilfred B. Brown, South. Tbey visited in Hun tl ng.- to De 1aw·a re C oun t y, many of fall book sale Wednesday. Dulry- Mr·s' .. Joseph P. Remington, ton, W. Va.. with Mrs. L ee s hic b were rare an d severa I never log the course of the saIdl et on eha r responding secretary,' Mrs. IJ'''IO'11I brother 'nd sister-In-law Mr. having be en co 11 ec t e d prevI ous...-,. 2000 volumes were dso t un-I McCurdy, recordin&a secretary; and Mrs.~ A . F. Marshall, and I n spec Ia Ily In th e de ca d e Im m edl- dreds of patrons an at hs evera Rodney Miller. treasurer', L,uclarll:l: Huntsville , Ala., wltb their son- ately following hi s re ti remen t be other small leidb raries In _,e art ealy. W. Bu,- nett, assistant treasure. r . in-law and daughter Mr. and walked hundreds of miles wi thi'n Tbe proce s. dd adp ptroo ;utbm a leib In addition to Mrs. Remington Mrs. H. C' layton Taylor. T. he tbecountY,carefully dOing' on-th e ' $..2, r7v5",s wlll be a e e - and Mrs. McCu,.-,.'.-, , newly el.~ct'edlf have recently moved from 315 scene reproductions of the fi ora, " book budget. directors of the association in- Rutgers avenue. many times be was discouraged elude William R. Campbell, Jr .. '. When he spotted an immature College Arts Festival and Thomas G. Chew. The Mr. and Mrs. David Bingham of lant and then returned to sketch n Final Weekend whose terms as dlrectors,:~f~~~~~li Fairview road were called to Den- it at maturlt;y, only to find It had are Mrs. Roland Colt, ver, Colo., last week by the sud- been lost In the excavation for a (Continued from Page 1) president, Cbarles Heisler. ELECTION DAY ~ah, 4a1e' TUes. Nov. 7 7 a.m.-5 p.m. Rutgers Ave. School den death of Mr. Bin~ham's new bouse. In cabinets provided A program of films by Swarth· ertreasurer; John M. B. Wal"lland brotber Mr. Edward H. BlDgham by the class of 1895 this collec- more alumni will be shown in Du Mrs. William Salom. I~====;;;:;===~;::~::ii of Morrison, Colo. tion sbowlng various stages of Pont lectore room on Friday at r S Col. Ben L. Olcott returned the ~any plants. Is now boused 7:30 and 11:30 p.m. and on satur- PEO Sisterhood Will FINE WALLPAPER Friday to his home on Oberlln In the Martin Library anteroom at day at 3p.rn. 'Children In Crisis, Entertain Today Matching Fabrics" Paints Swarthmore Mother's Club avenue after tbree weeks at the Swarthmore College. and awar,d wInner at the Fifth ASAM SCHUMACHER. IMPERIAL United states Army Management In 1929 Dr. Palmer was botan· International Film Festival at Chapter AI or the P. E. O. MUR~lS. SANITAS. PREPASTED Scbool, Fort Belvoir, Va. on Commander Donald B. Mac n, "Barpali," and "Korean Sisterbood will entertain Mr. and Mrs. Avery F. expedition to Labrador Artist", made for UNESCO, are Chapter P at tbe borne of Mrs. DO IT YOURSELF . of Amherst avenue bave as theIr Baffin Land. He made three tlie work of alumnus Ted Conant. Hopkins on SELECT FOR PAPERHANGER guest for a few weeks ,Mrs. collections oflOO spec- Mike Eisler is the author of 'Fish- Mrs. Samuel Althouse, Mrs. Blake's mother Mrs. Harry K. of northern plants, present- market.' 'Cradle of Libertf and IIlff and Mrs. Willlam We Lend Out $ampl. Boob Nield 'of Baltimore, Md. one to MacMillan, anotber to 'Decision at Laurel Falls were wlll be the co-hostesses. PEN N weekend Mr. J a bn AcademY of Natural ScIences! d.me by Josephine Krlmsky Han- The slsterbood is a philan- Nield of Akrcn, 0.. brother of retaining one for himself. In sen. Conant collaborated wit~ throplc and educatlo.nal organ- WALLPAPER CO. Mrs. Blake, w111 also be tbelr of bis work MacMlI- Frank Kenslll to film 'The Crime, ization, which owns and operates f Id guest. named an Island for h.'m In whictb wasS done a w ar thm.~.e.. Junior College i n Nlevlad",1 Balt·lmor. Pk., Spring ie Mi. and Mrs. L. M.· C area.. The entire program take,S about Mo. also has a loan fund of . Op •• W.d ... FrI. 'til' P.M. and daughterDeborab of Dr. Palmer was a member of two hours. million dollars for girls going to FREE PARKING KI 4-4100 road will s pen d the Xi, national honorary sci- The public Is invited to tour and sponsors visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wll- society; Book and Key, tbe new ruts Center building this R'lace Scho],arslhills Iiams in Holliston,Mass. Mr. and College honorar,- week end and attend the this year are supporting Mrs. Campbell bad resided and was a cbarter mem- events.' girls from 25 countries, most Holllston for eight years before of Swartbmore chapter of whom are doing graduate study moving to Swartbmore. Upsilon, national social '!CHURCH OF THE AIR" tbis country. of MPr.a nfUisldb Mrorsll.. d Dv. iMsaictee d of the CIno u1n92c9il boer twheaNs aa tmioenma-l radAio b aplrfo-ghroamur eCnbtirtilsetdia n" G~~o~:d: ~t~!p~re;:s~ldSecnta robfo Crobuagpbt eor fP Risu tMgerrss. daughter Susan at Denison Athietic ASSOCiation. Great Performer" wlll be president of Chapter Al versity, .aranvill~, 0., for 1938 be was received as a 'cast in tbe Columbia "Cburch UOI1RMrs. Edmund Harvey of Media. ents· Weekend. of the Academy of Nat- tbe Air", series on tbe CBS Mrs. Roy-P., Lingle of Cornell Sciences. In connection, with work on Sunday, November 5. avenue was among the guests Interests in botany, athletics, may be beard locallY over Stat-the wedding of Lt.-George painting. stamp col- WCAU 1210 kc. Philadelphia of Cornell avenue and Miss IU!d golf he had been a at 7,05 a.m. May Mester of Chicago, held of the rhiladelphia Bot- Tbe speaker will be Harold ober 21 at West Point past president of tbe Rogers, First Reader In a Cbrlst- Academy. Valley Ornithological Science cburcb. McHenry Douglas E. Wrege of , and a member of Rolling will be the soloist. lane bas pledged to Delta Golf Club. , silon fraternity at the Many bomes In· the Borougb of Rochester, Ne~ ·a fanglble evidence "of he is a freshman. Douglas Palmers' friendship, a trea-also a neW member of tbe collectlo'n of his Christmas Glee Club. He Is tbe son of Dr. always tboughtfUlIY and Mrs. Edgar E. Wrege. In the mall, band painted, Judith Coles of Walnut accompanied by a Is a senior student at tbe In verse, for versifiea-tenaryCollege for Women was'liIs great joy. His poems SEPT. U. S. BOND SALESUnitEldJ Sales of Series E and H states Savings Bonds Inllela"fare! County during september 5 2 5 ,8i9. Tbls Dri!lgS tbe totELl"'1 tbe year up to $6,336,836 or 65.91% of quota. reports F. F. Wrlgbt, county chairman of tbe savings' bonds organization. ,~ kettstown, N: J. First year or remembrance dents from the area this year lives of many a fondly SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOl GYM clude 'susan L. Morgan· alumni. Conseq uently he Heather R. Wisdom, botb a personal void in a wide Ingford., of friends of all ages. here DG'S TO MEET afar. d f The nelta Gwnma Sewing group WILSONS RETURN FROM • He was associate. I'r . will meet at tbe borne of Mrs. COVERED BRIDGE 'HUNT years with tbe operati;n ~f c;::.. Frank Fitts, 819 Ridge lane, Mr and Mrs. Raymond Wilson Wyonegonic, Moose on, Media, on Friday, November 17. of Ogden avenue bave returned Me. He was a 'member'a~~h" _____ lii __ ilii __ " from a 10 day trip to tbe Friends .Meeting [O':,m'" ADUl CO-ED Mondays -8.45 to 10,45 November thru March If interested. call Phil Swayne. KI ~.1324 or write to Box and nortbeastern Pennsylvania, bad been active In Friends' TIP #1 including Wellsboro, to view tble perance and :education autumn foliage and also to co - tees as well as teaching in 4C~ /M "'~J;. ,~ . lect covered.brldge photograpbs. First DIQ' School. He was "1.111 . <#... A~ "htJllll, A__"""I , . I'V~: They visited 44 bridges which In "Wbo's Wbo in the Eas;~t.•~.~ ~, f'r''''''' ~ r- 7" ~ cthoomspe leinte stb et heeaisrt ercno lhlaelcft ioofn of BaHncisro Wft·i feS. wthaey nfoerm oerf Have your dealer, service sta.~ion, or garage af nstall state, numbering 217 In all. Square ,whom be married WYNN'S FRICTION PROOFiNG in your motor or. The Wilsons expressed 1902, died in 1932. His h t' gIl regret tbat Smith Bridge near more borne fo r '!a'n~v. years was eas',er start'lng and smoot er opera In Route 202 In Granogue, ~el.. 612 ogden avenue. FOllowinng,ePbl1 built in 1839, was burned k retirement be lived w~h2;tb all e'en pran ew NewlIn palmer dono ubMteodnldya ya s nai gHh t. owA year . ago Cbe'stout streets, Chester.C hlP-1 Yeatman's bridge near LandeR- centlybe made his home on burg, Pa., was ~~€~l~~~~~i:~~:~~l cmoupnekl alannde P, aMlmedeira, wJrl.t bH ae Is troyed under similar survived by anotber son, L. Ben-and those responsible survived by anotber son, L. apprebended." jamln Palmer of Media; a d8l~~~'i ter Katharine P,almer of[ ~;~;~~l deiphiB; and a 98-year-old b Charles of Ridley Park. Ground Breaking Sat. For Counly School Ground will be broken on urday for construction of ~or Cflppled .children at the Acres site, Lima . VOTE VOTE VOTE TURKEY DINN~R & BAZAAR • AVAILAILE LOCALLY Officials of tbe county board,' the Philadelphia for CrippledChildren and and leaders in the capital fund drive will pate in tba ceremony tor U, a.'m. Tbe scbool, Ina: aix cIaaarooma, is Me"' •• ist Fellowship Hell THURSDAY, NOV. 9 SER~_ 5:30. ~D 7 RUSSELL'S SBYKE • PORTEI H. WAITE , IIC.· F~SCO .~TORS I 1EIUH'5 AIIOCO STATION· CHUCI & GIIE SFLYIN' A '. . .. . Distributed Iy . . " ... I. SALES coi...,/tHt to be COIIIPle&ed In Sepltemlier 11182.' . IIurlDe ....... $2. a.plo .. ...... 10. $1. 126 $. Oranpse, ••• ' .
---------- Page 5 ----------
page 6 fFA'CrORY "rUTHORIZED , GENERAL ELECTRIC SALES & SERVICE THB SWARTHMOREAN November 3, 1961 lesidHt II P ..... r Irciad~ fiction at 1800 words a min- been a'nd technical material at 2700 Lellers To The Editor by a State-appointed DemQCratic I ........ ell .. COlne words a minute. He attributes this Controller. The machine's failure to the fact that he is The opinions elpressed below even to consider modern metro- Swarthmore resident David UII- Ifa.mi.liar wih technical material- are those ofthelndiYlduai wrlt- politan problems (e.g., transpori-man was one ot 75 sludents par- he graduated trom Swarthmore ers. All letters to The Swarth- -atlon), apart from their partisan in the first Philadelphia College with a B.S. in engineering morean mustbe slgned.Pseudo- politicai aspects, is costty to ail of Reading Dynamics, a total_ Raymond J. Dawson d' h d "':'and also to t,he fact 'that lech- 'gisym knnosw mn atyob eth ue sEeddi Itfo rth. eL ewtrtietresr of us. Where do Swarthmore Re-new rea 109 tec nique eveJ- nical material Is logically organiz- will be published only at the publicans stand on this machine? 1~':~,:b~y~t~e'd!~Ucator Evelyn Wood at cd. In fiction it is often discretion of the Editor. . 4. Since We believe that local LOwell 6-4692 /4693 I' D.C. This new read- 10 switch from bne set of Issues Cavor the Democratic can-technique breaks the subvo·- ters or a particula'r sit.uatIo n ,Thanks Mothers dI'd at es, we are no t surprised at 21 0 WEST .' STATE ST• oalization habit of reading. By somel h ing Ihat I. S unreI ated . To The Editor, an att empt t0 lc l ange t"li e sub j ect-training the eye to move straight UJlman is very enthusiastic abelUll We want to thank the manv ba classical pollticai maneuver ~~I§Jljg;rmiM§fiEmD~lmAiEliIr.E3JlT§lrFc1ldown the page it has laught many -v y a . I lit· I hi ;,sllls 1110 II' I::~~,:,,.:~~ei~' housewives and stu- Itihcee caotu hrsoem aen wd itcho ntthien uienst etnot ion he mentary School mothers We ha.cvye mscear iopuos ly Iacnad mcaancd i·ndley. .-.- ----------~ to increase their reading imp~oving his readi(lg speed Fealipr esdu ctho am sakuec ctehses . 1O9n61e h~I~ ~~~I offered able candidates and rel- A • B• DICK l'he fbiryst 4c otou rs1e0 , tmimaedse. up of bus_ more. He says that ~~~~~::~~~~:;Iredimdseventy-five mothers emvoarnet's aitteerrn atii vest hi to IS wtair ih- Off· S I' I: :~~~~~:'d from Philadelphia,, awals soof Y iasl ei mapvreonvueed, . aJlasom easn trlbuted many bours of their and we vcah allse ngne thes leo ceacl Roen-; Ice UPP les during a 12 week peri- by training, took the course i".,Plannlng t and executing publicans and the county machine MIMEOGRAPH ad. This group had Initial reading satisfaction. m",or even. As a result, to compete on that basis. SPIRIT DUPUCATOR speeds ranging from 220 to 480, Home and School Assoclation . LOI's G. Peterson words per minute. The final read- PHOTOCOPY ing speeds were from 1300 to 3300 tions at the Warwick Hotel eq uipment to the . The new school has be able to contribu~~:~~:;~:e~~1 Swarlh' mo re words per minute. A check up oW'celdoncke sdtoa yw heivcehn iInhge paut bl6i c ainsd Rutledge Elementary School. ~"I ta r T ...... n·'ar S-"Iea several of the participants vited. Sincerely, ,p'" Vi.. that time has shown speeds Mrs. WUllam Nolan Classical - Popular ... 1 •• rlliln., , •• rt.II'", PI. range from 3000 to 4000 words Mrs. James J. FE!f8lIso:nl WM_ loPATA S. E. Hudson _ KI 4-3360 minute. All have greater compre- Mrs. Donald McCann ~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~ hension' they they had formerly CO-Chairmen oC Fair Da,ys enjoyed. V 0 T E Mrs. John Bond Mr. mlman's speed was a Mrs. Robert Lamberson Belvedere better than 400 words per Co-Chairmen ot the Book WA,iPII' .. """, when he entered the class, He NOT lIlY _ rehiIt Convalescent Home In Reply 2507 Chestnut st.. Chester. To The Editor: TRemont 2-5373 Last week in these flil SALE' ____ ..!!!!!! an astonishing letter -_ ........ .,... ;:;:::.----.1 that Philadelphia's political Aa .... 1IoD1Io, QuaaIo - Apples. EI Rancho ganizatl n is th I i COGYatlicot 11111 tIDd --. Providence Road, one PERSONAL - ~'miture 0 e rea ssue • ... 11 .......... • 'pull. a: L ot Rose Tree,. betweel! repalr1nl.. SWarthmore's election. At 81 .. "..... ..... N"wto;wo Squlire and Media. same time similiar letters I.UIJJa PIPPIIf TUB!fBII. ~.____ SALE-Buriai lot, graves appearing in 10Cail,)8\>ersthrouldl-oPIoJoo ......... 47 I'Prac11ico1 ...,..-; .. ~. willi aI will pay you io ........ 1. 'IIIIEI 11 .... iIIll Mary Ell ... hcldaw FLORIST ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~I!!~;~ desirable Rosemont !;ectlon. out the county. We are happy ~ Laurel Hill Cenetery. KIngs- PERSONAL • ~~:Ef:il replytoSwarthmore's correspond-I~==;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;:;:;~;;;;::;;;~;~I 3-5531. recreation rooms, ent, II ' po reeh s, L .J•' Don ne1..1..-. 1. For the record: we do not 1_f-t_'1- .D...__ '~- .-...... -- 3 '-.-1-_. SALE - So many birds right 4-3781. d th _ L' ""'. • • SPI"'D 7 South Cheslw Road ICI 3-8093 nowl Enjoy them with a teeder 'en orse e Democratic machine .I;I.1.U.1.A.4 .ana ~:~~:rd:~ne~ar~~~~;:~£WlndOWI The best tunlnCJ I:~~ of Philadelphia; if it threatened WATCHMAKBR and baths, etc., '~~I~~:r.:: m an extension to Delaware County ...".'. .....I .) owol P. c. __ .. Jrs .. 435 Plusb ll! LeaDUIII. we Would oppose it; we do not 'Ine Waici.lUId 128 Yale A9lI. Wallingford. LOwell 6· tavortheCongresslonairetlisltrlc,t- locIt ReJ)lWB ~arUunor ... 1'IL IUTOII IISllLLl1l01' .J H. D. CHURCH a,"R' AYE., 'WAITH.ORE Klngswood 4-2727 . ROO, FING Warm-Air Heating Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work Pair full - Rooting, ing scbeme referred to by your 'correspondent; and we are' can-that this scheme will ' adopted. SALE - Red 20 incb Trainer 2, We are opposed to good condition, $16.50. KI- in general. When, 4-5095. the Delaware Party was In 5S0w0 a2rt hdmooorr es. ed19a5n8, the Republican McClure mac~l-I and white. MUeage 11, ine, Swarthmore Democrats KIngswood 3-7013. leaders in the reCorm oC tbe D."tv SALE - oMnaeg ibc uCshheelf cG1al\sla-cf1ir\e)'_d 1:~::~::~::~::::::~m:~.I;T~O~da:nd: acyl eoaunr apitaerrtnya tplvoes etso at hcel Elarl condition, $35. KIngswood 4- machine, which helps ex- I ''''''0 why Republican letter writ- ;.~~~;~~A::p~artment size Philco are so busy and so well conditlon,$50. ~~~~~~~g~~~m;ac~bl~n~e, !~~~~~~~!j~~~I~l;3:. ;T~he CMoucnCtylu rIes amna cihssinuee of BOX 48 1 oYer election. CItIZens of com- CLoL- 9 5 358 -Simmoos loveaeat blde- like Swarihmore certain- - 9 Air Conditioner used r- :===========~ rug, $R5e. vCearslilb alfet ers a6n pd.msi-. destheravne t hbeeyt tgeer tc. OTdhnet yti mgoev-Berenr-- • LOwell 6.g 175. tax-consuming nature oC HOW~ O~,.sA.LE - Nearly new Trumpet ;,;;;;;.. __ _..lmllChlne governmentln our county case. KIngswood 4-1518. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS WFJL BHI, - 1141 .... ...... o-WFlL·TJ-IIIIA ••• LOST On RENT-OMce three rooma. and ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE OF Allce F. Barber late ~~~~~;~~~~~~~~I aowr atrhee 'CBoouronutyg,h Pore nSnwsayrltvhamnoiare, DII ~~III CEASED. Letters Testamentary on tbe aiKlve Estate, having been granted tuon ~searl.dl Egnselda,t e aarlle rpeeq ruseosntse d~ t~ot .~~~1 1;~~~J::F,p~ar~~C~hmg~enr~t payment, and those having shades pCsbpIenra laamndp Telepbone Klngswood BROOIS A,tIbea and Rubbish RemoYed Mowed. General lwlllDl >Ie IIudiJ!c A_ 11-. ..... ELNWOOD Convalescent Home ~" PUte A 'JcClba 4 .... , s-u.- Betehbrb"Cl 1131 lid .. PI"" 8m,_ "'Dp _ .... 11 J4-11ftr _". Klngswood 3-0272 Picture Framilg ROGER RUSSElL PhotogTtlphic Supplies STATB .. IIONIIOB ha. IDOlA' LOwell 6-2176 OPIDI PRIDAY BVBNDfOS WANTED to present the same, witbout delay, to Frances Barber Stockton, 683 Euclalre Avenue, Columbos 9, Oblo 1 ~_;;;;;; ____ ;;;;;;;;; to ber Altomeys: 'Butler, Beatty: I. & Johnson, 17 SOuth Avenue, Edward I. mil ..... ,. PennsylVania. 3T-1l-17 ud Sol General Contractor p.m. day's or ironing. TRemont 'Since FoD~RR i;R:ErN-T: :-W;;ru,~~j~W;a,rm",1 WAenNeTeEdD w -omDaany. Tchleuarandinayg REQUE~T FOR BIDS Sealed' bids will I)e r .. cahed Chamber, Bo slhgle room. Teacher, student or TRemont 2--6442 . • ree fstlmDft'. business person. Private room, love- ""iiU;rEiO:~i;i~;-;ill;;j;t;;;;;d;1 the 1401 Ridley Ayero~~ ly grounds. Convenient transport- WANTED - Work by reliable onBor- Chester, Po. .tion. LOwell 6 -4 8 7 6 . man. 'yard work. oalnllnR. with Tltemont 2-4759 emont 6-9688. of wblch will be fur- CRESSON PRICHARD REAL TOR. NOTARY PUBLIC 900 Michigan Avenue Swarthmore ~~~~;~f~~~~~~~~ ing. Swarthmore references. and made on bid KI. 3-1112 TIt_ont 2-5689 room, by the undersigned. :~=:=:::=:=:~, acy, new home. KIngswood WANTED - work, Ironing pre- A certified check tor $100.00 pay_ !:==========:: Call after 4, saturday, and Sm,dayl tened. Swarthmore references. able, to the Borough at Swartbmore all day. TRemont 6-5282. shall accompany the bid and the r,uc- ·~;-ru~~;:-:=~;;.~;;;;-;;;:;-;;r:I'W:MfTED.=C~:it=;t;;;-;;;;:;;;;;;:~lcessrul bidder will be requlrr.<i :0 P R ' Ii Jack Prichard PAl NTI NG Dl l<'R" ni ... oR free EstillKlles FOR RENT - One large room ...;. Good home for very nice enter Into a contract lind 1Ilrn1'lb ... GO ...... fic1eney aparlment, private pup lound abBljdoned on hlghwa.'\'. bonds as req Dired by law, the forms >' -. bath, furnished. One half block Have had blin wormed, Inoculated, ?twblch ma.y be seen at the omee at station and bus. Call Klngswood lU\d obedif)nt. Call .he undersigned. The Borougb 3811. ' arter 10 ".m. : serves lberlght to waive aD)' Inlorm- In lbe hids received; to' .... ~mE_ all bIibdos;s e to~) . ~~~;r:,!,~th;e MOllON. ,A. ~, ............ am a .. - .1.1.. ' , ' ....... Ii. jJa. w., c. .. y." . Ie,-, II' .... 1011 JO ESTAIUSHED 1m ·ROORN6 ...S.W...A. RT..H MORE _.....,"''''-.... November 3, 19111 THE THERE SURE 'for all Swarthmoreans proud of 'our fine the • record of ." communIty to contInue • that has both our characterized the public schools ope-ratIon of and borough governmen,t - VOTE STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN at the General Electiop - Tuesday, November 7 SWARTHMORE REPUBLICANS \ FOR CONTINUED GOOD GOVERNMENT , .:, .. 'I . '. \ '..:. " Page 9
---------- Page 6 ----------
I , ' Page 10 TBB BWAaTBMORBAN November..3, 1961 -----,.--...:....---...,":"W-:-:-re-s-tl::i-n-g-Coa-=--c:-h-Jo:-:i-n-s~--;-p":'as~t:-:::ni'~e years on a part-time ment of Robert H, Dunn after 26 perlence also Includes six yem J STUART TORREY basis, years as the Garn~t coach, at Lansdowne High School where , College Faculty A graduate of East Stroudsburg' D a v I e s played professional he served as coach for the Wrest- TENNIS GU8 ElECTS Jolnin the facult of Swarth- state Teachers College and Tem- baseball In the Interstate League IIrig; Football, and Track teams, . .' g y . Ie Universlt Davies will con- a few years ago and more recent- Davies' Wrestling team will be New Tenms Club offlc~rs more College this fall as asslst- p y, ly was assistant coach of base- out this ear to defend Its Middle elected at the annual meetmg tant professor of physical educa- ti~e ~ h!ad ~;Ch Oft;re:t!~ng ball at Penncrest' High School Six Cha~PionshlP and his BaseÂheld last month include: tion for men is Gomer H. Davies. ~ h w d a s~ f ~ on b l~ fi~l! es where he was serving as Guld: ball team will be out to Improve President 'J. stuart Torrey; He htals. servted as thhead cofach of °the veaa cancocacy cre°ate~s:y~h; retir': ance Director. His coaching ex- on Its rather weak win-loss record. Vice-President Edward W. Cos- wres mg a Swar more or the ' -- lett, Jr.; Vice-President I . . f~:~:~~E·~::·~~7:~ For Justice of the State Supreme Court IStudent I Subscriptions for (olle.e aid Private Sclaoo' St.de.ts for ,Ia. Aead •• le year $1.75 To S.ltserilters O.ly) O~ 'Ae ~e ~o ~ ~ 0.<' Ki 3-0900 C;,~ Ki 3-1833. Judge HENRY X~ o o o * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Proof of the high regard in which Judge O'Brien is held by voters of the two political parties is eviÂdenced by the fact that he twice has been nomiIlated and elected by both Republicans and DemoÂcrats as a Judge in Allegheny County. His distinguished record of 15 yem's on the bench is your assurance that Judge O'Brien has the backgl'ound and experience for Justice of the State SUDl'E,ml' GOUl·t. BI SURI ••• vorl RIPUBLICANl Considl'" thl! man, his character and hi~ C!xllPl'iÂelteC'. Judge O'BI'icn is able and fea,.]<:s.~ .. " unÂusually esteemed in the legal pl"ofe&<iolJ. The fathl'l" of two childl'Cn, Judge O:Brien is a citizen of humane inleresL'i and distinguished civic service. Elect HENRY X. O'BRIEN your next Supreme Court Judge Tuesday NOV. 7. .,. ,'". Swarthmont R.publicon eonllnillo. ,I., 1 -"',. .................•..... ~ ..•............•...........................•.••.......•.•. ~ . . .. ~ FOR THOUGHTFUL . RESPONSIBLE ACTION ~ • • ·: ELECT THESE OUTSTANDING REPUBLICAN CA,NDIDATES .: • • MAYOR CHARLE5 G, THATCHER, 69; retired; Business Manager of Swarthmore College (1945-56). ~ • • A. B. from Swarthmore College; M. E. from Cornell University; M. M. E. from Johns Hopkins • : • University. Borough 'Council Member from 1948 to 1953; member Swarthmore-Rutledge Union : • : School Authority since 1957. Member, of Swarthmore Monthly Meeting of Friends. Member Swarth- • • •. mOre Rotary Club; treasurer and trustee of the Glblions'Home. Inc, •• ' • .: .: BOR OUGH COUNaL ,:. • EDWARD K. C~ATSLEY, 47; Vice- • WILLIAM H. GILL, JR., 44 (Incum- HARRY GRAYSON SMITH, 42;·Em- ROBERT H WILSON • • J:'resldent (Finance) & Professor of • bent), Borough Council member since I I . , 50; (Incum'-. • Economics Swarthmore College since • p oyee Re attons Manager In Indust- bent). Vice-PresldentofGirBld Trust. • I 950. A. . B., College of Wooster; 1957, President of Construction rial R e I a tio ns D epar tm en t 0 f Sun 011 C orn Exchange Bank. A. B. from•. •• M.B.A. and D. C. .S• Ha rvar d Gr adu aet Contracting Firm. Member B'o' ard of C ompany. B. S. Degree from Salem Swarthmore College. President of. School of Business Administration. Directors. General Bul1d1ng Con-. College; M.B.A. University of Pen- S th • • , Served on Commission on Higher In-' war more College Alumni Assocl- • •• stltutions. Middle States Association tractors Association, Philadelphia; nsyI va"ru a s Wharto n Seh 001. Taught, atlon; Division Chairman of United. f 11 memher Engl~ering Club; Union E • • 0 Co eges & Secondary Schools. conomlcs at Bucknell University. Fund Advance Gifts; Board Member. • 1953 to 1959; presently a Director League. Former Board member of Participates In Cub Scout Program; f h • of the National Federation of Col- Taylor Hospital, Past President of 0 P lladelphia YMCA; ,Board Mem- : • lege &UalversityBusinessOfficers, Swarthmore Swim Club. Graduate United Fund; T. B. Fund; Swarth- ber of Family Service of Phlladel- • : and Member of College Scholarship Lehigh University. - more Property Owners Association. phla; Borough Council Member since. • Service Commi~ee. and a member of •••••••••••• Member. Ruling Elder and a Trustee 1957 F D ty • • the Board of Governors of the Pbll- • . ormer epu Treasurer, • • adelphia Museum College of Art. of Swarthmore Presbyterian Cburch. City of Philadelphia. • • Former President of Board of Trust- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ees. a member of the swarthmor.e : : Presbyterian Church. Member of • • TAX (OLLEaOR' • •• Swarth•mo•re• R•o•ta•ry• C•lu•b.• •• •• •• JOHN A. SCHUMACHER, 54; (Incumbent). Ac- •• • : SOIOOL BOARD • countant; former Comptroller, Catalytic Construc- • • •• tion Co. B.S. Pennsylvania State University in • •• FRANCIS J. BOUDA, 40.' Chief Patent RAYMOND F . WINCH •3•7' Prol'ect Ana- • Commerce and Finance. Secretary of the Swarth- •• Attorney. Scott Paper Co. B.S, Mechanical lyst Co lal D I t Divi . • . • mmerc eve opmen Slon • more Rotary Club'. former secretary of the Swarth- • Engineering. Univ. Wisconsin and LL.B. • Temple University. Lecturer, Villanova of Sun Oil Company. Received B. S. in • more Fire Company'. former chalrman of '•h e Red • • Unlv. TbeRepubllcan'::ommittee has been Mechanical Engineering from Swarthmore Croslj Disaster Committee; borough and school • : Informed that Scott Paper Co, Is planning College; M. S. In Industrllll Management auditor for 6 years. tax collector for past 4 years, :, • to transfer Mr. Francis Bouda to Swltzer- from M.I.T. under Sloan Fellowship. Com- ~...........'. • land In Jan. of 1962 and thus he wlll be munlty Chest Captain; Assistant Repub- mila of ... PEAa • •• unable to serve his term. This fact be- Ucan commltteeman: Swarthmore College DONALD S. GUTHRIE. Attorney. B.A. from Get- : • came known after the Sept, 13tb legal ,tysburg Collele·. LL,B. Temple University. Secre- • deadline for substitution of candidates cil'SB preSident, Deacon of Swarthmore • on the ballot. However. we strongly urge Presbyterian Church, / tary Media Optimist Club. Member Board of Dir- • • allyoters to pull Mr. BOllda'slever. there- e. e., e....... ectors Delaware County Young' Republlc~s. Re-', • : b;, enabling the School Board to fill bls gional youlb work Counselor. special Industrial : ' • "CUIC;'. 1'IIe Scbool Baud Is In an ex- SanDlS and Lou'CDllsultant. • ·• cell.. to a P8fI!OD, un- " '........... • ~ ~ ~ : , Noyember 3. 1961 THE 8WARTBMOWEAN Page 11 FLOWER SHOW WINNERS SERVIC Mrs. Robert Turner. both was made were Prize winners In the Flower IN FIRST MEETING E Swarthl110re will co-chair the An- new members to the President Jim Richards; Vlce- Show held recently In celebra- The Central Committee of the nual Card Party to be held May IlStS,I1 In the Swarthmore office. President Dabney Smith; Trea-tlon ,of tbe Golden Anniversary Communlty'Nursl S I 2, 1"'6~'. .' Agnes Calderonl, R.N., surer Patty Seybold, and Secre-f th D I C t d ng erv ceo Del- q p o e e aware, oun'1 Fe er- aware County, held Its first Fall Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Groft, ex. Township and Lynn Betsy Coddington. ation of Women s Clubs listed meeting on October 12. at Swarth- ecutlve director, expressed the R.N .. of Chester. Other members of the Execu-the following' local members: more Borough Hall. Mrs. Robert gratitude ot the board for the Committee are: Mrs. W. Allred Smith and M~s. Irving, chairman of Springfield time lind e!fort expended by the Eighth grade, Peter' Barus. William Lamason, each w~nDlng appointed the following cQmmlt- members of the committee on be- RIENDS FELLOWSHIP Young and Judy Golz; second place In her class. Mrs. tee beads; Membership, Mrs. Jobn half of the Nu~slng Service. Dur- ECTS OFFICERS grade, Eddie Honnold. William C. Rowland and. M!s. II.1ff, Springfield; Volunteer Ser- ing the months of June, July, The first meeting of ~~?I~~:~~!~Tolles and Joyce Mc- Joseph J. Storlazzl, wlDDlng vices Mrs. William H Gill Jr August and September 12 volun- IFrienl~'s junior High Fellows~!p third places; and Mrs. Storlazzl, of Sw~rthmore. . ,.. gave 115 hours at the Wood- held Sunday. October 22, --------- earning, Honorable Mention In J. Albright Jones and Child Health Center. House, The follo.,lnl.1 I lOW it in The S"'4rthmor.un. another class In which she ex- t-=;;.:,..-=.:.....;;=~::..-=:::::::...!:!;.:!.+-....,..---..:..:.::..:.==---+-----------~~----------~Âhlblted. ----1;----- , GIVE to the United fund ZONING RULES Board of Adjustment BorougJt.of ~warthmore NoUce Is bereby given that the Zoning Board of Adjustment on OctÂober 18, 1961. amended Riile 2. to read as follows: , "2. Appeals to the Board of Adjustment shall be taken within thirty (30) days of the effecU ve date of the admWsÂtrallve action. decision Qr reÂtusal complained of." Ruth A. B. Townsend Secretary. 2T-1l-3 Board of Adjustment • COUNTY OF DELAWARE Sealed Proposals will be received at Ibe Office of Ibe County ControlÂler. Court House. Media, Pa .. up unÂU! 9:30 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, on Monday. November 6: 1961, for furnishing all labor. tools, materials and equipment necessary to construct Parking Lot at Clayton Park. Garnet Mine 'Road, Concord Township. Penna .• which will be opened at 10: 00 A.M. E.S.T. on that date, In the ~resence of the' County Commis- 'sloners. • Each bid must be accompanied by Cash, CerUfied Good Falth Check. or by a COrPorate SUrety Bond. either one in the amount, of ten percent (10%) of Ibe total amount of the Bid. drawn to Ibe order, of the County of Delaware, Plans and speoificatlons are avallÂable for InspecUon at Ibe Office of H. Walter Weaver; Superlhtendent of Parks, Court House. Media. Pa. .One complete set may be had at the office of the Consulting Engineers. Damon & Foster. Chester Pike & High Street, Sharon Hill, Pa. .. upon the deposit of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) which sum will be retunded to Bidders who submit a bonafide bid. upon the return of these In good condiUon within' twenty (20) days after Ibe opening of bids. . ".' The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. G.R. WATKINS ALBERT H. SWING WÂ¥, A. WELSH T-11-3 County Commissioners COUNTY OF DELAWARE Sealed proposals will be' reÂceived at Ibe Office of the County Controller. Court House, Media, Pa. up until 9:30 A.M. Eastern Standard, Time. on Tuesday. NovÂember 14, 1961 for turnishing and deUvering pilper Towels, Tissues I and DlIle CUps to Ibe County of Delaware; wbich will be opened "t 10:00 A.M. E.S.T. on that same day. In .the presence of Ibe County Commissioners. . J Each hid must be accompanied by Cash, Certified Good Faith Check, or by a cOrPorate surety Bond. either one In the amount of tenpercent (10%) oUhe total amount of the Bid, drawn to the order of tbe County of Delaware. Forms of Proposal may be obÂtained at the Office of the Chief Clerk to the County Commissioners, at the Court House, Media. Penna. TIle County Commissioners reÂserve the right to reject any and ~ bids. G. R. WATKINS ALBERT H. SWING WM. A. WELSH Commissioners 2T-ll-I0 COUNTY OF DELAWARE Sealed proJlOsals will be reÂcelveil at the Office of the County Controller. Court House. Media, P.... up unU! 9:30 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, on Tuesday. NQvÂember 14, 1961. for turnishing and dj!llYering Boiler water Treatment SOOt Remover to Ibe County of DelÂaware. which will be opened at 10:00 A.M. E.S,T. on Ibat same day. In the pres6nce of the County- Commissioners. , Each bid must be accompanied by Cash. Certified Good Fslth Check, or by a Corporate SUretyÂBOnd, either one in !be amount of (1"-) of tile total amount of Ibe bid. drawn to Ibe omlor of Ibe County- of 'Delawue. ' Forms 0( ProPOSal mai' be obÂtIIbted It !be omce of tbe Chief C"", to tile COUty- eom-I,,"ou_. at -Ute Court & lie. IIsdle P8IlD.L· "fte O. ., C leal era .... ,_, 111&til e IiIII& to JWJect ..,. ud A&P DELICIOU.S SIRLOIN OR PORTERHOUSE NONE PRICED HIGHER ' c lb. "A&P'. "Super-ll,ht" St .. k s.t. naturaUy (ndud ••• U th. nrlo", cut. of tirloin .nd. perterhou .. which .r •• hlt I.be ..... lind Mid .r .. whlt. II 'Charco,r, -His Ind Hen', 'Thick., Thin' •• httlhlr pricH ••• but not A&'. Vou un shop wilh confidence It AlP "Supor-ll.ht" N .... P,iced H ...... r Hel ... ,.U PIlY only one pIke ••• the ,dYlrti .. d pricI." Porterhouse Roasts lb. 13c 1111 III 11111111111111111 I I II 111111 ROASTING CHICKENS 4:~ E~.:~D~IO' lb. 35e SMOKED BORELESS BUTTS ALLGOOD SLICED BACON "Sup.,.al,h." 1\\ to 3 Pound l-1b. 55e . pk,. 1b·65e 2 -lb. 99' pk,. "Sup,,·II,Ir'" SlIcH Ivnelloan M.a's Plain .Loaf I Old Fashioned Loa. f Pickl. Loaf Olive Loaf S.lallll Spiced LUllch Moat lologna Pepper Loaf YOUR 4 kz. $100 k •. ,kg, 290 CHOICE ,k, .. INDIVIDUAl Thick 5.liced Bacon '~~;t:.'; 2 ;\.~.$1.19 Scra,ple ~:::: I;~~, 2ge 2 ::"i. 55e Fresh Spare Ribs lb. 55e Klsslln, Sauerkraut ,::.~. 25e Sausage Meat .. :~,.'i,~; :.::: 31e 2;~~.15e Large Link Sausage ':'':.~ ~:. 55e II ,IIII!! III 1111 I II FLORIDA JUICY-S to 6 GRAPEFRUIT IN EACH lAG GRA FRUIT 3 :!; 51.00 lUSCIOUS NOIrTHwmnN' Steak Cod ...... SII.... .... 31e Halibut Steak $11.... I~. 41e III II NONE PRICED HIGHER 5~~g 35c NONE 'RICED HIOHER BART LET' PEARS u.s. NO.1 'A' SIZE WHITE •••••••••••••••• 2 lb •. 29C NONE 'RlaD HIOHER LOCAL"'POTATOES •••••••••••••• -25" b~~' 1ge RoalDA NONE 'RlaD HIOHER .RESH SWEET COR •••••••••••••• 5 ears 29c Fresh Sno-Whl'e Mushrooms DelJdoul with your Sirloin or Porterhouse .:teak . HONE HIGHU Ib·45e Jane Parker fine 8aked foods DELICIOUS APPLE PIE r;;;-l large· 3ge . ~ 8-inch pie . DOIIUTS n . Gold., suga .... r;;;-l 23e or Clan.lI.ft L.:-.J dDZen GOLD OR MARILE-CRESCENT POUND CAKE ~ ~::: 2ge BREAD C~~~~D I S~~I I 1:,. 1ge RING 'I '~~~ 113~;Z. 2ge POTATO ~~: 10~;Z. 4ge MARVEL BREAD SliCED 1~-::, 15c A&P's fine frozen foods An .. Page fine foods MORTOI'S CREAM PIES 2 ..... Ilc AlN PAGE TOMATO SOUp· to'!: .. lOc HOLIDAY STEAKS -=:' .. ~':-'::.t-;~.~ 3 ..... $1.00 ANN PAGE PLUM PRESERVES 4':; 85e SWllSOI T.V. DIIIERS 2 .. ···9ge Aap Mlled Veeetaliles 2 ~.:: 33c 2·l!i.8c Aap ORIIGE .lUICE • ~ 15c 2 I:.::. 13e CIP' • ..I0HI'S FISH STICKS 2 :t:: SIc Ann Page Prepared SPllhettl 2 u~ •. 23c ANN PAGE MARGA RilE COlIN Oil 2 ,:.;:~. He ANI PAGE lOODLES .. :"i;,,":":.010 1:::: 31e SPARKLE :::swrs • ~~ 21e 2 ::;;. 23c ~_.J CAMPBELL'S SOUPS ~::~~~~ A,P INSTAIT COFFEE SPECIALI SAVE 20c PRAISE SOA-P 3 Regullr Sire airs " . Plus I Free Refrlger.tDr Dish T '0 EAT BISCUITS !iI~i~ Crisco Oil =~ 53c .:=81c 50S Scouring Pads 18 ;'.39= Tea 48 ':'.65c Wh. Salutia" Of MEAT VARIETIES 3 ban in 41e pkg. 3 8-01. 25- pkgs. .'
---------- Page 7 ----------
Hage 12 BRIDGE WINNERS NAMED At the meeting of the Crum Creek Bridge Ciub last week the winners were Lt. and Mrs. William Webb with Mrs. Wayne Marshall and Mrs. Waiter ShoeÂmaker in second place. , The next meeting will be on November 14. SYMBOLS OF PROTECTION The.e are the symbols of profeslional people; men who are skilled in their work. Sure, swift.and posÂitive in their efforts, they are ready to help you In time of need. This kind of help is available In InÂsurance too. See UI for ~n expert analysis of your Insurance prograDL I~s part of ·tbe P.B., Personal Service of our aKeney. Peler E. Told All Lines of Insurance Klnj;Jswood 3-1833 THE SWARTHMOREAN November 3, 1961 Personals Dr. and Mrs. Cliffor<! Banta of Parrish road have returned from a week spent ill ,Indiana. Mrs. Foster Fudge of Crawfordsville, Ind.. sister of Mrs. Banta, acÂIc() mt)anied them home. Mrs. R. Blair Price of North ICI~ef'ter road and Mrs. Daniel S. of Parrish road enter- 11,~~::~,at a luncheon and kitchen I, at the Rolling Green Club on Tuesday in honor Mrs. Layton G. ,Wilson, whose I~~~~:r!~~ took place 'on Sep- II 11. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson Bryn Mawr avenue' had as Ithlelr weekend guests recently Anderson's brother-In-law sister Mr. and "Mrs. Norman I1I~ ;~!~~~:~~Pta~:n~~d Losnogn I' sGlaenodff.r ey of Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Gemmill Thayer road recently returned Virginia where they enterÂIt;~~~~~ I;PUPilS in several of the II with their Magic Shows. Mrs. Roy P. Lingle of CorÂavenue spent 10 days visltÂwith her sons-in-law and Id,mg:ht,,,s Mr. and Mrs. William Walters in Lachine, Canada, Mr. and Mrs. N. Bruce DufÂin Chappaqua, N.Y .. While Montreal, Mrs. Llngla took a up into the Laurentlans. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. LueÂo! North Princeton avenue Ih •• vo returned home after spendÂa week with their' son-inÂand daughter Mr. and Mrs. Robert LaPann In Glens '"'"'''' N. Y. s. B. BREWSTER, JR. SERVICES· HHD TUES. mother, Mrs, B, Brewster, Sr" four Mrs. Mildred Kahler, Mrs, I, Mr.s, Frances Miss Louise Archbold Sergeant Barton Brewster, J a William Archbold, 424 Hawarden road, Springfield Services were held Tuesday died suddenly on Thursday, O(:t-Ial 11 a,m. at Trinity Episcopal ober 26, in Paoli, He was 42 Chester road and College of age and Sales Agent for Interment was private, (Evens Products Company, 1-'nll-1 _________________ _ adelphiaJ ' Mr. B•re wster had attended the PLACES IN HORSE SHOWS SWI)lG SPEAKS TO MUSIC EDUCATORS Peter Gram SWing, associate professor and chairman of the music department Ilt Swarthmore College, was the featured guest speaker at the annual meeting of the Delaware Music EducatÂors Association yesterday at the Du Pont Country Club. Histo~lc was "Music and Academic AnxÂiety. " Last summer Mr. Swing dirÂected the c/lorus for the. DelÂaware Music Camp, a 'function sponsored by the State DepartÂment of Music Education. ' Univ:ersity of Pennsylvania and At the Pennsylvania National was a member of the Pennsyl- Horse. Show held at Harrlsburg vania Restaurant Association on October 14, Ann Coslett, and th~ ~outh Jersey Restaurant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry AssoClahon. Coslett of Ogden av,nue won He is survived by his wife, the sixth in the Junior Open :Work-I-===========or former Carol BrOWn, a son, Ser- Hunter class and was fourth Barton Brewster, III, two the Junior Working Hunter Alice Barber Gifts' 15 SOllth Chester Road Swarthmore Jacqueline Carol and saddle class. REALLY A BARGAIN! On October 19, she won third the Y()ung Hunters under sadÂclass. Klngswood 3-1900 , ~ie~~,e Speelalixed Instruction - All InstrumeJlfs MUSIC - INSTRUMENTS - REPAIRS 405 Dartmouth Avenue Call KI 4-5448 SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATE TRANSFERRED We think it important and appropriate to inform SwarthÂmore voters that one of the Republican. candidates for the School Board will be moving from Swarthmore shortly alter the election. Francis J. Baudo has been promoted and trans_ ferred to Europe by his employer, too late to be reph.eed on the ballot. , Mrs. Edward M. Bassett of --------------h~OI·th Chester road had as hel • A new car may cost S3,000 or more, today. But a new miracle drug, which may save your life, may cost you 53 ; . • or even 510. Prescriptions today are a bargain I And' especially at this pharÂmacy where only fair prices are charged. Bring your prescriptions here! This leaves three alternatives for Qouda supporters. 1.' You can vote for one or both of the Democratic School Board candidates and thus ensure that your vote wi II count for a candidate_of your own choice, 2, You can refrain from voting for more than onll candIdate, if you are determined to vote Republican. 3. You can still cast a vote for Mr. Baudo and leave it fa the School Board to appoint his successor. ********* Their Home City Newspaper-Which . Knows Them BestÂEndor8e11 Justice ANNE X. ALPERN For a Full Term OTiThe Suprem6 Co"" 01 PtmMylfHinia The politically Independent PIttsburgh POlt·Guette, published In the hom. cItY 01 both candld,1Is for JusÂtice 01 the State Supreme COurt, wrtteo- ", , , where Judge O'Brien I, w,"rlsomely hllltant, Jultlce Alpern Is decloIw<I _re Judge O'Brien Is I .. thirst., Jultlce Alpern .. Urel.IIIY IncI"'-"; wheN Judi. O'Brien I, In ,pol ... lIst for exlstlnlallpshod ad· mlnlllrlltlon, Justice Alpern Is an advocate of impnIH' mant.nd~"· VOTE NOVEMBER 7TH to keep a Breit woman Justice on our Supreme Court. JUl' Uee Alpern', nlm. will apÂpear In the Derncicratlc colÂumn only, huSyInIIa •• 1CI'ItIc . state CI,II F i'tII -_ca- _.. - guest' Miss Margaret Tuttle of enesl,e~, Mass. Miss Tuttle Friday to stay with Mrs. IL,eonlard C. Ashton of Elm aveÂfor a visit. Mrs. 'William S. Evans of Cedar lane entertained at a luncheon last week at the InÂgleneuk for her house guest Miss Eleanor Rithmhouse of New, York City, and Mrs. Addison Wickham of Winter Park, Fla., who is a house guest of Mrs. Charles Mitchell in Wallingford Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman of I vU~:::'l~ avenue showed her pic- It of South America. Dr. and Mrs. George B .. HeckÂof Park avenue attended the Reunion and HomeÂat Wake Forest College, N. C.. last Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hllkert of Haven avenue have reÂfrom a western trip which the American B:r:r';::! Meeting In San Calif. Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Carroll? of Riverview road have re- I~~~~fn~h~;o:~m~eaftcr Visiting their II and daughter Mr. Mrs. Charles K, Fassett of Mass, Mrs. FasÂIs completing her jljnior' at Smith College. On Oct- 21, Mr. Carroll, national Ise,cr,~taJ·r:V of the American InÂof Architects, spoke to New England Regional ConÂin Hartford, Conn., on in the United " Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Carroll, of Riverview road and their IY(lUnlgest daughter Patricia visltÂBuck Hill Falls last we'ekendl attend the Annual Meeting of Pennsylvania Society I~:~~~~:~~s. Mr. Carroll is a pa'''1 I~ of that society. Miss Margaret Carroll visited brother-in-law and sister and Mrs. Charles K. FaSSE)ttl Northampton, Mus., last '~~~i~e~~~~~:~ atteild ed the annulu·1 ~ College Horse Show. WORLD'S WHO'S WHO The latest edition of .. Wo:rld( Who in Commerce and Iduls~'y" lists -three , Donal~, P. Jones, Member of the Board of CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE We hope that in this situation you will seriously can. sider the pemocratic .candidates and make a personal choice rather than a purely partison or me.r ely delegated decision, ' SWARTHMORE DEMO«;:RATIC C'OMMITTEE ................. UPPORT THESE CANDIDATES ON NOVI7 I. MAYOR· HARRY E. OPPENLANDER COUNCIL· MARY WOOD JAMES A. FIELD, JR. JOHN O. HONNOLD, JR •. . ' W. SPENCER THOMPSON SCHOOL DIRECTOR • BETTY McCORKEL JOHN R. FRY JUSTICE'OF THE PEACE· JAMES L. MALONE T AX COLLECTOR • DOROTHY S. TAYLOR BOROU~H AUDITOR· ELEANOR A. MAASS SCHOOL AUDITOR· JOSEPH J.ALBANY , , VOTE ,DEMOCRATIC November 3, 1961 THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 7 UII.IY' ACCESSIONS Pe rsona IS J.llor OR To ELLOWSHIP ANNOUNCES EN CLUB MEETS CHORAL DIRECTOR The Random Garden Club met Fiction - James Aldridge, The M--L F..... I Me dla F e 11 ows hi P H0 use an- at the h'lme of Mrs. Ellis Ridge-last exile, Dillon Anderson, The Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde o(Swarth- _er .... ". that Horace (Jack) Her- ay on tUverview road last Wed- Billingsley papers, Evelyn An- more and Ogden avenues returned The Swarthmore JunlorWoman's Is the new director of the '"lesdllJ. Mrs. Robert Erskine of thony, Charles the king, Ralph recently from spending the sum-ICliii will hold a festival for IME,dis Fellowship House Chorus. I' Junior Providence Garden Blum, The foreigner, Pearl Buck mer at her home In Wellsboro. Mr. new members, Tuesday, fol- Helbert has had extensive was the speaker. Her topiC Fourteen stories_ A, J, Cronin, and Mrs. Charles T. Thackara, hnwh •• 8 o'clock initiation cel-le •• pe:rleIBce with many out stand- as "Put your plants to sleep". The Judas tree. Dorothy Davis, son-In-law and daughter of Mrs.lernorli~ which will be conducted choral groups in the Met- The evening of the good sam?r- Clyde, spent several days vlslt- Mrs. Donald R, Aikens, pres- Irol/ollita. Philadelphia area, and itan, Jane Duncan, My friend ing with her last week. /id,ent. Guests on this occasion known for his unusual backÂAnnie. Dorothy Dunnett, The Mr. and Mrs. James co*keley of be Mrs. Richard NeVil1e,lg;'~~;~~1 in ancient and modern game of kings. Paule Marshall, Westminster avenue had as their Ithlhd vice-president and junior II literature. Soul clap hands and sing, Robert recent weekend g u est their representative of the State Fed-' He is a teacher at The SlelghÂWilder, Plough the sea, Cedric brotber-In-law Mr. Leland Davis eration, and Mrs. Fred Charnock, Farm School, Is director of Belfrage,' My master Columbus. of LsCanada, Calif., a former third vice-president and junior Imulsie at the East Falls United Morley, Callaghan, A passion in resident of Juniata avenue. Mr. representative of DelawareIPI,eslbyteria. Church, and teach- Rome, Marquis Childs, The peace- Davis was on a business trip to voice and violin. Mr. Herbert makers, Gwyn Jenkins, Kind New York. Mr. aOlt Mrs. co*keley Mrs.Robert S. Marrs, mem- a B. S. in education David, MacKinlay Kantor, Spirit entertained on Friday evening ·at chairman, announces voice major). Lake. Alistair MacLean, Fear is a party in his honor. the new members are Mrs. Mr. Herbert along with the the key, H_H. Munro, Short stor- Lisa Gray, daughter of Mr. and r. George Vanhart of Amherst Invites anyone who en-ies of Saki_j.D:S-.;j;~g';,.:F;~~~~ Mrs. ,Gareld R. Gray of Harvard avenue, Mrs. William Eggert singing and fellowship to andZooey. May Sarton, The Small avenue, entertail)ed 1611ttle girls f Juniata avenue, Mrs. Brian with them on Mondays at rooni. Frank Slaughter, The curse at a Hallowe'en party on Friday Crowley of Rutgers avenue, Media Fellowship House. of Jezebel_ Ian Stuart, The black evening at her home. }Irs. John R. Myer of Rive~- The Chorus has resumed Its shrike, P.G. Wodehouse, Service 'Mrs. William W,Falrchild, form- .,iew road, Mrs. John Agler meetings for the 61-62 season, .with a smile. erly of Hamilton, N. Y.,. is now and Mrs. Willard Knoll both Monday at 8, Mysteries _ Jacques Barzun, residing at 615 North Chester Wallingford. The delights of detection. Celia road. Under the direction of the NEWS NOTES Fremlin" Wait for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heath of affairs chairman Mrs. Ralph S. Hayes has Alex Gordon, The cipber, Frances Cedar lane are entertaining with Mrs. Frank Tolan, members O'berlinl a small co*cktail party on Sunday are making plans forthe club's turned to her home on Loc~ridge, Murder has its points. for out of town guests in honor annual Fashion Show, Dessert avenue after two weeks In Rex Stout, The final deduction. of Mrs. Heath's cousins, Mr·. and Bridge. It will be h'eld at the- England. She was . , John WelcOJlle, Beware of mid- Mrs. Edmund Love of New York club house on November 28 back to Swarthmore by her nigltt. City. Mr. Love Is tlie author of at 8 p.m. The fashion show, Mrs. W. R. Farris of' .n'"'' II. , Non-Fiction -. Qoris Anderson, "Subways Are For Sleeping" aptly named "As Time Goes Mass. Encyclopedia of games. String- which opens In Philadelphia on BY", will feature a medley of Susan Gowing, daughter of Mr fellow Barr, The will of Zeus. Monday night. from the Victorian and Mrs. D. Mace Gowing of Will Durant, The age of reason u_ d M D ald P J th" I '~e,"ned;Y" rish road, is a member of bea;n,,- Laura Fe,nni. Mussolini. DU. an IS. on . ones Era to e Jacqu e " .... of North Swarthmore avenue new Look." All proceeds for the women's hockey team at Den- Donald Hall, String too short to on Friday evening to Grinnell evening will be contributed Ison University, Granville, 0 .. be saved. Tad Mosel, All the College, Grinnell, la:, wbere Mr. to the'Save the ChUdren Fed- where she is a sopbomore, way h,:,m,;". Richard Newcomb, Jones attended a meeting of the eration for the continued Margaret Bullitt is serving Sav~. Vlrgtha Petersoc, A ma~er Board of Trustees: On Saturday schooling and support of Nel- stage manager fo,rr:~th~e~e~:~~~~U~;I~:~1 of hfe nn~ death, . Robert SmIth" afternoon tbey atlended the Grin- son yellowhalr; an Arizona of "The Insect C to , . Baseball 1R Am.mca. Mark Van nell-Carleton fOQtball game and Navajo Indian boy. presented this weekend as a " Il?ren, The happy critic. Frances saw tbelr son Larry; 8n end, play The home' life committee, of the Parents' Day program Wmwar, Jean-Ja~~ues Rousseau, with the Carleton team. They ai- headed by Mrs. J. Lawrence the College of Wooster, Ohio. Joy Adamson, Llvmg free. James 80 visited with tbeir niece Susan Shane, has held a series of Margaret, a daughter of Mrs. Baldwin, Nobody knows my name. Driebaus a sophom*ore student mid-week worksbops. at w James Bullltt, Jr.. of Wainut Da~id Boroff, Camp~s U.S,A. Ro- at Grinn~ll. many attractive items have lane, Ii. il senior biology ma.lori mmn Gary, Prom~Ge at dawn. Mrs. Albert Scboff of Michigan been made for sale at the She is a member of Biology GI.ehr~d GroCss'IPuL~hdsbhers onUPdub- avenue returned Monday from a fashion show's bazaar table. and Kappa'Theta Gamma, , , IS mg, ar lR org, n er three week trip t N E 1 d The final workshop will be I ~m=a=t=lc=S=h=o=q=o=ra=r=y=. =====--J Europe's skies. Art Link,letter, ,OfÂ¥' ng an , held at Mrs. Shane's 201 Har-II Kids stillsaytbedamdestthings, . Col. and Mrs. George J. Logan vard avenue home on Thurs- Acc·o .. d.·on Herbert- Matthew ... ;" 'l'he-" Cuban- of CorneU:avenue have as tbeir day, November 16 at 8 p .. lIl. I' story. Peter Matthiessen, The ~~ests for a month tbeir daught.er- Instrument Loaned Free cloud forest. NBC News, Memo to 10 law Mrs. James FitzMsullce C N . S • L d h t hlld 0, urslng ervlce DOROTHY u .. u""" LADIES' DAYS TO NEW YORK only $4?~ (1od.101l_1 .ROM PHIUDILPN.,. Wednesdays . and Thursdays for train schedules phone EV 2~3030, or ask your PemiY Agent. JFK. Thomas Norton, The Con- ogan an er wo c ren Mary ~ stitution of the United States, Elizabetb and James, Jr., of Fort Gives 1 ST Fall Rep~o,.~r~.~t~~~~!~~]bM'" Vii",. KI4 &4;ii4:;8iiri;!; ...... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ........ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_ Ogden Nash, Many long years Ord, Calif. Ronald K. Porter, ago. Ogden Nash, I'm a stranger ---------- president of the Community Pennsylvania . Railroad here myself. WINS 'JR. MISS' nnE Ing Service, Delaware Count:vJ or- • presided at the first fail me,etlild Mr. and Mrs. T. ROYaiScottof Cheryl Ann ,McMinn, age 17 of the group recently. Bryn Mawr avenue had as their a senior at Penncrest Mrs. ElI?aheth Ann Groff, guests for a few days last week School and the daughter of ecutive director of the service Dr. Roy Fairchild, Ii former re- and Mrs. Arnold R. McMinn announced that 6,590 home visits! sldent of· Yaie avenue, and Dr. Upper ProvidJlnce, wonthe "Del-I were made by tbe nursing James Miller both from tbe San aware County Junior Miss" during the summer months, Fr!lllcisco ';1'beological Seminary. Saturday evening, October 433 physical therapy t~:~~t~~~tr~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Shultz the Swarthmore High were given during the same of Drexel pi ac e had as tbeir Auditorium. val. The ·service Is now in guests last weekend Mrs. Shultz's Two Swarthmore High of a full time or ·parl-tlme parents Mr. and Mrs. George were among the Fome 14' cal therapist to continue Nicoll of Boynton Beach, Fla. testants who participated. in the therapy treatments. Mrs. Henry C. Patterson 'of competition-Lorp.ne Hebhle, 17, Three child health Maple avenue recently was the· daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant maintained by the service at house guest of ber son-In-law Hebble, 3rd, of North Chester by, Woodlyn and Media were and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Cynthia June Roberti, tended by 580 children during M. Harter of Cincinnati, 0 .. and pf Dr. and Mrs. D. summer. Seven high school sttld-I their three cbildren Ricky 4; Roberts of Harvard avenue. ents donated 132 hours of volur,-I Janey 1% and Robert Scott who Cynthia shared· the eer service at the centers, arrived on July 17. award, two high school students workedl the pageanfentrants, with 40 hours autoclaving syringes and Wotbers, 17, of Upper needles. Seven.ty-two children Higb School. were referred to summer camps Joe Martin, Wallingford enter- with scholarships provided. by was master of ceremon- local clubs. Six nurses were reÂfor the event sponsored by cently added to the nursing staff, Media Junior Chiunber of GIVE to the United Fund ttention Swarthmore Voters I CONGRESSMAN WILLIAM J. GREEN,PHILADELPHIA DEMOCRATIC CHAIRMAN HAS ORDERED HIS WORD AND CONGRESSMAN WILLIAM J. GREEN, PHILADELPHIA DEMOCRATIC CHAIRMAN HAS ORDERED HIS WARD AND DIVISION WORKERS TO TURN OUT AN UNPRECEDENTED VICTORY MARGIN OF 130,000 VOTES ON NOV. 7 TH. bET US PAUSE AND·'CONSIDER WHAT THIS MEANS TO DELAWARE ,COUNTY. WE KNOW HE HAS HIS EYE ON OUR COUNTY IN THE CONGRESSIONAL REAPPORTIONÂMENT. ARE WE GOING TO SUBMIT TO THIS INJUSTICJl!? I FEEL CONFIDENT, NONE OF US IN DELAWARE COUNÂTY REALLY WANT THAT BUT LET'S NOT CLOSE OUR EYES AND EARS TO THE FACTS. THE DEMOCRATS ALL OVER THE COUNTY ARE WORKING FEVERISHLY TO PAVE THE WAY FOR "BOSS" GREEN TO GET HIS WISH. LET OUR VOTES ON NOVEMBER 7 TH PROVE TO CONGRESSMAN GREEN THAT WE OF DELAWARE COUNÂTYSTILL DEMAND THE RIGHT TO VOTE FOR OUR OWN REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS. A REPUBLICAN MAJORITY WILL PROVE IT CONÂCLUSIVELY. HE WILL HAVE TO LOOK ELSEWHERE FOR THAT "LOST" SEAT. BESS C. DEAtON '--Â¥OTE REPUBLICAN VOTE REPUBLICAN • Rosa Valley Inc. FOR TAX COLLECTOR Mltfle1uwa RoM - Media, Pa. Oppoel.te Bleh Mead_ (IIdWII :0.&_ lIiB ILwd ud -KDowltGa BMd) T."phanene .. ont2-7Z06. ( . IvA ..... 'ALMO • EVERGREENS YEWS - RHODODENDRONS PYlACANTHA ('hell ... , " SHADE TRIES Peat MOss;;. Fe,rtilizers WIlt ~ ••• 111- 0,.. I ASK YOUR SUPPORT FOR REELECTION AS BOROUGH TAX ,COLLECTOR ON THE REPUBLICAN TICKET NOVEMBER 7TH LISTED BELOW ARE MY 9UALIFICATIONS FOR THIS POSITION: * Four years' experience as Tax Collector (incumbent); * 24 years' experience as clerk, bookkeeper, account8llt, comptroller; * For 11 years responsible for the supervtaion of 10 departments including accounting, tabulation, payroll, tax sYstems and planning; six years SWarthmore Borough and School Auditor; * A graduate or the Pennsylvania state University with BS degree to Commerce and Finance; * A realdent or swarthmore fat .1 years; 8Il acUve member IIDd a farmer secret..., or the SwarthlllOre Fill! eomPllD1. . .
---------- Page 8 ----------
Pqe8 TRE RWARTRMOREAN November 3. 1961 . LEGION AUXIUARY ASKS . OIRISTMAS Gins Mn. Edwanl W. First Mot •• rs ~I" To Hear Services H.WII Media Talk 0. Accessori.s . Mrs. DoraKlaustermeyer Furst, a resident of 111 GueJnsey . Meeting Is Scheduled Donations Will Aid Coatesville Veterans For the fourth year the Amer. 1942, died on Sunday. OCIt-! For 8:30 Thursday P.M. ic an L egI on Au x IIIa ry. Um. t 427 1"--- C I 22. She had been ill ~~,I n.cel The November meeting of the bwfm Suawla Vrthomluonrtea ryw cihllr.i ssttamrat s tphreol;' Missiolary To Addr.ss 0 lege Names F. orwcfcod A native of Cleveland, 0., 'bS w ahr thI dmore Mo ther's Club will . t f th Head Basketball Coach moved to Wilmington. Del., . e e. on Thursday. November jec or e women and men vet· h h b d Ed d 9, promptly at 8:30 p.m. in Mc erans at Coatesville Hospital. Pr.sbyt.ria W The appointment of Robert er us an war W .. in 1937, Cab Hall t: ..c h year the Auxiliary under I 011.1 Forwood as head coach of bas. five years priHor to ht hebi r md ove Churacnh . Mrso. f Athned rePwr esWbyatlelaricaen. the leadership of Mrs. Oscar J. Monthly luncheon to ketball at Swarthmore College . er us an , presiden~ will preside. Gifcreest, rehabilitation chair. has been announced by Willis J. in 1959. retired In 1942 Following the business meet· man. collects and send Christ. Be Held on Wednesday Stetson, director of athletics. general manager of thCe!hemi,~all ing Mrs. H .. Leland Clifford .will mas gifts to several hu n dr ed The Rev. Merlyn A. Chonpel A graduat e 0 f We st Che ster Company's Grasselli introduce the speakerJor the even! ernotionally ill men and wornen D.D., who for 23 years wa.s.. .S ec. State College and Temple Uni • Mrs. Furst was a mernber df' i ng, Mi 5S Betty Best, well known ;:~~nt~es~hO no longer have retary for the Interpretation of Ihe versity, Forwood assulMs the Presbyterian Church here in the field of fashion as Suky Board of Nationai Missionsof the post after 20 years as coach at active in Circle 6 of its Rosan. Miss Best will give a This program, Says Dr. J. A. United Presbyterian Churc Chester High School. In the past Association.Shewas also a dramatic presentation "Lady Be Doering. hospital director of the U.S.A .. will speak to the nine years, his taeams h v e won ber of the Friendly Circle and L ovley, .. Illustrating how a basic 1600 bed Veterans Admlnistra- Association of the 154 games while dropping only Woman's Club ,dress can be 8Cecessorized so thal tion Hospital at Coatesville. Church Wednesday. following 21, one of the best records In She is surv'ived by a· son it .. becomes many differenl 't.;: sahssipu roefs tmheen vaentedr awnosm oef nt hien frcioernnd. monthlY luncheon. His subject nb ation it TWO of Hhiis plo...v. er8 have wardE.of Wilmingtoin; four tunusua cos um es. . munUies such as Swarthmore. RWiellspobneSi'b'iolultr !!.erUage and A'::::rI~~s:n ~ s~~!:o~f ~~~ children. Edward W. Furst, 2nd, Miss Best 4s a repres(,lltul.ive It is hoped this year that many f y teams h&ve gone to the State of.A1leptown. Mrs. Diane Hertz. of the Professional.Laundry will choose a gift from the list A ormer missionary in Lol1.Un Championship plovoffs In ad. feld of Toledo. 0.. Roger Foduindatlon. She has appeared on . . . . America, Dr. Chappel is making diti F od.... . . Furst of Denver ·and ra o. television, and as com··' wgIhvietne bbeelnocwh, olena vtihneg Git ilocnr etehset a ispeCial study of the poslr col· oneo nd f tho*rw too p 1w0a sh i~ho ~~~ ~ Furst of Wilming•t on; an d men t a t or of nurnerous fashion h . t 208 V on al and pre·sent day stOry b k tb 00 great grandchildren shows. porc a assar avenue, or that part of the world, with as e all coaches in the nation Services were h~ld in . Hostesses for the evening are send a check to the Gilcreest ial reference to the two years ago by Scholastic Mag- a tob 24· Ith th R Mrs. Anthony Pinnie and Mrs. home In order tbat a gift or gifts of the Protestant. church. azlpnrei ' to hi t t h oenrt 6c Breorw ne, wo f the e~:~~e~v::'::~~1 Willl' am Tracey. . rnay be purchased fQr those who He has just returned f or s pos a C ester • long for Christmas or a party I t f f rom Forwood served two years as th~ Presbyterian Cburch I Saw It in The Swarthmorean with these gifts included. The as 0 our 1961 National basketball coach at Clifton I---::----:--:::-:~....:._-J..!_.:.-._:..:.::..:.:.::.::... :.::.::::..:::.. == deadline is November 25, as the sions Traveling Seminars. Heights High School after three Borough ·01 ..... arlhmore Fire Si .... als gifts must be packed and ra- ing 10 states in the as a NaVigational Officer ... D"" ceived at Co·atesville by Dec: the Rocky Mountain area. and in the Navy during World Wa IT ember 1. Southeast. He has recently. In assuming the present post~ b~ The list for. the 47 women pat. ed Hawall as the leader 10. he succeeds Willis Stetson h ients chosen Includes: first United Presbyterian, tour served as Swarthrnore's ~o~c~ st.~.'.i one. ry or writing porttol. thaDt rn. eCwh asptapteel. was born in from 1939-49, and 19.58-61 io~, hose, emery boards, lipstick Ington, D. C. and is a~:~i.:~1 inplasticcontalners,headscarfs of the University of SHS GARNET U'PSII!'ft' gloves, plastic rain boots, slip- and McCormick Theological r;.~ per socks, playing cards (Pin, ochleand straight) pencils. ~nri:~ 12:30 luncheon will SHARON HIL113·7 scuf~; military sets, wallets, deodorants In plastic containers, served by Circle 3; Mrsl John Will Play Darby Rams shower caps. McQuade, Jr. Saturday at Home For men - cigars, stationery, !::~~i~~~~~~~?j~~~~ In a r.eal- cllff'ha~ger the ballpoint pens. handkerchiefs, i: WORKING I t sweaters, socks. ties, wallets, an Swarthmore HighSchool fOI~t'l military sets, pipes, tobacco, Florence Tricker, formerly of bailers staved off a Sharon tobacco pouches, gloves, shirts, l,pentPark avenue, swarthmore, rally to capture their fourth pencils,emery boards, scuffs, I' a few weeks In Brlt8J.n on tory of the season 13-11 Sa:turd~YI deodorant. (in plastic contaln' last lap of a mammoth Euro- Ilt Sharon Hill. Spearheaded ers), after-shave lotipn, sb8vipg working·tour. Miss Tricker return of Ron Hoge to fulll·, ki\s (no·razors). a painter, sculptress and back and of Mark Detweiler A gi:oup or organization may of art. left halfback fulltime, the Garne,tl wish. to send a record player, Over two years ·ago sbe arrived offense rolled for good chunks electric shavers, TV, portable·, Europe and tr/l-velled in many·1 y a r d age almost at will. Hi-FI or aCQ uarlUm stocked. including Ijorway, HoI· Quarterback Dick McCurdy call', France, italY and Sicily, ing the plays.' Swarthmore tll(:k'l and sketching as les Co-captain John Bond and More recentl,)' she has Bnllard practically i;!~1i:ll!in BrltBU> where she the center of the Owl line .. ,.U, brass rubbings their devastating blocking. GIVE fo· the United Fund brasses. She· Hoge, in particula~, was unsltop·1 this .country last m mth to pable as he drove, chugged Irange an exhibition of her twisted, for six or eight yards the past two years at every carry. in New York and It was a great win for the Gar· =iiiiiiii~iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Miss Tricker was net and fans ·werelteated ·to· a II 19uest of Mrs. Alfred E. real sw·artlimore offensive when Lafllll'ett;e avenue. After they saw rpcket Ron Hoge bac~ lexnume,a her paintings In. In action, along with George countries, she is· Welsh and Mark Detweiler. Un· week into her new . all three will be miss· In tbe Del Mor M 0 r r i the remainder of tbe sea· Cheiten avenue because of injuries. Germantown. Tomorrow at 10 a.m. the D.orby' --- I """ it in Th.8 S_rtk .......... ~ bring an undefeated team Rutgers Field. Their record ISI.ea,ks well forthelr season thus Borough 3 - 2 - 3 - Soq,th of Railroad 3 - 3 -.3 - North of Railroad • 3 - 5 - 3 - Business District College 4 - 2 - 4 - Mary Lyon School .l- 3 _ 4 - Field House, Prep. S chool, Pow. er House 4_4_4-:Campus Other 5_6_o-0utofToWD 6 - 6 - 6 - General Alarm These Signals are E!ubjeet to Change 11 a.m.· 6 p.m. - 3 .Blasts 12 Noon Sa~rday--'-siren Fire Call - KlnpWoocl 3-4507 & ·CIDEI , ALL DECORAT',. ..... 'L'I PUJtS·~ SQUASH' ....... LfNVILLA ORCHAR UTA. Fa,.... "';tA fAe OetGl7D,ud Barn" DlrectieM: ....... s. ............. _ IMtiIMNl Pill. to 0 ... ....,. T .. .... ..... 112 ..... d _. -.. Iv..2",,'-/. _ rItIIt .. "-_ ...,.."" v._ 0,.. 10 A.M ••• I'.t.t. TRemont 6-9047 , but the G arn e t beams a jaundiced eye at their 20-19 squeaker victory. over Media. . -"--'I~:::::::======~ SWARTHMORE-RUTL~E UNION SCHOOL CALENDAR, ... Daily .... SuaD., for Coli ••• aid I Prlyat. School, St,d •• ,s for th. ~cad •• lc y.ar $1.75 Sibscribers O.ly) eO 1..~e~o'( . .. ~ ... 0< Ki 3-0900 November 14 .. November 2S and 24 December 22 .January II Mareh 2S April 2 April 20 May 30 .June 10 .Junell .June 15 ElOlenlal'1 Kindergarien - 1961- 1962 lIuaines. Edneation nay Thanksgiving Holidays SchoolClciioes _. Christmas Vacation School Reopens School Closea - Spring.V acation School Reopens Good Friday Memorial Day Baccalaureate Commencement Last Day of School SCHOOL HOURS Seco...tary, School Begins - 8:35 . Morning Sesalon 8:46 • 11 :30 Lunch--J'unior Hlgh-l1:45 • 12:26 Senior 'Blgh-12:29 - 1:09 School Elida - 1I:87 except on Ille KiDdergarien - Afternoon Session 111:30 • 3:16 Gradea 1 - 3 - 8:45 - 12:00 1':00 - 3:lli folloWiJlgA.MJ!!hIJ' Daya: . .Jr. HiIIi - ......... ,. - 8:10 Sr. HiP .!. Th1inda,. - 8~ -1:10 .. How do you keep carpet cl ... n1 12. NEW PADS can sometimes give your rugs a new lease on life Parti~arly if your rugs. happen to be Itx~ptionally lO~la·clll :~. yo~lX2ds maylongaiDCIt hav~ n~ed rep,lace. : We can easily m8allUle your rugs for new Pads while th,ev," being cleaned. or we can come to your house take m_urement&.- . . There is· DO obUgatiozdoi tIIia IMir9lce.: . <:? . ". ~ . -. fA"'s·o,,":v..·~i:e.!!'- . . 1."' P.tr .~ s..ft j I. a, 1-.: .\, .. ; .. ',' Klngswodd 3-6000',·· • , ')" ler!1l' - Li brttr:/.t COI,U;I;g Support LIBR!lHY ,p. 'he UnitecJ Torch Fund THE ~RTHMOREAN Support ,lte UnitecJ TorcltFund - VOLUME 33 - NUMBER 45 ... ,11IOUS WEIIIS SUCOl_mESDAY 39 Year Resident Was SWARTHMORE. PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1961 SCHOOLS CWSED TUESDAY,NOY.14 Swarthmore schools wiil be HOlIDAY fAIR 11IJIS. OPBIS GIVING SWOII ANNE WERT5NER WOOD POST OFFiCE .CWSEDSAT. The Swarthmore Post Office will be closed tomorrow, Nov· $4.00 PER YEAR ET1B V. GA* •• , SEIVICIS WEDIIESDAY longtime Resident Was Former School Direct:r closed on Tuesday, November IS 2 P.M. F~ATURE ember 11, in observance of Stricken November 5th Mrs. Elizabeth A. Jones Lua- 14, when teachers In Delaware The pumpkin has been frosted Veterans Day. There will be Ethel V. Garrett. wife of AI· ders. wife of Thomas H. Lueders County participate In the 1961 and there's a special Thanks. bert N. Garrett of 228 Garrett of 317 North Princeton avenue Business-EducatioDlDay. giving and Christmas feeling in no delivery of mail, and the avenue, died at Taylor Hospital died "t 2:15p.m. Tuesday in Del: Busiltess-Education Day is the air as the Women of Trinity windows will be closed. Sunday. November 5, in her 81st aware Cou'!ty Hospital.Mrs. Lua- arranged by the Delaware County Church set the mood for their an. The lobby of the post oHice year. She is survived by three ders had been ill for a month be- C!tamber of Commerce. Approx. nualHoliday Fair,NextThursday, children. Caspar S. Garrett of fore entering the hospital Satur- iJnately 1700 teachers and sup. frorn· 10:30 a.m. untii 9 p.m. the will be open for the conven· Swarthmore, Mrs. Gordon G. powÂday morning.. ervisors from'16 school districts church will be transformed into lence of box holders from 11 er of Monkton. and Mrs. James Born ·near Conshohocken on and the county office will be a wonderland. Mrs. Benjamin S. Ilayes of. Watertown, N. Y .• August 29,-1887, Mrs. Lueders guests of business corporations, Eatonprornisesthe most splendid a.m. until 1:30 p.m. 12 grandchildren and sevengrea~ was educated in the Philadelphia law offices. and finance com· fair ever. grandchildren. Public Schools and a Boston nor. panies. The purpose of these Anne Wertsner Wood. author"~lk R--I WI Mrs. Garrett was the grand-mal school of physical education, visits is to increase teachers' flower show judge and decorating' Pi_2"" .... daughter of Curtis Woods who an institution which later became. knowledg~ and understanding 0 authority. wili prese~t ber brand Pres .... Q..L. P_..--p was killed at the. battle of Get· part of Wellesley College. Mass. business 10 general. new lecture on "Holiday Decor. _. - ... - tysburg. Her fatherwas Dr. Frank She taught physical education at at~ons" at 2 p.rn. the day of the Frances Homer Slated Martin Varreil, a graduate of Jef-the Germantown Fnends SChool fau. ferson College and a Lieutenant for 10 years and for several sum- U".'" ~II~ IOOIS· The varied features of the fair For 2 P.M. Tuesday In the U. S. Navy. , rners had been chief counselor at ..... , ~... . and their enthusiastic chairmen At th tat d' Mrs. Garrett attended Friends gi 1 ' . Ide s e rneetmg of the Central School in her early youth a r s camp in New Hampshire. fOI"lIlIO- MID lOcAu e: Woman's Club of Swarthmore, at which time she rnet Albert N Mrs. Lueders· was a member ____ '... ttic tables, Mrs. R.T. Bates; Tuesday at 2 pm Frances ln. tt b th h . b f and secretary of the Swarthmore Barber Memorial Titles country store. Mrs. W. W. Watkins; Homer, dramatic ;eader will pra- 'thsrre U;rr Of th e':f me~ e~s 0 SChool Board from December. 1931 toy chest, Mrs. Valentine Fine; sent her original dra';'a, "The th: sscho~1 meag~~e~n A f~ to November 1939, a period that Still to be Chosen fi.sh pond. Mrs. F. S. Cbambers; ShaWl". This is the story of one months later Mrs Garrett then S8W the b u i I din g of the high The selection of. books for the phon.o~ph records, Mrs. George woman's life in three scenes. Ethel woods' var~eil, left' Phil· school gymnasium. Shealso work. Helen Brown Memorial Fund was BerllO, food tabie, Mrs. Robert portraying her in youth, in mat· adelphia where the familY had ed with the Red Cross during announced Wednesday by the Smart and Mrs. George ;Place; urlty, and In old age. Its·truth; resided for several years, for World War II, helping at Vailey Swarthmore Public Library. In co*ke bar, Mrs. Da~id Clair, candy artistry, and humor should ap- Portsmouth, N. H. A few years Forge Hospital with weaving aDd line witb Mrs. Brown's own. en- table, Mrs, M.E. Tippett and Mrs. peal to all. . later, she attended Temple Uni· loom work. joyment of travel, a portion of R. G. Tressler; children's shop, Miss Homer writes her own versity where she'obtaineda·Cer· She was a me m b e r of the the fund has been allotted to the Mrs. A; B. Chisholm and Mrs. J. cbaracter sketches and humorous tificate as Kindergarten leacher . Swarthmore Friends Meeting and purchase of two very handsome T. GormallY; booksbelf, Mrs. scenes. and has entertained many She and Mr. Garrett were rnar· a fornier member of the Poet's travel books. One _ a stunning Jwnes B. Bullltt; aprons, Mrs. clubs In tbe East and Middle ried In Portsmouth, N. H., on Circle. She had lived here since photographic excursion Into tbe Frances Sessions; properties, West. She works alpne and with· May 20.1903. 1922. dark mysteries of the ancient Mrs .. J. W. Haubner; hand mono· out scenery or curtain, but 1":' Mrs. Garrett took part in many In addition to her husband, jungle ruins on Angkor _ is the gralDlDg, Mrs. J. G. Hebble; and through her skill the stage be- activities In Swarthmore where whom she married on October 20, work of a French archaeologicai publicity, Mrs. Wllllam Proctor comes peopled with vivid char· she and her husband have ra- 1920. she is survived by two team. The second book selected, and the E.Y.C. acters.: . sided since their marriage. daughters and three grandcbil. sachevereU Sltwell' s new 'Great -. Tea will be served after the During the First World War, dren. ' Houses of Europe,' witb more .. Will HOST meeting. she served on ·the Red Cross Services will be held at the than 500 photographs and an en- CtLnteen. She was il member of convcnie!lce of the familY atwest· grossing text almed at a ttaval· SlUDBIT· COUIKIl· . ., the Swarthmore Woman's Club Laurel Hill Chapel. er's heart. promised to be one of COIIF. Riddle Hospi~1 Manager and on several occasions per· the finest new bdoks of the fall Program Will Be Held ,. 5 k H 5 formed in plays given under the ROTARIANS TO HOST season and a welcpme addition ,0 pea ere Nov. 1 auspices orthe swarthmore Play-to the library shelves. In addition Thursday Afternoon The Swarthmore branch of the ers' Club. DISTRICT GOVERNOR to the above, this Fund will make Last January, a Junior Hil: Riddle Memorial Hospital cord· She was, with her husband. a The Rotary Club of Swarthmore possible at long last'the com.. steering committee chairmanned iallY invites all interested memo memberoftheSwarthmoreFriends' wili host Dr. Horace F. Darling' pletion of the inva1~able Oxford by Kathy Bradbury and manned bers of the community to an open Meeting. . ton governor of District 745 of companion series In the refer· by Bill Zirnmerman. Tim Mccat. meeting on Wednesday in the A memorial service in the RObuY International at 12:10 to- ence collection. . frey. Lolly Bullitt. Eleta Jones, American Legion room, Borough Swarthrnore Meeting House was day at the Ingieneuk. In annouDclngthelibrary's sel- Jay Magee, Judy Golz. Jay·Sip- Hall. at 10 a.m. Edward James, held W~dnesday at 2 p.m. Inter- Dr. D.ulington is rnaking his ections, Librarian Mary. Ann Hun- ler, and Eric Sundquist, with general manager of the hospital, ment Will be ,at the convenience annual official visit to eacb of sicker emphasized especially the (then) Council Resident Sharon willlle the guest speake'. of the family. the 36 Rotary Clubs in South· valuable part played In the de- Parker and Vice-President Lynne As Riddle Memorial Hospital ---------- eastern PennsYlvania. -He will velopment of tbe library by memo Lewis as ex-officio advisers will begin serving the community CANTEEN TO HOLD address the local club aDd con. orlals and gifts. During the past began the planning incident t~ in the coming ·year. the auxiliary fer with President James B. Mur. year. Miss Hunsicker revealed, being host school on November feels that everyone will be inler· SOCK HOP SAT. I rllll, Secrewy John A .. SChumac. jundreds of books have belln do- 16 to the 65 member Intersubur. ested In bearing more about its her and committee c\1alrmen on nated to the library by scores 01 ban Student Council Conference progress. Refreshments will be Garnet Canteen rnet Saturday Rotary administration and ser. individuals and group:,. Many 01 All public schools In BUCkS: served. at the Rutgers Avenue School vice activities. these boo.ks, whose titles range Chester, Delaware. and ~ontgom. for their first reiular rneeting of Dr. Darlington, a general prac. from dupl1cate copies of current ery Counties have been invited· the year. Prizes were swarded titioner in west Chester. is a popular fiction to the library'. to participate in the program for STORY READY FOn to Kitty Wynkoop for having the member and past president of pnzed new collection of works this year's sixth annual get.to- . J~ lucky nurnber and to Matt John' the Rotary Club in that town. In on art th~ry and technique. are gether. YOUNG LISTENERS son and Kathy Estey/the winners addition to hIs many Rotary act. added directly to the shelves. Feellngthatcloser asspciation . of a spot dance. . ivities, he is a past-president Others, not of immediate use tc of all the. schools. under a char· . Saturd~ mormng •. 9:30-10, This Ssturday. Canteen will of the west Chester Civic As- the library are held and included ter, with perhaps a common stud· Will ag81n be story-:time at the stage a "Sock Hop." Prizes sociation' chairman of tbeHealth as part of the library's semi· an· ent code to govern honesty. con· swarpthlllPk~e Publi:CtLlbtrl~ry. ~ea· will be given in the following and Safety, Committee of the Boy nuaI· b k I ~h too' d h . nore er lOS. aSS1S an lbrarlan t ri 00 sa e, , us serVlng duct and ress, t e steenng com· h d . htly f .' ca ego es picked by Linda Hop- Scouts of America ChesterCoun' a valuable function. mittee recommended the prepars- talaSe fPrepare al· Stpng . t81hri Y per, secretary-treasurer: the , ri I fu d I ..' or young lS eners 10 s f ni ' ty Council and a member ·of tbe Memo a n Spay an espec' tion of a tentative Charter and a second of a "e f thi un es. socks, the ugliest. the Chester Co• unty Historical Soc' 1'a. llY 51. gnifi can.t roIe . th .' d t C d sen s 0 mon y t al d b 10 e. en- tentative Common stu en 0 e. story sessions to be held' th mos unusu ,an the rightest. iety. nchme?tof ~helib~~y collecltl~n. students have prepared both.of library. 10 e Dress this week will be school Sucb gIfts, 10 addition to proVld· these documents. and the entire I ddT hild ' clothes. but np sneakers. Can· ing a uniQ uely lasting and usefnl Junior High SChool faculty, plus n.~. 1 10~. ~~w c re~ s teen will start at 8 o'clock. ACCELERATOR JAMS, remembrance. give.the library as every student curren~.enrolled, ;':~~':c~~n~n t~~ Sh~I:~n~~r ~~!~ The chaperons this week will ORIVER PANICS well the opportunlty \0 add to will have made an indindual con- I nd c'r I ti 1 be Mr. and Mrs .. Loran Foreman, Virginia Redden, 539 Cornell its shelves titles I~ might ~the:;, tribution to the antic!pated suc· rrn~e; 50 ~:~ ~u~:-nil:P~~~:~ Mr. and Mrs. William Dungan and avenue, was involved In a series wise. never ~ave een a e cess of Swarthmore s program will be made available at this and Mr. and Mrs. Gareld Grilli. of accidents Wednesday after. acQUlre. Durmg the p~st year. next Thursday. time - including several new . noon. At 3 p.m. according to for example, the foilowmg memo Classes will end at 12:29 for foreign language texts picture BLOOD PROGRAM AIDE police, Miss Redden was travel' orials ha~e ~een establt:shed: both Senior and Junior ~igh; ~ books for the younges't, and a A Blood Program Aide Train· ing north on Chester road aDd Conway s Ency;!Opedia of the whole school plant wlll be 10 Inumber of swift-pac-ed adven- ing class will be held at the Flower Arrangement and Leon use Western Delaware County Branch was preparing a turn onto Fair- U . s ,..E xodus ReV.ls.l ted ...1 0 . ure tales for teen-agers. Office in Media pn Npvember 29 niew when her accelerator jam- n .... .. Stories will begin prornptlY at med' and she went straight on memory of ElSle ~cW~~~lams. A JUNIOR ASSEMBLIES ~.:30. and the new bOPks may be at 9:45 a.m. . Chester r",ad, striking the car Journey to tbe one~t 10 memor~ liO MEET MONDAY !checked out foilpwing the story Volunteers may call Mrs. Rob-driven by the Rev Edward Battin of Mrs. Edward Shirley Borden, lPeriod. ert M. Fudge at KI 3-5354; Re· of Ward, at yal~ avenlle: In a "The Oxford co!!p~on to Amer· The Junior Assemblies will be gistration for the class closes state of pam·c. police s81'd she \Mllcs,n Literature 10 memory of beldMonday at theWoman's Club METHODIST CUB PACK on November 24. Service mem- J F Ba ber bers are also weicorne for reo continued through the underpass rs.. ane . r . Hostesses for the sixth grade TO MEET TONIGHT, 7:30 to the north end where sbe hit . Titles for the re~:nt~ es~~ will be Mrs. Edmund Jones amI Cub Scout Pack 432 wlll hold fresber courses . the ,curb. knocked down a ~top lisbed AIIc,: F. Bar er t emo t Mrs. Sarnuel Hynes. For the its first monthly meeting of the YOUNG MUSICIANS TO MEET Sign, and finaily crashed into a bArt Cdoll~dedtipn havbe tnoMi asHye eighth grade group, Mr. and Mrs. 1961-62 season at 7:30 tonight The Swarthmore Branch of tbe tr~ e on tile college prop~r:tY. The ;selcekne r eeCxt presuspeodn h, eru beli5e5f tubnat· F raRC1. S S . A.s b!·e y and Mr • and a t th ~ Me th0 di s t Chu rcb, ' Young Musicians Musicale will FlTeCo!uplUQ'was c.alled 10 wben .this fund; whicb already totals Mrs. Colin W. Beil will be chap- 'Ilhis will be the final .oppor· meet on Tuesday, November 14, the car bepn slllOting. I III h erou. s. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Foote tuniIY for parents to register el· at the home of· Mrs Leonard '~h &be and Mr. Bettlg .«e treat· ,,m ore than $75d, isWt i ,wIi en cotmrio- and Mr . .a nd II rs. Gil b. er t P . i gible bo ys all· d. to rolunteer for ton, 409 El.m a'f'enu e. The h"o"s t•· ecI-! the lIedla <;:liDic. ,IIlBS Red· e~~ :r:..R 11"":': ve con Haight, .Jr., wi~. ass1!lt with the duties as Den *,tl1~~ aad Com- will be lira. Jolla AarOn • cIir ".. _"lilt. I I \ se~ lfII!le, . . iIJ~·"eII .. : .~'. ,IUd MR. Thomu KoPper" ' , .. ~
---------- Page 9 ----------
I. Page 2 Tft. 8WARTftMORBAN November 10, 1961 has returned to her ,,"orne on Episcopal Church In Wilmington, of Cedar lane, and Dr .. and Mrs of their first child,a son George South Chester road. Del. Glenn }o'rye of PlYmouth Mich. Walton on October 6 at Lankenau Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lap- ~_' Hospital. Mrs. John S. Rounds of Bryn pin and son Reid, formerlY of. BAUM-TOPPING . Mr. and MtS. Alfred Ashton The grandparents are Mr. and Mawr avenue entertained last 139 Rutgers avenue, have moved . Johnson, III, of Rye., N. Y., an- Mrs. George L. Lower of West- Thursday at a luncheon in honor to 456 Glendale Circle, Spring- The marnage of Miss Carol nounce the birth of their first town and Mr. Guy C. Bell of of Mrs. Gregory Dlaz of Chester field. Hinchman Topping, daughter of b!lby, a son' Bruce Hilkert, on Drexel H.:;Il:,:I:... ---- road, a new resident of the bor- Mr. and Mrs. Wesley N. Wagner ~r. ~nd Mrs. Charles Hinchman Monday, November 6. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Franck. ough. of Drexel place had as their e:ppmg of North Princeton av- The maternal grandparents are Jr .• of ·Waynesboro. Va .. form- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fellows guests for a few days Mrs. Wag- soue. to Mr. Henry James Baum, r. and Mrs. Robert N. Hllkert erlY of Cornell avenue. anneunce of Garrett avenue attended 'Par- ner's parents Mr. and Mrs. R.H. n of Mr. and Mrs. ~eorge Hum- f Strath Haven avenue. the arrival of a daughter Suzanne ents' Weekend at Hobart Col- Goodall of Liberty. phrey Bau.m of Morns. Ill., was on Thursday. November 2. lege, Geneva, N. Y .• where their. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wetlaufer of performed 10 the Swarthmore Pres- of Mr. ~d .Mrs.. GuyC. Bell. Jr.. The grandparents. are Mr. and son Chuck is a freshman. strath Haven' avenue have as byterian Church at 2 p.m. Sat- s prlOg(;eld. formerlY of Dart- Mrs. Franck. Sr .• of Cornell ave- Mrs. William C. McDermott of their guests for a week Mr. Wet- urday. November 4. by the Rev. mouth !louse. announce the birth nue. Yale avenue has been serving on laufer's brother-In-law and sister Robert O. Browne. associate min-· . ~- . 161 the Civil Petty Jury in Media Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Smith from ister. of the chur~h. Mr. Robert 'n44iev'iltcge . during the past two weeks. Endeavor. Wisc.,. who arrived Carwlthen, organlst?f the First SpecIalized Instruction - All Instruments Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Rem- last weekend. Presbyterian Church. German- MUSIC INST UM . \ Personals ington of park avenue have as Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones town. presided at his former con- - RENTS - REPAIRS their house guest for several of North Swarthmore avenue left sole In the Swarthmore church. 405 Dartmouth Avenue Call KI 4-5448 weeks Mrs. Remington's mother Friday evening for Carleton Col- Ado.ublering ceremony was used: .~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;,;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;~~~I Mrs. Charles Deems of Bellevue lege. Northfield. Minn .• to visit MISS Topping wore a ballerina : •• ."""",--- • Wash. • their son Larry and attend Par- length model of ChantillY lace. Miss Winifred Rumble of South ents' Weekend. fashioned with a full SKirt of four The Bouquet Swarthmore avenue returned re- Mrs. William C. Rowland of tiers. a sabrina neckline and long cently from a three-month trip College avenue entertalned her sleeve~.Her fingertip length veil to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Duplicate Bridge Club at lunch- ?f four tiers of illusion with lace Islands. eon and bridge last week lOsert... fell from a cap of lace Mr. and Mrs. Everett L. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Robert B: Shultz petals edged with seed pearls. of North Princeton avenue will of Drexel place left Friday for She carried a cascade bouquet of give a tea in honor of Dr. Brand Washington. D.C .• for the week- gardenias. step~an0ll:s and ivy. Blanshard tomorrow afternoon. end. Mrs. Shultz did some sight- As her sister s mllld of honor Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S .. Hart of seeing while Mr. Shultz attended and o~ attendant, Miss Cynthia Lafayette avenue have had as business meetings. Toppmg, was gowned in aqua their house guest for a week Mrs. Mrs. Leonard Asbton of Elm silk organza over tafetta. Made Hart's cousin Mrs. Rudolph .Ln- avenue entertained at a tea on on princess lines. the dress feaÂkins of Bryn Mawr who returned Wednesday afternoon of last tured a full skirt witb shirred home on Tuesday. week for a few friends of her panels, an oval neck and cap Mrs. E. A. Yarrow of Soutb house guest Miss Margaret TUttle sleeves. With it she wore a matchÂChester road made three visits of Wellesley, Mass. Ing pillbox hat and slippers and recently. The first was to her Mr. and Mrs. Birney K. Morse carried a cascade of white Fuji son and' daugbter-in-law Mr. of Harvard avenue bave returned chrysWithemums. and Mrs. George Yarrow in Free- from a five day trip to Detioit • Dr. James B. Holderman of UrÂport. L. I .• and the second. a where Mr. Morse was on business. bana, nl.. was best man. Ushers visit with her son- in-law and They returned via Canada visit- Included Messrs. Lance Martin, daughter Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mans- ing Niagara Falls and Buffalo New' York City; Paul Kaplan. field in Washington. D. C. She N. Y. • Nahant, Mass.; and Thomas TopÂthen went to Binghamton. N. Y.. Mr. and Mrs.J.LawrenceShane ping, Swarthmore. brotber of the to visit ber brotber-in-law and of Harvard avenue returned home bride. sister Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Will- last week after spending four The mother of the bride wore iams. days visiting in the New England a candlelight broc.ade dress with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ashley states. They spent two nights matchl.ng coat. emerald green hat of Drexel plsce motored to New with Mr. Shane's uncle and aunt and slippers. Her corsage was of York on Tuesday to bid "bon Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Buckland in greentintedFujiC~ysantbemums. voyage" to Mr. Ashley's niece Hartford. Conn. Tbe other two The bridegroom s mother wore Miss Helen Elliot of Camberley. days were spent touring Con- a green brocade dress with brown E.ngland. M~SS Elliot had spent. necticut and Massachusetts. accessories . and a corsage of SIX m?nths 10 this country and a Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Rob- brown orchids. . year. 10 Canada making the ac- inson have 'returned to their home A r,eception at the home of the q.u'."ntance of relatives, and had. on Rutgers avenue following sev- bride s parents followed the cerÂVISl ted her aunt and uncle in eral weeks spent visiting In the emony. Upon their return from a Swarthmore on several weekends. British Isles. . 10-day wedi:llng trip to Bermuda Mr. and .Mrs. Robert M. Fudge Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hulme 0 the young couple will be at Fort of Colu~bla avenue entertalned Wallingford' have returned home Benning. Ga.. where Mr. Baum for a few days Mr. and Mrs. Hugh after spending two months visit- will begin two years' service as Davy who were ~nroute to their ing the British Iales. a second lieutenant in the United home in El Cernto. Calif .• from Mr and MrS Layton Greer Wil states Army Reserve. a trip abroad. son 'spent th~ weekend at th The bride is a graduate of Mr. and M.'"s. Judson R.Hoover. home of Mr. Wilson's parents Mr. Swarthmore High SChool and Mt. Jr .. of Wallingford have returned and Mrs Marvel Wilson of SIr HolYoke College. Mr. Baum gradÂfr? m a t~o week motor trip to Haven a~enue at which time they uated from Culver Military Acad· M.m.neapoli~. Minn.. where they attended the Chester Hospital emy and Dartmouth College. ~lslted then son and daughter- Charity Ball held at the OverÂlD- law Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young brook Golf Club . BIRTHS hBoumzbe yi na nEdd icnhail d.r.e snu bInu rtbh eoifr Mneinw- The Mi sses 'Ma.ry and Elinor . Dr. Wid Mrs. Douglas H. Heath neapolis.' Bye ~f Yale square attended the of Haverford College announce Stevenson Hansell a fr eshman wedd!ng and reception of their the birth of their third child and at Dickinson Colleg~ Carlisle ~~~Sl~ Mr. Kcole:: E. Bye to second daugbter. Anne Marie. 011 spent last weekend vIsiting hI~ d,!" s ocu::,~er' 2r: i ~r ~n .:;ato; unday. October 29. ' parents Mr. and Mrs. George A. =' • n . n ew s The new baby's grandparents Hansell. Jr .• of North Swarthmore are Mr. and Mrs. RusseJ,l Heath avenue. Alice Barber Gifts Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Hart of Lafayette avenue entertained reÂcentlY at a dinner part}' in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Oberle of West Chester and a guest Miss Margaretta Galbraith of Palo Alto, Calif. Miss Eva I. Cresson of DickÂinson avenue is a patient in Ta.yÂlor Hospital. Ridley park. due to a broken hip. Mrs. S. Milton Bryant. who had been a patient in Chester HosÂ. pital due to two broken ankles. Wu., .. PL I'bIoIICII IhCDI1de BlYd. GENUINE GOODÂTIME A 1000g weekend of resl and play by lhe ocean: Spec:ial Thanksgiving dinner. holiday dance, movies. musicales, games. Beachfronl sundeeks solaria, ice-rink. Newest rooms in City in Ocean Wing. Twin beds wilh balh from $12 Mod. ~JO.. $6.50 European each person. Ask about 10- elusi.. Plan. Ph. 6Q9.345· f211; in N.Y. MU 2-4849. MafU"f"ugb 15lenbeim I OM Till ..... AlII ATlAImC CITY I ~ ____________________ --JI $1.25 • BuHet Dinners • THE WILD GOOSE (4 Miles WMt of Mwha) BEAUTY SALON ''THE SMART WAY IS THE BOUQUET WAY" 9 South Chester Road Call KIngswood 3-0476 ............ ., ..... .,..... .•• _, ... _ • r' n MM . . ._---- ---- -. -- -----_ .. AUTO REPAIRS STATE INSPECTION WEAVER ALIGNMENT MOTOR TUNE-UP with ENGINE SCOPE V. E. ATZ. Mg,. RUSSELL'S SERVICE Opposite Borough Parking Lot ''''''1 DlrIII ............. , ... Awn III ~llICfclY at 12:30 P.M. SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL GYM CO-ED Mondays -8.45 to 10.45 November thru March If .interested, call Phil Swayne, KI 4-1324 ar write to Box 251 Swarthmore IDddIeIowa Road -Media, Pa. OpposIte Blah ir.d fW (tlehft. Bat_lim Road aad KIlowl_ "'d) Telephone TR .... ont ~7Z0C5 .-.. , .. iat PAWER SHADE TREES SHRUBS. -with colorful fall foliage PYRACANTBA ( fueiliom ) COTONEASTERS HOLLIES How d~ you keep carpet clean? 13. Are you geHing' tired of rugs which never wear out? TRADE THEM IN! We take in trade rugs of all types. includÂing some which are nearly new (for which we can allow up to 80% of your cost). We also take ru98 10 or 20 years old. if in good condition. at sometim"ll BUIprizin9 allow· ani:ea. Ask for free home appraisal. cPAU'Son !J: CO"'J:e~! 100 P." A ..... 5 •• u." ... , Pa. KI ngswoocI 3-6000 ---1.1 "1'..1 •• '6 . KNOWS ,.c.lI'D"'~--- • \ November 10. 1961 T B 8WAaTB.cntB.Uf HAllOWE'EN P DADE Honorable Mention. I <.;nesu.r road. Jerry Clothier. of car was IJ()Gtmroup prize winners were the Rose Tree formerlY of Swarth- J. yates of Media. who NAMED McCoubrey and Wilfred more. was driving southest on lent it to Algernon Mayo of Brown families. rounding UIl blue College avenue and crossing IM()rton. Mayo was with the car Gala Event Cheered By Balmy Weathe,rl ribbons for their version of Peter Chester road. The third car dam- claimed it was being driven and the Wolf; Nancy Campbell aged was that of Lucy Hollis, a man he knew onlY by a nick- Muffy Geer and Katie Tolles car: 510 South Chester road. which and who left the scene. of( red ribbons as "The was. headed north on Chester are investigating the mat- The Swarthmore Business As_1n'Jarlng 20's"; Mrs. Tracy. Anita, road and waiting for the traffic sociatlon's 1961 version of the BO~b: and Tommy, as the anle light to turn green. Recent fines paid include: annual Hallowe'en Parade wa$ ?,a e H~lowe'en Scene. walk- Five dollars by an Upper Darby tucked away TUesday night 109 off with the third place·whlte Eight-year old Marjorie Thomp- man for traffic light violation; last week In some of the balmi rlbbon~. Honorable Mention (yel- 210 Cornell avenue, sustain- by a Media woman for similar weather within memory. Veteran low llbbons) went to Cindy, ed a scr,!-ped,pght knee at 4:311~~~~~~~~sPIUS fallure to carry parade assistants who Debby. and Ellen Hnrtman. October27 when her bicycle. I' license; $10 by a Rid-come to their Hru'lowe'en posts . Winners in Floats south on Cornell. was Park man for traveling too clad in multiple sweaters and FI~st place. blue ribbon win- colllsion with the' automobile for road conditions; $25 by jackets. were Q,uietlY shedding ners 10 the F~oat section went to Bethany Edney. 536 Westmin- Drexel Hill man for reckless layers as the parade progressed Rlil Swayne Sunday School avenue. which was proceed- and $5 each by two and youngsters were free to ca: at Friends Meeling. who west on westdale avenue and arthmore males for disorderlY vort and the sidewaik crowd to Kennedy and Kruschev. a left turn into Cornell. one for tampering with to h 'th b born b s and a row Three cars were badlY damaged motor vehicle and the other for wooc lleees.r WI out enefit of long supplicants. presented two people iOJ'ured in an ac- Itr,~st\as,sing. A Media man paid Chainnan 01 the event Walt ,. angle on. "Trick or at B a 11 i m 0 r e pike and 0 fine for traveling too fast Cindy ond G ni C tt- avenue at 1:57 p.m. d·t· Reynolds. whose attire for the ~ . 10,. <: 0, con I Ions. occasion included bowler hat with their rolllng Witches 28. Police said Walter Firemen were called to 29 Col-suspenders and gold-headed ' Special" took second Smith. 67~ of Upper Darby. master-minded the affair and Gregory and Kenny driving south on tbe pike and officiallY recorded 113 entries as the Lion and the Ring- a left turn into swarth-included atleast 250 partiCipants. master. took t h ir d, Honorable st:::~s ':-~~c~e ~~~hbound Volunteer firemen. who had set Mention~. were awarded to Cub up the public address syste Den 3. .Swlss FamilY Robinson ed it Intoco~r hd~t"~n o~y :o":~!d were also on hand to man the fi~~ their Tree House. ': Anne. was waiting at tile stop trucks. Lions chib members as. and Mother Whither, and onSwartbmore avenue. Smith sisted the ~ssociation. ~embers able M~~ri~~Od also won Honor- his wife Helen. were 'admit- In marshallin~. and gUldlOg the Judges for this event were Mr. to Tri-County Hospital. paraders. while BJId Hasti":gs and Mrs. Birney K. Morse. Mr. He suffered an inJur-pra. c~lcally palpitated. along With and Mrs. Donald P. Jones. and right knee and shoulder; sbe W_o.-phone :Z15 Belmont Aft .. loIo-Cynwyd. po. MOhaWk 4-1591 ..... avenue p.m. to extinguish a fire In a garÂage roof. apparentlY ignited by a spark from a bonflrt nearby. At 9:32 p.m. October 28. a smoking hi-fi set occasioned a dash· to 504 Riverview road. Mr. John W. Flood of South Chester road recentlY took an eigbt day cruise vlsltlngBermuda and the Virgin Islands. Classical - Popular WM.LaPAlA KI THE PLAYERS CLUB OF ' SWARTHMORE' preseDrs 'The Girls in 509' by Howard Teichman Directed by NARBETH & POLLOCK Monday, Nov. 6 thru Saturday, Nov. 11 CURTAIN TIME B.20 P.M. wrutmg marchers .. while the Mr. arid Mrs. Donald Aiken a cerebral contusion. contusions judges, perched jaunlilY on a s. scalp, hands and knees. and rowed flattruck. struggled to re-. . fr, .ac::::tu~r:e~d~r~ig~h:::t.:a~n~k~le::.:.p~o~l~ic:e~sa~i~dL ____________ !J!!~IiA~.~m~b.~n~a~nd~Tl<~.~ir~6~.~.~.I~. ~~ cord th~ir hard-won decisions. Police and Fire News - Sparklng the whole affair call1ngthetunes were the Swart:h-I Stephen Moore, age 12, of 331 more High SCh 1 d C II Cornell avenue, was treated by Bands 00 an 0 ege Dr. George Heckman for bruises . Fancy Dress Group the left side when he .was Jack Keefe. draped in saintly f:~h :' a~::~~il': a~ Weekend Special I garb, and rendering a trumpet corner of Swarth-solo. "When the Saints" and Dartmouth avenues at first. place and a blue ribbon p.m. Election Day. Stephen th!! mdivldual sectio": Of the was riding north on Swarthmore Fancy Dress Group. P lacmg 'sec- avenue making a left turn Into ond was Joh": Evans as Dar tmouth. The car. driven the Bear; placmg .thlrd was Marvin S. Adams of Twin Oaks. Maslin as Captam Hook. Honor- traveling sonth on Swarth-able Mentions went to Jill.Esta· avenue. brook, Betty Lou Mccaffrey. and A Swarthmore youth and a Rut- Lulu Cann., ledge youth were each fined $5 In the couple section. Malcolm for disorderlY condubt earlY and Douglas MacNair as st. Thursday morning. November 2. George and· the Dragon, A swarthmore man paid $25 and first. Marty Frost as a clown and costs for reckless driving. Steven Lynah as a dog shared Ten-year-old KathY Spitz of second and Ricky and Suzi!! On- 431 Riverview: road was tre:ate,dl were third. Receiving Honorable alions of both knees Swift's Prem. ium oast PLACE YOUR ORDER ItOW FOR YOUR ·THAIKSIIVING TURKEY Swift's' Bwllerball Turkeys ley as Superman .and a ballerina by Dr. William Rial f!~~~r~:~t~;1 .It costs no mo,e to enjoy the Best at ••• Mentions were Debbie Hopson and a three-car collision at Tammy Jeavons; Oldach; Tommy road and College avenue at and Len Denison; Tommy and a.m. Tuesday, November 7. .Betty Shapton; Betsy Draper ice said Kathy was riding in Pam Atkinson. car driven by DqrothY Getman The Group winners were Brownie the same address who was t Troop 954. portraying the Knights ellng . st on College of the Round Table. first with left turn blue ribbon; Brownie Troop 710. depicting Robin Hood and Merry Men. second with a red ri bÂbon; and the Colin Bell Family as fEstados. Unidos, Mexicanost, third' with a white. The yellow ribb~n for Honorable Mention. went to Patty MacNair. Sheryl Price. Emmeline K roo n. and Margie Detweiler. In the comic group, individual winners were Hillary Smith. earned first place as the witch. half beauty; Curtis Fi,!herl a second as a particularly elegant pumpkin; and Ronald Halpern ~ third as the portable bomb shelÂter which has not been approved by Borough Council. Thosewith Honorable Mentions were'Kathy Fisher. Bob SllzIe. Paul·HOod. Billie Fisher. an4 Vicki Church. Comic Couples who came as winners were Tom m I e Suzie Cochrane as "The: UfltOlucil- ~ abIes" (small skunks). first; John and David Trevaskis. Civil War Generals. second; Pat Mike Tracy. Frustrated Firemen. third. Kalli and stephen Halpelrnl THE 'SWEET SHOP COLONIAL COURT APTS. (Next to Post Office) KI 3-4597 • CUI R,OWDS - PLANtS COUAGIS **,. * -Ie .' ~ -Ie If. JOIN OUR 1962 ! m€QQy chQlstmas ClUB FOR HAPPIER HOLIDAYS. Join Fidelity's merry Christmas Club now and save regularly every week. Next year vou'li have the cash you need for the gifts you want to buy. Visit your nearby Fidelity office and sign up. now. CHESTER. MARCU.· HOOK· RIDLEV PARK: Open Friday evenings: Chester and Marcus. HookoffJces, ;PI . E' LI-r",... 6:30 to 8; Ridley Park Office, 5:30 to 8. Chester West End office. 9 A.M. to 8 P.M • Open Thursdays: Marcus Hook and . Cheste,Wes.Endofflc ... 9A.M.to5:30P.",. PHILADELPHIA TRUST COMPANY RIDLEY TOWNSHIP O .... ICE Mondays.nd TU4tSCIaFS-10A.M. ~3 P.M. Wodne_ and Thu_-lO A.M. to. 6 P.M. r-,s-lO A.M. to. P.M. ~.[(en!l! !r.!-r" "!I to $10.000 fer -- ... ,... ...... ,..... ..... lei. ... ea .. • Far latest .... ther. _ and sports. 'call \ Fodefity's w.U-."- Info< , •• tiGn Bu_u-CO -S i 1 DO
---------- Page 10 ----------
n r ! !' Ii Page 4 NOYember 10; 1961 THE SW ARTHMOREAN PUJiLISHED eVERY FRIDAY AT SW AITHMORI!, PI!NIfA.. PETER E, TOLD, MARJORIE T, TOLD, PloW ...... PRESB"YTERIAN NOTES HOUSE The sacrament of bapiism will Col. Clyde B. Pyle will show be held at both the 9:15 and 11 a K1'DUp of slides on Mexico, o'clock services of morning wor- Marine Life, and the Far West ship on Sunday. at the Monday afternoon meetin Church School classes meet the Friendly Open . 55. ; ;3&? THANK YOUI for your support in Tuesday's Election. Phone K1ngswood 3-0900 PETER E, TOLD. Bditlw BUBNIA B. KlINT) JIG....,,"', Bdilor at 9:15 and 11. The The program Willi bb~~~ee~~~1 Bible class meets at 9:30, thel,atCh,~2"ChP.m. at the' Presl 10th grade at 10:30, and the I' on Harvard avenue. John A. Schumacher Tax Collector Boealle D, Paino! Mary E. Palmer Marjorie T, Told 11th and 12th grade at 10:45. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fudge Th M . C The Tax Collector Office Hour's e USle ommittee will Columbia avenue had as their meet at 12: 15 guest for a m. 0 nth Mr. are 9:30 to 12 daily except Sat- Entered a. Second Ci. ... Matter. January 24, 1929, at the Post Th e ChlH' lI' an Ed ucation Com- sister Mrs. C. C. Fabing d S d d h I Office a~ Swarthmore,.Pa" nnder the Act of March-B, 18711. mittee will meet at 1:30 and the~~L~os::An~g:e~le~S~,~C~al1~f'~ ___ -l~u~r~a~y~s~.~u~n~a~y~,~o~n~~o~i~d~ay~s~, of Deacons at 8 p.m. on :; ; DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON Monday. \j:;:::::=::::~~ WOM~N'S CLUB OF MEDIA SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1961 MQrning Prayers are held each , L_:....:=::..:.:.:.:.....:.=.:-:..::.:.:.--~-:-:..:..:..:.---.:.....--------1I!Tu'!s,day at 9. 423 S. Jackson Street. Media, Po, FRIENDS MEETING NOTES METHODIST NOTES The Trustees' meeting will be M« at 7:30 p.m. on' TUesday. ~.\ lea TUESDAY~WJi;DNESDAY-THURSDAY Friends will welcome Brand Mr. Kulp is currently preaching Holy Communion will be cel- CI and Frances Blanshard at a Cof- series of sermons on tbe theme, at 8 a.m. Wednesday and ~ November 14-15-16, 1961 fee Hour following the Meeting 'Living the Lord's Prayer." His 10 a.m. on Thursday. 1111" 11 A.M,-10 P.M. Admission 65c for Worship on Sunday. subject at both the 8:30 and 11 . Circle 11, Chairman Mrs. Lew- Blanshard will speak to the a.m. services,will be "Forgive C. Hitchner, will meet in the ,..-.......... C;2..~-~~, LUNCHEON TEA Forum at 9:45 a.m. November 12, Us As We Forgive." Room at 9 a.m. Wednesday. 11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. DOOR PRIZE in the Meeting House. His Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m. the Circles meeting at 10:30 Wed-I·I"""=====....;;.;;;,;;,;;;;;;;""",;;;;;;;,;,,;;;""" .... -~~:.~~ ject is "Neo-Orthodoxy". Commission on Membership and Ine:sda'l' are listed below: Evangelism and as many other CIRCLE I, Chairman Mrs, volunteers as will com e will Williams, at the home of me<!~ at the churcb for an inten- W. R. Lecron, 410 Cedar CHURCH SERVICES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH sive training session in prepara- CIRCI;E 2, Chairman Mrs. D.Evor Roberts. Minister tiobfor the visitation of prospec- Hornaday, at the home of Robert O. Browne,Assoc.Mini live church members. Stanley Caywood, 201 Dick- Minister of Christian Education Both the Junior and Senior a\"enue; CIRCLE 3, at the Sunday, November 12 High Fellowships will meet at of Chairman Mrs. John S. 9:15 A.M.-Morning Worship 1 p.m. Sundny. The senior group Jr., Shady Hill road, Church School will have a film on "The Chris· CIRCLE 4, CbairmWi 9:'30 A.M:-Women's Bible Clas!> tian in Politics" Wid a discus- George patterson, at the 10:30 A.M.-ioth orade Class sian of this subject. The guest of Mrs. Edwin Crosby, 201 10:45 A.M.-11th & 12th Grades speaker will be Dr. Kenneth Springfield; CIRCLE l:snmn, pro f e s s a r of Christian Chairman Mrs. Donald Hib~ 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship and at CrozerSeminary, Ches- , at the home Mrs. Fred Church School. . . The group will have ajalopy 221 Harvard cm- Tuesday. November 14 rald in which they will pick up 7, Chairman Mrs.' 9:00 A.~.-Morni,9.ll.tl~yers Wednesday, NlIVember 15 8:00 A.M.-·Holy Communion Women's Circle Day 6:30 P.M.-Family Dinner members who have not been' at- at the home of Mrs. tending. The social after the Sipler, 120 Harvard ave-meeting will be at the home of CIRCLE 8, Chairman Mrs. IClle"yl Edney. E. ;raid, at the borne of The W.S.C.S.BlbleStud)' group Mrs. Weiland. 400Soutb ",nes'''''1 will begin Monday evening at road; CniCLE 9, Chairman Mrs. Thursday, November 16 1:45 at the church and will con- William Laimbeer, at the home 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion ltir ..... for six weeks. of Mrs. Horace Hopkins, 55 Wel- ---~~:;:;;;;;;;_~:,.~;:.~;.-;;;:;;--,Ci.T~cu:i~eSday evening the Ruth lesley road; CIRCLE 10, at the METHODIST CHURCH will meet at the home of home of' Chairman MrS. Samuel The Rev.John C,Kulp,Minister Mrs. John C. Kulp. The Miriam Althouse, 50 Woodbrook road. Minister for Youth ICi.rcl.e will meet at the home of CIRCLE 12, Chairman Mrs. J. Mrs. Bruce B. Blake, 451 Walter B. M. TYson, will meet at 12:30 MChinairsJteesr Sofc hMiuslseiCr IlIrivl~,' Knowltonwood, Media. at the home of Mrs, !lenry T. The Commission on Education Gayley, 211 Elm avenue. Sunday, !'Iovember 12 will have its regular monthly CmCLE 13, ChaIrman Mrs. 8:30 A.M.-Morning Worship meeting TUesday evening at 8 Forest Roark, will meet at 11;·"'1 .'9:45 A.M.-Sunday School p.m. at the hOme of Mrs. Arthur Wah- 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship The 'Ladies' Bible Class will mWln, 121 South swarthmore ave-I 4:00 P.M.-Visitation Tralning IhllVe its regular meeting and cov- nue; CIRCLE 14; Cbairman Mt,s.· 1:30 P.M.-Jr. - Sr. MYF dish luncheon at 12:30 on William F. porter, will meet Monday, November 13 I ~~:~~.~~~'J. at the home of Mrs. the home of Mrs. Richard L. h Paulson, 100 Park Avenue. trepo, 2 Dartmouth circle. Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. The Family Night Dinner ______ ~--------.-.:_llthe Commission on Stewardship Program will be held at 6:30 Finance will meet. McCahan Hall> Wednesday. 1:45 P .M.-W.S.C.S. Bible Study TRINITY.<;JtURCH The Rev, Layton P. Zimmer. Rector \ LEIPER NOTES CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES The Rev. George R. McKelvey,. The "Pairs 'N' Spares" The indestructible relationship Curate hold a sq uare dance at 8:30 p.m. God and man will be explsined Sunday. Novemher 12 on Saturday in t!te M~!!~iP~~'~:::I~~n;C:hr1Stian Science services (Trinity XXIV) Room. F~,,?k RItter will be. in a Lesson'"Sermon on caller. VISitors are welcome. subject "MORTALS and 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion· Morning Worship will Word the observance of " These words of. ~l1ouI will be 9:30 A.M.-Family MorningPr<,v-ISundllJ and the dedication of in Ibe readings from the er and Sermon treasures to. God. Luncheon served Immediately "The Spi,rit itself bearelb wit- 11: 15 A.M.-Mornipg Pray"r service to those takiki·~n!g.;.::~I~:;:~ with ou~ spirit, tbat we are Sermon the Every Member C children of God: And if Child- 8:00 P.M.-Holy Commnnion afternoon. ren, then heirs; heirs of God, Mondoy, November 13 Junior High youth joint-heirs with Christ; if 9: 15 A,M.-Mornlng Prayer meet Sunday evening at be Ibat w.e suffer with him, 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer that we may be also glorified ter Tuesday, November 14 The Board of Trustees gether" (Rom. 8). . 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer at 8 p.m. on Tuesday in An invitation is extended to 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer Room. to attend the services at 11 in First Church of Christ . Wednesday, November 15 209 Park avenue. 7:00 A.M.-Holy Communion 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. South Princeton avenue Sunday. November 12 last weekend at Denison 1:00 A.M.,...Sund8.Y School 51ty, GrWlville, 0., with TT 1 .-"{ ITTTT raFT r rl rT I. i T l' * f. SOUTH ORANGE 51, KDIA.PA. I'HoNE: UMu.&622S ceNTRAL-CITY LOCATION is conven,il!llt for aII-"urbonites and suburbanites ••• and _ offer our own ample ·fr .. partcing. • • 'HE OL_lY_f_lR 0H1._ l.A..I R COe '820 CHISTNUT STRIIT __ 1Lu-.' I _A.u-.I\ IS ".1 ....... LO i.1511 NEW UGHTING FIXTURES are A BRIGHT IDEA' FOR YOUR HOME! , Add a touch of beauty and the proper light to every 'room with new lighting fixtures, Visit your lighting fixture dealer's and see • Thursday •. November 16 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer. 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer -Friday, November 17 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer :00 A.M.-The Lesson-8ermon son Eddie for Parents' Weekend. will be 'Mortalsandlmmortals'. Mr. and Mrs. Harris then went lWe!dnes(lay evening meeting each to LouiSville, .Ky., to visit w;lthl the variety of styles. shapes, WI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Sunday. November 12 9:45 A.M.-First-day Sllhool 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum. Brand Blanshard, speaker. 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. Edmund Jonss, usher. 12 Noon-Coffee Hour in Whittier House. Mend.~~ Hovem"r 13 All~dt7 sewiD« for AFSC W..r ...... ,. Mo_~r 15 All.., Qiiilti. for APSC week, 8 P.M., Reading Room, .D. C. Harris, Mr. Harris's 409, Dartmoutb Avenue, 0~'~1~:~ _________ ~ week-days except holidays, '1G- 5; Friday evening, 7-9. I'W,UJ AND THE WILL OF GOD' LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 900 FalrYiew Road Se~n ot 9 and 11 A.M. Hov. lem~ .. r 12. The Rey. Ja_s Bo ....... Mini.,~ Saturday. Nov_ber 11 THE UNITARIAN CHURCH 8:30 P.M.-Square Dance Old Maiple R ..... S.nd~y, No ..... .;. 12 SprI-.fjoltl ' periods, and sizes - the right fixture for your home. SeJ.ct tft 1i9ltti"", fixtu .. you 'il. at yOur 'dure ....... " ....... ""_ .. little as $2.00 ... 0 I ..... " ... wifIt Y8W reg.I., ......4 .i.ic. ..... .,. AsI: ,..., ..... ,...., tWo .... " ...... 9:30 A.M.-Cburcb SCbool /. r1 1:00 A.M.-MomlncWorsbip. F_' P.M. - T .. ~ .. F,.I1 .... ' ... u.u •• aa· . 12:00 EYel7 JI_ber CUY'U8eJrB1 Slad ... s Yes at Mo" <" IllalK c .. a., LUDCiIeoa. 1"'_JI!III~_IIIII _ ... rJ • • Noyember 10, 1961 -=~=--:~~:--: __ ~~~ _ ~~ _______ ~~~~~!!~~~~ _______________ ~ _ ~~~~~~pqe5 Servic •• Held for a.m. al"the e of Bess Lane, fo WILOFFERS 219 North Swarthmore· avenue rmer S~arthmorealt when tbe Education Cpmmittee •• , Oscar David Gilcreest ~ The Swarthmore branch of will discuss "How can Adults dd ly of Swarthmore, dl'ed ' ,~~i~~!:~:; 11::~:o,~n~e~~~,',':s International league get Better Acq uainted with Them~ Will A •-•I I Forum on a t b ~~~;;~~I The Robert Wade and F ree d om a ffe r s..".le :ul selves'.' . .c 0 e r 29 inHouse 19 ld .. It ..... S ncI Spnngs, Colo. He was ,a year-o and all other people =------ at 9,_........ u ay of age. service house In Chester, be Interested ill three uII,le.r-1 Dr. Brand Blsnshard has ChCI~I, hold Open House on Thursday to programs next week: LWV EVENING UNrr en "The Neo-orthodox lie is survived by his celebrate Its recent mov,e to a .. Informal Discussion on in Religious Thought" as C~rol,seven children his new location. Friends and infer- Nations and our ReisPoln-ITQMEET MOHJAY subject of his talk to the and father Mr: and M;s. Oscar ested public are Invited flOm 2 Towards It" on The Evening Unit of the Lea-more Meeting Adult Forum, Gilcreest of Vassar avenue;. to 5 p.m. and from 1 until 9 p.m. at home of Mrs. gue of Women Voters will meet Sunday at 9:45 a.m. his sister Mrs. David Warner Hosts and hostel;ses at tbe , 32 Coilege avenue; Monday night at 8:30 p.m. at the Dr. Blanshard retired as the Xenia, O. Open House will include mem- Francisco to Moscow home of Mrs. Ned Williams, 40 head of the department of Mrs. Gilcreest and Mrs. bers of the Mothers Club, the - George Willoughby, Dogwood lane. Mrs. Alan Hunt, sophy at Yale last year, and attended the funeral in Aile Club, and the Boy Lyttle and A. J. Muste new discussion leader of the noW visiting scholar in human- Springs onThursday,November2. troop at Wade, members will tell of their grouptwill discuss National Prer ities at Wesleyan University, the' Board of Directors, 8: 15 p.m. at gram proposals. The October Middletown, Conn. Many Swarth- c. ... n. for Rnt from Swarthmore Coilege who dir- University of Issue of the National voter will moreans knew him petween I ect the craft programs and the and on be the of the discussion. and 1945 when he was prc,fellsorl" ... ..1 aal_ Boy Scout and Cub SCout aclivi-of philosophy at Swarthmore --AnGllk eo.t. ties, and representatives from lege. During this period his wife, W'II the Gospel Mission of Chester. Frances, was Dean of Women at I Meet PMe IN the College aud a member of Ibe Home Game Tomorrow pbilosophy faculty. Dr. Blanshard studied at the University of Micbigau, and was Sporting a 4'1 record and a tie PlAyas aua GIVES a Rbodes SCholar at Merton Col-It WltfijillCst place in tbe Middle At- 'THE GIRlS IN 509' I' Conference· Southern Col-lege, Oxford. He then returned D' .. th "The Girls in 509" comes to the UniverSity of Michigan to IVlslon, e Swartbmore I LlIg;le Quakers take on the Cadets timely fare during the Eh,eti.onf teach. He bas also held many PMC this Saturday. The Season and is right down the distinguished lectureships, in- is scbeduled for 1:3Q dependent vote's alley, for How-' clnding the Gifford lectures m. on Clothier Fields. ard Teichm'1-n's comedy takes st. Andrews. slam at the Republicans, He is the author of the book Although PMC has lost twice the Democrats. Since he "Nature of Thought", and also Middle Atlantic Conference tucks in flinss at the rulle-loou.ndl of "The Preface to Philosophy", year, the game Saturday social worker, would·be actors, and cerautbor of "Philosophy be close. The Cadets had book·tratnedjournalists, and "ac- American Education", as a week off while the Quakers q uiring" lawyers, tbe plllJ is as a contributor to many journals. played HopkinS. They are still sure to please and amuse everyÂ--- -_._----- lelice II....-In of ... S. ...... I. Pre,...., .... n' AssacieM_ The Tenth Annual Meeting of the Asoci.tion will be held on THURSDAY, Nov .... 16t11, at I!OO.P.M. in the AsIeriua l ..... 100&1, Boro·Hell. ere to be Nominated end Elected. Tllere will be opportunity for Jiscussion H desired. smarting from last year's 18-1 one at some point. upset by swarthmore and will be Leading the cast as·the 'gir~s' .. pllnnmlOQI'IfIIIIMIBiHiUHilliIIIlllllUllllJUllllllllKUWmbi "lftD r .. TRI - DELTS TO CELEBRA out for a victory. Swarthmore will are Margaret W. Schroeder . 73rd ANNIVERSARY be out to strengtben their hopes SalJ.y McFadden, Aunt Hettie and Members of tbe a Middle Atlantic Conference ber Ilie~e Mimsy, who have Delm I west SUburban Alumnae Chapter retirement since Hoover's de-of Delta Delta Delta aud the Up- feal in 1932. Mrs. Schroeder wid pet Main Line Cbapter will Miss McFadden work beautifully together on Wednesday in CHRYSANTHEMUN SHOW together, making the most of their David for a luncbeonto Mrs. Robert B. Clothier of I."lt'~' They are ably supported the 13rd anniversary of the won third place and two by Robert Kerr, the meek Profes-ional fraternity. mentions for entries sor Pusey whose meekness be- Mrs. George Sboemaker of the Springfield Federated Gar- comes more and more appealing em)' road, and Mrs. Jobn A. Birlilll,m Club Chrysanthemun Show as the play progresses; he seems arid Mrs. Horace A. Knowles recently in the Municipal nite suitable as a catch for the Wallingford are among those Springfield. Entries Van Deusen' after-ing on- the arrangements for size and bloom mittee:. ., , ODEI, ALL DECORATION, S PEAlS; I SQUASH LJNVI LLA ORCHARDS UT~. F ...... tri~ 1M Ocf<ignal Bam" D_l saX. ............. as.....e-.ea-.mr. ..,..v... -_, ........... ._.. .. .P.h.I_. .... _a.._ .. IuI_. r .. f.o..r.v...._. TRemont 6-9047 l •••• ·········o .................. ~ EEND OF SEASON SPECIALSH • , - . LIST PIKE : OF THESE ITEMS ONLY: : : 30% OfF •• •• ... ' All CUt STOCI REMS OF: ,:. •• •• •• • GOLF BAGS : • GOLF PUTTERS : •° •• •• •• •• FOOTBALL SHOES FOOTBALL PANTS FOOTBALL JERSEYS : fOOTBALL HELMETS • :,FOOTBALL SHOULDER PADS •• • CASH & CARl('( : ALL SAlES floW - NO GIfT WJWPt'G iealnera " Hobby Shop 4.' PwltAu t .. S •• II ..... r .. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • Fri_ , .. 1:3t Set. 9 .. 5:00. • Itfll'~~'~I!1"" ••• '., •• '.················ •• ~ Gilliat Schroeder does a. nice as Old Jim butler, elevator, , ele., along witb Rita LothÂwho succeeds nicely as Miss Frleud (no relation), tbe overÂe~~:~~~:, social worker. Andre F makes an excellent IawÂif you like that kind. Ap· ~~::~~~Eino dfo tuhbel eN arotiloens,a lo Rnecpeu abs- Party and again as ChalrÂof the National Democratic Party is George Carango. Assorted newsmen(presumably 'trained on the job') show briefly with Director J. David Narbeth. Narbetb is assisted in his by Mr. Pollock. Friday and Saturday night perÂare recommended to goers; the 'girls' provide a of fun. IIowdoes Christian Science heal? You lIave betlTd about CAii#ion Scitna, but hoI//. mudt • you O(tlloU,lnmD about it? Here is your opporhmity'to pin firsthand. informalion about Ibis r.lillioo which lou hroupt couodess """,Ie not only COIlÂ.. lation andbope, .... healing - cIollliuÂian ewer siclmess as weil •• lin. 'Your neighbors who .... Christian ScienÂlistS cordially invite you 10 .U .... • free public iedure; "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: REVEALS THE GOOD THAT IS AV AILABLE TO MANKIND" by Francis W. Cousins, C.S.B. of Manchester, England Member ollhe ,Board of Lectureship of . The Molber Chureb The Firat ChUrCb 01 Christ Sclelllisl,In Bostoo. Mass. 3:30p. ... I Shop 'n Seve inMe.e ~ THE COMPLETE SHOPPiNG CENTER - ~ Ask our Merchants about . , - != MEDIA PROFIT SHARING STAMPS :'" § ~ I IID~;;';;~~ LOU ; =' '-" '. . = ; ASSOCIATION ; ~ 45 EAST STATE STREET ~ ; Deposits before November J5- earn our ! = -'" i . J55th Consecutive Dividend on November :30 ~ I EWarhnY 4% Several ==~_ Savings i = ;;_= Less? CURRE/>lT < Plans 5_5 DIVIDEND 5= -= 5 NOW SATURDAYS FROM 9 - ~ onN ~Ll = ~IIIIUIIIIIIIUIUIf,"m. ill "·mm ..... nrr .'"HIUIJ ~ HOljDA~ lAiR THUR~DAY NOV ~ IO:ao~9:OO * Trinl~ ChUi d'°&.wrthmore . ChederRd.&CoIe gehe.
---------- Page 11 ----------
~j~'::~.:" .. r;:-:' '. 'c ~'- .. .·i -'' -.- , , > · '--' '~. · " : " '.' . , .. 'i3~- '.' '-- ~~. ,- . . -' ... '. '. ';;;,' . · :. : :'1:, . :"li . .. "". . ,. " , :::;.~ ":!. . (" ... -.-i<- .- , I ~1\'\ .- '.'" 1.' ~.:! , , " ,." ., ' , ,!: THE SWARTHMOREAN ... !' ........ a •• ,•. , .nI ULrary midl served his counlry In WOrldlr:::IVr: to the ESTATE OF Dora E. Furst, DE- • War 11 as well as lhe Korean C!,ASED, Lale of 111 Guernsey W H bl road. Swarthmore, Delaware County Ii, """- ~~__ ,ar. e com nes with lhe act- Pennsylvania. ' ...... ~ ual plans of these ships his LettersTestamentsry on the above knowledge of lhe sea to creale having been granted to Girard Trust O· I authentic and beautiful palnl- Com Exchange Bank and Edwani E. ISP ay of Old Saili~9 I h . Forst, Executors. All persons In- ngs. T e 18 ships in lhis col-debted to the said decedent are ra- Ships to Begin Sunday lecllon date from 1790 to 1875. quested to make PSJment, and those Mrs. O. Davis Shreve assisted November 10, .1961 FACTORY AUTHORIZED GENE~L ELECTRIC SALES & SERVICE having claims or demands against by Mrs. James E. Evans are In , said Estate to present same, without An exhibit of palnllngsolsail- charge of the exhibit which l'S , delay, aI the office of Glrard Trust . I Raymond 1. Dawson LOwell 6-4692 ,,(693 210 WEST STATE ST. MEDIA 'Com Exchange Bank, Broad and 109 vesse s by Rear Admiral open to the public for two weeks. . Chestnut streets, Philadelphia I, 1~~':f~If~W~:, Schmidt, USN,ret., Wall- The library will displSJ the I"claa, Pa. George H. Brown, Jr .. President. Ii wUI be on displSJ at ewberry and Caldecott Award il Or J. B. Millard Tyson, Attorney Helen Kate Furness Free I~~~::l~~:e~a,t the library during the 11 19 Pack&rd BUilding, Philadelphia , 2, Pennsylvania. I~ ;!~~;'e,~ e the r Providence from Book Week November 12 to 25. ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE OF Alice F. Barber late of the Borough of Swarthmore DelÂ, aware County, PennsylVania DE-CEA3ED. ' 12 to 18. These paintings are the first COUNTY OF DELAWARE A. '8. Die K . of early American I ... ---~~-_____ Sealed Proposais will r~~~~:;;I~ I Century'shlps. Ad- PI'ano at the Office of the Cowlty C Office Supplies Schmidt has used Naval ler, Court I"'"val prinls. ship's books and Helen Clyde til ~~s~:; MIMEOGRAPH archives to gather the in- .ginners a Spedalty and SPIRIT DUPLICATOR IfOlmation for these portraits. eq on PHOTOCOPY Letters Testamentary on the above Estate having been granted to the undersigned, ail persons indebted A graduate of the U. S. Naval Music Village KI4-S448 use of ,the .C . Swarthmore ~~~:'~i~n":19~2~7~'~A~d~m~i~ra~l~sc~h~-~:;;:::::::::==:::==::~.EMaetd i1a0,:0 P0e nAn.Ma.., wEhIlSc.~T .w 0lcl:ln ~oimty T Sa • the presence of the JP8wrilar I'IIC8 eLI S S I FIE DID S ml~'!~h'i!:'.i must be accompanied 1 .. 2 P,rlAn., S.,rt •• ,,., PI. Cash, Certlfled Good Fai~h~~~i~~;I.~~~~~~~~~~~~· \, to said Estate are req uested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same, without delay to Frances Barber Stockton, 68:i Euclaire Avenue. Columbus 9. Ohio, or to her Attorneys: Butler, Beatty, I. __ ~ ________ ,.. ________ ~=-___ , '. Greer & Johnson, 17 South Avenue . r Media, Pennsylvania. 3T-11-li or by a Corporate SUrety Bond, S, E. Hudson - KI 4-3360 one In the amount of ten M.ry Ellen 1 •• dDW FLORIST 7 South Che.I. Road KI 3-8093 .Jewelry RepaIIed. Ph. Kl 3-G1. EMIL SPIES WATCHMABBR- ....'.-. -ljibl! F. c. _ .... s.. 'IDe W.&eh aDd 128 Yale A ..... lock Rep&1l'S SwarUlmore. I'lL FOR RENT WANTED RENT - Otrlce space. ODe. t1u: I;;;:;,;;-;';;:::-;;-;;-v-:;;j:~;:;;;;;-;;;;;:;;: three I00III8. IIIId sm, aUAp, • utSmeWDtasrt"hlmaro"r"eI :~~~~ ~D~SJ~C~I~ean~in~g~Tb:h;uyr~sldeS~;Jx ;o,rp ~~'errl~dIS;J..- 17 Cheste 3-058 --. _.... __ !!,.?r~~~:t::~ Media. Flrst 1I00r troDI _~ roOm, bedroom, tile enclosed porch. Nelli WANTED - To buy one used plano;: adults. $86. LOWer . one used accordion; one guitar. KIngswood 3;.'9327. .=== FOR RENT-Garage. aVailable Dec- ember 1. 404 Elm Avenue ..K lngs-I ~~t~~~~W~Otm~an~~~~~~1 wood 4-4175. or FOR RENT - Furnished apartment. Living room, bedroom, kitchen and bath .. Qulet. Adults. KIngswood 3-2041, evenings. PERSOI'IAL , WjU iTED - Good home for a black and white kitten) Well broken. Klngswood 4-2651. WANTED - Baby-sitting jobs Uable woman. DSJ or KIngswood 3-6691. moder- WANTED - Home for eight -,s,w(ltld ~:8'l:,' old trained kitten. Call I«ngswood "I 3-8086. (10%) of the total amount of drawn to the order of the Delaware. Belvedere Forms of Proposal mSJ be obtainedll at the Office of the Chief Conval nt B the County Commissioners, esce Dille Court House, Media, Penna. 2507 ..... -tnu' t S. Chester The County Comralssloner.. ....D~ ... serve the right to reject any and .... --ont 2-5373 bids. ....""- G. R. WM. A. County Commissioners. REQUEST FOR BIDS, Sealed' bids wlllbe recerved ,Chamber, Borou trees O"HOI~ I , accordance and made on wl1lch will be undersigned. ....... tt .... can AI .... _.a..ÂCOQwatellcenl lieD ID4 W _ IhteIkBt ....... Sf· rh_ 0: • Baa. tJ.tsM u .. check for $100.00 pa,yÂIISTOII I.ITAL~'IO.S ., Borough of Swarthmore " _ Carpentry jobbing, I~~:!.'fl~c~t:t~i~:if~ bid and the suc- WIWA. BROOIS J. rWo~:elly~~ng'i."::"'o"d :l~~forF~O~R~S~A~L~E~~~3~~~~~i a contra~et r.:.~u~~~~ H. D. CHURCH '·PARIAVE., SWAITH ... I " ~. .\- -- . A,IIbea and Rubbish Removed req ulre<\ by law, the Jorms Klngswood 4-2727 ........ Mowed. 0eDena1 .... ,uIllll8lll~~~~;;~~~r~~~I~~~~~~~~~~;~~~rN~ may be seen at the office of ~ underSigned. The Borough ,. IIanlb!c A_ M-.... me'::::;; the right to waive any inform- ELNWOOD COllalesce. HOIII EstpbJ.1hrd. lID 11M&, ...,.. 8 • __ .... U-...... Naa .... Klngswood 3-0272 Picture Framing ROGER RUSSEU Pbotographic Supplies srATZ .. MONROE m. , IlEDIA LOwell 6-2176 OPEN PRIDAY BVBNIN08 Leaman. in . the bids received; to re- 3-5755. SALE - Used American Flyer or all bids; to award ' and eq ulpment. 16 major to those experienced spouting, 69 track sections, full dlrec"J~~r'~!~~;:~ of work; and to the bld-a spec- tions setUng up. Fine condition, I proposal Is 'deemed to be 9-2713. $35. Call Klngswood 3-6516. advantageous to the public Jack Prichard PAINTING INIB1L(OR '" EXXERIOR _ Bicycles ~e~p~air~~ed~;,~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~; Ruth A.B. Townsend accessories. MHt Glass _ Borough Secretary Hobby, Toy Shop. 205-7 S'lfartlunore, Pa. or Free Estimates Klngswood 3-8761 Aven ------ 6-0713, COUNTY OF DELAWARE .1~~~~j~~~~:~~~~~~~1 "'ol"troller tPhreo pOofsfiacles ofw 1tlh1 e Cbeo unraty- A.F.M. Contractor. ;:: , Court' House, Media, stucco work, cement until 9:30 A.M. Eastern CH t - Girl's Schwinn bl- 1'1 es nut Hlll 28 Inch; girl's camel hair me, on Tueeday, Nov- 1-3567. 1961, for furnisblng and coat, size 14. Both good condl- Boller Water Treatment J;~~K;;-I:;:;ng-:;s;::w-::O:-Od;:4-4::-4-;:1:;8'-;'::;-;'::;:~;;;;:'1 Soot Remover to the County of Del-th bl d f d F th 10:00 A.M. E.S:,r. on that same G e r s, a ee er. or. e dSJ, In the presence of the COUDty utters in feeders. houses and baths, Commissioners_ ,. Crothers, Jrs., 435 Plush Mlll Each bid must be accompanied Warm-Air Heating' TROM SEREMBA, Waillngford .. LOwell 6 -4 5 5 by Cash, Certified Good Faith A•'r Co nd .'h -oning RE-UPHOLSTERY _ Junior bed and Cheak, or by a Corporate Surety years experience_ Reason-II;~r~~~~;e:'~~:::,d~lnIDg tablec,l 'feosulr:,1 Bond, either one In the amount of Sheet Metal Work rates. Chair bottoms repaired (10%) of the totai amount of the bid, Up. SLIP COVERS custom fitted Klngswood 3- drawn to the order of the County of G I d C ."'" " .~ '"' -... ~". DO •• ~. I eerp ,... • .. 11~~~~fr~e~e~e~s~tI~m~at~e~L;U~6~-~7~59;2~h~r~@~;~~~~~[:~. Forms of Proposal may' be ob- 6-0134. Ten years of - '39 Chrysler_ Rons talned at the Office of the Chief BOX 48 references. New inspection. good Clerk to the county Commissioners. $60. 4-2578. at the Court House, Media, Penna. ~==:C=L:O:be::::9:~::3:5:8==~ PERSONAL - Gilbert's Steam Wall- The County Commissioners re-' "i ___ m ___ ;;;;;;;;iIIl:": ,scl~ap:uig: remove paint over paper. LOST serve the right to reject any and ' ~ painting. George Gilbert, all bids. 4-7082. _ Roman striped French purse G. R. WATKINS CRESSON PRICHARD REALTOR NOTARY PUBLIC 900 Michigan Avenue Swarthmore KI 3-1112 of my blrthdSJ money In It. kinds neatly doneo. nC callolt hKeIs- I1,~ ~.:p~e~gr~arn~,~K~ln~g~S~W~00~d~3~-4~8~93~·_I~~~~~~~~~~!:;!!. Ing,;wo.od 3-8649;' I L()ST - Or taken by mistake, In ~~~~~~~~~~~~[I~s~w~a~rt~h~m~o~re~~C~Ollege. Library SUn" - CARPENTRY - Rec. pair of girl's dark nooks, bookcases, Klngswood 3-8768. No job too small, .. , - .-- --. Klngswood 4-0152. 1I,,-)>iT - Marvin watch, lost on Col- - Let Grandmother's make family mendÂfor mother .. Prompt, Klngswood 3-5177. 4-1851. SaturdSJ_ Call KI· 5 glasses, blue frames, night. Call Klngswood Sealed Proposals will be celved at the Office of the Controller, Court House. Pa. up unUI 9:30 A.M. Standard Time. on ember 14. 1961 for dellverlng Paper Towels. and Dixie Cups to the C~~'~!~ Delaware, which will be .?l 10:00 A.M. E;S.T. on day, in the presence of tii.-co;mi;;1 Commissioners. HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE· HEALS WFJL lillie - I.t ..... ....... I-WFIL·'Y-SIII " •• , , SWEENEY &- CLYDE Each bid must be accompanied by Cash, Certified Good Faith Check, or by a Corporale SUrety ,Bond, either one In the amount of ESTAtuSHID.lm "ROOFIN& . SWARTHMORE 1-1144121- • -'.- ,"'" .Elf "I '1_ %' EaIt FiftII5I"el. Ch 1._,'L '11. .. e ... 4 till SlMJB.D.a.YDE lin ..... ... .wAllO a.'IDI lAMIa Do a.,... ... RF"l. ESTATE ofllie total amount to the order of . Clerk ~~~?~;~~ at the Court TIle County serve the rllbt to all bids: Generol ControcfOr BUILDERS '$I_ce 1920' ".. , ......... 1401 Ridley Aillu. ' a.MI •• P .. 'III I 12-47 .. • T 1.:So .... , November 10, 1961 THE RWARTHMORBAN something like for reach him! la~~.~::ll.advertl8er, w'lo comes I hadn'l already been con-Ir and faUhfuUy lo collect vlnced of lhls, I certainly would .. be now! My October 20th ad was answered by people In every cor- A woman who placed an adver- ner of Swarlhmore as well as by RECEIVES GOLD MEDALLION lIsem*nlinOctober 20th's Glli1SS-j resldenls of Media. C h e s le r, WUlard P. Hollander of Ogden med column!! wrltes: Springfield, Upper Providence, avenue, lias been presenled lhe (!ttu4qtd ,tJ4 tfo ,?M & 1IIute 7 : UNUSUAL & HARD TO GET RfCORDS MIlO ZENITH ~-GN ....... : .. ; . "Your newspaper certainly Wayne and olher oullylng ,dls- Gold Medalllon Award by Provl-gets around, and is read thor- lrlcts. The calls began arriving dent Mutual Life Insurance Com- SERVICE oughlY. I've placed many ads that dSJ and continued th~ouRhl of Philadelphia, In during the past 20 years. They the next two weeks." of his competent service to cli- , • E M. SIC .01, ... were usually successful but when Another single Insertion, ents and the producllon of a sut .. 1 , ewvheart twheays afadivleedrt iIste dw daisd b neocta uaspe- Iwnygn oSlcdh oCohlr sltsutdem~a~Ss; htaCs~ ar~ds~fin~go rth~e§ ~psa~stt yaena~rt. ~la~I~V~O~IU~m~e~Of~b~U~s=l=nen= s=•s~•J Il •t•~ ~3~-~1~. .~.~.~. ~~;~S~~~~~~~=:~=~ PO. ::lb·2ge N.eED HIGHU LOIN END IOAST NONE PRICED HIGHEt LOI Ib,3ge 1.1 HAlf NONE ,IUCED HIOHn TS 3ge LOIN HAlf 4ge lb. ~'i* lb. FULL 7 RIIS III END SliCED Ib.33e 3 TO 4 POUND LOIN END SLICED Ib·43e fULL HAlf FULL HAlf LOOK FOR THE HALVES WITH THE CHO,S ON TOP IVORY FLAKES large 350 giant 83e box box IVORY SNOW SAVE 4c SAVE Be large 310 gianl 75e bax box IVORY LIQUID DETERGENT ~~: 62° ::::~ 87° JOY LIQUID DETERGENT SAVE 7c 22-oz. 550 32-oz. 870 , battle battle OXYDOL DETERGENT large 41:o giant 83c box'" box· TIDE DETERGENT , SAVE Sc Ii::: 34c g:::'~t 740 CHEER DETERGENT SAVE 3c large 300 giant 790 box box DUZ DETERGENT PREMIUM IDrge 550 ,giant 980 box box DASH DETERGENT SAVE Be giant 710 box SPIC 'N SPAN 16-az. box COMET CLEANSER SAYl2cpwc .. 2 ':::. 25' 2 ~::. 43° MR. CLEAN SAVE 4c .1.5.-.0.z.. 35' SAVE Ie 21-oz. 57' bottle ' ! A&P SAUERKRAUT , 2 ':'-:''- 23' AtoP APPLE SAU,CE 4 '::::. 49'" KI .. II., Sa ...... ,.111 '~~ .. 25' Non~ Priced lb. 79C H'gher Slices , lb. 3Se OVen Ready 4 to S Pound SMOKED PICNICS 6!:v:r::: nd LONG ISLAND DUCKS ALLGOOD SLICED BACON I-lb ••• c 2 -lb. 95C pkg... pkg. JUICY LARGE SIZE FLORIDA NONE PRICED HIGHER ORANGES dozen 35c 3 dozen '1.00 FLORIDA FRESH STRING BEAlS NONE PRICED' HIGHER 2 lb •• 2g. NONE' PRICED HIGHER , 4 for 29° LARGE SIZE, JUICY DUNCAN FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT flEW CABBAGE NONE FliCED HIGHER lb. 50 Lucky Whip Topping Noodles by ''O..''llv •• ,. '~:'" 49c ' ... ··37c PEAS, TOMATOES. ,kg_ OR STRING BEANS Boscul Peanut Butter '''j':' 39c Good Luck Margarine 2 ~~:. 59c STANDARD 4 ean5 4 ftc QUALITY 7- FROZEN FRENCH FRIES ,I 'p. ORANGE JUICE FROZEN Mr, "G" 9-01'10e brand pkg, MARVEL SLICED BREAD CHERRY PIE By JANE P~RKE~ r;;l 1-1~J 46-01, 75e cans 15-0L 15e loaf large 45C 8-inch pie SULTANA FRUIT co*ckTAIL 33!:'89c "OUR OWN" TEA ~OcEx'::;';::;!;:~:i.~ ~eabags58c In pkg, CAKE MIXES FRESH EGGS DUNCAN HINES DELUXE VARIETIES Sunnybrook 50c Large doz. " 319-01. $1 pkgs, Extrl 63e Llrge 'dOL MARCAL BATH TISSUE 10 inro~:g,95e 10NA PEACHES SI~:I!o: ~~~:es 2 ~:~ 51c DELSEY BATHROOM TISSUE 4 rolls 49C In pkg. KLEENEX TABLE NAPKINS 2 ~x:49c Ip D bill,lei' "Ippl All PrIc" 1""1, ......... Sa •• .,. ...... 11, 1H1 KLEENEX IVORY SOAP SAVE 4 .... .. 111I - .' WISK· LIQUID DETERGENT SAYE4c .... _ 2 ra:~ 71c q::: 72' HANDY AN,DY quart 650 battle SPRY SHORTENING SAVE 3c SAVE 5e 14-az. 32' 42-az.. 8ac can can"- RINSO BLUE DmRGENT SAVE Sc SAVE lOe ~i:!: 28' .,;:: 69° . REYIOLDS WRAP 25-ft. 31e 75-ft, 75' roll roll LESTOIL PINE SCENT pint 3ge quart 69' battle battle LESTOIL SPARKLE SCENT pint 3ge quart 69' bottle bottle I,ESTARE BLEACH 1::"Z. 49c IVORY SOAP 4 .::n:..r;:~ 27' ALL CONDENSED LUX . LIQUID DETERGENT 22-oz. 62' 32-oz. 81' bottle bDttIe SWEETHEART Ie We SOAP 4.::',2 .. I .. ".;,' . ,." "', ..".,. ., .. ;., . , . .. -.,~ " . " . , . -.Jt . . '.,.
---------- Page 12 ----------
PageS /' November 10, 1961 Fallout Sh.' ..... Topic PIIIIIOIS TO P~ESfNt LECTURER for Forulll Sun. Night D .. Is lie War W. Cast III' YOf. -PNd rt.-- Two professors of physics will I<;treltt Canva •• Follow. How spiritual heallng bri~l!lslparticipate in alorum on the sub- Norlhem Eastern Western Totall' joy and freedom will be Fallout Shelters _ Yes or ff of a lecture on C:hr,isthU:ll-:':: SCHOOL DIRECTOR ii-F'arti.an E ort No?" to be presented Sunda". by Bouda, R. Winch, R. McCorkel, D. Fry, D. SCHOOL AUDITOR Hulme, R. Albany, D. BOROUGH AUDITOR Hayden, R. Maass, D. MAYOR Thatcher, R. Oppenlander, , D. BOROUGH COUNCIL Smith, R. Cratsley, R. Wilson, R. Gill, R. Wood, D. Field, D. Honnold, D. Thompson, D. TAX COLLECTOR SChumacher, R. Taylor, D. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Guthrie, R. Malone, D. CONSTABLE 454 520 239 209 536 172 543 170 530 182 490 546 507 475 203 197 210 218 54'1 164 513 195 Hepburn, R. 551 JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT O'Brien, R. 450 Alpern, D. 269 SHERifF Price, R. Kelly, D. COUNTY CONTROLLER Bardsley, R. Adams, D. REGISTER OF WILLS Allen, R. stewarl, D. CLERK OF THE COURTS Hobdell, R. Abel, D. JURY COMMISSIONER Frazer, R •. HalseY, D. CORONER Catania, R. Boyle, D. 529 176 520 186 523 194 530 172 531 171 499 204 442 481 202 191 507 149 486 168 499 164 468 500 476 469 194 173 189 170 505 159 479 178 512 455 212 502 152 490 158 494 158 497 153 500 147 469 181 448 1,344 494 1,495 262 703 229 629 Petitions against the proposed on tSou nbdea yg iavte n3 :3in0 Spw.ma.r th- Unitarian Church of Delaware mid-county expressway being 10- William Cousins of . a nd Delaware County cated throug,h any part of Swarth· England of'the CommIttee for a more were Signed by 1414 Mr. Cousins will speak In Nuclear Policy. as they went to church edifice of First The forum, with Judge Allen three polling places for Tues· f h' t S· t' t 't 206 as moderator, will be selection.. ao veCn uue.s , Hicsl ens uISbj ~, cat will p.m. at the church, Old 523 1,566 The petitions were an out- "Christian Science Reveals ,Springfield Township. of a visit to Harrisbur~ that Is available In speakers will be Dr. Milan 185 496 week by Borough Councilman kind." The lecture is free, Garrett of Swarthmore College, I!~!~;:!~:::~ andEdmund Jones, members have illvited in World War n in Sw,arth-avenue attorney who IP'IIJIIO to attend. civil defense and now tech- 508 1,537 a citizens' protest meet- A native of London, he divlsi9ll chief for Delaware 203 541 here several months ago and d f ·th Civil Defense Council; represents Pendle Hill, mplooyf eW esotr Amfarnicya nye ;;;ar;s~wt;;I~bl~t~~ Dr. William Davidon, (cq) nf IW,lllinglfolld, in opposition toplac- attaining managerial rank. College, a represent- 504 1,533 the, route in the Crum Creek from business in 'Of the CommIttee for a Sane 210 556 area. The Swarthmore men devote his full time to the Pollcy. I::~~~~~~~:~' Nether Providence practice of Chrlsti8ll Sci-I-~ .,~C~-::::::;';~ who were armed with healing and to service t:: 4'15 1,433 bearing3000signatures. Christian SCience organiza- DOES ". 522 1,568 II Is reported that state 8ecre- luon. ~ of Highways Park Martin as ----------:-- THE .JOB 511 1,494 as the Harrisburg represent- Garnet VIS' l'ts NP. ' 483 1,427 of the Federal Bureau of 227 624 were under the impression Tomorrow 2P.M Swartiunore citizens were 208 578 opposed to the Crum Creek The Darby Rams s cor e d 235 634 but only Swarlhmore Col- leverv period to run up a 27·-01 202 590 oppose d 1·t, - thi S d espi te .'·'/ I,etory<.vel the high school te,uul I:~~~~£::i~~to Harrisburgand Wash- of the score the Go""l in protest previously II."" Saturd83 on Rutgers Field. 524 '1,576 by Borough Council and boys gave all they had recent citizens' meeting. Wil- times looked like they mtl:ntl 194 517 son and Jones were advised to an upset. Amazingly, 1u'''1 have petitiolls readY. for such were about the same 505 1,497 207 580 537 1,600 time as a public hearing would teams. be held on the matter. This Saturday the Garnet te,unl Described as a bi-partisan ef- to Nether Providence conducted with consent of a traditional n~if~::r!(:~I;!::~,~t1 Swarthmore's Republican and Again tite local team will Democratic Cha.irmen and, with new faces in the backfield as cooperation of members of the line up is shifted around as Your Doctor prescribes po_ tent new medicines because they help you recover fast _ usually 'without the ~ost of a refill. Thus. your lotal cost for these new drugs is less. Because we regularJy stock aU the latest researrh drugs, bring your Doctor's prescripÂtion to us." Uniformly fair prices at all time.!. local League of Women pnt the best Gamet effort 451 1,356 the solicitation of signatures ward. This Is sure to be a CATHERMAN'S 269 750 lE~~th~e~p~o~ltlh~se; wn~ielalr~ bf~uet:u'rse~ u~bpy~ PIa~ ei~s-~ eadl~wgaa~"m.~se ~uap;s ~ftohr~ et~hsiws~ a~rt~h~m~o:r~e::L_~ DRUG !TORE canvass. Garnet fuss. 521 1,552 193 521 515 1,525 194 538 505 1,522 205 547 517 1,544 186 511 531 1,562 175 493 481 1,449 227 612 " SEAL OF SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Marvel Wilson of HOW RUTLEDGE VOTED BELL' SYSTEM Strath Haven avenue spent last ~ weekend in Brandon, vt., visit- On The School Directors illg Dr. and Mrs. Seeley Est.... Bouda, R. brook. 161 .. ACME To open soon In Swarthmore has openings for men as Grocery and Produce Clerks. Excellent opportunity for adÂvancement. HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION DESiRED Have you checked the advantÂages offered in Grocery ReÂtailing? YOU WILL RECEIVE starting salary $62.50 wit regular semi-annual increases. $80.00 mlnumum in two years. 5 Da". 40 hour week. Company Paid Blne Cross, Blue Shield and Group InSDl- 1UW.e. Paid Vacation and HoUd...,s. APPLY WedIlesda"., NO'f'ember 15 721 Sod Sproul Road, SWutlllaore, PL • A .•. to 3 P." , ' Winch, R. McCorkel, D. ;FlY. D. 161 187 189 Mr. and Mrs. W. H.' Gehring of University place have as their guests their son-In-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus RidÂenour and child r e n from Old Greenwich, Conn. Music Qub to Meet This month's meeting of Swarthmore Music Club will be held at 8 p.m. SUnday evening, at the home of Mrs. Samuel S. Clyde, Swarthmore and avenue, Mrs. Edward Heller Mrs. A. C. Bosshardt o'O---ho:st-1 esses. The program, arranged by RobÂertvan Ravenswaa"., will feaÂture a group o! Instrumental soloÂists from Swarthmore College composed of SUsan Goodman, harp; Caroline Laessel, plano; and Gail MacColl, violin. Miss MacColl will be.,accompanled by Ed.enna Rosser; plano. ROSE SOCIETY TO MEET The Delaware C~;:1l!~::1 sOciety will 11 e e t 8YeaiJw ~ a P.8L In' Wbl tt B~. • SYMBOL OF VALUE Bringing you constantly improved and increasingly useful services for your c:ommunication dollars. tHE IEll TELEPHONE COMPANY. OF, PENNSYlVANIA Your nei&hbors eriluainc}lOW -'d tIInIl" _1IicI Mel .:i ... . , , , • I • Support t"e United TOTcbFund THE 'VOLUME 33 -NUMBER 46 'j 'p • NOV 171961 I ~RTHMOREAN Support '''e United TOTchFunJ SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1961 14.00 PER YEAH 'Road To War?' Topic EARLY DEADLINE SIIS FOOTI NOTICE TO CITIZENS JUIIOI aul TO .. AI For Talk at Coll .. e Because of the Thanksgiv. AU IANQUn Borough' Council wish .. to IS. ing Holiday The Swarthmorean SLATED FOR 1 call attention to the prevail- IOOIlmEW. IV Cooper Foundation To deadline for the Noyember 24 I h h . SH issue will be on TUESDAY Citizen. COlllmiHee Ing ow w ic prohibits the FA ION SHOW, CARD Present Speaker Sunday November 21, at 11 a.m. Th~ Sponsor. Annual Fete conversion' of any housing to PARTY SET FOR NOV. 28 Leo Szilard of the University paper will be delivered on multiple unit housing and that Mrs. PeterE. Told, Park avenue of Chicago 'will speak in the Fridoy, as usual. A special meeting of the this law will be strictly en- resident and local book reViewer, HSw arthmore 5 Fnrdieayn dsa't Meeting ____ Swarthmore Citizens AthIetic forcedsubjecttothe penalties will present "Books for ChriDt- 8 15 Committee was he Id Wednes-oust e Io n IIuI b "A W: p.tmh . GailE WITH day of last week 10 discuss the provided by law. mas" to the Junior Women at 8 His op c 111' e re eOn e lUll HAVERFORD p.m. on Tuesday at the Woman's Road to War?" plans for the Annual Football ---------------- Clubhouse. w·th E . F . D 5 II d Banquet.' 'Co i 51 W'~t I nnco erml, r. z ar STARTS )·"5 SATURDAY This year's event wI'11 be ~eld •• S .. er UIIIIIIS Mrs_ Told Is the Junior Club's devised the chain reaction sys-, ."1 '/ adViser. She has lectured many' tem composed of uranium and The traditional Swarthmore- at the 'High School cafeteria on 'I' Sp L A LWY times locally, and she has pre-graphite which was used in set- Haverford' football rivalry will saturday, December 2, at6:30p.m .• O lIa t sented story-telling programs to I th h I Ii t th t't Invitations will be extended to h . S t ng up e can reac on a e ge I s 52nd airing on Clothier members of the 1961 Varsity and Lunc eon Meellng et numerous organizations In the University of Chicago in 1942. Fields, this Saturday at 1:45 p.m.. F PhIladelphia area. She is a past It was also used at Hanford in At stake also will be Swarth. Junior Varslty squads, coaches, or 1 P.M. Monday president of the Senior Woman's the manufacture of plutonium. more's final standing in the Mld- Senior cheerleaders, parents, and Former State Senalor G. Robert Club and Is a me m b e r of the Born in Budapest In 1898, Dr. die Atlantic Conference Southern other guests. Watkins will replace County Com· board oC the Swarthmore Library. Szilard received an engineering DiviSion. A Swarthmore Victory As in former years, the mem- miSSioner Albert Swing as lunch- She has served as president of degree from the univerSity therE will assure the college at least bers of the Junior High heavy- eon speaker at the LWV Meeting the Presbyterian Church Woman's and then we~t pn to earn his Ph. a third place finish, and If. this weights, ,middleweights, and on Monday, November 20, at 1 Association and is currently a D. at the, Umverslty of Berlin II Victory is coupled with a defeat lightweights will be invited to p.m. at the Methodist Church. member of the Session and on the 1922. He taught In Berlin unti of PMC by Lebanon Valley, dessert at 7:30 p.m. and remalD Mr. Watkins is the president board of Gibbons Heme. 1933. He then went on to EngiaDl Swarthmore will be the runner-up for the program. Several outstand- of the three man COU/lty board Rehearsals are in progress for where he did research at st. Bar- to the Conference champions. In!! members .of,the Elementary and has recently taken a stand the Fall Fashion Show DessertÂtholomew's Hospital and in the Coach 'Lew Elverson's Garnet teams will be 10cluded as special against the communitIes pact Bridge, "As Time Goes By." It Clarendon Laboratory of the Un- eleven appear the favorites, with guests. signed by Bucks and Montgomery will be held at 8p.rn. on Tuesd83, Iverslty of Oxford. In 1937 he a 4-2 season's record compared The program will Include the Counties with the city of Phila- November 28 at the Woman's came to the United States; he to 0-5-1 for Haverford. The presentation of awards to the delphia. Commissioner William ClUb. Mrs. Frank W. Tolan, chalrÂbecame a naturalized citizen in Ford's best effort of the season team "!embers by coaches Robin- Welsh, a Swarthmore reSident, man of the International affairs 1943. earned them aO-o tie with Johns son, DletrYka,Hender~on,Drukin, has opposed Mr. Watkins' view committee, is In charge of the From 1940 to 1942 he worked Hopkins, who suffered a 33-0 and Bern~art. In additIOn, spec~al of the pact, and Mr. Swing hail plans. Mrs. Walter T. Black will In the National Defense Research defeat at the hands of Swarthmore. awards will be, presented to c r- yet to be heard from. provide background music for the Division Of Columbia University. Both teams will resume pl83 Sat- tain members of the team select- ThIs controversy is, of consld- show. There will be'door prizes, He ,then went to the universitYurday after lOSing their last ed by ~he squad by secret ballot. erable interest to community a bazaar table, individnal tableÂof Chicago where he has held week's contests. Haverford drop- Among those helDlng with the towns In Delaware County and prizes and favors, and a baked various teaching and research ped a 28-6 decision to Wilkes food. and catering will be Ralph the meeting will therefore be goods table to' add to the even-posts ever since. College, while the Garnet were Yoilng and Bob Frost..Jack open to the public. Mr. Watkins lng's fun. ' He was very a,clive as head of turned. back 18-7 by PMC. Thompson was placed in charge has agreed to answer questions. Eight new members were inlti-the Organization of Atomic Scl- Coach Roy Randall's Main of decorations and Al Stamford ,Those planning to attend the ated to the club at the last meetÂentists, which published the Liners will be piloted by sopho- will head u!' the walters. The in- luncpeon meeting, should call ing on November 7 and a party Atorr,lc Scientists' Bulletin, ded- more quarterback ,Steve Dallolio, vitations WIll be malled by Secre- 'Mrs. Joseph storlazzi, K13-1292 was given in their honor. icated mainly to the study of the ranked fourth in Middie Atlantic tary Bill Kurtzhalz and the par- by tomorrow, adding if they need ' ent' tickets ,will be sold by Wes i . peacetime us~s of at~mic. energy Conference ,pasSing.. Hoge, the Treasurer. Coach Rob- baby-s ttlng. GUILD RECEIVES and the SOCIal ImphcatlOns .of Elver~~n s me,n ,WIll be dlrect-, inson will work with Ted Anthony , ',' " ~hebomb. ,.' , ed br sophoDlMI" Mike Lilli!! ,ami and John:Bond'onthe' progiBlning; Swarthmore-Lansdowne3 11 T ARTICLES He is now a member of the freshman Hap Peele at ~he IJuar- The Committee also discussed' , ,. _ Enrico Fermi Institute of Chic ago terback spot. In addition to these the problem of annual dues. Many Football Game Thurs The Swarthm~re Branch of the His speech is sponsored by men will be halfbacks Bernie of the parents of High SChool The Annual Lansdowne-Swarth- Ne.edlework GUIld of America reÂthe Cooper Foundation of Swarth- Beitman, a sophom*ore who was boys have neglected sending in more High School ThankSgiving c~lved for ,distribution to charÂmore College and is open, free, c ho. sen !In All-East Halfbe:ck their 1961-62 Swarthmore.cltizens Day football game will be held illes 3,117 articles of clothln~ to the public. earlier this season and jumor 'Athletic Committee dues. An ur- on the Swarthmore College field and household linens at the an ' Harvey Buek, twice honorable gent request Is being made to all with the local high school servo nual Ingath~ring held Tuesda,y, Explorer Post PI ~ mentlon 'All,East. ~unlors Ben to send their dues to the Trea- ing as, the host team. The klck- Novem~er 7. Included .In t,his !"t~, Cooper, and Bill LIpshutz and surer, Wes Hoge at 15 Woodbrook off will be at 10:30 a.m. al were. FO~ men, 105, ~Oy~, 695, Spedal $colli., Nig.t senior John Green will also. be Lane, Swarthmore. . In order to relieve much of the women, 136, glr~s,. 429, childre? seeing considerable backfIeld ' parking and entering prohlem, 2-6 years, 28.1, mfants: 1137, ' action saturday Juniors Terry t t d t k ff and household Items, 324, "Exploring" Is the title of the Spruance and Fr.e d LaucI us and Thank' soivrngo Day spf ecth a ors IaI re eu rge 0 paTr he0r e Enough money was received to film to be 'presented at the spec- '11 C' 0 e co eg campus. purchase 100 more arlicles spe- ' ial SCouting Night of the local sophom*ore Rafe Seymour WI will be limited parking facilities c!fical''' req uested. Mrs. Bruce h anchor the Quakers line. U 0 Se 0 near the field but due to the , .., . Explorer Post next week. T e However despite the odds the mon fVIces t th t~t t d Smtth, preSIdent, reports that 18 meeting will be held on Monday years have'shown that thIs game tVas tt rodnl gS th are act cthus omfe charities have received boxes ~I ht at 8 I McCahan Hall of The traditional ThankSgiving 0 a en ng e even, ese a- 'filled with the particular type of g b t ri n Gi)urch and will ~gnores s~atis~ics, evades f~vor- worship service for, Ihe community cilities will fill early. ~t will be . lothlng they had requested. Dis-res y: ~n db' Chris Miller. Ites, and I~ b~nd to season ~ re- will be held at the PresbYler~an possible to enter th~ field from ~ribution was as follows:' be tCh on uC:I r part of the co~ds, This IS ~ gam~ 111' ere ,Church at 9 a.m. on Thanksglv- either the Presbytenan Church In Delaware County _ Chester As e mee ng s a SPIrit and the WIll to Wl!, mean ing Day. entrance or entrances on either . annual membership drive, any as much as all the statlsllcs and The date of the celebration side of the field house., Day Nursery, 14'1, sU"?-fcrest boys 14 years old and in the records. has been sel by the President of ,Farm for Negro BOY~, 92, T. M. ~nth grade or ,15 years old an~ The outcome of this gam,e will the United States for Thursday, R b SO' Thom~ Center, 1.27, Union Go~- 10 any grade are invited to at help to determine the winner of November 23. The preacher this 0 ert mart, rgarust pel ~sslon, 142, Pen~sYlvama tend. '~he Hood Trophy, ,symbolic of ear Is the Rev John C Kulp , • • ASSOCIation for the Bhnd,. Del. The program will include slides athletic supremacy in the various ~astor of Swarthmore Methodist In RecItal at Tnruty aware County ~ranch, 62; ~nends of the p~st's recent trips and sports played by the two Quak~r Church. ' Robert Smart,Organist of Trin. j1Iome for C~ildren, 100, Camp other achvities as well as the schools. The trophy has been 10 Part of the tradition of the ity Churcil and· of Swarthmore t;mnshine, 94, DtelawAsare <?0t~nty f'l Th e activities have in-Ie,. , 'on for the ' , Child Care Cen er sOCIa Ion 1m. es. . dt"warthmore s possessl Community Thanksgiving Worshi!' College, will present an organ . hi d e Service of Del: cluded a canoemg, huntmg, an lPast'three years and the parnet is to take up an offeritig to be recital. this 'Sunday evening at IPl, Cc I ;ar 51 . J L . C fishing trip on Lake Wallenpau- teams have been able to capture used through th e EcumeniClil 8 p.m. in the church at Chester aware o~n y, ,.. e:ls ~::Âpac at tb~ Firestone E~plore~·t the majorit~ of the years since Church to answer needs of people road and College avenue.' f!~~ro~~~~alc;~!~.J:§1 ;ur~in~ Base, ,Leh~gh University san, ts inception 10 1941. the world over. The Church World Mr. Smart's program will be ~I i f Delaware County 955' nual Scouhng SCience DaYi a --- Service, part of the National divided between the works of J. e~v ~eo.ly 5 rvice of Del~war'; Sightseeing tour of Washing on, , Council of the Church of Christ S. Bach ani the French compos- ~n t am~48 e , ~. C., a lour of t~e Unitetd ~;; Swarthmore Is Host of the United States of Anlerlc~, ers Cesar Franck an~ Marcel Du- , °I~n ~hilacielPhla _ American tlOns, and.a ca~P1ng t: °With A meetingofthe Board of state is such a group dedicated to aId pre. Of Bach, he wi1~ play th.e Friends Service Committee, 109; Skyline Dnve, 10 i lrg .:, se College Presidents 18 In all, homeless ,and distressed people "Prelude and Fugue m C MaJ- Protestant Episcqpal City Mls-a tour of an Amer can ISCO 'th s~perlntendent of Schools overseas. Their objectives and or, .... Three Chorale-Preludes:' sion 139' Inter-Church Child plant near ,the drive. WI Charles Bofitm and Deputy methods are much the same as and, "T~ccata and Fugue in D Care SOciety 101' Volunteers of SCU PTURE GROUP TAKES ~~. erintendent Dr. George 'W. other organizations sponsored by Minor." In the second par! ';If the America, 118; and Pediatric De- LPn was held this week at the United Nations and Unit.!!d program the works heard WIll be l!lrtment of Philadelphia Gener- HONORABLE ,MENTION Hoffma, C liege States Government. Every contrl- Franck's "Chorale In B Minor." ! 1 Hospl'tal 104 John H. Newland, M' agill road, SwOarnt hWmoedren es0d ay th•e group were buted dollar s;nd s more th an 300 an d I D.. u pre •s I.V an'a t·I Ons on a n _'_ __,_._ ___, _ _ Swarthmore, received Honorable Dcheon guests of Vice Pres- pounds of foo overseas.,. Noe . , , . Mention in the non-professionalt<u d MrS Joseph B. Shane Prime places of ,!eed tms year The,pub~IC IS cordially lDVlted CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS sculpture group for "N' Gozi Id,::,t. a~he ev'ening were dinner are Africa and Hong Kong. to this recItal. PLAN THURS SERVICE Tribesman" at the RegionalCoun- an ;" f President and Mrs. In the Congo 750,000 refugees • cllof Community Art centers Ex- gues s e 0 Craig Smith. on Thurs- from Angola are In various stages RECUPERATING . ~ speCial service on Thanks-' hib' I Philadel hia lastSun- Courtn y , > the luncheon of poverty and need. Food, seed, glv10g Day has, been announce!l Ii ihon n p day they w Vi ere,;. wr President and live stock are crucially nec- William Mowbray, of the Dart- by First Church of Christ, Sci-ay. a new resident guests of Bryn ~de and In the essary here. mouth House, Swarthmore High entist, 206 park·avenue. . _ f ,,::. ~~wland, Is a student In Katharine E. MC~~averrord Col- Ih Hong Kong, an Increasing School Junior, Is recuperating in Local members invite the pubÂ~ aur~n~ LTo~~;s class in SCulp- evening ~ests °H h Borton for number of reruge~ are still com- Taylor Hospital after removal of. lic to atten4 this ThankSgiving ture Techn~ues at'the Commun· I~ge PreSIdent Ug ing in from China .. The. Church his spleen which was- ruptured service which will.be held at the ity Arts Center In·Wallingford. dmner. '11 leave about World Service has mne mll~ stat- following an ,accldentonTues~ay. above location on Thursday,Nov- The exhibit continues at the .The group ';1er a two' day Ions there where 52,000 children Patrolman James Davis assl.st~ ember 23, at 11 o'clOCk. No co1.ÂFidelitY- Philadelphia Trust Com- mIdday, today etin sand con- are coRllng every d83 to get milk ed the Milmant Ambulance whIch lection of any kind Is taken at pany through today during bank- schedule of me g and biscuits. , . . took WtptaRl to the ~ospltal. this service. inc hours. refenees. .. .' t- . ;. . f' ,. - ':'. "'"::.' .~" .( "I,: . '
---------- Page 13 ----------
Page 2 THB SWARTBMORBAN November 17, 1961 Personals Mrs. H. Miller Crist 0 Par' WETLAUFER-JOHNSON \Well of Parkside arethe maternal\Of Guernsey road. The new ar· aven~e is ap.at!ent in Hahnemann Miss Jane Patricia Johnson, grandp~rents. Thepaternal grand- rivalis the great-grandson of Mrs. HospItal, PhII.adelphia. for a few daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest parents are Mr.and Mrs. Lee, Jr .. Morris M. Lee of CollE\ge avenue. Dr. and Mrs. George B. Heck- days, undergomg treatment.. R. Johnson of Llaneroh, became " " . man, with George, Jr .. of Park Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. MICh- the bride of Mr. John Leslie Wet- IICI FBI-Ht.111 'Yel ~VlSlDN avenue will spend this weekend ener of Westdale avenue and Mr. laufer of Richmond, Va., son of' .nu - ....... atPenn state College, University and Mrs . Ralph Y.o ung of River-. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Wellaufer JO YATLEI:L EA'VIIE'ONIU _I: H'.E MORTON, , .... I.' ·.IIT. IIDIO :.... 'H •• ,i Park, for Parents' Weekend and view road entertruned at a rare- of Strath Haven avenue on Sat-other planned festivities with well co*cktail pa~ty on saturd~y urday, November 11, at 2:30 p.m., "Bring It to U. or·We'n Come.to You" their daughter June Lee, a jUJ)ior. evening at. tM MIchener home lR in the Presbyterian Churcb of .Kln,lWood 4-102.8 At the same time they will cele- ho.nGr of Mr. and ·Mrs. Joseph Lianerch. The Rev. John W. How-I~====;::=====:::;:=====;====-========~ brate an early Thanksgiving with ShImp of Rose. Valley who are ard officiated at the double ilng ~:e... 6'!!11 $Z, their daughter. iea~ing for HamIlton, 0., to make ceremony. ,.~- 'V~7'" Dr. and Robert K. Enders ·of thel! home. The bride given in marriage SpecIalized Instruction - AU Instruments Elm avenue had as their guest ENGAGEMENTS. by her father: wore a gown of soft MUSIC - INSTRUMENTS - REPAIRS for a week Mrs. Edith Kenney of Mr. and Mrs. William H. one- ivory dulcette satin designed in 405 bartmouth £yenue Call KI 4-5448 of Gillett, Wis., former nurse in haus of Yale avenue annqunce period style and featuring a " the Swarthmore Schools. Mrs. the engagement of their daughter, circiet neckline and three quarter Enders entertained at a tea in Anne, to Mr. Lyman H. Seamans, sieeves. Appliques of French her honor on Wednesday by invit- Jr., son of the Rev. and Mrs. Sea- velvet flowers and leaves trimÂing some of her teacher friends mans, Sr" of Pattenburg, N. J. med the bodice. The back waistÂfor a get-together. Miss Driehaus is a graduate 01' line was accented by an obi bow Dr. and Mrs. J. Aibright Jones Swarthmore' High SChool and of of satin with the bell shaped of Eim avenue will have as their Ohio Wesleyan University, Del- skirt fJ.p:Ving into a court traln. guests for the winter months Dr. aware, O. She is presently teach- Her fingertip veil of ivory French Jones' aunt Mrs, George Donnan ing at Butler High School in But- illusion was held by a haif cap and his cousin Mrs. Donnan WiI- ler, N. J. . of Alencon lace trimmed In seed son both of Asheville, N.C., who Mr. ~ea.mans Is a graduate of pearls. She carried a bouquet of will arrive today. West VUglnla Wesleyan .College, gardenias and white roses with Miss Sara McDermott, who has Buckha~non: W.Va:, and IS a soc- ivy. • _ "'h nallllADl_nmDunmUllan ... , ... I Th~Bouquet i BEAUTY SALON "THE SMART WAY IS THE BOUQUET WAY" 9 South Cheater Road Call Klngswood 8--0476 .......... _ ..... ., .... .,.. ................... M • been convaiescing at the home of lal servICe I.nveshgator for Pas- Miss Paula Johnson, sister of the William McDermott's on Yale saic County, Paterson, N_ J. thebrlde,acted as maid of honor. •• avenue, returned to Gloucester, No date has been set for the The bridesmaids Misses Lynn = '"' . aM" 1II1_lIIMb· em - N.J.,onTuesday. wedding. Watson of Long Island,N. Y., and -'FATHERS' f SWARTHMO'RE i Mrs. Peter Murray with two of Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Cowie of Patricia Vogel of Sellersville, . 0' - her children of Parka venue drove Sherwood lane, Wallingford an- wore co*cktail length dresses of to Carlisle last week and spent nounce the engagement of their Turquoise velveteen with match- RUTLEDGE HIGH SCHOOL & two days with her college room- daughter, Joan. to Mr. Warr e n Ing open pillbox hats with stlf-mate Mrs. B. Paul Miller. Riedel Eshbaugh son of the late fened veill They all carried pink JR. HIGH BO'yS &IN'TERESTED Mr. and Mrs. James H_ Breakell Mr. and Mrs .. Walte' r Roy Eshbaugh c hr ysant h e mu ms w I'th I'VY . of North Princeton avenue were of SI. Louis, Mo. The flower girl. Dorr.ie Earnest. CITIZENS among the guests attending the The wedding will take place w?re a dress of beIge taffeta : annual Parents' Day at MaryBald· on December 21 at The Walllng- WIth velvetee~ sash, a head- ' ' '.. . __ .J_ ".- A._._4. ....A o!JA! .',_ ~"4_ win College, Staunton, va.. Their f d P byt' Ch h piece of matchmg velveteen bow; -,., ~ W- -,~~ _ .. l""-- daughter Lindsay is a junior at or res enan urc. She carried a nosegay of pink ,L ~L_ the liberal arts college for wo- chrysanthemums. "'eet4 "" M~" IfIitH, l:Ife 1961-~ men. SRIDE-TO-BE FETED Mr. John F. McCahan of Phil- r ; Mr. Donald Aikens of For.est A bridal shower in honor of adelphia, formerly of Swarthmore, 62 ~ ~. file 1teeet i lane is in Florida, on a business Miss Mary Ann McCombs of Maple was best man for Mr. Wetlaufer. ~7 trip which will take him to Tam- avenue was held onSat.u~day The ushers included the Messrs. ~~ ""«eA,' 112')!._AAe A,erJ y-v- . pa, st. Petersburg, and several evening at the home of Mrs. 'Don Richard D. Wright of Westdale.,,' ~ - ~~v,,~ T" V" other cities. Before returning W .. Dickinson of Park avenue. avenue, Craig L. Peel of North .L ' home he will spend a few days Mrs. Don D. Dickinson, also of Swarthmore avenue, William E. ~ to S~~ /!I;1!J. __ A with his brother-in-law and sister Park avenue, and Mrs. S. W. John- Clausen of Beaver, 0., and Theo- ~ Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Lindsey and son of Amherst avenue were host- dore F. Gleichman of New Prov- ..AJL~_J. A. "~I ,,~ . children in Zero Beach. Mrs. esses.Guests included the future idence, N. J. "~ cX'",.tttee, ",u, . ~ Lindsey is a sis t e r of Mrs. bride's mother and sister, the A wedding reception followed Aikens. future bridegroom's mother and the Ceremony at Aitlen park In" Jean Patterson, /laughter of si~ter 'od their v.isitingrelatives, The bride gr"duated fr?m HavÂMr. and Mrs. George W. Patterson' neigh' '. 's and fnends. erford High School and attended of Dartmouth avenue a freshman ~'j~s McCombs received many Ursinus College. She is a memÂat The College of W~oster Ohio, U' ,.ue gifts which foHowed the ber of Alpha Sigma Nu Sorority. has been appointed te~porary ",ower theme of ' Treasures Old'. The bridegroom graduated from vice president of the Holden Hall Miss McComb's marriage to Swarthmor.e High School and LeÂwomen's residence by the junior Mr. James Patterson of Amherst high University, where he is a residents. . avenue will take place December member of Sigma Phi Epsilon. Miss Virginia Rath had as her 23. He is employed as an engineer guests recently Mr. and Mrs. Jo- SHIDL E-HOWELL with DuPont Company in Rlch-seph A. Turner and son of Char- mond, Va. leston, W. Va. Mr. Turner is a Mrs. Jan Howell of New York After a wedding trip of one cousin of Miss Rath. Last week- City and Mr. Norman G. Shidle. of week to Bermuda, they will be end she. had as her guests her Ridgefield, Conn., were marned at home at 3861 Coulder Court, sister Miss Gerttude Rathof Farm- Saturday November 11 at the home Richmond, Va., after November ington, Conn .. a cousin Miss Mary of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Howell 25. Van Turner and another cousin in Stamford, Conn. The ceremo~y The rehearsal dinner was given Mr. Charles L. co*cke and Mrs. was performed by the bride s by the bridegroom's parents at co*cke, all of Roanoke, Va. brother, the Rev. John. E. Meeter, Rolling Gre~n Country Club, on Jennifer. Bell and Nancy Field pastor of the ChristIan Reform Friday evemng. celebrated their 13th birthdays Church in Englewood, N. J. ""---:S":'=-:R:-:T=H=S--- together r e c e n t I y .and invited Mrs. Shidle, a for~ler resident some of thier friends from the of Cos Cob, Conn., IS president Mr. and Mrs. James H. Foster, eighth grade to a Mexican fiesta. of Jan Howell, Inc., national Jr., of Silver Spring, Md., former-agents for importers and manu- Iy of SWarthmore, announce the b Mrs. Kenneth .Reed t~hO th~d facturers of giftwares. birth of their first child, a son, een a pneumonla pal e n In h'dl di d th h F t I T I H ·t lid Mr. S 1 e, an e tor an au or, James Hars aw os er, II, on ay or aspl a, was re ease. . d ·th hit f Th d f I t k d · 1S aSSOCiate WI t e Soc e yo October 22. orene u. eurrast ina y.aot haers howmeee ona Nn orItSh Au t omo t'I V~ Eng'm eers. He 'I ~. a Mr. an d Mr s. 1"'11' 0 J ,,1 lam . ones Ch Pt gd M R d as t k former reSIdent of Swarthmore, IS of Vassar avenue are the mater-tTes elr roaT h. r. d ee w . a en the son of Mrs. H. B. Sh.l dle of nal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. ~n e~~r'::enc/~:s~ ~~r~~~:rn~~ Rutgers avenue and is a graduate James H. Foster of Drexelbrook home this week. of Swarthmore College. are the paternal grandparents. _ .111D1111UIIHIlDUllIlUIJIOllIDIIIllWtOlllHmnnr( ;=.... .l l MImaamomdlU""""Uiiiliilli6lZhmlliUdlil!.c.. 1!!! ~ ~ . ~ ; For IIAGAZIIE SUBSCRIPTIDNS I 1= BuHel Luncheon I ,.Cog Ii, - i IIRS. UOYD E, KAUFFMIN !' Served Daily . ~ I KI 3-2080 , I~oth Hot & Cold Dishell .flRmDlllildiimi_~UiMi""""llUlIUlriAaiLk. g $1.15 i THE Valley Voices OF Rose-Valley & Wallingford pre.ent J'I ?e4tt~ete 01 5".' Friday - Nov. 17 - 8:30 P.M. Ne .... r-Provid.nc. H.5. ; ~ ~ • I I Buffet Dinners I • I C !Thursday 5 to 9 - Sunday. 3 to 81 = $2.75 I ; -I THE WILD GOOSE Route I, Ba Itimore Pike i • [4 Mn .. weSt of Media) i Tickets $1.75 ClOSED ON MONDAn = f ~ ,,",;.OH~SA;;L;;;,E;..;";.;,T. ..T; .;~;.o;..iiioPO;.;.oRw.. .... 1 ;,_ ___- ----_• • Mr. and Mrs. William F. Lee, Jr .. of Elm avenue are receiving congratulations on the birth of their ,irst child, a son, William Fiss Lee, III, on November 12 in Hahnemann Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Roth- ~Jta,td tJJp ~ &.' 60 TULIP (with every f«4lil9~ 1$ ~ BULBS FREE 100 purchased) TIle I.,..' a ••• 326 N. Fairview Road. Woodf,,,, Pa. . rllroacll MacDlde Bl'l'd. . .Bl!Ick fIIorth on FRtfYlew) ~ . 15 WOODBROOILANE, SWAR1IIIIORE __ 1 Im1l1l111111ll1l1n1ll1ll1ll1llH11l1l1ll1l1ll1ll1l1ll11ll1m1ll1ll1111l1ll11l1U1II1I1I1I1II111111II11II1In11ll11l1l1ll1lNl1I1II1I111I11II1II1 i ANNOUNCEMENT! ! alice barber 9 i f t 5 ~ has been purchased by , = Mrs. Frank G .. Keenen =: who will continue its distinctive quality and service under the name of ' ~~ I ~ GIFTS I ~ ~ ~ . 15 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD KI 3-1900 ~ ~ ,'~. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ Thanksgiving " SALE ~~. SrdU & {!tIaU t)4Qbi ffo'l4t4i. 'K,,,a StdU %·01' 1/1 , ' J:'I0vember'17, 1961 Frank Morey Speaks, T If E , S WAR T HMO REA N Page 3 ""0 S H' igh S den 'Walk' Takes Hikers 'R ..·. .H I Art Ell !LIlli •• / Dr. Mathews M. Johnson 0 after spending two weeks in Day- J' [ tu ts 1 ' ," Park avenue returned on Tuesday tona Beach, Fla., visiting with F 20 MIles Along AT Ott S ~ II ,.·n after four days in Miami, Fla., her brother Mr. D. Thomson int/~n\R. rOrey, former super- Dr. Freder' k W ... --, I. where he attendect a meeting 0 Hastings. RUtl~d~~ ;Ch~~e S)Varthmore - ~orth Chester r~~, and ~~ehrin~ The Regional Council of Com- the National Association of Real .-------.... -----. in the se' . Is, gave a talk Ing companion Paris walk munitv Art Centers Exhibition E.state Boards. held at the Unive,r- Gu·.·tar bl mor hIgh school assem- Newark, Del h Walters oC OIlened ilt the Fidelity-Ph'l _ Sity of MiamI. He was also 1 Y on Thursday, November 9 w Ik' .. ave returned from d I hi 1 a touch with the Alumni of Penn- Mr. Morey discussed points f ~ ~ I~g tour in the Great Smok- e J' a Trust Company, Broad sylvania Military College in the Classical - Popular historic interest visited bOies, egI~ning atClingmans Dome .an. Walnut streets in Philadel- Miami area. Wt.4, LaPATA and Mr~. Morey during th.;ir ~i~ ~/~e :~n~ between Tennessee ~~'~~e~rhS~~~:t~ 3hr';~i The Mrs. R. J. L.itllefield of Swarth-cent tnp to Europe M or arollna and the high- . . x 1 on con- more place has returned home Music ViII.,. KI4-5448 illustrated his lectu' '~h M?rey est pomt on the 2000 mile Trail SistS 0 f pruntings, sculpture of pictures which hr: WI slIdes and en~ing in northern Georgia: and crafts .by profeSSional and Most interesting of al~ad taken. Carrymg packs of 38 to 42 non-~rofe~sI.onal artists and chil-pictures tak' were the pounds over a s t ret c h of 120 dren 5 pamtmgs. the Greek is~~sm e~ree~e and .on miles, sl:eping in trail lean-tos . ?he exhibits from the CommunÂtures oC Del h: PdeclailY PIC- when avaIlable and otherwise on Ity Arts center on Rogers lane Mr. Morey' s r~n~i an of Delos. the grourd under the bright moon- Wallingford includes: ' showed mast ng cO.mmentary llght was a rugged but an invig- Sculpture by John Newland DC weil as m tery of hIstory as orating and unforgettable experi- Swarthmore, Florence Young of photagra .;S ery of the art of ence. Deer and beins and' many Newtown Square, Ruth Beck of Befori th', wild turkeys and grouse crossed Media and Ruth Redding of Glenn Mr 'Morey e asllemlily program, the trail, and the screams of a Mllls; ceramics by Alan Shaw of lu~ch b w:s entertained at panther not rar distant were in Chester. ing secietm~ml ers of the teach- teresting as well as frightenlng- Paintings are the work of arIa staff. There w.ere the ext!emes of sno~ B~ttie Patman and Marjorie Gem- \"''''V ...... -. ...... ............ ,.....,-.., '..".... in the hIgh mountains and sun in mIll of Swarthmore, Robert L. the valleys resulting in sunburned Anthony', Jo Holmes and Alice fa.ces, - denuded trees as well as Whit.e of Moylan, G. Ulshafer of gorgeously colored foliage and Medla,Fran Lackman of Chester, the luxuriant green of rhododen- M.N. Durand of Ridley Park and dron, mountain laurel and Bzal- Jud~th A. Ingram of Wallingford. eas with a rich undergrowth of Childrl'n'~ paintings are galax. The carpets of purple and ex.hibited by Lynda Kennedy and Life is Good (I gill. t!1anb. unto III. lioril, fJll' Jr. .. 9Poll; fJll' JU. lIIfl'tIJ rUm,.., fortllrr, }>SAJ.MS eVil. t PAULSON & CO. , ellow violets and trailing arbu- DIane M,:ssinger of Springfield. tus made parts of the trail a ver- Accordmg to Mrs. George E. . !table fairy land. Kearns, Jr., of Media, prizes MIDDLETOWN ROAD, MEDIA Opposite High Meadow (between DuHon Mill Road and Knowlton Road) Telephone 1Remont 2·7206 ASK FOR SEN PALMER SHADE TREES PYRACANTHA ( fuethorn ) HOLLIES GOOD SELECTION Of UVE OIRISTMAS TREES SPRUCES, nlS, PINES - SPLIT HARDWOOD FIREPLACE WOOD (W e Deliver) Visit Our Roadside Market Open Week,dallS Swarthmore. Pa, Dr. Luehring and Mr. Walters will ,be awarded for the best proÂspent the night with Dr and Mrs fesslOnai and non-professional E. Fay Campbell; fo'rmerly of works. The .exhibit will be open warthmore and now of Maryville to the pubhc from Monday/NoV- •••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••• Tenn., before being dtiven by em~er 13, to Friday/November 17 : '. them the following morning to dunng banking hours. THE SWEET SHOP COLONIAL COURT APTS, (Next ta Post Office) KI 3-4597 • CUT FLOWERS - PLANTS CORSAGES Home-Made Candy Home-Made Cakes' Clingmans Dome to begin their trek. The Appalachian' Trail is divided into four 'sections in this rea: Thirty miles from Clingmans Dome to Fontana Dam, 25 Innes from.there over the Yellow Creek Waucbecha-Cheoh Mountains to Wesser on the Nantahala River, ;5 miles through the Nantahala ~ational Forest, and 10 miles to Dicks Creek Gap in northern eorgia. There are 22. Different Models and 9 Different Finishes in Zenith Space Command T, V, STEREO TV - RADIO THE MUSIC BOX, I,NC. 10 Park Avenue KI3-1460 :~!i!i~!i_!i~ ./ WAS A JUVENILE' DELINQUENT! I jumped fencell, ran aw&J'. met up with bad. dogs, upset garbage caDs •... ndlRd neighbors' ahrub. . • • tIlen pn" day the bon put me In hla car • •• I thouabt it wu the end ••• but. do you know where be took me' . To thi DOG TRAINING SCHOOL OF DELAWARE CO, I le.med to· Heel," to 81t. to sta,. to Como ••• and. I LIltED au Wh, not \ell YOUR bOH to take you there. Next Course Starts Wednesday Evening, Noyember 22 Swarthmore High School Gymnasium Clauel Umlted 111 a ••.• Advance relo"aUona DOa TRA.I.Na SCHOOL OF DELI WIRE COUNTY PALMERS MILL. PAXON BOLLOW BOAD, B.D. t, MEDIA BLrtD .... ~~!i!i5~~~!i~'!i!i!i~!i~!i~~ ~Irs .. Richard G.-Haig entertainÂed her eightsorne Tuesday with luncheon at the Ingleneuk follow~ ed by bridge at her home on RiverÂview road. Mrs. C. A. Ward of Chatham Mass., arrived here the first of the month to spend the winter at the Harvard Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Greene of South Chester road have had as their guest for a week former Swarthmorean, Miss . Elimar Mc Conechy, Miss McConechy left yesterday \or her home in KanÂsas City, Mo, Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. HanÂnum of Lafayette avenue have reÂturned home from a week's visit to San FranciSCO, Calif., on a combined business and pleasure trip. Eddie Shute, a student at SevÂern School, Severna, Md., will arrive home on Wednesday to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with his parenis Capt. and Mrs. C .C. Shute of Maple avenue. . Mrs. Thornton W. Price, forÂmerly of 600 Harvard avenue,left yesterday morning to drive to Tempe, Ariz. She has had built another "Tuckaway" in the rear of ,her son's home at 336 ConÂcorda drive, and plans to make her permanent home there. Mrs. Helen Hall of Hillborn avenue accompanied Mrs. Price and will remain for a visit. They expect to reach there in time for ThanksÂgiving dinner. Weekend'Special I Swift's Premium LEGS of LA , '. PLACE YOUR ORDER lOW FOR YOUR TURlEY Swift's Butterball Turkeys /t costs no more to enjoy the Best at , , , \ , . •• •• •• •• •• •• • ~ •• •• •• • Do you spend more than $50 for Christmas presents? •• •• •• •• •• •• • o •• •• •• o • • ..... " " ·1 • ••••••••••••••••• o· • Then let your Provident Tradesmens •• Key" Christmas Club buy the gifts on your list every year! Wise families have stopped getting the blues fro~ Christmas bills. They're generous givers at C~nstmas, too. They simply put something aSIde ... regularly ... all year 'round in a "Key" Christmas Club. $2 a.week gets you $100. $5 every week and you r~celve $250 .. Just decide how much cash you'd hke next C,hnstmas. Come in, open your "Key" ~hristmas Club (no charge), and start building It now. You'll find your shopping more fun, your ChristÂmas merrier, your budget much happier! .............. '-"'''K~~ to a ........... , "' •••••• '0 •• _~ ••••••• 1::.~.1:~'. . '~ ~~~::: ~~~~~~~ .~~ ~~: .~. ... .:: PROVIDENT TRADESMENS ~ank and Trust Company THE KEY BANK OF DELAWARE VALI,EY I . . Ih-la.wt,,.,. Count.v ()lfia~: . Spri ~lma-~ 6-8300 (Dri,,::c-In &. Parking); ML'4iia- LO 6-ll300 ngfield tDnve-ln ~ ParkrRlJ-KI 3-2-130; Swarthmore-KI 3-1431 ~ Nether Providence-La 8-3300 (Drive-In" Parki"J • . . A_ ...... ope .. FridaY"'''inR><. ~'Iter Afa". QIic.y:;Broaa and C~nu~. ~.~JA>cust 40.3000 ~ ~ '" ...... a'f" Qw_ .... ~." ~ 1I<1"11t6w J1WIw.I ........ """! ....
---------- Page 14 ----------
I Page 4 • THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EV.I!ItY FlIDAY AT SWAITHMORB, PI!NI'IA. PETER E. TOLD. KABJO~E T. TOLD. pUliM ... Pboae Klnpwood 3-0900 PETER E. TOLD, Editor .... 1. BA ..... B. ~. ",,_""'/1 Bditor D. Peireol Kar)' E. Palmer Karjorle T. Told Entered .. S-cl Clau Katter. January 24, 1929. at the POit Office a\ swarthmore •• Pa.. uDcler the Act of Mareh 3, 1878. DEADLINE _ WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, PENNA FRtDAY. NOVEMB'ER 17,1961 METHODIST NOTES THB 'SWARTBllqRBAN' Thanksgiving Service will be held at 9 a.m. iI. this church. The Rev. John C. Kulp of the Methodist Church will preach. Members of the Chancel C hoi r will participate I n the service. FRIENDS MEETING NOTES Grigor MCClelland and Roilert Cory will be the speakers at the Beliefs Into Action Conference' to be held in the Race Street Meeting House on November 18 from 2 to 5:30 p!m. The theme of the conference is "Your MeetÂIng and. T he UN." QlRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES The Philadelphia Conference The aVhilability Dere and now Spiritual Life Retreat takes place of the healing power of theChrist, today and tomorrow in Ocean City Truth, will be stressed at Christ- November 17,. 1961 TH, ,RI'CE! W. conduct serYlces to suit yOvt bUdGet ••• and all rec.w. the ICIIIMt IIIItic:u= IoUI attention. • • 'HE OLIVER He BAIRCO. .... cr_ O. ","_LI _ ........ 'I' MAI'f .... uit,,, "d 1120 CHISTNUT STltIIf T".phono LO 1-1"1 :: .J ',';,.; , '<' ÂCHURCH SERVICES' PRESBYT.ERiAN CHURCH D.Evor Roberts, Minister Robert O. Browne,Assoc,Mlnlster Minister of Christian Education Sunday. November 19 New Jersey. ian Science church services this ~' Tonight the Pairs 'N' Spares Sunday in the Lesson-Sermon en- -' Administration Building will attend the comedy" A Mighty titled "Soul and Body." • Man Is He" at the Colonial Play' Luke's account of the healing cr '- 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Worship and Church School 9:30 A.M.-Women·s Bible class 10:30 A.M.-10th Grade Class 10:45 A.M.-11th & 12th Grades 11:00 A.M.-.Morning Worship and Church School. Tuesday. November 21 9:00 A.M.-Morning Prayers Wednesday. November 22 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion Thursday. November 23 9:00 A.M.-Community Thanksgiving Service METHODIST CHURCH The Rev.Jahn C.Kulp,Mlnlster Minister ~r yauth Charles Schisler Minister of Music Sunday, November 19 8:30 A.M.-Morning Worship 9:'45 A.M.-sunday School 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship 7:30 P .M.-Jr. - Sr. MYF Monday, November 20 Men's Ladies' Night house, at 8:30 p.m. by Christ Jedus of the "woman Mr. Kulp is currently preach- which had a spirit of infirmity ing a series of sermons on the eighteen years and was howed theme, "Living the Lord's Pray- together and ~ould in no wise er." His topic this week at both lilt up herself" is included in services of morning. worship, the Scripturai readings. 8:30 and.ll o'clock will be The Golden Text is from psalm "Lead Us Not Into Temptation." 90: "Lord, thou hast been our Theprogram at the Wesley FJll- dwelllngplace in all generations lowship Supper meeting this Sun- .... Let they work appear unto day at 5:30 at the parsonage will. thy servants, and thy glory unto be a discussion of a 15 minute their children." I ~:~:~:~~~tI;f~~l1m which, pr~sents a All are invited to attend' the I' of God s c?venant Services at 11 a.m. in First people and the ideas of. Church of Chrls,t, scientist, 209 and sacrifice: . Park avenue. Both the Jumor and Senior ,:,, _ ._----._._-- High FellQwships will meet SunÂat 7 p.m. The Senior High ROBERT WADE HOUSE IFeUowshilp will hear a report 0", mission trip taken by Mr. and· HOLDS RECEPTION Mrs. S. W. Johnson of Amherst Mr. Johnson will have The RobertWade Neighborhood and a talk on this trip to House in Chester celebrated its Missions in the moun- recent move to the Franklin Fire rural areas and Indian Mis- House at 217 Concord avenue, sions in the southern states. yesterday afternoon and evening and famous Clock Tower How long and how well will it last?' Underlying its unique variety of facilities -rental mausoleums, family plots. ~mo-. rial park, crematorium, ~lumbarium, chapel -all in settings of natural beauty, West Laurel Hill offers ~e all-in/.portant quality of its management, which is financi8ny sound and legaIIy assured. The W.S.C.S. Bible Study group with an open house. The event meet Mo nd ay evening at was planned and executed by the p.m. in the Chapel. board of directors of the 19-year TRINITYCHUitCH . Monday evening the Methodist old commu!'ity serlice house ... , The Rev. Layton P. ~Immer, will hold Ladies' Night in Local residents of tlie board in- Write: 215 Belmont Ave., Bala-CynwYd , Pa. Telephone: MOhawk 4-1591 Rector prJmary Assembly room. The clude: The Rev. George R. McKelvey, Ist;eaker will be Dr. Arthur Baker Allen Hunt of Wallingforp, Curate . will discuss a.llergies. Re- chairman; Mrs. George M. Allen, Iffllshments will be served. Mrs. Lee C. Ben net, J. paul Sunday, November 1'1 The Mary Circle w\ll meet at Brown, Edmund Jones, John F. (Trinity XXV) home of Mrs. Walter Taft, Spencer, David R. Wadleigh, all 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion and 543 Marietta avenue, at 9:30 of Swarthmore; and Mrs. George Word Tuesday. Gillespie of ~ose Valley. 9:30 A.M.-Holy Communion The Hannah Circle will meet To acquaint visitors with the 11:15 A.M.-Mornlng.Prayer and ITue"d,.y at 10 a.m. at the home worK ·of jhe House, several ex- Sermon of Mrs. James Shearer, 122 west- hibltions were displayed. The .. a ~. =, WEST LAUREL HILL ~ Visitors welcome. Come any day ~~.~ to 4. Belmont Avellue above Phil~. City I'.fne 8:00 p.M.-Organ ReCital minster drive, Sproul Estates. Golden Age Group displayed Monday, Navltmber 20 The Esther Circle will meet stuffed animals, quilts, dolls· =::=:=:: ==-- 8 p.m. Tuesday, at the home and doll clothes which they have 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer f Mrs. J. Waite r strack, 720 made. Articles made In the crafts Bala-CynwYd ...... .c.~~~ 6:00 P.M.-Evening PraYer swarthmorewood lane. 'Program and projects of the Boy Tuesday, Novell!ber 21 Wednesday at 8 p.m. the Of- Scouts were on view. Visitors 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer ficial Board will meet in' the in the afternoon observed the 6:00 P.M.,.Evening Prayer Chapel. activities in fhe pre-scho'o! group. Wednesday, November 22 ThursdaY at 9 a.m. the Thanks- Wade House had its beginnings giving Service will be held at the in the his toric old Chester 7:00 A.M.-Holy Communion Presbyterian Church. Friends Meeting at 248 Market 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer __ ____ street. When the building was 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayet PRESBYTERIAN NOTES torn down as part of the City of 7:00 .P.lIi.-Children·s Service ,Chester redevelopment program', Thursday, Nove;"ber 23 Morning Worship and Church Wade House found a new home School classes are held at 9:15 several blocks away in the Frank· (Thanksgiving Day) and 11 o'clock SundaY mornings. lin Fire House at 217 Concord 8:00 A.M.-Eucharlstand Hymns The Women's B i bl e class avenue. After extens'ive renovat- 9:00 A.M.-Community Thanks- at 9:30, the loth grade ingand redecorating and the con-giving Service, swarthmore meets at 10:30, and the 11th and structionofa playground adJacent Presbyterian Church 12th grades at 10:45. to the' fire house this summer, 6:00 P.M~-Evening Prayer Morning Prayers are held each Wade House again opened its Friday, November 24 Tuesday at 9 o'clock. doors this fall to offer the fami- The Session will meet at 7:30 Ii.es in its neighborhood a wide 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer night. program of activities. 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer The Holy Communion will be under the direction of Louis W. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Sunday, November 19 11:00 A.M. - Sunday School 11:00 A.M. - The Lesson-Ser· mon will be 'Soul and Body' Thursday, November 23 '11:00 A.M. - Thanksgiving Day Service. . Wednesday evening meeting each week, 8 P.M., Reading Room, 409, Dartmouth Avenue, open weeli.daYs except holidays, 10- 5; Friday e~ening, 7-9. celebrated at 8 a.m. Wednesday Carroll, Jr., executive dlr.ector, and at 10 a.m. Thursday.' and his assistant, Mrs. Omega Circle 6, a nd the Bandage Brooks, the center provides act-group will not meet this w ivitles and Interests for every THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Su~day, November 19 11:00 a.m. Family Meeting for Worship. No First-day School. Child care is provided in WhitÂtier House. 00 p.m. Junior HighFeliowship Supper and meeting. John Bond and peter Smith, guests. member of the family. A day care center for pre· school children enrolls 60 children. Pre·teens and teen-agers crowd Into the center in the afternoons and evenÂings. The Wade House program also includes Scouting, aMothers Club, and an organization' of Golden Agers. 5:30 p.m. ~oung Friends FellowÂship. LEIPE'R PR'ESBYTERIAH 7:~0 p.m. Bible Sfudy Group. 900 FC:Urv~!;!' Road Monday, November 20 Increased facilities in its new location enable Wade. House to serve hot 1 u n c h e s. to the preÂschool children this year for the first time. The. facilities also enabled the number Of children enrolled in the pre-school to inÂcrease 33% and ,,\II make 1/09- ~All·.([8~ sewing for AFSC Tloe R~v .... _s ....... ·MIIII s"" J Tuesday. No _ 21 Sot"""" Mevo .. 19 8:00 p.m. Monthly Meeting for sible the extension of the dQ care program throuPlout the SlIm- 9:30 A.II.-CbarCh SCbOoi· . Business. ~ ~;;=~ .... JI~Il-«~';wo· •• " .. ,; ::~"L~r 21. "I ... that's mighty . good eating- AND IT WAS BAKED IN A MODE~N ; RA N.G El You can rely on the eve. nly distributed heat in the oven of a gas' range to. balle ",' ,,~ a cake evenly-perfectly. What's more, the clock control lets you forget the cooking chore. ~1,I~atic lighting of top bl,lrners, the burn,e r.with.a:bi'~i"\' and easy broiling are jl,lst a few features that help make food cooked with' ps miJhty good eating'-and easy. coOking. . ~ , . • November 17, 1961 Woml?n's Club Notes The art· department, wll1ch met recently at the home of Mrs. John E. Michael, chairman, has undertaken a series of one-man shows, each to last for a month. The first. one, six paintings by Mrs .. F. LeRoy Gilbert, is now hung In the clubhouse. THB 8WARTRMORBAN Page 5 ESTER HOSPITAL JR BOARD SPONSORS BALL NEW COURSE STARTS WED. Among the mAT DOG TRAINING SCHOOL Junior Board of thembers of the The Dog Training School of . APPLES & swm ODER pital who served e Chester 1I0s- Delaware County will begin its tee for the An on the commit- next course in dog obedience' WlwR BASkEIS held !lovember ~u~ C~arlty Ball training on Wednesday evening -.- Jro SQlI!SH Mrs. Wlllla ere. November 22, In the Swarthmor; r~ " , _ .......... chairman' Mrs m Bates of Lima, gymnasium. "" of 0 g den' ave.n uDe. Ptaictrkicekt .W elBlt B eglnners classes are held at '" LINVILLA ORCHARDS Regular painting classes beÂPeter Keiser of Walllngf:~ Mrs. 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. Open and gan Monday at 1~' ~.m .• in the clubhouse 10UJIgEk'Thei departÂment has obtained Fiorence Tricker, lately returned from Europe, as their teacher. Mr:...:s~.;:N~an~C~yh:ic~arr~o~ll~orf ~ggF~ti.tl!l!eand N9'o3v0i ce dogs will be trained at DI_ Ftoot" TSwA ..e... Farm with 1M OctagOMl Brr..,.,," Mr. and Mrs. James B. McGinn, . . .. s: ..... - .. Iom _ "0'" Ct •• IMI. ,- I0Il_ Jr., entertalned at a dinner party . 1-JR tvw.nI CII_. Dri •• ·II'. - Z mil ... I,,,. """ .. J[ • II- - for ~-. Sat d Open 10 A. ..... .,..... . . ur ay at their home in the "1 S"w It in T1& S ~L '.. Dolly .od Sunday TRemont 6-9047 Dartmouth ouse. • ""T"'","'"'' . BILLION PAID IN MEMBER BENEFITS HERE, 1938-61 1hisis a story , about. Blue Cross "Ind a tower of 8100 ••• ON'in DAY in mid-October, 1961, some subscriber whom it would noW be difficult to identify was di.charged from one of the 99 Blue Cross Member Hospilals in Grea'er Philadelphia. . There was no fanfare. The patient was , just one of the 40,000 subscribers hospitalized here. o~ .:t~~, t~v~~~g.e, each month. It may have been someone you know-a little child ora .!tao of 90. It may have been a routine case or one il)volving thousands of dollars for expensive services. However: When Blue Cross paid that hospital for lhe care this patient had received, your plan reached an important landmark in its eventÂful history. Philadelphia Blue Cross had paid out' a total of one·,h alf bi.l lion dollars since itS beginning here in 1938. HALF A BILLION DOLLARS - how much is t,h at? Few of uS have ever seen a $10,000 bill (although they print them, we are told) or even a $1000 bill. But we do glimpse a $100 note occasionally. The PhilaÂdelphia Mint tells us that it takes 233 crisp, new $100 bills to ma!<e a stack one inch high. According to that, a column of $100 bills totaling a hal(-billion dollars ($500,000,000) would be 1,788 feet ta,Jl--{)r easily more than three times as high as' City H.U Tower (548 feet). Tha\ giveS 'you same idea of not only what $\<2 billion amounts to, but the conÂtinuing impact of Blue Cross on the healthÂeeonomics of our community." Blue Cross, pioneer in its field, will always be the leader. Although there are many imitators, BlUe Cross is universally recogÂnized as the standard of excellence, the Plan that provides not limited indemnities, but the service you need-$ \<2 billion worth' in 23 years. IllliiltiiiliiiDDIHIDDUlllllUlHllDnlllUmUlUHllllumUIUlIllIIlUlUlUllIIDlDnmmunlDlllIIDIIUllimnIIUlIDUlUlDlIWluUlUllllUmlllHlUuuurnUllIWlwlWHlIOllllUUMHUllllUU -', .{N;.r· 23rd ANNUAL REPORT TO 2,t25,OOO BLUE CROSS MEMBERS IN GREATER .PHILADELPHIA PAYMENTS TO HOSPITALS FOR SUBSCRIBER BENEFITS cumulative I $3,500,87,3 1941 • $22.066,950 . 1946 $86,143,846 1951 _Total hospital payments aUain_ed $500,000,000 .. 'in mid·October. 1961 SUBSCRIBERS HOSPITALIZED cumulative . 4,393,893 .. 1,282,756 t' 2+f·.I •.• ·.?· •• ( I 363,855 T 59,279 CONDENSED REPORT 1938·1961 (Aug. 31) Enrollment . .•. • . . . . . . . . Hospital Service Groups ..... Member Hospitals . . . . . . . . • • . . . . 2,125,607 11,855 99 Subscribers Hospitalized . • . . . . . . . . . 4.393,893 Days of Hospital Ca,e Used. . . • . . . . • • 31.542.99 I Amount Paid Hospitals. . . . . . • . . . $492.989.024*. CURRENT OPERATIONS September 1. 1960 to August 31, 1961 Earned Subscription Income .....•... $70,705.227. Hospital Payments. . . . . . . . . . . . . $65,391.038 . Operating Expense . . . . . • . . . . • . . $ 4,061,775. Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... $ 1.252,414. HOW EACH SUBSCRIBER DOLLAR WAS DISTRIBUTED September 1. 1960 to August 31, 1961 92\\cfOl subscribers' hospital care 1%< add~ion to reserves 5%< operating expenses, ,;:., .' ASSOCU~TED HOSPITAL SERVICE·OF 11~2 SoUth 16th Street, Phil<ldelphia·2,Pa. .. '. PH.':ADliLPHIA . ",.", LevittOwn. Norristown • Pottstown ~ .. 'I
---------- Page 15 ----------
.' ..P:.a...g:=e. .. 6:: ....-L..-.-.. u.-N------~-:---le-Hers--To-The--E-d-,-·to-r---;--S-C-h-OO-I-..:..:B;.;o:..:.aTr.. B.:d .B..: .:n8e; .W;x..A.:t R... .T:J.;R..a M::n; 0.; uR::.a'rs.. .A:y ~Nth --e.~rsciWoiDiireCtOrfiCAi;pj~rr!~~~~ duly ~1 KAPPAS TO SEW' ESTATE OF Dora E. Furst. DE· be filled by political party sumel tthde orf fice to which The Kappa Ka.p pa Gamma Sew· , in one way or another. e ec e or a term or' , C~ASEDI Late of 111 Guerhsey The opinions expressed below lYeiars. and th t h tl Ing group will meet Tuesday at road. Swarthmore. Delaware County. are those ofthe Individual writ. The Importance to the polit- a e con nue the home of Mrs. Walter R. Shoe- Pennsylvania. ers. All letters to The Swarth- party of keeping the duly office until such time as maker. 510 Riverview road. Letters Testamentary on the above morean musthe signed. Pseudo- j:~!~~~::~ official in office In pre- return to the Borough Chaovmin gE xbceheann gger aBntaMnk taon dG iEradrwd aTrdr uEs.t nymns'm. a.y b e use d If th e wr I-ter' e to an appointee has just more dl rectly and COUNTY OF DELAWARE Furst. Executors. All persons I n· Iwsi lkln obwe np tuob tlhiseh Eedd itoonrl,y L aett tethres decls'lvely Illustrated by Proposals will be rece1 v e d debted to the said decedent are reo discretion of the Editor. controlling political Party's Yours sincerely. of the County Control· quested to make payment. and those ''le,tic," in keeping the elected James 1. Malone Media. Pa;. up un· having claims or demands agatnst P I' . I' Standard Time. sald Estate to present same. wI thout 0 Ihcs of the Peace in office 314 Dartmouth ~ve. November 21. l' 961. "'o r delay. at the orrlce of Girard Trust To the Editor months after he moved from furnishing and operallng construction Corn Exchange Bank. Broad and The voters of Swarthmore have Boro\lgh. It seems anQbv.lous Thanks Communltl.. eq uipment on a Rontal Basis for CheRtnut Streets. Philadelphia 1. spoken in decisive fashion lRllconc:lusion that a similar solu- To the Editor: use of the County of Delaware. Pa. George H,Brown. Jr .• President. electing two new Directors in the School Board vacancy The me mbers of this Media. Penna.. which will be opened O17r 1.9J .P aBc.k aMrd llBlaurdil diTnygs. oPnh.i laAdtetolprnheiya the School Board. S:i~n~~cIe~ r:~~:~!I~f~t~i;: be in line wI th the con- UNICE- F Committee are 'treme at t1h0e: 0p0r eAse.Mnc. eE o.Sf .tTh.e oCno uthnatyt Cdaotme.. , 2. Pennsylvania. same voters have party's .actions of cu'"' dously grateful to the missioners. considered it important to and therefore one whl.chl of people in Swarthmore and ,Eacl, bid must be accompanied by' ESTATE NOTICE this decision' a political appeal to the Boro'ugh's ledge 'who contributed coliected Cash. Certified Good Falth Check. ESTATE OF Alice F. Barber late of the Borough of SWarthmore Del- • orby Corporate Surety Bond. either matter. it Is natural to and counted money on Halloween. the amount of ten percent that the forecasted vacancy I would therefore propose that These community efforts of the total amount of the Bid; resulted In our' attainme:l~t i~o;~f;~~l ~:~~t~to~;the order of the County of aware County. Pennsylvania. DE- I-______ ~~-::~~~:-:=::-::::-=_-::-::.--=--_ CEL~tl';,~s Testamentary on the above eLI S'S I FIE DAD S Estate having been granted to the undersigned. all persons Indebted to said Estate are req uested to make payment. and those having claims to present the same. without delay. to Frances Barber stockton. 663 Euclaire Avenue. Columbus 9. Obio. or to her Atlorneys: Butler. Beatty. record breaking sum 'of . .• Forms of Proposal may be obtained To date almost 900 at the Orrlce of the Chief Clerk to boxes have been returned. 111""'," the County Commissioners. at the WAITED of them filled to capaclty. Court House. Media. Penna. to· d t The County Commissioners re- LOST - Garnet sweater Name tag WANTED - Used Ping Pong table. in neck. Hood. KIngswood 3- Call 3-1056. response a espera e serve the right to reject 'aay and all wide need for milk and bids. 3819. Greer 8< Jolmson. 11 south Avenue. LOST - Gold Grandmother bracelet - To rent two car heated ~almge. Call Jeff Smith. LOwell has been overwhelming. We thank you to all of you for a well done. M. edla. Pennsylvania. 3T-11-171:~iW~I~th~f~0~u~r~he~a~r:ts~an~d~0~n~e~dl~SiC'~K;I;-I:~~~~~F~~~~]~~~k: ' ngswood 3-1390. Sincerely. ESTATE OF Bertha P. Fuller •. DE-, - Ironing to do in my Mrs. David n'o,UI CEASED. Late of Swarthmore. Del· LOST - Wrist watch with black First Class work. Klngs- Chairman aware County. Pennsylvania. • band. Call Klngswood 3-9128. P;S. The method one EsLtaetiete hrsa.v Te ebsetaemn egnrtaanrtye do nt toh eth aeb ouvne- i Il LLO:oSgT. r-::FFr~o;m; -Drr;e;w; ;A;v-e;n~u~e;. ;.: ~;;;;=t-------'. FF:OoRii R~iEEN'T;.' r~------' used to collect pennies palnllells-I derslgned. who request all persons: male cat. gray tiger. white chelst. =:-::-=::-,::~=-" _____ ,_-Ily will. be of interest and having claims or demands against KIngswood 4-1911.' FOR RENT"-Gar_ge. aVailable haps inspiration to others. ~:~~~I tkhneo wEns ttahtee soamf teh. e anDde caeldl epnetr stoon ms aIkne- :i1.~§~~~~:~~~:~~1 woeomd b4e-r4 11.1 540. 4 Elm Avenne. :Kn~g;~Swarthmoreafu; kept a bowl debted to the decedent to make pay.! money. throughout the year into whlchl ment. without delay. to Ada Fuller Dickinson i"OR RENT-Largecomfortablefurn. the family and friends might Keefer. Executrix. 1136 Youngsford, KIngswood _______ Ished room. 'stOrage space. priv. odd pennies. The bowl prOVluleul Road. Gladwyne. Pennsylvania. Or PERSONAL acy. new home. KIngswood 3-3329. a tOpic of conversation. to her Attorneys: Drinker. Biddie 8< Call after 4. Saturday and Sunday as ample funds for the UNI(~EllPl Reath. J. Horace Churchman. 1345 all day. . Chestnut Street. Philadelphia 70' collection. ·Pennsylvauia. 11·24·3T For Rent - Office space.one. two ,B elvedere Convalescent Home 2507 Chestnut St., Chester 1MRelDont 2·5373 l1-li_111' N ...... Dan A,04. Selllle. CbroDIo eoa.~al .. ceD' lieD ad· W'OIIlg ,""'_ ..... -",_0_ B!U "HM V ~~. IU.DIIII 1'D'PIH TORNJ:R. ...... - IUSTOM 'IITALLITIOII IIJ ·H. D. CHUROH ~ I PARK AVE., SWARTHMORE . Klngswood 4-2727 ROOfiNG Gutters Warm-Air Heating Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work Georg •• rers ud CO. BOX 48 CLobe 9.oS358 HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS WFIL a .... - II" "L ........ I-WFIL-Tl-IIII LM. General Contractor BUILD,.E ..R. S, . '.S..i.n..c... .1 920' 1401 Ridley An_ , Chesl .... PG. 11101 &lilt 2 .. 75. .. I.'''' or three rooms. Apartments large Ask Cla5S"1ates' Help medium. and small. Swarthm'ore In~ vestment Company. 17SouthChester The Editor: _r ooCmasr.p entry ~:O:~b;~b~In~~g~'li~;?ra:jd~. ;;sw~ar-=-thm.;;0:ctrei;.;-:S~in~g;S~W~oo~d~3;-~O;5~86 theO nt eSnetpht egmrabdeer 2h4a;d t hbee denay g aif t;erl J. Donnelly. Rent - Media. Ft.'st floor front an assignment on European maps. living room. bedroom. tile the 'E' volume of the World Boo enclosed porch. Near adults. $85. LOwel encyclopedia was missing - Roofln,,~ bedroom. seconCl. fiOOf4 Adults only. RENT-'TUCK AWAY HOUSE' cot"age with four rooms. and fireplace for one or two only. KIngswood 3-0885. the public library. Repeated eral appeals to return it. no q ues' tioDs as.ked. have met with no success. , Of course. it may have been student In any 'class who this selfish thing. but the tenlthl grade was circ*mstantially volved and we were asked to $10 necessary to help rel)IILcel the book. At a class meeting November 1. after full discussion. - A.F.M. Contractor. FOR SALE the great majority of the Cl""'"I stucectco. Cwhor*ks. tnCu~t J'iruttl!~~~~-~~A~~p~pi~e;s.. ;E;i ;R;l;Il;\c;ho voted against buying a new -,,>~o or SHerwood 1-3561. ProvidenCe Road.' one ume. evidently believing Rose Tree .. between since it could not be proved PERSONAL - Custom-made and Media. a tenth grader stole It. t;nh:.el~~,~~~1 covers. Pin fitted In your didn't need to feel any " You supply material. I make . FOR SALE - Custom Bullt Rancher Work guaranteed. prompt service. with second floor for teenagers. ibility at all. . CLearbrook 9-6311. floor has lovely living room Whether or notone of our cllls51-1 1 _______ · _______ ~=_I~u~x 16. screened porch. large mas- mates took the encyclopedia. PERSONAL - Gllbert's Steam bedroom with private tlle bath. strongly feel that It Is our -~,;f~~ID~ remove palnt over paper. room and large all mod- sponsibility to the community ,t~ painting. George atlbert. Plenty of storage room r~~i;t.4~-~10~8i2~.~~~f~~~~:E~lj~l btawtho obne dsreocoomnsd. . c2e2d0adre cejl!o sgeatr daennd. rreefpelraecnec eth. eS ibnocoek w. ea hwalv,dee l,y-llsE,dl PERSONAL - Psrchmentshade. new 1951. air conditioned our treasury. money was not shades reconditioned. wonderfUlly inSUlated for low glass mended. Telep,hode Annual heat costs only factor in the class' decision - 4-0114. garage. Quick pos- that matter. the cost equals P~E~oRf~ S~Oa~Nll~ A~Lk ~in-fds'. ~C~a~l~l ~~,~~~~~~~P:I~o:w:m:an~.~ KIn~gs:·1 7sÂ¥te.o. lnp e.r 1·p te wrsaosn .d. oIfn eth beY b ao osekl Lmm.1 3-6649. SALE - Lionel train set 0-27 irresponsible student. Despite! PERSONAL - Let Grandmother's Mending Service make family mendÂing a pleasure' for mother. Prompt, reasonable.' KIngswood 3-5111. automatic and manual the tenth grade's vote. some also trestles.. About 1/5 us take thlli request price or $12. KIngswood (Continued on page 7) PERSONAL - THOM SEREMBA. SwUaPrtHhmOoLreS TrEefReEreRn.c esE. .. leSvLIenP, ~- !~~~I:~~·!~~~~~~~~~~~~= I·,,;K:; In your fabric or from -i.'udi'O;'1 FOR SALE - Mandolin. Washburn pies. Estimates are free. . . model dated 1897. won gold medal 6-1592 or LUdlow 6-,0734. award at Antwerp. In perfect condl. PERSONAL _ A group of tlon. reasonable. MUrray 8-3199. IngS waanr thamrtoerre Cpheroipstlme aasr'e 1:\.'"'\R ALE FI t II f h 1st "V S - rs ca or C r - of two weeks In the mas I The perfect for that man of dlstinctlon. Ii. made bird one of three weeks on feeder or ahand made bird bath. Coast of South America. Order now from the S_ interested !!l!nd name and 435 Plush Mill to Box T. The Swarthmorean. 6-4551 definite Infonnatlon will be . without cost. ' I Saw it in The Swarthmoroan FOUND - Dog. Friday evening. vicÂinity Cornell Avenue. Call KIngs • wood 3-6392 arter 6 P,M. Roofing - Siding - Insulation - Floor' end Ceiling TIles - Wall Paneling - Porch Enclosures - Awnings Windows -:- Jalousies - Stvcco· -- Brickpointing All Your H _ .m,.,.vem •• ,. WIffI 0.. fI_ PE_ ............. \. 239 W6a11Ale A_lUI IIOR'IOte. j BitlA KI 1·9lOG· 'MI2-4ftl • GENERAL ELECtRIC SALES & SERVICE Raymond J. Dawson LOwell 6-4692 /4693 210 WEST STATE ST. MEDIA . FINE WALLPAPERS Matching. Fabrics i. Paints ..... 5 ..... Il0l. SCHUM ..... CHER. 'IMPERI ..... L MURALS. S ..... NIT ..... S. PREPASTED DO IT YOURSELF SELECT FOR P"'~Il.HANGER We Lend Out Sample Boob PENN WALLPAPER CO. n .ovl'Baltiillo,. Pit., Sprlngfl.ld Opooo WeL I Fri. ·tII , ".M. KI4-41C1O , G. R. WATKINS ALBERT H. SWING WM.A:WELSH County Commissioners. 2T-11·11 WHY NOT ~~~~~~.b.i!t Pia • .! from u piano tuner of 47 .,ean' practical experience with all make" It wUl poy yo. in tho ond. A. L. PAIiKER LD 8.18111, M.ry Ellen aecldow FLORIST 7 South Cherier RoOd KI 3·8093 JewelrJ l'epaired Ph. ltI 3-4218 .l!:MlL SPJES W ... TCHMAKEB Farmei1,. or F. C. -.. &lid SÂ' 1ne Watc)l aJJd 128 Yale A,ve. lock ~P&1rs awarthmore~ Pa. iUDpw_ 1·1_ WILLIAM BROOIS A,8hea and Rubbish' Removed .... .ma Mowed. General HaUl1Dl >38 IIardiq Ave. M-. Pa. ELNWQOD Convalescent Home BaIUmonII'Ike a. LJaoolD ...... s ............... I tal", ...,.. s~1IDdIDp .'111 bcen_ HoBour N ........ "- 3'()272 Picture Framilig ROGER RUSSELL Photographic Supplies srATE ... 1II0NBOE kTs. MEDIA LOwell 6-2176 OPBN PRIDAY BVBNIN08 I_ a= ' CRESSON PRICHARD REALTOR NOTARY PUBLIC I I 900 Michigan Avenue Swarthmore KI 3-1112 PaHoa Roofilg Co. ES,TAIUSHED lin oROOFING ·SPOUTlNe oeUlTERS °SlDlNe • SW~RTHMO.E ICI 44Z21 .. " • November 17. 1961 TBB SWARTBMORBAN Page 7 and think It.ls an'opportumty to ur. and Mrs. Lovett Dewees ,weekend tney traveled to the show that·our class Is concerned ormerly of Sweetwater Farm' Laurel School In Cleveland to KINDERGARTENERS VISIT with the good of the community. len Mills. ~oved last week t~ participate In the Mld'Atlantic Mrs. Robert K. Enders' morn We see this as a chance to show 07 North Pnnceton avenue. Fle~d Hockey Tournament. In the Ing and arternoon klndergarte the borough that we appreciate ,Mr. Henry Faust: former music beglDning of the school year. classes visited the Cochrane having a flne public library. So nector at the Swarthmore Pres- Posey. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. farm at Gradyville on Monday S· we. the undersignea. invite other byterian Church. has been ap- Robert J. Cadigan of Elm avenue •. mothers of the children acc~m~ considerate members otour class ointed minister of music of the w~s voted a freshman represen.t- anied them. GIVE to tit_ United Fund to contribute any' amount to any First Baptist Church in Kansas atlve to the board of the Women s'~";;;;-~;;;;;;;';-=-:-=-:::;;;;;;;';iiiiiiiiiiii" of us towards the $10 necessary City. Mo. Mr. and MIS, Faust and Recreation Association. j to make tills small gift to our their family are making their Mr. and Mrs. Lewis James an Piano town. home in Raytown. Mo. ' children Sally 13. Roy 10 and " d Posey Cadigan a freshman at Donald 5. formerly of Upper Mont He en C y e FOR SALE! 16d«l ~tMt44 ~ ad~~ susan Carroll Nancy Webster the College of W~oster in Ohio. clair. N.J .• are residing at 442 I.ginners a Specialty 32 College Ave 605 Elm Ave. made the second ClevelandRe- Drexel place. Three years ago Andy Seybold Mr. and Mrs. James and family MUII'e VI·II.,e KI 11 r448 40 Amherst Ave gional Field Hockey team. Last d 5' I d "N1 . live at 53 Rlverv ew roa . * 226 Park Avenue * or Call K.I 3-7042 • "Super-Right" QUALITY OVEN·READY THANKSGIVING 5 to 9 Pound lb. 10to 14 Pound lb. NO SUPER·RIGHT .,QUALITY TURKEYS PRICED HIGHER AT A&P ONE PRICE - NONE PRICED HIGHER 16 Ibs. and over lb. CRANBERRY SAUCE:: 2 16-oz. cans OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCE •••• 2 ':;::' 3'Je U$upe,.Right" TENDERED SHORt SHANKED 12 to 16,. POUND SMO ED HAMS SHA,NK PORTION (SOME SLICES REMOVED) lb. 2 c BUTT PORTION (SOME SLICES REMOVED) lb. THESE ARE GENEROUS SIZE PORTIONS NOT ENDS • SHANK HALF BUTT HALF Ib·43e Ib·53e lOOK FOR THE HALVES WITH THE SLICES ON TOP li£TO 16 LB. WHOLE HAMS lb. 4"Sij CENTER cut SLICES' OF HAM lb. 8ge c .- Freshly Ground Many Times Daily GROUND BEEF IN 'KGS. OF 3 LIS. OR MORE 31bS. '1.29 lb. 45c ~ LARGE FLUKE VARIETY RUET OF FLOUNDER lb. 6~ 5IZI!-(31 TO 42 TO THE POUND) 5·lb. box $4.19, Ib.85e Ib·2le flESH . ROCK FISH 111111111111111111 I 111111 111111111 1;-.- aL~ ".: •• S at==- NONE PRICED HIGHER BONELESS NONE PRICED, HIOHER SI.OO • 10NElESS . CHUCK POT ROAST lb. 6ge 'ALLGOOD SLICED BACON . CROSS POT ROAST Ib·75e I .. the new GUy fo 0,,_, U"Y to US,, .... y to ,'oru ,ackag •. 1.lb. 4ge pkg. 2 .Ib. 95e pkg. I I I 1111111111 11111 III 111111111 I 111111111 11111 I 11111111111 1111 1111111111111111 111111111 1 III! I 111111111111 LAROE JUICY . FLORIDA ORANGES WHITE AND PINK MEAT FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 5·lb. BAG 5 ·Ib. BAG YOUR CHOICE MIX OR MATCH CRISP . STAYMAN APPLES 3",·1.00 , 4·lb• BAG SINGLE BAG each 35c . U.S. NO. I YELLOW NONE PRICED HIGHER SWEET POTATOES Slb'·25e FlIESH CRANBERRIES FlIESH BROCCOLI •• NONE PRICED HIGHER 1·lb. 1ge pkg. NONE PRICED HIGHER large 1ge bunch LARGE NONE PRICED HIGHER ANJOU·PEARS 2 lb •• 2ge IMPORTED "AllAN NONE PRICED HIGHER CHESTNUTS lb. 1ge TENDER NONE PRICED HIGHER FRESH CORN 5 ears 2ge . pisciL CElERyONEI;~~~D 23: BOILING ONIONS NON2RII~:~ is: II II 1111 1111111 111111111111111111111111111 11111111111 F 1111 II 1111111111111111.1111111:1111111111111 MARVEL SLICED BREAD~Tlfo~:'15c LANG'S" PICKLES Sweet Mixed. Pic.'. ellips 3 l·l6-arOsZ. 7ge or Sweet Pickl. Relish FRUIT co*ckTAIL, S~~~~A." 3 3c~~:· 89c SAVE 20c-INSTANT COFFEE B:;~D l~~~Z. $1.19 THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO., INC. LARGE CRESTYIEW EGGS AlP FROZEN CUT OR f,RENCtt STYLE GREEN BEANS 2 :~:: 3&C hIP fROZEN ORANGE JUICE 46-0"15e cans EAr.ALl FIOZEN ' STUFFED SHRIMP S:a~E ~~.:.' 51e CAP"N JOHN'S ROZEN OYSTER STEW 2 11).0 •• 5ge cans Jane Parker Baked Foods! CHERRY STRUESFL PIE SPECIAL' SAVE 10c large .Iftc· a·inch pie 1f;J-ANGEL FOOD RING 17-oz. 3ge SAVE 20c ring SPECIAL \ POTATO CHIPS s~;: IO~;:'. 3ge JANE PARKER FRUIT CAKE I !;.lb. $1 59 3.Jb. $2 99 5-lb. $3 99 cak_ I. calc.' ca.. • .4nn Page Fine Foods! MAYONNAISE SPECIAL q~art 53e OFFER ___ cla::.r_ . " : CAKE MIXES D.vil's Food. Y.llow, 2 20-01:. '3" ge Honer Spice or White ~ pkgs. PEANUT BUTTER SPECIAL OFFER 12,:a-.• . 29C STRAVWBERRY PR~SERVES SPECIAL AI -lb. $1 39 OFFER ~ jar • dOI.n in Sse doted carton Nestle's CoHee 5~~~·~' 4;:. 5ge Tasker Mince Meat 2~~:" 4ge . Boseul Peanut BuHer I~" 3ge IROWN AND WHITE Kraft Margarine Dol ••• 2 ;~:;, 8ge ALLsuwNHIN'"YBLEROOHOli p •••• I. D.. ... C..... Kraft Margarine '."'.y 2 ~.~;. 5ge OLD DUTCH I .... 5ge r.;: 6S1 .... _" ,:~~A:ll :,.;:,. .. E:tfo:d;v~o :Th .;..:.... s. :..:.d .:y.~ N~.v,= 198. :I 16 :::~F=RE=SH=:EG:;G:S~,:"o~=i·r"=··~==:~!:o!~I·ne P. ........· n ·. IS 4 "".'P. · .·.41 e SWEETHEART TREND TREND BEADS 0' III EACH CLEANS:ER BAR SOAP LIQUID DETERGENT DRY DETeRGENT BY PUREX 2 :: 31e SAY( 2c 2::'251 , -. 4 .,. l;u::'LE 2' 91 o "il. ban ~&II -. It_ .' . I .
---------- Page 16 ----------
November 17, 1961 Page 3 AD VIS E OmENS OF being consideredo ff oa r nnewex t year. • BUllDOGS DEfEAT Rev.N aOnNdA MGErsN. APRaIuAl NA . Miller y~ice' To Give HOUSE QI ..... GE I .. W There was Ii discussion of GARNO 7" Harvard avenue returned home F..tival of Show Music An loA whether the borough or Swarth· "".,"'U arter visiting with Mr. Im'Jre College should pay the $7 In a rugged neighborhood rlv- IMI.UE,r's father the Rev. William The Valley Voices of Rose- .,' COUNCIL TO INVESTIGATE er day per man whioh it costs , featuring a touchdown that Miller of Youngstown, and Wallingford are' pre-for extra duty policemen at home was not a touchdown, the Swarth- senting a Festival of Show Music PROFESSIONAL PLANNER football games of the college. more High School football team Mr. William Miller, ROW 96 . evening at 8:30inthe Nether' Borough Council Monday even- The Borough has been payingof.he went down stubbornly in a 7-0 of age, retired at 84 arter Providence High School for the ing agreed to investigate the pos- I m'en .. Public Safety Chairman loss to Nether Providence Satur- 25 years as United Presbyterian benefit of the music department. s'ibllity of employing qualified W. Lukens was asked to day. For those who watched the Pastor in Lewistown. Out of a Admission at the door. professional agency to assist the a review of the 10-year-old It was difficult to believe family of eight, he has two sons Two Swarthmoreans are in the Borough Planning Commission in under which the sum of Iga.methe darnet team, which out- ministers and two daughters mis- group, Mrs. Richard Farrington of a long.range planning study for is paid the b'orough' for lolaye,d the opponents except for slonarles, 22 grandchildren and Magill road and Mrs_ Thomas Swllithmore. the college, etc. last five minutes of the ganoe,l and 28 great-grandchildren. IJe,yc,e of Riverview road. .The motion, made by Council- Councilman Herman Bloom ask- were on the short end man .Robert Wilson, .came after study and correction ofadraln- Councilmen and Plannl'nu~ Com- problem at the 1D artmoutdh scoTrhee. pla~ that proA" uced mission members had held an in- end of the new y widene winning touchdown was th e formal me e tI n g together 'Iast avenue stretch. suit of a fumble on an attempted Thursday night. The basic con- Mayor Joseph Reynolds sug- pass. It was John Perry, Bulldog cern of both bodies is to main- Dartmouth avenue should senior, who picked up the fumb-taln a community of single dwell· widened or limited to parking led pigskin at the Garnet 40 and ing hO!fles here, the motion ex- one side between Lafayette raced unmolested into tOllchd01Nni pla;ns. It aiso recounl'zes that Princeton avenues. He aiso t ti _ b d t f di territory. The only 0 !ler me N. such a study if undertaken under consi era ion 0 gra ng' P. threatened was late in the' guidance of full professional the alley running be· second quarter when they planners, might cost as much as the c m e and apartment over tha ball on a fumbled $3000, payable over a period of and connecting Rutgers at the Swarthmore 15. Moving two years. Harvard avenues, 'wit/1 cost one first down t h ey h a d fH' St Council also moved to call be borne by adjacent properties, goal on the five yard u.ne. public attention to the present this point, the great law prohibiting conversion of aoy TO play of the Garnet forward housing into multiple housing. led by Co-captain John ~.ona',1 It will advertise that it plans to A strange and irregular col- Al Bullard, Chuck Kurtzhalz strictlY enforce this law and in- Il;~:~:~~ of socks appeared at the Rick Filler, and backed voke it s penalties for any in- I( Canteen Saturday night. Jay Thompson and Jlm:~~u~~~~~;~ frlngement. funniest belonged to Ennis R-ve two yards in. Two ordinances were passed- Iuullng, the ugliestto Jim Tolles, n;wartingtne Bulldogs 627 authOrizing Council to act most unnusual to Elita Jones, treat. as a Shade Tree Commission; the brightest to Katrina Nie- The Junior Varsity completed I and 628 modernizing plumbing Ide,rr!ter. their undefeated season with and drainage regulations by per- Regular dress standards will 13-7 victory over Nether Pro-mitting the use of copper soil. In effect at tomorrow night's ·vidence last Monday. They ha'~el had a flne seasori fellturing the waste and vent pipes. which will begin at 8 excellent q ulillerbacRing of Dicl Under the tree ordinance the at the Rutgers Avenue McCurdy, punting of B1ll Gill: Borough will pay for planting with dancing, games, and th~).lne backing of John'O'Ne1ll, and properlY maintaining street for all. rugged play of Bill Zimmerman, trees and the highway 'committee Chaperans w1ll be Mr. and CUrti Young, Parkie Smith, Bill may require owners or occupants Robert SeelY and Mr. and Shugarts and fast deveioping of properties to correfJtconditlons Jos~ph Storlazz1. Gordon MacAlpine. of trees, shrubs, hedges along or near streets which inconvenience RETURN FROM HAWAII Red Crols October or endanger the public. No p er- Mr. and Mrs. Robert J •. Turner ,,_ son may plant a street tree or do of Guernsey road returned home ·_rvice Totals 609 Hours aoything to an existing one with- November 2 after a month's vaca- 42 Volunteers of the Swar1;h-1 lUt prior authorization by the tion trip. On arrival in San Fran- more Branch, Am e ric a n !lighwa,y committee. Minimum flne I CllSCO, Calif., they found it nec- Cross, served a tot"al of 609 hno"d 'Jf $10 and maximum of$100 is les;salry to enplane for the Hawai- in October (all hospital provided by the ordinallCe. The Islanclsclueto the boat strike. not iI\), according to' Mrs. Robel:tl l'ree Committee previouslY ap- Arter spending two weeks there M. Fudge, vlce-chsirmlln of' pointed by Council will continue I!:~:~~~~ the Outer islands they Branch. Time .for the cOlnpl.etionl as an advisory committee to as- to Los Angeles, for a of one afghan was lm>lU'ue<l. sist the Tree Commission and of visiting with relatives Canteen,workersput on a nighway committee in caring for ·frlends.Enroilte home they at Veterans Hospital, ST A TE INSPECTION WEAVER ALIGNMENT U .... AUL RENTALS MOTOR TUNE-UP with ENGINE SCOPE V. E. ATZ. Mgr. RUSSEll,.'S SERVICE Opposite Borough Parling Lot 111111"11' ....... D.rIIIl". ... L"a,ttla 11' ..... Closed at P.M. QUESTION - . , WHAT IS THE TRADE NAME OF THE DETERGENT MOST COMMONLY USED FOR BRAINWASHING CHILDR EN? ANSWER"- "TV" BE CAREFUL - SOME OF THE TOY COMME RCIALS ON TV ARE SLIGHTLY MISLEADING. MANY OF THESE ITEMS WOULD NOT SELL ON THEIR OWN MERITS WITHOUT THE TREMENDOUS BOOST OF THE TV AD, THERE ARE DOZENS OF FINE TOYS ON THE MARÂKET THAT DO SELL, YEAR.IH AHI) YEAR OUT, ON THEIR OWN REP UTA T I ON, THESE TOYS ARE' NEVER·SEEN ON TV. THEY DO NOT HAVE INÂFLATED SALES PRICES TO COVER THE MILLION DOLLAR TV SALES PITCHES, s~reet trees. IstoPIJed off In Chicago, Ill., to phia Navy Yard, taliing ArborTree and Landscape Ser- with former residents of made by canteeners: Mrs. D. P. , vice,Broomall, received contract IB,enjlamlin. West avenue Mr. and Jones, Mrs. Kenneth Doherty, SOME OF THE TV TOYS ARE O.K. BUT WE REPE.,T _ BE CAREFUL _ DOES YOUR CHILD REA L I,. Y WANT "THIS" TOY OR HAS HE BE'EN'CONNED INÂfor pruning and elevating trees T. W. Prescott. Mrs. Carroll Streeter and TO IT. along Ogden avenue and upper Robert Richardson. North Chester road;' Their $973 Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gilcreest Mrs. Robert Deacon, c~~;,~~~1 bid was low among six bidders. Vassar avenue had as their of Arts and Skills, gave 32 Rebuilding the borough tractor guests over Saturday and Sunday at ·the Naval Hospital and and purchasing a snow blower to Gilcreest's sister Mrs; Garner proud of her new recruit 'attach to it for removal of snow Dunkerly, and his niece Mrs. Brian Crowley of 107 Rutge,rsl from sidewalks was authorized. IH(lm,ar McElroy both of Ri'~hrnorld,1 avenue who also serves at Cost is expected to be around .l<laval Hospital. $300. Borough Secretary Ruth Townsend reported the borough's large snow plow is ready to tackle the first snowfall, but as yet no provision has been made for assistance from an outside contractor. A lull in removing the current pre-snow tree leaves from streets was reported. The leaf-loader, having blown a gas k e t in its engine, is being repaired and is expected to be back in service EXPERIENCE Home remedies can't be comÂpared with today's modern prescription drugs-your bigÂgest health value today. The directions on your ptescripÂtion represent your Doctor9s experience and knowledge of what's best for you. or a loved one. See us for prompt comÂpounding at fair prices. CATHERMAN'S DRUG SI,O RE! KlngswQad 3-Q1S1f) .... ~ ,~, .. " Camera & Hobby Shop 4 - 6 Park Avenue. Swarthmore, Pa. KI 3-4191 A.M. to 8:30 P;M. II. , • now, therefore,!',. do hereby appoint and set apart ... a day of thanksgiving and praise to illmighty [;jod, the 'beneficent C9reator and Ruler of the Universe . .And I do further recommend to my fellow,Âciti;; oens aforesaid, that on that occasion . they do reverently humble theJtlselves in the dust, and from thence offer up penitent and fervent prayers and' supplications t~ the . [;jreat <Disposer of events {or atethht of the inestimable blessings of peace, unioll, and harmony throughout tlw laHd which it has plea~ed Him to lIssiYII {IS (/ dwcllillgÂplace fOf ourselves and fOI' OHr posterity throughout all generations,'" _ . .Abraham Lincoln, 1864 A1~ 01 P . SPRINGFIELDW' 'NG"" PHILADELPHIA SUBUR8AN W·ATEI , Support the UniteJ Torch Fund D1':nl'tlulO:i'ti lJolle(!1t' Svrarthmore NOV 24 196'1 SWARTHMOREAN Sflpport tlie UniteJ TorclrFunJ VOLUME~-NUMBE~R~407~--~--------~~~~no.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------~----~~~~~~~~ , SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1961 $4.00 PER YEAH. , TUESDAY IS DATE fOR Set Day of Prayet: Orgam"ze SAALTUUMRNDIA IYN'VS ICTEADN TEEN 0 w.ers IAU_ S, . JRS. fASHION SHOW November 30 T 0 Saturday evening canteen will 3 New Directo" 'AS T_IME GOES BY' IS The C ommun itY D B.J 0 f Prayer O. ppose R.oute hAa lvle Aa lusmemnii fotrmal record aance.· 0 Swarthmore HighiRElaffirms Opposition to THIS YEAR'S THEME' be held at Trinity Church At a meeting at the CornelllSchool, and canteen members are Tues.day, November 28, is Thursday, November 30. The.. home of Borough Council· cordiallY invited. IEJ~pr'essway Thru Borough date set for the Swarthmore service will be from Robert Wilson Sunday even- Highlights of the evening will The Swarthmore Property Own· ior Woman's Club gala Fall to 12, with meditations fellow Councilmen discussed be a twist contest and free re- Association named three new ion Show, Dessert Bridge by Rev. Layton P. Zimmer. proposed Mid· county Express- freshments. Canteen will start and reelected two others It will 'Je heid at the 118 "arklf.nT~he afternoon session will be . They delegated Councilman at 8 in the Rutgers Avenue School. its annual meeting last Thurs-avenue clubhouse at 8 p.m. 1 to .2 o'clock. Mrs. Helen I~:: Wood, Borough Manager chaperons this week will be night in Borough Hall. Ray- Tickets may be purchased Hatch will lead tlie group in in- IF Coles and Solicitor Clar- Mrs. Wayne Goff, Mrs. Margaret Hildebrand; William Nelson the door or in advance from prayer. Myers to attend a meetin@ Lowe, and Mr, and Mrs. John st. Spencer Thompson "lere fashion show's chairman, Mrs. Those attending for the all day called for the next nighl John. to two year terms to re- Frank W. Tolan of 612 are asked to bring a the Combined Civic Associa- e retiring directors, Ailan Chester road. ch; coffee will be served.. of Delaware and Montgomer, PUBLIC Wood, John Derickson, and All proceeds from the fashion to pian a fight against Bunker. William Campbell show will go to the Save the Chll- To Review Blue Route. SERVICE Oscar Hart succeed them-dren Federation for the continued Myers is also to be in charge schooling of Nelson Yellowhair examining the plans for the Remaining directors who still an Arizona Navajo Indian boy: Plays when they are opened to Library Will Close on .the iast half of their two-whose education the JuDiors view nextThursday.Coun· onksgiving Day terms to serve are Franklin sponsored for a number C)f years. Tuesday at Clubhouse then will cali a special meet- ,SeymourKletzien, Wes- Dessert and coffee wl'll be W'II P P' to decide the procedure it f'resident Lindley H. Peel pre- Clarke, Mathew McKinnell, served throug~out the evening. I . resent rogram' f 0 11 ow at the hearing to be II"·, illed at th e Q uar t er lY meetl.O g l"I.lllil1m cresson and Paul Friend. There will be door prizes as Dr. Melvin R. White, professor by the St .. teHighwayDe~lart- the Swarthmore Public Library The association reaffirmed its as table favors andprizes.Chri:st-lin the department of speech apdl;~~:~~at~7:30 p.m. the following in the Legion Room, Bor- to the mid-county ex-mas .decorations m:;~~::~,~~~~oe~;1 theatre in BrooklYn College, will ,December 7, in Marple- Hall, Monday evening. Sec- being routed through gifts 'will be available and review the current Broadway JuDior High School. Howard H. Williams' min· It continues 'to feel bazaar tables wiilbe set up. plays at the 2 o'clock meeting The limited access highway of the September 25 meet- desirable location for the Guests are asked to bring >IlElirlTUesday at the' Woman's Club.le:,~:::~~~ 20.65 miles, from the were approved as distributed. would be west of Media. own playing cards. ., Professor White has attended II Highway east of Bul- Alfred H. Marsh re- Mr. Kletzien, acting president, The show;appropriately namedl almost all of the Broadway and lane in Ridley Township to expenditures well within he will name a committee "As Time Goes BY", wUi Off-Broadway shows in the past IG, .. mant;ow'n pike north of Butler budget and tax receipts com- study plans for the highway nostalgic memories of past eras. m. ne years. He islaso . t t d in M t C t i in on schedule. For the fi- the are 'labl N In eres e on gomery oun y, s y aval e ovem- It opens inthegracious In radio and T V and has pUb-ls~::;~s::~ to have two 12-foot committee, loIr· Marsh re- 30. The association will send Age at a parlor tea party lished eight books on these sub- II of concrete pavement in that Borough Solicitor and will encour-goes on to culminate the jeets. In addition he has given direction, a center strip G. Myers is investight- residents to make their nineties" in the personage over 300 talks, speaking in al- 36 to 60 feet wide, and a whether the Social Security tq t.he proposed Blue Lillian Russell, portrayed by most every state, and has served lane in the vicinity of some for library employees known at the public hear- Susan Bauer, singing "I'm the facu~ty of a number of It is said it wouid paid to the federal or State which the State has sched-a Bi rd in a Gilded Cage. ,,' colleges. ~s own degrees are Chester road 400 feet Clarification of this for 7:30p.m. Thursday, Dec- The early 1900's, the "Roar- from the Umversity of I~wa (B. of Crum Creek and have a Is antiCipated by the an- 7, in the Marple-Newtown ing Twenties", the 30's, A. a~d M. A.) and the UDlversity intercbange lit Baltimore meeting, which will occur High School, West Chest-early 40's, the "New Look", of Wisconsin (Ph. D.). in Netherl'rovldence Town- Monday evening, January 22, pike west of Sproul road. 1950'swill all be in review,' gaMnirz. aWtiohnitse bceolnonnegcst etdo mwaitnhy or- to paTyh 9e0 Fpeerd ecreanlt oGfo cvoenrnsmtruenc-t Librarian Mary Ann Hunsicker, finally. in 1961, our first lady, theatre and.holds office.ln tion costs of the interstatelre]Ported that book sale proceeds Seek Cllri_as Gifts Jacl\l~ l<elJnedy and eral of these. He is also' which is estimated close -to· $300 and tllat th,d' influence will also be ing and businessniditor of to total about $30 million. sale had also belped the For Coatesville Vet_ Members workingonthes "Educational Theatre Journal" by clearing room on its format under the direction of and has recentlY been Registration Required helves. Mary Ann Hunsicker re-IO'Badline Exten~ed On Frank W. Tolan,· to the Executive special childrens' story n A. ux. Prc)"lect affairs chairman, are Mrs. the United States Institute It Is expected those who desire monthlY on the second Sat- E: Schmidheiser', Mrs. Thomas Theatre Technology, of which speak at the December 7 hear- with Mrs. Paul Gemmill The American Legion Auxil- Lmton Mrs walter T will be required to· assistant libran'an Leonore UnI·t427,reml·ndsthe·Swarth- ,- . Is also chairman of the the meeting begins and D Mrasvl'dThFormenaschJ.ones, Jr .. and tee on theatre admiulstration. governing bodies of mUnici_IP'lrkeiixntsr as esrtvoirnyg haosu sr toorny Otecltloebrse.r .c ommuPnritoyj eo!f't thfeo rV oClouantteeesr- The members modeling in will be given precedence when appropriate ghost stories veterans Hospital. show are. Mrs. William M. .. •m t.h e Me antl'm e, civic org~zations and in- told by Ml!.s Hunsicker, There are 47 mentally ill wo- Mrs. Robert D. Huime, Marshall Schmidt at whose in one ward who have no .Brooke P; Cottman,. Mrs. RobertlInn Comes Down! Councilman· elect EdwardCrat- Ihome the "GhosilY Story Hour" familY ties nor income who, it C, Morrow, Mrs. Donald R. Aikens was present at the Sunday held and Mrs. Peter Told. hoped, will be able to choose Mrs. Williano Et ~Chl!!~~lhei.~~l!'I,:;~p~;I;ani;s t6 ratp peal itot DSel aawrathre I"' ,ess'ion at Wilson's. Swarthmore IS~Drieswere from Poe, Irving and a gift from the generosity of this Mrs. Lloyd W.Spangler, lOu-lmore Cou saga nUs ' w t· - Vlce-p'resldent Joseph 1.1acolos. In answer to a director~s community. Borough Counc s ac Ion and Dean William Prentice 1- (Continued on pag-e 5) t·· . f r a'la ge uiry, Miss Hlnsicker stated Donors may send a check or gran mgpermlsslon> _10 rt h the Monday meeting in Children's Foreilm leave their unwrapped. gift or house-mo."" on e It is not certain. whether I d b (Continued on Page 8) gifts on the Gilcreest bench at Dr. Dewees Rece,'ves Haven lin groun save mndsc·"es b.elng touch- ad! f fll·.... 208 Vassar avenue, by December d dropped. De ine or mg by the' higbwov In the iatest P C at,'on d ~ I 5. The deadline, originallY set enn ommen __ .. 1 .... _ appeal is to) ay. su.rvey. protests from 1\ltnriCIIS He d I&--day tt D .. f . I· -- for November 25, has been ex- Dr. Love ewe e s, Members of the .group b SiX and alumm' resulted in Princeton avenue, h a.s b e.etn .r.e :f. lcitiz,ens whose ear.lier.appeal to re-study of the orl'ginal Blue M" GS Va I e .t ill e II \' enGdi"fdts t ofo rt hwaot mdaente (.o r men if pre-cognized by the Umver~1 Y 0 local Zoning Board was turn- Whl'ch dI'd l'nvolve part of •• • f d' i ferred), should be chosen from Pennsylvania School 0 Me lC ne down last month, and their the campus as well as the creek 6 Year Resl'dent Was I' . as a"Distinguished Senior Alum- John S. ,J Bro.o ks o,vf alley.. The co1 eg1e 'IS sai d t a nity Church Member theS t1aStti.o; nbeerlyo wo:r writing portfol-nus in commendationforthemaoy said the zoning Board s also oppose a possibie alternate d d d d ios, hose, emery boards,lipstick years of skille an had been expecte an "loop" route which would swing Services were held Monday at in plastic containers, head scarfs service he lias given to the case to the bigher Providence Town- 11 a.m. in Trinity Episcopai gloves, plastic rain boots, slip-and his profession." had been agreed upon from in an effort to ·relieve the for Mrs. Marie Shoemaker per socks, plasing cards(Pin- .' -_The commendat.i oIn d was t very beginning. Howevera, ltw of and valley. 205 Benjamin ochle and straight) pencils. sented "in acknow e gmen influenced a revers 0 There seems to be growing died Thursday, Nov-h . t hni 1 scuffs, military sets, wallets, the esteem in wblch e IS - finances and ee ca - sentI·ment.that the highway sh" ould. 16, in Delaware County deodorants In plastic containers, by his colleagues laid west of Media, and that Hospital following an shower caps. ~nd in gratitude for the contribu- Although other. residents .. in the route should be finalized She was 65. d d ed For men - cigars, stationery. tion he has made to.war hearings, ha express ouly after consideration of ioca- The wife of George S. Valen- ballpoint pens, handkerchiefs, ingthe pre s t i g e of his as strqpgly agreeing tI'on of apossible DelawareRiver retired vice,president and sweat ers, socks. ties. wallets. Mater-historically appellants that so bridge at or near Chester, and of of the eastern depart- military sets, pipes, tobliCCO, "I the Nation's FirsLSchool .totf tdl je,oldlnen offered a current ,'nterstate transit study of the .O hio Farmers' Insur- t(lbacco pouches. gloves, shirts, Medicine, .professionally be perml e , no on beI'ng made by pennsylva.ma ance Company, she was a native h fl i I b rden pencils, emery boards, scuffs, guished by it's heritage of share t e nanc a u New Jersey. Omaha, Neb. She and her fam- deodorant (in plastic contain-standing alumni." court suit. The __ ily had lived in Evanston, Ill., ers), after-shave lotion, sluivin@ Dr. Dewees, new retired, re- expenses was for maoy years before moving to kits (no ·razors). oeived this honor the early than the budgets of the six NEEDLEWORK GUILD swarthmore 16 years ago. Jf November. could assume unaided. PLANS OPEN HOUSE She was a member of the Trinity Further it appeared the MrS. A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., Church here and Margaret R. Mars'; Dies; JUNIOR ASSEMBLIES I~~re~~ that could be NortbChester road will be of Swarthmore Chapter Former Resident It was that Council the hostesses when the of the P .E.O. Sisterhood. TO MEET MONDAY the .extension of the Headq uarters of the In addition to h'er husband, sh!l Mrs. Margaret R. Marsh, a resi- The Juniot Assemblies ~o~:r~;~:t:~:~~ use in a residential Gnild of American holds is survived by two daughters, of Swarthmore for many years, sixth, seventh and eighth passing an ordinllnce house next week from noon Mrs. Howard S.Mauger of Bexley, in'San Antonio, Texas, on will meet on Monday. state edict. p.m. daily. All members and 0., and Mrs. George W. c:~o~lli:~ns:IW~I;!~~~,er 15 after a prolonged For the sixth grade the hosts is true, even if the' friends of this charitable organ- of Kinnelon. N. J.; andfive g wiU be Mrs. John R. Meyer, Jr. won in Media the cblaseh ization arf e c~~affl\y ibnvialt~ childre".. Sh!!"is, survived by a daughter, and Mrs. J. W. Magee, Jr. For hack to councll W cin or a co ee ri! .. A Memorial Service was held l\fihur Shelton of San An-the seventb grade bosts are Mr. pass such an ordinance, offices in the New Wednesday in Medina. O. Tex., and a son: Alfred H,· and )IrS. Alfred Anderson viewpoints of 12th street, ment followed in Leroy, O. of Columbia avenue, four Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seeley. were different In lieu fiowers, it was and·· ~e 1lI!&t-elPtIl .,.. boBW will be Mr. the original action eontributiODB' i &lid RoIIert FroSt and Mr, Tile appellants 1t7 BIle was,.:m III .ilM'l~ ~ .U11I"!iJ.'!g,&iII Bell, . (Coadimed on pace 4) ...... ., . "'Y,!t'~,;
---------- Page 17 ----------
J .-, I~'t.· " .• \i,I.! , . 'I'BB SWAiti&JlORBAlif November 24., 1961 S--rIM;rs;;;:-.IN;a;'n;;-:J~o~n;es~n;f;-[;;;;;;;;;;j;bl[!!iE of 18. ents and Mrs. P. M. Hummer of IclIclleaad Mrs. Josepblne Boston road has asher guests for aweekl Mr .. and Mrs. Robert Worley Rutgers avenue Is the paternal Mrs. Paul B. Banks of'BatYarii lIarYard avenue were h~t- her son-in-law and daughter Mr. are the maternal.grBl!dpa.t~ grandmother. . aYenne joined her basband at at a cqcktail aiJd dinner and Mrs. William Btink ":~~Iii===:::=::;;:====:;::==::db::=::;::=======;::::--:--: their coUage at Towands last at tbe home of Mrs. Jones, daughter Julie of New Haven, Thursdll,J' where he bad been on after tbe Swarthmore-Haverford . '. ~'Ie ~iII4,e a CUnning trip. They retamed game on Saturdll,J'. The Mr. and Mrs. Elton A. Bird Speaiaraedlnstruction _ ~ InsfrumenIs bome on Snndll,J'. were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley avenuebave astbeir guest Mrs. Alexander Ewing of Dart- of Devon, Mr. and Mrs. niece Dorothy Samuel MUSIC - INSTRUMENTS - REPAIRS mouth avenue will bave as guests Martin of Roxbo.ough,Dr. Teli"., a junior at Cor- 405 Dartmouth Avenue Call KI 4-5448 dnringtbe Tbailll:sgiYilig bOlldsyS Mrs., Paul James of Gennan-I· .. • .. University. liF-§';;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;S~~~;;;;;;~i' ber son and daughter-in-law Cnl. and Mr. and Mrs. Avery F. Mr.iwdMrs. Collin Bell of ~ Mrs. E. C.Aiken and tbeir of Amherst avenue. a~enue will bave as house gue,sts sons Eddie and Bobby of Alex- Mr. and Mrs. W. Alfted Smitb overtheThanksgiving period 'W"'B andria. Vn. Amherst avenue bad as tbeir of their fanner colleagues In Mrs. Manel Wilson of Stratb guests Mr. and Mrs. Friends Ambulance Unit ~~!:~I Haven avenue 'fill entertsin at C. Moore of Bethesda, Md.. the Second World War. Mr. S a luncheon and bridge at the of Swarthmore. Bailey la in tbls country to Rolling Green GnU Club on Mr. and Mrs.Carroll P. streeter tend the General Assembly TuesdB,J. Columbia avenue entertained the United Nations. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Avery F. a family dinner o'n Tbaoksgiy- Royal is a teacher at of Amberst avenue drove Mrs. Da,y wheu their guests were School, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Blnke's motber Mrs. Harry K. son-in-law and daogbter are from England. Mr. and Mrs. Nield to ber home in Sparkes, and Mrs. Ra,ymond M. Vin- Phillp Jacob, former Swarthmore- . BEAUTY SAWN lum ADDS TO HILIDAY EICHA~ 9 South Chester Koad· Call KIngswood 3-0476 ....................... 7 • C 2 Md .• last weekend after six and children Ricky, .Jim, ans, will join them for part olthe visit witb them. At the same Kenny of Amherst, time. liFii;iii;iiii~~;ii=i~~~~iiiiiiiiii:iii time they attended the " and tbeir snn and daugbC Last week the Bells attended I Cardinals football game held Mr. and Mrs. James' conference of Diplomats, spon- Baltimore. and c'h i I d r e u Kathy, by the American Friends Mr. and Mrs. Plowman of and Karen of Exton. Committee, at Capon Swarthmore avenue Miss Eva I. Cresson of Dick- , W. va. . at a dinner party at their avenue has left the Ta,ylor Mr; and Mrs. Percy Gilbert of on Saturday evening for and is now at the Oak- ark avenue bave as their Tbanks- Miss Louise Johnson of Nursing Home in Upland I~;~~~~w:::::~~~guests their son-- polI' S. Md.', a nd h er b rot he r,A. wou ld Uke t 0 thank h er mBIIY Ii and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Johnson. m, a student for the cards sbe bas re-I~~~:D~. Knox and daughters Gail, Williams College. Williamstown. ceived. and Carolyn; and Mr. Gil- Mass., arrived h orne a n Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones hrother Dr. C. L. Gilbert nesdB,J to spend the . of Nortb Swarthmore avenue en- Mrs. GIlbert of New, ing holidB,J with tbeir tertained on Frida,y evening at Another son-in--law and STATE INSPECTION U-IIAUL RENT-Ie- WEAVER ALIGNMEMT IIW .. MOTOR TUNE-UP with ENGINE SCOPE v. E. ATZ. Mg,. RUSSELl'S SERVICE ()ppcIsife Barough Padill9 Lat _IIW .... I.". ............ .....,.1 .. I, I "I ODled at Mr. and Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson, a dinner party in honor of the Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jr., of North Cbesterroad. birtbdll,J' of Mrs. Jones' motber and children Ginnie and ~ ... "' ••••••••••••• Mr. and Mrs. Maxey Mrs.'George.B. Turner. of Drew avenue joined ,. "'.'f •••••••••••• of Dartmouth avenue ha Mr. and Mrs.Willlam E. Hetzel. on Tbanksgiving Day. : TO BE SAFE as tbeirweekend guests Mr. Jr., of Tha,yer road baye'as tbelr Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. >"O(l1el,. Mrs. A. G. Boyd and son guests for' the Thanksgiving of North Swarthmore ayenu~ bad ,. of Schenectady, N.Y. SallY weekend their son-in-law and as their guests for ,. their dangbter, also accom- daughter Mr. and MrS. Thomas dinner Mrs. Poole's ,. panied tbem bnt sta,yed witb Mr. Morris ~nd children Ann, Joan. law and sister Mr. and and Mrs. JoboSeyliold of and Jill of Troy, Pa. vel Wilson of stratb Haven a",n-I ,. STATIONERY BY DECEMBER J ...... ...... -II< ...... ...... avenue. 'Tbe Boyd family fonner- Mr. and Mrs. George B. ue. Mr. and Mrs. Layton ,. ly resided on Walnut lane. of Wallingford badas their recent Wilson. Mr. Manel Wilson, Jr., ,. '" . ... ,- IIrs. William Thatcher of gueststheirson-in-lawanddaugb- Miss sally Bingbam. Mrs. Poole's ,. lege aye nu e spent Thanks- ter Lt. and Mrs. Artbuz M. Saun- cousin Miss Elimbeth Carlisle, ,. fr giving along witb the rest of ber and grandson Bruce of Glen and their son Jack Poole wbo is : * ·~·GI'FfS ... -.t.o. ..,... family as guests of her son-in- Md. The Saunders fnrm- home from Brown University, Pro- ,. law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. erly resided in Grifton. N.C., hut vidence, R. I., for the holiday. ,. Christian Peders,:n in Woxall, to Lt. saundelf" recall in the Mr.Cbarles E. Bovard of North .. Montgomery Cou~~ service. he is now stationed 'p.t avenue fiew last Fri- >t- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O. Fort M'.,ade, Md.' from Pensacola" Fla .• to .. of Nortb Cbester road, with And,y . MacNair, son of Mr. and College, Richmond, Ind., .. daughters tbe Misses Mary Lou PielCe MacNair 'of spend the weekend witb his .. and Peggy Thayer. were joined arrived home on daughter Bettie' oyer Parents' on ThankSgiving Da.y by tbeir from st. Andrew's weekend. sons and daughters-in-law Del., to spend Mr. aud Mrs. A.Stoll Titus and and IIrs. Paul TbayeJ\ and family his parents. family of soutb Swarthmore av-o( West Hartford. Conn., Mr. and Mr. Donald P. Jones of enue are spending Tblanks!:iYl.ngl Mrs. scott Thayer and family avenue returned as the guests of Mr. Titus' Aberdeen. Md., and Mr. and Mrs. week 'after attending ther-in-law and sister Mr. and David Tbayer and fa m ily of Petroleum J n s to it u Karl Hasleslt in Trenton, N. Springfield. held in Chicngo. TIL ... BIRTHS Mrs. Russell H. Kent and Miss Mrs. Wayne Randall of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kirk 3arbara B. Kent entertsined at !s •• wibrnOl:e avenue a fa..-..."...-. dinner on Thankso-rin'ng bridge club at her home Brookhaven tha nnhoiludn ce the uum I ~- hter Da,y at their, bome in the Dart- IM'~n.lay of last ... eek.. of their six c ,a .... ug ) , mouth Honse. Guests included Mr. and MrS. A. Blanton Frances Chalmers. on October 3. Miss Evelyn Kent of Haverford place bad as'1~]:1 Mr. and Mrs. Rossell H. Kent, for TbanksgiYing d: Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Ha,na'·1 Jr., and family of Springfield, son'in-law and daughter Mr. of Quincy, Mass.. announce and Mrs. Kent, Jr"s father Gen. Mrs. Fellows birth of tbeir first cblld, a William H. Harrison. Jr .• of LBr- Jeffrey Richard. on Noyember 7. go, Fla. a Tbe maternal grandparents Bie Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Turner Slale College is Mr. and Mrs. W. Alfred Smitb of Cambridge. Mass., visited Amberst avenue. The paltenlall Tumer's gzaodmotherMrs. George Barbara HQYes of grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. II. Turner of North Swarthmore bad as her recent Haig Banian of Canton, Mass. avenue over the weekend. They Charlotte Foutof were in Phlladp.lphia to attend , a student at st. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight D.llummer the American Anthropological Connecticut... . Berwyn announce the birtb ... 15 S. Chester Road ... ... ", :":' . - '" Successor to .? : alice barber gifts t **************** ... IS THE ONE TO BEST ALLO~ANCE WATCH AND WANT FOR '62 ONLY TEMPEST - Gas Saving $2261 the LOUGHEAD PONTIAC BEST SERVICE Association Meeting. Mr. Turner Miss Alma Trevethick ofrl~;f~~~fir~s~t~c~hi~'~ld~';A~nn~e~H~a~y~le~r~,~~ teaches at Hanard University avenue fiew by jet to and Mrs. Turner is working for Micb., to visit relatives nth & her doctor's degree at Radcliffe there, and in D~~r!~~~'1 ' 1Ii ____ _ Ave. College. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin T. I Buffef laIChe. Joseph H. Gibson. sO.n of Mr. erty of Guernsey road have and Mrs. Joseph R. Gibson of tbeir hollda,y guests tbeir SOll1-i.1- Set wed Daily North Chester road, and Fritz A.. law and daugbter Mr: and Mrs. B.' oth Hot & Cold Henn. son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred- Guilbert A Wincbell foo)u~r~:'~~~1 erick Henn of Morton, have been and one d~gbter fro'm l .$1.2.5 named to tbe honor roll at Weor- Mass MrS Winchell arrived Mo,n-l leyan Uniyers~ty. Mid~letown, da.y ~th' her daughter and Conn .. Josep~ ~s a semor •. and Wincbell came down on We'dm18-1 Fredenck a Jumor at the umver- I 'd~a,y~!W:!:it~h~t~h,!e~~:;"' ___ -:j' sity. ... Mr. and Mrs. Jobo W. O'lllri,enl of Dartmoutb circle entertained JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB at dinner recently for Mr. Robert ~ BENEFfT DonatD.su,)ed~u'ndi~at,ofs~~~~>1 ~on::eYanra:=b:::;~~ Mrs. .' CARD . .. members and tbeir wives bands. Mr. O'Brien ."..'.' ''''. ..... ""'" ,. ,.,; , I ., '. , .'. ' " "AS TIllE GOES Fasbtons fro. 1891)-1961 T .. ..,. ~ ..... ~r 21. ~ P.M. $UI5 at tile. . l'ha 7'1. _ ...... C, Id. .n· : ',-' • Buffet Di ... rs $1.75 • ..... Route I, Baltimore Pike . , , . .. Miles West ef M .at ._ «!II .1 . 'n .. ~, ... MIDDLETOWN ROAD. MEDIA OppoSite High Meadow (between Duttan Mill Road and Knawlton Road) TelephOne TRemont 2-7206 ASK FOR BEN PALMER SHADE TREES PYRACAN1lIA ( fiRtborn ) o ' Vi.,t 0- - ,.'. .' ..-... a .i ........e t '. November 24, ·1961 Girl Sc ... T ..... 331 BRIDGE WINNERS NAMED High scorelS at the Crum Creek D. JONES, OM&IER lIt. ...i IN... ••• Bridge Club on Tuesday evening Imu FROM oma November 22 were Mrs. H.M. Arm· Gi~s· Trip Abroad and Mrs. J. K. McDonald; School Board Annual Scheduled for June 1" runners up were Mr. and Mrs. Meeting on December .. S .. T 331 h Id I t Earle Deppick. emor roop e an n er- The next meetin will be on The Swarthmore-R u tl e dg e national Dinner recently at 28 g 1~!~'!niBoard authorized adyer-home of their leader, Mrs. Lee . It for bids on purcbase Gatewood. The, menu was S S S S S disbanded Rutledge Eiemen-up of several foreign dishes pre- H TUDENT VI IT tary school, at its November ses-pared by the girIS and served COLLEGE CAMPUS sion last Wednesdll3' night. . a 'cafe' atmosphere. All conver- About 40 juniors and It also authorized the employ-sations during the dinner from Swarthmore lJigh School of Mrs; Marilyn Lee of Hav-were carried on in French visited classes at Swartbmore place to _assist the school the. assistance of guests, College, Tuesday. November 14. with clerical work and ald Strouse; Swarthmore High The High Scbool Visiting DII3' medical and dental examin-teacher, and Marie Odile now in its second Employment of la.y read-and Mary Jose Deny, students conducted by tbe to correct high schooiEngUsbll1 from France now attending Swarth· unity Relations Committee. tbemes was arranged. more High School. program is designed to In- In view of tbe impracticality of Two years ago when the troop form High School students of proper lighting in the became an International Friend- educational opportunities avail- school auditorium which bas ship Troop' and began to formu- II\>le to them right here at being used for stud,y hall late plans fo~ a European trip, College, as well as giving . urposes, it was decided to the girls deCided part of a general idea of what college is tbls activity to a part of program would include becoming like. ' cafeteria for the present .. . more familiar with the The program, which The Board approved Superin-and German languages. some 30 high school students Harry Kingbam's plan to No." that their European the college last year. will a central elementary is becoming a reality (' Anch&rs con:lucted again in the library in the audio-visual Away' on June 14, 19621) Its great success tbus far of the intermediate building llirls are spending alarge largely due to the effort and co- Rutgers avenue. Dr. Kingllam of their troop time on learning operation of Irma Zimmer nn enthusiastic group of songs in various languages and Ernani Falcone of the Hig are ready to give their becoming familiar with people School. cataloguing and arrang-and their way of life in the coun· books and otberwise assist-tries the troop will be Sponsors' Committee : with the project. A former next summer. The Sponsors Committee of ~d;1~~~:;w roiollm bnee suis tebde pforirn caiupdailo's-Antonica pairb ank s, a .i''n llorI Fn·endlyOpenHouse met Mondo~v , programs in future. at West Liberty College, W. Va., Nov. 6 at the hQme of At tbe close of tbe meaelt in.g. ._ and her brother Michael, a fresb- Mrs. E. B. Hollis, South Chester made by Industri IU~ man at Elizabethtown College, I~~~~:;:~r David Watkins from an . Members pre sen t were Mrs.lu piece of w09d froin the Elizabethtown. arrived Wednes· Frank G. Keenen, secretary, and high schoo1 was present ed to day to spend th.e holiday with Walter A.Schmidt, treasurer, D onIda P. .1o nes. who their par, ents Mr. and Mrs. Antbony ·th P rt Choi_ aR . and the following representatives WI rope Y ~~ Fal'rbanks on Yale avenue. of the different organizations: T . C arpent er, ret ired r-~...;...---------rl more than a. decade Mrs. Carl deMoll. Mrs. Harold Fellow Board members DECEMBER FAIR Moylan Saturday. Dec. 2 - 1 P.M. SCHOOL IN ROSE VALLEY THE SWEET .0' COLONIAL COURT Am. (Next to Pari Office) KI 3-4597 • CUT ROWE1lS - PLANTS CORSAGES HotIne.lMa,1e Candy Home-Made c b. Mrs. Arthur R. O. tb .'n. av". MrS. W. Mark B·lt tle , Mr s. highest tribute to e unus- 1'oI'lfgar"t Kent. Mrs. James Patch- able work done by both men "e ll. Mrs. J. ohn H. P itm an, Mr SoE. . a critical period in tbe I~::~~;' ·Mrs. Clarence Worst, Mrs. of the school district. I. Wilcox, Mrs. W. Alfred Smith Jobo Spencer said, Mrs. Lorene A. Mccarter. are losing two of the most Mrs. Bittle was appointed mem- members the BOard hns I:~~~::!:·~:;~ to replace Mrs. H. H . known in its career. The rteo-resIgned. members will have A motion was passed to' have harder and think better and Associate Membership DriYe greater volume to make np for 'in January, 1962. loss". Both men. who had I~i ============-j~:~~'::,f~or, r etoe lteackteio an raegsatl nr,a sthaeldr tthhaant Accordion Instrument Loaned F .. . DOROTHY MAHER Millie V"'qa KI4 5f18 IIw'hille their terms expire technicÂthey will continue WllllDl~ I assist the district wherever The amiual meeting for installÂnewly elected directors is for December 4; .' VIEW T.V. ZENITtI'SPACE COMMAND' SEYMOUR TO ADDRESS UPPER DARBY ROTARY Relax and tune T; V. from across the room ... T'''T1MT 'N SET ON CHANGE ,",.a.a.C1O.~ ADJUST VOLUME - .' TURN OFF SOUND COME IN AND HAVE A DEMONSTRATION THE MUSIC 101, INC. . 10 Park Avenue s~ Awalt 1IfJ#( GARlAND SWEATER MONET JEWELRY HOSIERY SCARfS LINGERIE COME IN ANO BROWsE.ARC>lH> ~ .. %'. -W.*,.~ S~ 0; • .... • .' ~ ,.". ,-,-" - _ • -'. • Charles F. Seymour of I:~~~ the upper Darby RotarY Haven avenue; will Wednesdll3', at 12 noon on subject: ·'Modem PhiladelÂ_ A, New Face on an Old Seymour is a member of I11 ~~~~:'!Po:~f ~R Ceahla pEtsetra. teA mAeprpircaaln-and of the Pblladelphia of Realtors. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sidney JohnÂof North Chester road attendÂthe Family service Associ&Âof America meetings held York last week. FUEL OIL OIL BURNER SERVICE BUDGET P-LAN ~AL YAN'" . ... :Kla-fta.r·t&alltl -",' . .-"",.,- . -". , r •• SPORTS Golf """- lags, C iL c.t Golf GI,,, .. IIaIs;Wrist Sb I C Iw, IIasbtbaIs. Neb, Rings V..., and Soc ...... Brools Ice Siai ... Sialill, Soch Field Hacley siM I • IIaIs, Shift G6IIC,. .ci iss Ice Hacby SIicb. ...... SlaIing Caps TIIIIIIis R. I-I. ancIlIaIs .... , •• 1. s.ts. Be. FoaIL -. 51! I n. s.its buL Is, Gla .... Sha. Croquet Sell, 4. 6, 8 PIapo Sweat Shirts GIll Panb =Law .. I ~ . !d"n...a lo;.I. -; I'" Tricyclos - 10". IT. 14- Wagans, SexNI .... 1Gdct. Cars Fishing Rods, Reeh, TacHe __ !wdNi'l Equip'_' Kodal: "ikon Zeiss M'1IIDIta Fusica Mamiya Rash EqU:pment Shobes . "'aildon 'Sat .... ~MeIets Argus Mea. da It-. t.r_ RlOl'aille:aÂAires Voigidlawder Bel "He •• Godget Bags Tripods EcIiIucs . Flcadli}" ~ Rash Bulls FOR 'liE "IE" UtE" BIIY = Match Baa Tars SIeiff Tars PuppcrIs Cmd Siages 200 Difliaoenl Sa ... HO Trains,. Sets, Cars. T""" 1'"_ Pad. Etc. Model PlaMs.Cars. Baals, Trains, Birds,' Etc. rmhrTars I.inc:oIn lags American lags Elect", Sets Chemistry Sets . BachicSets Heailh Kit .r... Sets AmeI ican IIricb IIIocl dty c.. Seab Fit., 51! lilT SlyIioICl Sets ~6aa,_ Dinly Tars Pogo SIich S., Saw PurzIes Ke_a,s ha~ r..., T .... DaIs McItIeI Tars Laams Paint br Numb .r Seh T'i,'!l_lhat .....,.....Tars HaIgate T..,. T ...... Trucls a...Uy Cathy DaI Plus. HUH"". of O •• e.. Quality Ile-. Camera & Hobby Shop .' < 4 -6." A" •••.e . S. ........ .. Pa. Fri.-9 AM. -. 8:11'~ . 511 ......... 5' ..... .. , -... - - "
---------- Page 18 ----------
4 T B B 8 W A • T R 0' •• A If THE SW A.RTJ;DfOREAN .... -evay FllDAY AT SWAD'1IMOIIl. I'I!Jwt\. PBTER B. TOLD,IIAJUORIB T. TOLD, PIll"' •• 'Phoae Klapwood· 3-0t00 PETER E, TOLD, Editor Be-,·, B. KDT. MfJ",iwII Editor'., • lie D. PeIraol Mary II:. Palmer .Ilariorle T. Told W/L PLANS 'TOWN MEETING' FOR THURS. A town, meeting has' been plan· ned by the Women's International THE MEAHTIME THE 1101101 COMES DOWH! (Continued from Page 1) I ~~~~;~:a;for Peace and Freedom. the conclusion that the compl ex- , , at 8 o'clock in the ion of Councll would be unchang. Swarthmore Elementary Schoo) ed, since they despair of changÂMulti'- Purpose Room, Rutgers ing the mind of anyone who co'nÂavenue. Rev:, Richard Stenhouse tlnues in !lfflce and they believe and Dr, David Hart wlll be pan· the two newly elected members eUsts, with John Seybold as mod· wouid be split, one in favor and EIIt.ered .. ~nd CI ... iI.tter. J.nua..,. 24, ,1~. at the Pm erator. opposed to the proposal. Offke at Sw.rthmo .... P ••• under the Alit of March •• 1879 • .' Mr. Stenhouse as Mr. Brooks, who has had some Minister of the Church successful experience withcases DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON Master PresbY,terian, N, involving variances, described was director of Christian Edu· the inn problem as a very unusual l __S_ W_AR_T_H_M_O_R_E_'_'P_E_N_N_A_._F_R_.ID,.-A_Y_'_N_O_V_EM_B_E_R_2. 4.._ , 19_6_1_ _• ICllticoo and youth Work, and later "hybrid". He said he could not up the position of advise his clients to proceed CHURCH SERVICES PRESBYTERIAH CHURCH D.Evor Roberts, Minister Robert O.Browne,Assoc.Minister Minister of Christian Education Sunday, Hovember 26 9:15 A.M.-Morning Worship and Church School 9:30 A.M.-Women's Bible Class lIi:30 A.M.-10th Grade Class 10:45 A.M.-11th & 12th Grades 11:00 A.M.~Morning Worship and Church SchooL Tuesday; November 27 9:00 A.M.-Morning Prayers Wednesday, Hovember 28 ,8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion 10:00 A.M.-Bandage Group I D,~an of Students, and Instructor simply as a harassing or delay-the depar tment of 'tsctlc. PRESBYTERIAN HOTES Morning Worship and Churc:hl'lnd religion at Paine College, Meanw hile the old inn is in School wlll be held at 9:15 Augusta, Ga. Presently he is' midst of demolition whicn be- II o'clock on Sunday. teaching fellow at Pendle Hill. two weeks ago. ' The Women's Bible class Dr. Hart received his diPloma., ___________ iiii Convene at 9:30. The 10th from the C. G. Jung institute inll will meet at 10:30, and the 1 Zuricb in 1955, and was subse- 'AnEIIDI'1 and 12th grades will meet quently awarded his Pb.D. from Funeral Home 10:45. the University of Zurich. In 1956 Ph LOw II 6-3400 Morning Prayers are held he began practice as an anaIyt- one e Tuesday at 9 o·clock. Holy ical pyscbologist in Ardmore, OYEII. lrEAU' ..... , ..,. i I t & Pdce ...... -"17 .......,. .• II'" munion is held at 8 a,m. on s nce as year he has been nesdays and at 10 a.m. in Swarthmore. The Bandage Group will Mr. Seybold has recently. re-in the Women's Association from Paris where he ser-at 10a.ljl. Circle 1 will serve as director of the Quaker In-luncheon. Seminar Program for Circle 6, Mrs. months. He is an official im-chairman, will meet partial arbitrator, and executive at 10:30 at'the home of Mrs. director of the printing ---------,-------1 R. Lang, 307 Maple avenue. METHODIST CHURCH The Rev.Jo,"n C.Kulp,Minister Minister for Youth Chatles Schisler Minister of Music Sunaay, Hovember 26 8:30 A.M.-Morning Worship 9:45 A,M.-Bunda,y School 11:00 A.M.-~orning WorShip 7:00 P.M.-Jr. - Sr. MYF HAA OFFICIAL METHODIST NOTES Anthony Fairbanksof Yale nue, United States Aviation Salte-I This Sunday, Mr. Kulp ty representative of the NM, conclude the sermon series served in his official 'cir:~~~;~1 ','V'ln2 the Lord's Prayer" WI1""in connection with Mrs. the topiC "For Thine Is The Wolf's balloon endurance King'dom." which broke the women's Both the Junior anl~Seni()rH~lghIIM~tl~;~ai record this week. Fellowships will meet Sunday Mrs. Wolf's flight of 40 hours:,1 evening at 7 p.rn. The Sr. on Monday, broke November 24, 19~1 I Saw it in The Swarthmoreon A non-profit. mutua] ler1prille for the benefit families in S~rarth. l::~tia!u~d FF;~or;h:~~~~~i:11 ,to lots apply to ALBERT N. GARRETT Pretidetoto"" Burin"_ M /If'. Garrett Ave. KI 3-0489 See the MEMORIAL PARK , in beautiful WEST LAUREL Hill ~ any day from 9 to 4. . Belmont Ave. above City lme Bola-Cynwyd SlOP ~n ORice 01 Ooek Tower, for guidance • j '-,' Munday, Havember 27 7:45 P.M.-W.S.C.S. Bible Study will have a discussion and Rllssians' record of 35 hours mission work. 58 minutes. She took off NON.SECTARIAN TRIHITY CHURCH The Rev. Lay ten P. Zimmer, 'Rector " • , The W.S.C .S. nIble Study group Big Springs, Tex., and landed will meet in the Chapel Monday Okema, Okla. at 7:45 p.m. Mr. Fairbanks who taught The Dorcas Circle :will meet Wolf in baHoon flying, lew ~OI".el Wednesday at 9:3,0 a.m. on Tuesday in time for the lIUU', w. offer funetal .. me .... _ ... of aI ••• 0.... IkI ... , ,'. " • , , ! '.':,',-:,,:~.,. The Rev. '"C~s::!. McKelvey, LEIPER CHURCH HOTES days. ' IME OL..I. Vn.E..R. ..H .e. lA."I R' CO. .820 eH.IINU' III •• ' Sunday, Havember 26 The New Members Class, ledWo",an's Club Notes , the Rev. James Barber, will (Sundoy Before Advent) I~:~~e~i~n~;the study at 9:30 a.m. On Friday. December I, at 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communidn and II: morning worship. a.m. the llterature , Word Thefirst meeting oj the Adults MrS. L. H. Pownall chairman, ~ .... , . , III Sllll." 1-•• , 9:30 A.M.-Family Momingpray- will meet at 9:30 a.m. Sun- present Mrs. Roland G. E. UUlmanl d ni M ' C ni;':~J~;;~in~a~r:e~V~ie~W~O~f~'~'T~h~e~s~e~R~Ul~.n~S~i~Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii er an Sermon <', mor ng., rs. on e 0 n- 11:15 A.M.-Morning prayer and Is the teacher. Inhabited" by Muriel Beadle. Sermon The Junior Hi gb youth' 8:00 P.M.-Holy Communion and will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday Confirmation. tbe Multi-purpose Room. Monday, Hovember 27 On TueSday, at 8:30 p.m. the Gnild will hold their 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer Offering program. At this 6:00 p.M.-Evening Prayer any outstanding Needlewmk Tyesday, Movember 28 items will be gathered. 9:15 A.M.-Morning' Prayer Circlel will meet at 11 o'clock 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer morning at the home of ,Wednesday, Hovember 29 Frank Alexander, 570 Jun-avenue. 7:00 A.M.-HolY Communion 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer Thursday, November 30 (St. Andrew) 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 9:30 A.M.-Holy Communion 6:00 P .M.-Evenlng Prayer Friday, December 1 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIEMDS Sunday, Hovember 26 9:45 A.M.-First-Day School CHRISTIAH SCIENCE NOTES A challenging call to overcoine no matter how' subtle, with power of God will be heard n day at Christian Science Icburc:h services in the Lesson-entitled "AncIent and 1:~Er~;d:Na.n.e cdr OHmaynpcyn,o tAislimas, MDees-- Readings from the Bible this verse from Revela- (21): "He that .~.~~~'~~·o.~~~~1 ISblail inherit all things; and his GOd, and he shall be " 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum; Dr. The Golden Textis from IJOlnnl Fussell will speak on "The "Whatsoever is born of God oVler-1 International Situation and In· I~~:~:~~~: ~t~~h~et world: and this is cllvidual Responsibility." I' overcometb th'~w,orl'd~ Monday, November 27 even our .faith ... All·day sewi,ng for AFSC Wedneacla", N"vember 28 for FIRSfT CH.URCH OF CHR ST SCIENTls:I' PRESBYTERIAN Sunda", November 26 CHURCH Ill':UU A.M.-Bunda;y.Bchool ,r. .,. R.9v0• 0 MlnI •• Ni, ....' " A.M.-The .h_. be "Ancient and . Su. ." , "Nev_be~ ~ l,,~ Ja2nrdi 1~~~I~A~lias 9:30 A.II.-Cburcb Scbdol - - .. "'in ,11:00 A.IL-lIOrnlllC WorShip , eY8ning -"" C '7:80 P.II.-,Jr. Hich Fepowshlp week, 8 P.II"bReadlnc 409, DartmoutAvenue, T_oI.y. M ........ 21week-d~ except 1MlUil.,.., .' $; Fridu _1I18C."" ~ ,<,,;~,. :':'-,~·-J··~:1·~·/·-· ;' '-.~r~r·_·;"'· "'~":. • Exelulive built .. ill prrÂfwatr tunb your hair _ 4- temperature CODrrol awitch dial ..... 110 hOI • 'Nail dryÂer leU poli.l allllOlt-iDitantÂly, both hand, at once • Buill·io tray "for pip. and rollen. V_ C_.... $1).115 la-c. ".- C.,. £'I ~ "SIr.a Li_ PIlI· I'11III1 IC1 MIK. .,., _\1&;,", Il'iJre pJlU1l1ing alJiiatl mrAer Because of P.E.'s long-range planning, elecÂtricity will sewe this little girl in the years ahead as faithfully as it is serving her mother 'to-day. It will help her wash clothes, clean , . her house. cook her food, and do many other chores easier and faster. _ Our expansion,pro- , " grain for neW equipment and facilitieS is' de-signed to make sure that every new generation will grow up to a future which will have abunÂdan, t electric power where and, when n~ed. ,',. ", ELECTRIC ,.. ' . " .', ," • , November 24, 1961 TAB SWARTHMORE AN TUESDAY IS DATE·FOR COllEGE ORCHESTRA Penna. Women Reelect JRS. FASHION SHOW Mrs. Irvin MacElwee ( Continued from Page 1) , PRESENT CONCERT Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee ofoMt. !lam B. Jeavons, Mrs. John A. Program Is Slated Holyoke place was re·elected Gersbach, and Mrs. James L. president of the Head. For December 1 of Republican Women at The commentary for tho show The Swarthmore College Or- the 39th Annual, Convention of was written by Mrs. WilliamM.. chestra will present a program Pennsylvania held in Harrisburg Nolan, literature chairman. Flow· of music by Bach, Schubert, from Sunday to Wednesday of er arrangements are under the bern, and Schickele on Friday, last week, supervision of Mrs. Hal F. Dolg, December I, at 8:15 p.m. Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Harvard garden chairman. and the chore- Clothier .Memorial. avenue and Mrs. Donald Crosset ography was arranged by' Mrs. The Orchestra will perform of Thayer road attended John G. Wenzel. Mrs. Thomas Mrs. MacElwee. Jones, Jr., is in charge ofrefresh.· .j.SsUeilbtlelsNtloILD· 4 in D Major by ~~,~~~~l,:~ d 0' Bach; German DES LACE ments, and Mrs. Gor on L. of October, 1824, by Franz SCllU-1 R P handled the publicity. bert, orchestrated by Ahton Mrs. Anthony Fairbanks of Mrs. Walter T. Black, music bern (Orchestral setting, 1931); avenue and her partner Mrs. John chairman, will play the musical and Incidental Music to Rosa- McCloskey of Broomall, placed accompaniments for the show. munde by Franz Schubert. Peter second in the Duplicate Master Under her direction, the chorus' SChickele,amemberofthesw'ar1;h.1 Point Bridge Tournament held at will sing a number of songs ap' faculty and an the Marple.Broomall Duplicate. propriate to the various eras de· nus of the college, will Bridge Club on November 15. plcted. Members of the 'chorus his own composition, Selrenad,~.j are Mrs. James J. Ferguson, Mrs. The College Orchestra is 1 M Ch I Two former Swarthmore resi- Robert C. Hu . meJ, h rsR. Ma r es ected byCiaudio sPies,:~~'i~~~~~l~~'~~~ received degrees at the reo , H. Keyes, Mrs. 0 n . eyer, professor of music, and is Fall Convocation' of the Jr., Mrs. Frank Stauett, Jr., posed of students, faculty, anuIIGe,or,:e Frank S. Wa It er, and MI· SS Ba uer, townspeople. Washington University. soloist. Mary McNeil Rhodes, daugh· Under the direction of Mrs. S of Donald S. McNeil, 325 Dart· Donald McCann, fine arts com- HS Alumna Plays In ·lmclUth avenue, received the de· mittee Chairman, many Christ- of Master of Arts from the Nat'l Tournament Columbian College mas decorations have been made Arts and Sciences. George for sale at the fashion sboW. Mem· Sue Campbell, daughter of Dr. Becker, son of George J. bers 'of the committee are Mrs. and Mrs. Hallock C. Campbell Becker, Walnut lane, received the Rex I. Gary, Jr" Mrs. Richard E. Vassar avenue, will compete degree of Bachelor of Laws' Rankin, Mrs. Richard H. Reuther, a position on The United the Law School. Mrs. Walter T. Schleyer, Mrs. squad when the American Mr.and·Mrs. Laurence M.Smlth StephenF. Spencer, and Mrs. WiI· Hockey Association "holds lian C. Spencer. National Tournament 'this wA,Ak.ll'l Greenwood, Mass., will visit Mrs. J. Lawrence Shane, Jr., Miss Campbell graduated flOm Smith's brother and his family, chairman of the home life com- swarthmoreHlghSchooltwo years and Mrs. Melville Smith of - mittee, has held a number of work- ago; she is now a sophom*ore at ~~~~~~,~:r'~ for the Thanksgiving shops at which numerous gift Wilson College. . Mrs. Herman Bloom of items have been made for sale Competing against, students avenue and Mrs. Jona· at the fashion show·8, .. bazaar from Wilson, Gettysburg, Penn Elmer of Wayne, sisters of Page 5 ' It B~OllS ~'_" J New BroUer Fry Pan coo~ all your ... famUy meals 8 clean, new way. Plug - 0 , __ o.~ • in the lid for broiling ... plug in the ~ bas. for all .other cooking .. Flick ' .. - It fRIES out the Ud heating element, and .....-. broiler lid and fry pan dunk com· ~ pletely under water for easy clean· (j up. WASHES' c' complete only ;$26,88 UNDERWAT~R It BROILS. BAKES. FRIES, ROASTS, STEWS, and WASHES UNDERWATER MacArthur and Patten 547 Chester Pike table. Members of her committee State and other colleges in Smith, will entertsln them Prospect P~rk include: Susquehanna Tournamenton ~~~jla~;. _______ .... _...l~;:;;:;:;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;:::::::;:;::::==:::::::;:::::::::::~..J Mrs. Eric S. Buhayer, Mrs. ember 4. she earned the POlli11tioni Stanley W. Caywood, Mrs. David of center forward on the number L. Eynon, Mrs. David' French, one team of the Susquehanna As· Mrs. James L.llel!.d, Mrs. Thomas sociation. In the Mid·East tourn· Jones, Jr., Mrs. Willard Knoll, ament, conducted last weekend Mrs. Thomas Linton, Mrs. Rodney 'In Dillsburg, she' played agslnst P. Morrison" Mrs. Andrew W. ams from tbe pittsburgb, CenÂRiedell, Mrs.W.ilijam C. Spencer, tral penri and Finger Lakes LEhigh 2-1749 1fIe Me ~ tuIIf, ,~ ~ - " UttmediM9 iteM4 fM!ut, "'" 1 \ J ~. Come In- See Mrs. T. George Van Hart, and sociations. Two teams were then Mrs. Gordon L. Wahls. selected to represent Mi'~-E~as'tl The December Board Meeting in The National Tournament. Wh W' will be held lit the home of Mrs. will be centerforwardon the ' at e v,e Charles P. Cryer of 423 Drew ond team. The Ali-American ,e,.ml avenue, at 8 p.m:, on, Tuesday, will be chosen at the end of G ~~~ December 5. ___ days of competltion,at'Malverne, ~ I 15 S. CHESTER R~., ... Mr. and Mrs. William Long Island, beginning ~ __ ~_ of Harvard avenue will h,ave givin_g_D~ 4««e44tn tIJ. aUee ~ sthisetier rg-iun·e laswt Mfros'.r Waa{lteerW DW eekk'SI ~S'aw, !it ~'in; T;h~eI S_w.ar.th.m2or~eo~n~ ~~~~~~~~~::~==~====~~~~~~====~~~~~~::::~~~::::~~~~::~~~ ___ of Dayton, O. ' Mr. and Mrs. Donalt! P. Jones have as their guests over the holiday weekend their son·in·la;w and daughter Mr. and ~rs. Ed.WlD Gilson and son Jimmy of Spn~gÂfie1d, Mass. On Saturday evenll~g Mr. and Mrs. Jones will entertrun at' a post·Thanksgiving dinner. Their guests will be: Mr. and Mrs. Gilson,' son ,Timmy; Mr. and Mrs: Peter E. Told of Park avenue, Mrs. Ned Love and son Peter of Girard avenue; Miss Polly of Baltimore, Md.; Mr. and Mrs. William H. Driehf\us of Yale avÂenue; Miss'Arme Driehaus of ButÂler, N. J .. and her fiance Mr. Lyman fl. seamans, Jr .. , of patÂtenburg, N.J., ani! Miss Beth Van Blarcom of Westtown. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Row' land of College avenue sp~n~ ~he weekend in Pittsburgh vlSltlng Mrs, Rowland' s brother and sister· in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ham' mond, Jr, Mrs. Rowland's, mother Mrs. Ralph Hammond returned with them to spend the Thanks· giving and Christmas holidays. Susan Marsh, a student, at .the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill arrived home on Wednesday t~ spend tbe holiday weekend with her parents Mr. a~d Mrs. Alfred H. Marsh of Columbia avenue. .'. . , ' . I , The Messrs. Donald S. Guthrie of 'Cornell avenUe, Edward SeyÂmour of IV allingford and Robert Downs of Harrisburg are vacation' ing in 'Florida and, New Orlean,!, * **.* ... it • J O.IN OUR 1962,: m€URY chuistmas CLUB FOR HAPPIER HOLIDAYS Join Fidelity's merry Christmas Club now and save regularly every week. Next year you'll have the cash you need for the gifts you want to buy. Visit your,nearby Fidelity office and sign up now. ) CHESTER. MARCUS HOOf( • RIDLBV PARK ,', ':', . '," o enFridayevenings:chester&n~M.rcUSl1ookoffle~n, 0 FI DE L.T....,.. p 6:30 to 8; Ridley Park office. 5:30 to 8; 0 0 0 ......._ Chester West End office, 9 A.M. to 8 P.". , 0 '0' Open Thursdays: Ma<cus Hook and " L ' ST CO' MP"ANV Che .. erWesl Endolf;ces. 9A,M,to 5:30 P.M, PHILADE PHIA TRU ... RID LEV TOWNSHIP OFFICE" Mondays and Tuesdays-IO A."'. to 3 P.M. Wednesdays and Thursdays-to A.M.lo 6 P.M. Fridays-tO A.M. to 8 P.M. 0 r:. , ,,0000 for each ~IOf ar~p federal Det»osit Insurance Corporation I #.ft~:I"r~1: r:!o·,,1Ij n~ to 0 0 0 • 0 For latest we.Jther. news and sports, call Fidelity·s Weather-Ne,.,s InforfT1ation Bureau-CO ".1-6400 , Mrs. Willlam H. Thatcher of College avemie entertained Mr. ",nd Mrs., Edward' Veblein an~ theirdaugbtel':Margaret of Wad an, "'S8., la,it, weekend to atfend the FREE PHOTOGR~~HIC' DISPLAY ioo )lear·' '?! h;gh~r~"cQi;on fo,..';olnen· , CoIllU""I,a_ v ..... Col.,,'. c.fi1 •• W c.s8lp,z" " J, 0..., ";:'. - SWar!bmore-H ord game. , a senior ai, i At f". ....i ty·s ........... w~ s1.':;.~ __ '~. ~' .. Dec: I ,. U ... 4 P ... .o,~: .ol :-
---------- Page 19 ----------
November 24. 1961 PEACE CORPS EXAMS Suzanne Plo...-man. daughter of College and Princeton Annues, ..... 1M Ullit. hH The Peace Corps examinations ~r. and Mrs. Francis Plo"man of PennsylYania, on or be- -===::-,:::-=-=::=:===-==--1 will be held in .. C t Room 113. at the I~;~~n h Swarft hmIoIre' aven.u e held faotr e8 WP.Med .n.e sadta Jw', bDlcehc eUmmbee ra n2d0, p1l9a6c1e of ESTATE of EthDele lVa." Garaer reCtto, uLnatt-e, ltl&NVILI.E us oms aouse. Philadelphia, ouse 0 owmg the Swarth- the bids will be publIcly opened aad • November 28 and 29 at 8:30 a.m. more-Lansdowne football game publicly read. Bids must be submit- on the above • • 9 • S"KIIng • Insulation • ROOt' ... Ceiling Tiles • Wall Paneling • ..... Endow," • Awnings • WJ .... • .lellDvsies • St.uo • Iriclpoh" .... All '1" ...... ..e .... , • .,e ___ Wi ....... n .... ' promptly for those in thi6 Suzanne is' home for ted on the fonn included in tbe In- been granted the ...-ho wish to apply. Swarthmore holiday from Bradford Junior structlons to Bidders. • persons indebted Postmaster C. H. Grier was I'n- Bradford. Mass. rigThht et o Swcbaoivoel aBDo)'a rIdn forremsearivlteies" tIhne, pll.Yallrleen tr.e qauneds ttebdo tsoe mhaakve-formed today. m",,;-;~;-;;,... •• ;---I or to reject aD)' or ail bids. in whole claims, to present the Pe.ace corps' posters. glvl'ng or In part. 1;~~~~~d~e~I~a;y;:to:A~I~be:rt~N~' mformation. will be display- ScThohoel DSwisatrrithctm ·owriell- Rruetcleedivgee s~ :~~~~ BY OF BOARD Av enue. Swarth-ed in the local post office on the bids for the purchase of the School 0~~ F~~~~,~~~D~liRE~~~C~"'~'O~RS~~1 bulletin boards. ~Islrict's elemenlary school build- BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE 109 and the real estate on which it ORDINAN • • •• ,... KI a-u.. is located. situate on Morton Avenue _--::=~ _M_ a_ri_o§.n~M~.!!!c!!amLP_be_ll_._~ CE NO. 828 1~, ~~~~~i~~;'";;.; ";;;~;;;,;~~,;,~WM~r !:.!. §anda vM er ns. uR eo yh aPd. . aLsi ntghlee ol' fr, RuBtlledddg eer.s Pmeanyn soyblvtaainni aa. t the office• .&.;. .A,.,,I. O~ATE OF Dora E Forst" RPleuAgmmubleai\n1tigdoi nnagsa odSf tehDcerBtaiioonranogu eg 8h0Ro0u fSioewfs atadhnhed- PENNA HOOFING a: . SmlNGOOo O.EIT ... 10 TlI.I. guests for a week their daughter of the School District In the IUgh C~ASEDI Late of Ii l' pertaining to solI. waste and Mrs. Robert Frost and daughter School Building. comer of College road, Swartbmore. Delaware pipes. .... IE.A.I.I. Hilary from Lima. O. and Princeton Avenu",s. Swartbmore, Pennaylvania. The CouncIl of the Borough of 47Y-.of EzporM ... _ Andy Jones. son of Dr. and Pennsylvania. without on LettersTestamenlar)'ontbe does ordain: . All Mal.. J any day between Monda;y bavlng been granted to Girard L That SOction 800 of the . Alhrigh! Jones of Elm Inclusive. between tbe Com Excbange Bank and and Drainage Ruies and a. L .AIKEI LO ••• 6-3555 venue. left this week for 8 A.M. and 4 P.M.. l"umt, Executors. All persons adopted pursuant to !~:~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~l;;~_~ ;:r~c:a~n:d~id~a~Rt.~ eI.~ s~c~h~o:o~II~.1 ltdihoenscsv rifPoirt! onb idtOdf ertsh e qdb~abut~estde dt ot oltahime ask&e lpdl l.dYellcleendte, nant da re 19. 1940, is4 2h8e.r ebapyp aromveendd eJda nto- , M - , e ar ous erms ... ng c ms or demands as follows: ary Ellen Beddow EST ATE OF Bertba P. which bids may be sald Estate to Section 800, Materiai. All main CEASED. Late of Swarthmore, A certified cbeck. Bank Cashier's dela;y, at the or branch soil, waste,. and vent = FLORIST aware PennsylVania. check.orTrust Company Treasurer's Com Exchange pipes .. ithin the bulIding shall abo,vel check. pa;yable to the order of the Chestnut Streets, be of cast iron, galvanized steel 7 South Chester Road Swarthmore-Rutledge Union Pa. George H. or wrought iron. lead. bras,;. or District. or bid bond. with surety J. B. Mlllard copper. 10 3-8093 satlsfactory to the School District Pacluud Building, Passed this 13th day of November for 5% of the bid. musl. accompanY Pennsylvania. 1961. • _._"- each bldas a guarantee that the bld- BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE IeweIq _ .. Ired Ph. KI 3-421. EMIL SPJES WIT(:HII'4Kt:B _ ....'. . .1.. y ., F. Co _ .... _ ..",., *atdl and 128 Yale Ave. lock Jk~ Swac'lUnure, PII. fAOORY AUTHORIZED GENERAL ELECTRIC SAlES & SERVICE Raymond J. Dawson LOwell 6-4692 1.4693 210 WEST STATE ST. . MEDIA· ELNWOOD C.walesc .. He. Ba.tU-..e PIke- A I h Ih: A .... ....... 1IaUal8a'i A_ lii-_ N_ •• Klngswood 3-0212 Pielare Framill RIIER RUSSElL Photographic Supplies sr&TII: .. KONROII: 8T8. IDOIA LOwell 6-2116 0PIlR PRlDAY BVBNINOS -I Jack Prichard ~ !! PAINTING ~ ~ I "" , Th'TZIUoa "'" EXTERIOR free fs,ime>tes Klngswood :"-IHoi ESTAMJsttED 1m ellOOflN6 0SPOUtlH& -&Ui.&S °SlDlN6 SWARTHMORE, lCIoMUl - II ..... der will enter Into a contract BOROUGH OF SWARTHIIORE By Harry Wood ment, .... ;~,t;;,.1 writing In the event that ORDINANCE NO. 627· President of Council mep.fer. accepted. No bid may be Attest: Ruth A.B. Townsend ROad. Gladwyne, for a period of thirty da;ys Au Ordlnance authorizing Borough Secretary to her Attorneys: date set for the opening SwartbmoreBorough Reath. J. Horace Bids must be deilvered to tion as a Shade TrCe~ej u!nC~ljl~to~~~~~~~~t;hi:S~13:t1:96b1; d• ;a;y~,""", Cbestnut Street. S~cretary of the School· District with respect to trees Pennsylvania. 11-24-3T the ufflce of the School Dlstrict the lines of streets t.--------~~iL~li~!iiiiF~;ln~l~hlP.IHl~.~h~S~C~h~O~OI~B~n1~I~dI~n~g~'~~~,~c~o~nl~e~rlngjudSdiCtiOn on Committee to req ulre to conect dangerous or i:~:~ trees or sbrubs outside s ~;----1 ~~~':.cland to adopt regulations PERSONAL FOR RENT. to street trees" ,an;:::d~~:::'Yiftl - Furniture refinishing, Quallty work at moderÂues and modem. 4-4888, ._---,-- pesalties for the , For Iten, ~ Olfie-a space .... ,.I.m. ordinance. or three rooms. Apartme~ts COUNCIL OF THE ~~~il medium. and small.' OF SWARTHMORE I vesbnent Company, 1'1 South Road. SWarthmore. S1ngswood 1. ~uant to of the Borough Code, as rooms, - ~;.~~i'l large living room. bedroom tile not to create by - Donnelly. In bath. kltchen, enclosed porch.' Near Tree t~E~5;~~~~~~~~~16~t,-~an~I:~Â¥~g~~~a~tii.o~n. spec" adaits. $85. LOwel all member FOR RENT - Apartment Leaman. college. Living ro,.0t:m~':r~~~~g - Roofing. Ra;y J. Foster,. spec- 9-2'113. AL - Bicycles n"nA accessories. Milt Hobby, Toy Shop, more A v e n u ; I~~~~tt~ MAdison 6-11'113. C Theater. or Pin suppty slip your home. I make them. prompt service. kitchen, hall. first [ one smail bedroom. In porch, second fioor. and hot water. Adults wood 3-0198, or KIngswood 3-02'12 FOR RENT - One !tllee ·room f1clency llPartment, private bath, furnished. One' haif block statlon and bus. Call ICIngs.ood FOR RENT - Swarthmore. Third fioor. bedrooms, ail utilities. Adults Available Jan. 1st. 3-&0'18. WANTED - To bUy used set of E!~li~i~..;~n:~ cyclopedias for grade and oi school children. Call J{JnKI.w,,odll n • 4-0243. .. --1;;;::;==--::---:---- _ Alterationsonclc.th,esIWANTED - Woman de.lres day's lb •••• Cail KIngswood work, Monda;y or Thursda;y TRe- Imnn' 4-3316. • , cov-or our som-are free. LUdlow or LUdlow 6-0'134. PERSCXiAL - GlIbert's steam scra!llng. remove paint over pal)~r. Interio'. painting. George TRem01"t 4-7082. FOR SALE U.'! ~:c~n~~ -conRdoiltli ounp. 8g'a froagoet wdoidoer.. tbree sections. all KIngswood 4-57 SALE - WANTED - Moving out of state.leavÂIng behind capable cooperative mai" seeking dll.J's work or full time l~:.orie Evelyn Daris, TReinont WANTED - Baby-sitting jobs High School girl. experienced. ReÂasonable rates. KIngswood 3-9442. WANTED - Hookkeeplng. typing. steno~aphy to do at home. ColÂlege tralned. Accurate. prompt. ReÂferences. Call for and deliver. KIÂngswood 3-4591. to be or removed. The cost or planting. removing and cariJiii I abail be paid Swarthmore. 5. The Tree Committee by Borough Council ts contlnuedas an adrisoQ'comÂto assist the CouncIl and the Committee In caring for the ESTA of the Borough. TE NOQ'ICE No person shall plant. ESTATE ElIzabeth A. trim. Wore or remove deceased. of the tree of the Borough with- Swarthmore. . prior anthorlzation of the LETTERS Committee. The owner or Estate have been or person in cbarge of land nnderslgued. who a public street shall take persons having claims or care of trees. shrubs and against the Estate of the aiong or near such street to to ,make known the same. and inconvenience or danger to persons indebted to the decedent publIc. make pa;yment. without delll.J Section 'I. Any person, who shall Thomas H. Lueders Executor· violate this Ordinance or the rules North Princeton A~enue. SW'art,h-1 and regulations made p~rsuant there- Fa. Or to his. Attorney to. sball be subject to a fine or Cooper, 1240 Land penalty of not less than $10 .• nor Philadelphia 10, Penna. more than and In case of pa;yment to wltb this0 ~=:1 1.1 Sii~~~to~dthe extent of such SWEENEY & CLYDE Ed'lldl .. D EMt FiftIt 51. lit. a.' 11_, PaÂn 11 I .4811 SMI'A D; Q.1DE, • 171-'tI' .L .,,_ _ ca.,..... IFH. ESl'ATE are hereby repeaied. this 13th da;y of NO'Y"'Dbtlr;1 A.D. 1961. BOROUGH OF. SWARTHIIOIREI orCOWICll To .... 1!Dd 5ecrelar7 this 13th daJ' A.D.llll. h .1• ,. ' , . .'. Classical - Popular WhI.laPATA KI Belvedere Convalescent Home 2507 Chestnut St.. Chester memont 2-5373 -.. "gy- __._..I .I. c..a..n. CDaY". ' lIeD .....w._ _ My hmW"'.'" I •• 1IIt ":, m..~u ml .ISTlIl .ISTALUT •• IS ~, H. D. CHURCH I· 'AI' AlE .. SWIITH •• IE Klngswood 4-2721 ROOFING Warm-Air Heating Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work lIyers •• HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS .......... _ ...... L • .l-wFIL-"-Ili ..... ........ .... ... GeftuiJI COI!-f,uctor ILPDS 'S1.ce ,-"'1I' , a ~... ••• !!-. .&. , -Â,,_, AU a , ..... .. ~~~~~~~~T~R~B~8;;W:A~R~1:B~M~O~R~B~A~N;;~~~~~~~~r.-~~ __ ~~ _ ~~~e17_ LUMNrCs.H EGOeNor gHeO. SBT. ESHSe ckman .~o f Haverford SCigomllae gFer ahteelrd· 1OBI's. JOYCE HOUSE GROUP L. 1\. Estes of tbe Presb,teriaD park avenue. chairman of annual Fall party at the The Friendly Open House for h was assisted by IInl November 1961 Katie Kommittee or the of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Maule Robert SWII1; Joyce. a ml.nil"gloldel citizens met November Leonard Ashton and Mrs. Morrls lican Women or Vassar avenue on Saturday engineer and a former resident the Presbyterian Church. Bowie. who poored. also b,. entertained members at a tbe Haverford-Swarth· SWarthmore. died Thursday. Nov- Memorial was observed i~I=:~~~Fr=ank Keenen. Mrs. Darid eon Tllesda,. at her home on football game. Mr. and Mrs. I ~:~~~ 2. at hi s home in Pitts- of Dr. Samuel Fllimer who Mrs. Lindley Peel. Mrs. avenue. Mrs. Charles T. Wood H. stuart of Cos Cob. Conn .• 11 He ...-as 60. . had been afaithful member of ttie Russell Phillips. Mrs. Johar Prospect Park was her Ul ... , ... gu,!sts of the Maules for An executive of the Mines group for the past 10 years. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott. hostess. weekend. Appliance Co. of Pitts- Col. Clyde B .. pyle then show- A large afghan was on displa,- t JllelstrMratb'. and Mrs. Marvel Wilson of burgh. He was graduated from ed pictures on Mexico. Marine be sentto a hospital this week. The program concer:r: H aven avenue had as Pen n Cha r t er SC h 001. attended Land and the Far West. The hos- The next meeting of the ~oup _;n;n;al~af~fafi~rs~p~lan~n~ed~~fo;r~t~e~~;!~;;~1i~~~]i~~::':~I:l!;:! b- Mrs. Heckman will retire as chair- guests their son College and gradu· ~~~~~c~o~m~m~i~t~te~e~h~ea~d~e~d~b~y~~~~~b~e~o;n~N~o;v~e~m~b~e~r~2~7~'Diij;j;,\ law Mr .. and from the Columbia Univer-man in Janual)', 1962. Greer Wilson. Sc b 001 of Mines. He Is survived by his wife. the NE W FRO M Winfield Schires. 4th; a sis- Lois Platt; a daughter . WESTINGHOUSEI b~~:he~~m~::; gCe~c~::eih~;~ THE IRON THAT SPRINKLES EVEN DRY-IRONING 14.99 includes wall-mount holder! Model H5·39 Westinghou, se Spray Steam 'n Dry iron silrinkies on any _I_c." . settill8-':" drY, wash 'n wear pr steam. Just touch a butÂton and,get a fine spray for any ironing job ... even when the iron's unplugged! , SPECIAL OFFER! New wall-mount iron holder at no additional cost! Uses plain tap ,water /lew single dial control . Full rang. wash 'n ... r sellings YOU CAlI BE SURE ... 1F IT'S Westinghouse, &) MacArt •• r and, PaHen I 541 Chester Pike Natiolnal Committee Selleels Hanna Mathews Hanna l!Iathews. head of the IErlglish seq uence of Swarthmore School. has been selected to serve as a member of the NatÂtional Curriculum Committee. This committee will meet in D. C.. during the week of December to reÂriew curriculum developments In the United Ststes during the few years and to· discuss 1 ~;:~~~f~o'~r,~c::u~rriculum revision and 1 In the future. Mrs. Mathews has served as member of the state English Co.m·1 milted. and has been a member of the planning committee of the pelnnsYI.vania Council of Teach-of English. She has also beenl a member of the planning comÂmittee y<hich aiTanged the prOÂgram for the meetings of the lonal Council for English wblch is holding conference In philadelphia ing the Thanksgiving holidays. crU8 MEETS The Swarthmore Garden Club at the home of Mrs. Charles Howland of North Swartbmore IlY'"Dlle Monday afternoon of last The arrangement for the was a mantle piece ushig Mrs. Samuel Crothers,Jr:. memÂ. of the Providence Gar den III\ ~:~~~~elan::d wleacst uorneer oaf tt hLeo njugdwgoeosd. . The winners were: Mrs. Hilton E. Duli ng. first Mrs. Joseph S. L.ynch. I'~~~~n.and third; and honorable I. Mrs. Valentine Fine and IIIrs. John 5_ McQuade. Jr. Mrs. E. D. Ballard of Chestnut • author and the staff and lecturer for the PennsylÂ,"" lIla Horticultural SOciety. was guest speaker. Her topiC was j"(;arde!nit,g Indoors" Piano Helen Clyde ~innt>lS a SpeciaHy IMI'sic Villalie KI 4$448 It costs /10 more to enjoy the Best at • • • The , . Thinking about new carpel? PAULSON brings samples to your home • Tell us type and color in which you are interested. PAULSON comes to your home with a really big selection of carpet samples. PAULSON knows carpet, and answers your carpet questions. Your old carpet is token in trade. Extra time to pay, if wonted. Thinking about new carpet? PAULSON brings samples to your home! . PAULSON KNOWS CARPET cPA"""" It CO"'~~,- 100 Park A ..... 5_.11* _ , PL KI ngswoad 3-6000 Provident Tradesmens new Key AUTOMATIC SAVINGS ACCOUNT builds a nest egg right from your checking balance! , ' Now sa~g, too, goes automatic! Take just a few minutes to launch yeur Key Sure-Saver Account by opening a Savings Account and a Checking Account at Provident Tradesmens. (Have one? Open the other.) Then, tell us how much / . to transfer from checking to savings each month. A Key Sure-Saver Plan autoÂmaticallx transfers any amount monthly {$10 and up~ from checking to savings ... lets you add bther amounts to savings any tir..~. . . calculates 3% interest monthly on savings. You can become a Key Sure-Saver! PROVIDENT TRADESMENS Balik alld Trust CompallJ U£LAWARE VALLEY'S IO.t:Y BANK IklllUW", Cou"'.:v {1IJan"s: . - [~ima-W 6-8300 (Drive-In. Parkinl.; Mcdia-lA) 6-8300 Springfield CDrive-In II. P,.m .... -K. 3'24!1O; __ • KI 3-1431 . Nether Pn>.ideace 1.06-Il300 Cnn-I. ~ Plullhc' . A_~·oP- FrOIIq to< 1.. .... Mila. OJII«: fIroed· ... C1 1".,' &L-~~ ,*-krF'" ~l_~~po:i , • If ' ~--~ . .. , ,. , .'. - .
---------- Page 20 ----------
TRB SWA'RTBII.OR •• " .~ovember24; 1961 --------~--------~------~~~----------~--------- Page 8 Rose V.alley School INCREASE PUBLIC ~::::atci~~:S!~~k!~e~r;s~:: ·Spiritu~d Light Di~pel. Plans Dec. 2 Fair LIBRARY SERVICE oug~ Ii all custo~an; Resolu- Fear, Coulins SaY' Dr. Fisstil T. DlsCISS Idll'lll'l Sltllflo. Forum Program Will Be The School in Rose Valley (Continued from Page 1) ions honoring the late Mrs. Thom-· Recoimt1onofGod'srlghteous-will hold its anitual December ooks were circulating steadily as K. Brown and the -late Miss ness brings mankind needed hope Fair on Saturday. pecember 2. mong higb scbool langu&ge Allce F. ~~uber were adopted. and enlightenment, Francis Wll- Held 9:45 Sunday A.M. on the school ground~. located lasses and tbe children working ArrangedlEll~s for the annual liamCousins of Manchester, Eng- ,"The International SItuation off ROS~ Valley road, 10 MOYI~n. in the foreign language program library eldctlon were set in mo- land, said in a lecture in SWartb- · and Individual" ResponsIbility" The Fan holds. promise of bel~g in the grade school. tion by .tbe Board. NominatiAg more on November 1:&. · will be discussed by Dr. Frances a ~erry curtam-raiser for the The library practices commit- petitions may be secured at the "Tbe sooner we wake up to R. Fussell, at the Adult Forum Cbrlstmas season with gifts plan- tee, Rudolf Hirscb chairman, pre- librarian's desk by any resident the fp.ct that God is good and · of the Swarthmore Meeting, on ned to. delight both the senses sented .several recommendations who' wishes to seek election as bestoWs ·only good upo~ His Sunday at 9:45 a.m. and pocketbooks of the young for the board's approval. the com- a .library Director. The~e peUt- c~ren, tbe sooner wUl we Dr. Fussell did her undergrRd- and young-at-beart. baving met on Monday,. Decerneer ions must be signed by at least awake to the injustice which uate work at Swarthmore College, The main feature of the Decem- 13 Cbanges in Holiday bours ten res.1dents of tbe Borougb and suggests tbat man can be made received her A.M. and Ph.D. de- ber Fair will be the appearance, w~re adopted as recommended; filed with Board ·.~cretary Wil- the v.1ctlm of disaster or evil of Brees in social sciences at the at 2 p.m. '. of Joseph B.onaduce of tbe nearest, the closing of the liams on or before December 31, any kind," Mr. COUSins told his 'University of Pennsylvania, and the PbUadelphia z~o, Wh~. will library on Thanksgiving Day and 1 961. Tbe library election wi audience. .. . . tben returned to tbe college to speak on the subject of Ani- the closing of tbe Library at noon take place on Saturday, January A. ·member of Tbe Christian teach political science from 1932 mals as Pets," Accompanying on Saturday, December 23, to ra-- 20, during library hours an~ on Scienc~. Board of Lectureship, to 1941. Since that time she bas himwill be a kangaroo, a monkey main closed througb Cbristmas Mor.day, January. 22, during lib- bespoke in. First Cburch of held positions on tbe War Pro- and other pets of the Cbildren's Day. Monday. Tbe Library wlll rary hours up untl~ 8 p.m. C~~., SCientist at 206 Park duction Board, the . Combined Zoo. Story time will follow at remain open through. it's usual . Directors present· in addition t-------~----ÂRaw Materials Board the Depart- 3:30 p.m. and at 4· p.m. Santa af .... rnoon hours preceding New to tbe officers were - Mrs. Dav-ment of State the Joi,n t Congres- Cla us wi ll ma k e h1' S ent rance, y ~ , D id M. Field,· Mrs. D. Mace Gow-slonal comml'ttee on Foreign Ec- baving hi, s picture taken with in- ear s ay. . I ing, Mrs. Winthrop Wright ·and onomic Policy and the Executive dividual children. After a bearty taiRneegdu laart 2h otuor s 9 wpil.lm .b eM omnadlOay- Mrs. reter Told. Office of the President of the dinner, .served at 5 p.m. sq uare through Friday .. Saturday hours -----------ÂU .S~r where sbe was a consul- danCing, to the calls of Robert will be extended so tbat tbe lib- . Mr. and Mrs. W. Atlee Hays· and tant in 1950-1951. Since 1952 W. Matber, wlll mark tbe end of rafY wlll be open continuously Miss Anna-Greta strom of White she has been a lecturer on inter- a merry day. 9:30 to 4 'in tbe near future~ Atter PlainB, N. Y. were the recent national affairs. SRPper may be enjoye4 by the January 1, 1962, tbe library will weekend guests a! Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Fussell is well-known to fireside or taken bome· in a box. be open on Tuesday, bours cer- Walker Penfield of Guernsey road. imaoy SWarthmoreans who have The menu consists of baked bam, tainly from 9: 30 to 12, or it pos- Mr. Hays is Mrs. Penfield's broÂheard her speak. The meeting aston brown bread, baked beans, sible, continuously from 9:30 to there Dr .. Walter G. Hisco*ck of welcomes them and all other in- coleslaw, and apple crisp. It is 9 p.m., staffed by a volunteer. England is spending tbe ThanksÂteres ted members of the commun- at necessary but desirable that Summer hours wlll be maintained giving weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. ity to the Forum. eservations for dinner be made s they were last summer bu~ the Penfield. -- n advance,by call1ng tbe scbool board voted that tbese sbould be· BobRowlandretumedfrom Sev- DAR EVENING GROUP at LO 6-1088. . gfoJ.be 1st Monday after the clos- ern Scbool, Severna,' Md., on TO MEET MONDAY AT 8 Mrs. James Field of Swartb- ingtof school and continue until Wednesday to spend tbe Thanks-more. is chairman of tbe e.vent. ·Labor Day. giving Holidays witb his parents Cecelia H. Simmons wlll be Her committee chairmen .are. These hours will be listed Mr. and Mrs. Wllliam C. Rowland hostess to the Evening Section Mrs. Cla~s VictoirldUS of Mediiat ,· along with library l1}les on tbe on College avenue. of the Lansdowne Chapter, Na- book stall, Mrs. S ney Grav Z traditional book mark form. Dr; . tional Society of tbe D.A.R., of Moylan, adult gifts; Mrs. :eter CharlesShaw,librarianof Swarth- A L U M N I DA N C E whicb will meet Monday at 8p.m. Sax of Media, arrangements, Mrs. more College and former pres-at her bome 114' Yale avenue. William ~rown of Media and Mrs. ident of the Library Board will Sponsored, By She will be ~ssisted by Annette Walter Cosinuke of Moylan, bake.d hand set tbe copy for tbe book S H S STUDENT COUNCIL Simmons' as co-hostess. . goods; Mrs. ~enry Banville of .mark as a gift to tbe library. Tbe Fri. Nov. 24, 9 _ 12 3~ Stag -SELDOM MORE . Today's drugs are so effecÂtive y~u rarely need a refill. Their 'total cost usually is ·lower than older, less effecÂ: ·tive medicines because they do the job the first time. We stock thousands of drugs, inÂcluding the newer ones. so bring your Doctor's prescripÂtions to us for prompt servÂice at: uniformly fair prices. CATHERMAN'S Mrs. Lloyd Goman of Walling- West Chester and Mrs. Nordla~ :Soalel accepted the Christmas Rutgers Ave. School 301 Drag. DRUG !TORE ford wlll present a program on Brown of Moylan, decoratlons, pians for tbe library and for its . RefreShments . ~~\.:~K""gswQ2d 3..0586 N~onalD~~e. M~.:L~~ayW~~ ~~arth- ~-~~~~~~~~---~=;~=~~~~~===~~2~~~ _________ ~_ . .. .. more. entertainment; Mrs. WIlliam S H S STUDENT COUNCIL Holt of Wallingford. snacks; Mrs. ALUMNI DANCE itnilGHT JobnDickeyofMoylan. cbildren's gifts; Mrs. William Nelson nl of The present Student Council Swarthmore, . dinner; Mrs .. Lonis of Swarthmoro Higb School will deMoll of Moylan, sewing; and sponsor an AlUmni Dance t~s Mrs. Donald Kahn' of Media, evening in the Rutgers Avenue Christmas trees. School from 9 until 12. All the ~'I saw It ID. the 8warthmoreaD.~ alumni are welcome. when you go 'Gift in ha~d,' go first to L o w L. o w P R I ·c E S MacArthur and PaHen Westinghouse "",,1"510 7i5P6GP Handsome G'" Pac.k holde.radlo with all accessories Including canyin. case, ..... phon. unit with prOtectIve case and $22 88 two extra 10nl·11fe penlflht baltarf..... • - , rr. A GIFT "80 WORTH GEmNCr' THAT YOU WILL WANT ONE FOR YOU"" F1 . L o w . " 1 o w ... IIIDlllllllunu' •• '''"",.'' ..... 11111111111 .. ,1111101111 .. "11111 I I '11 '''''M"SOÂ¥''''\UI).MU ••••• IIM._ WESTINGHOUSE • • -RADIO IARGAINS .. PHONO IARGAINS I 111 .IM' t~ MACartbur & PAT.ten 54 7 Chester Pike, Prospect Park I.E 2·1749 \. j -' ........ - YOUR CIR, I IN CARElESS HINDS ------------------~-- ContrIbuNcI in the In'.rest of Highway. Safety by ~. FoQowing Merchants THE IOUOUET SWARTHMoRE T066ERY SHOP THE IN6LENEUK E. L HOVIS and CO. BAIRD and BIRD J. A. GREEN· THE SWAR1Ht.fOREAN PETER E. TOLD > ! l D. PATRICK WELSH PORTa.tl WAIT&. ... PAT1'OH R00AN6~. ' PItOVU8IT TRADESlABC INIC ... TRUST CO. CABIEItWAN's DIU6 sTOltE , ,.